Build Madness

Chapter 585: Panda Guard and Worm Virus

The Huaxia Military Department must not use the GLONASS navigation system, but in the cooperation between the Nine Institutes and Longtian Technology, they took away a lot of positioning technology "independently developed" by Tiancheng Aerospace Department, as well as scientific and technological information related to the navigation system.

Although the Nine Institutes cannot create a star chain, they can follow the Shenzhou series and launch experimental navigation satellites.

Coupled with the search and rescue plan customized by Tiancheng Deep Sea Construction, many tragedies can be avoided.

However, this hacker war was extremely tragic.

April 2nd.

Because the strongest hacker alliance in the Chinese hacker world, that is, the main force of the war in 1999, was recruited by Tiancheng's network department and ran to play the Shenlong system used by the SG series.

Among the organizations in the Chinese hacker community that have done research on the Win system and Linux system, only the Eagle Alliance and the Geek Alliance, which are less powerful, and some individuals who stay on the Win platform remain.

As a result, on the first day of the war, more than 80 Huaxia websites were hacked, and Huaxia's record was only in single digits.

This is a very frustrating fact. In terms of win and Linux, China is still too far behind the technology alliance, plus Microsoft and Internet backdoors, unless China wins with a sea of ​​people.

the next day.

Affected by the results of the first day, Huaxia Sanren hackers spontaneously searched for chat rooms to assist China's two major hacker alliances in launching an attack on North America.

In the final record, 200 sites were breached in China, and 15 sites in North America were breached.

With such a gap, coupled with the anger brought about by the collision, many hackers took their anger out on Longtian Technology Group, which announced its inclusion in the Honker League.

However, the Shi Guangji matrix has been under the attack of real computer masters of the Science and Technology Alliance. The monks and Hongke members of Longtian Technology have no time to go to the win and Linux platforms to fight against low-level hackers.

On the third day, the number of compromised sites in Huaxia exceeded 300, and the number of compromised sites in North America reached 20.

On the fourth day, the negotiation of the collision incident started, North America refused to pay compensation, and made some proud remarks...

Huaxia Network Security Department intervened in the hacker war to prevent North American hackers from entering Huaxia...

On this day, the number of compromised sites in Huaxia reached 350, while the number of compromised sites in North America was only 23.

fifth day.

April 7th.

Longtian Technology Group announced the birth of the Panda Guardian for the SG series.

It is the first generation of artificial intelligence in the SG series, including language recognition, image recognition, natural language processing and expert systems, etc.

It can realize multiple tasks through one instruction, and feed back N pieces of information to the user, reaching the level of pseudo-intelligence.

For example, the customer calls the code name of the panda guard, activates the artificial intelligence, and records the weather by voice.

Then, Panda Guard will report the indoor and outdoor temperature difference, regional weather conditions, and necessary tools to go out according to the customer's environment and location.

If it is connected to the smart home series, it can automatically close the windows, automatically cut off the power, and actively remind the car of the fuel level, power level, etc.

The first generation of Panda Guardian cannot be integrated into Pokemon. If the old device is used, it is necessary to modify the integrated circuit layout of the SG series products, add 12 Soc chips, a high-end AI chip, and a 4G dedicated flash memory card, and implant the corresponding program. can be used.

Therefore, the first generation of panda guards is only sold in stock, and the package price is 6,666 Franklin.

The hacker war intensified, but Longtian Technology released artificial intelligence, which not only failed to attract attention, but received a lot of condemnation, and even the technology alliance joined in the condemnation.

until the third day.

A tyrant-level European player of the "Horde and Alliance" was transferring data from a new SG single-chip microcomputer with a panda guard to the win system, and a horrifying scene appeared.

The panda guard, who was supposed to stay in the SG microcontroller, actually took off his armor, dropped his sword, and split into a clone, which appeared on the desktop of the win system.

What's even more frightening is that it took out three sticks of incense from nowhere, blew on it and lit it...

With a bow, the desktop icon of the win system computer disappears.

Two bows, the blue screen of the win system computer.

Three bows, a prompt appeared on the desktop: destruction or rebirth.

Baixiaotong Forum.

"Oh God, what the hell is this?"

"Kind of like the 'Horde and Alliance' sword guards with panda skins..."

"Why do I think of the unique skill of the new sect East Kunlun in the cultivation of the Dragon Continent: please turn around, baby?"

"Attention, don't choose destruction, God, I chose destruction, almost instantly, the graphics card fan and motherboard fan of the win system computer stopped with a click, and then there was a burning smell from the case and LCD screen. Take it apart and take a look, the electronic components on the graphics card, memory, disk, monitor, and bridge are all black.” (The principle is similar to mining bitcoin, such as mining cards, but this is more serious)

"What the hell, don't choose rebirth, this is a reinstallation of the system, and the reinstallation is a virus-infected win system."

"Then how should I choose?"

"Damn it, do I have to choose between the two?"

"Stop talking, two players who bought Panda Guards actually used the remote control function to break through more than 60 sites in Europe in half an hour!"

"True or not? Didn't the formats of Shenlong system, Win system, and Linux system be different?"

"Panda Guardian can convert and create exe, com, pif, src, html, asp and other files matching the corresponding system, as well as gho files, and create clones to enter the networked win and Linux systems... This is a bit like a worm computer virus, but There is a big difference.”

"Long Tian issued an announcement!"

"What did you say?"

"Disclaimer: The service purpose of this technology group has always been to simplify the lives of customers and make tomorrow better. As for the fact that someone used Panda Guard to make a computer virus, just like the existence of hackers in the win system has nothing to do with Microsoft, and the Panda Burning Incense computer virus has nothing to do with Longtian Technology Group It's also irrelevant, this is a personal behavior of the customer."

"That makes sense!"

"But... I didn't make this incense-burning panda, it even burned my own Win computer!"

"It seems that destruction or rebirth is your choice."


April 9th.

Longtian Technology Group sold fifteen sets of panda guards.

However, on the win and Linux platforms, there are nearly 3,000 more panda clones burning incense, and this number is growing geometrically.

One divides into two, two divides into four, four divides into eight, eight divides into sixteen...

One day passed, there were 200,000 computers in West Asia and Eastern Europe, and there were pictures of pandas burning incense, and 6,000 computers were seriously damaged...

Such terrifying reproductive and destructive abilities suffocated the North American and Chinese hackers who were caught in the hacker war, and they withdrew from the battlefield one after another, for fear of encountering panda clones.

that night.

Some people found that this thing can spread through U disk,

Someone found that this thing can spread through the LAN,

Someone found that this thing can spread through bluetooth,

Some people found that even if they do not operate the win computer, they will still be infected with the Panda clone, because it will automatically send and receive emails...

What's even more frightening is that during this splitting process, the panda clone mutated!

Only in terms of appearance.

Some have horns on their heads, like demons,

Some have fleshy wings on their backs, resembling bats,

Some eyes are red, like ghosts,

Some lack arms and legs, and even the color of their bodies becomes colorful...

Immediately afterwards, some computer experts discovered that the virus had completed the variant evolution, could recognize and disguise itself as text, and invaded htm, html, asp, php, jsp, aspx...

Longtian Technology issued another statement: Panda Guard is not a computer virus maker, but a good helper to assist people in daily life. It strongly condemns some people who use Panda Guard as a hacking tool, but refuses to disclose customer information

At the same time, panda burning incense began to spread rapidly to Central and Western Europe.

The Galileo team, the European science and technology alliance reorganized in the European region due to the expansion of the European Union, monitored the virus and found that in just four days, 10 million computers with win system and Linux system were invaded, and 50,000 computers were slightly damaged, or Badly damaged.

Panda burning incense, so scary!

And Huaxia, Southeast Asia, Wadao, Nanbangzi... There are also large-scale infections.

April 13th.

Three thousand North American hackers who were quietly attacking the Huaxia Network site encountered a panda clone, and then the panda clone logged into North America through the hacker's computer...

Three thousand becomes six thousand, six thousand becomes twelve thousand...

In one day, approximately five million computers in North America were compromised.

And in this process, the panda avatar completes its self-transformation again, can avoid the detection of anti-virus software, can disguise itself as the core of the system, and even pretend to be an anti-virus software...

The European Galileo team announced: This is the first super worm computer virus on the home planet!

However, the strange thing is that the number of panda clones in the European region is rapidly decreasing, and it seems to be flowing to the Asian region, and it seems to be flowing to North America...

But the overall number is still growing geometrically.

In the end it penetrated the recovery card and was invincible...

In mid-April, the parent planet's network security department issued an A-level warning, recommending that personal computer users and various enterprises suspend the use of computers, and wait for scientific research institutions to develop anti-virus software before turning them on.

Then, people found that the OS X system used by Pingguo iMac was fine...

Shenlong system?

Overseas, apart from a few thousand players, how can anyone use that spicy thing?

Even 99% of the people, because they cannot log into the Baixiaotong platform, cannot see the Longtian disclaimer, and do not even know how Panda Burning Incense came about...

Pingguo Laoqiao doesn't care what people think about Pingguo, but launches a new generation of Sea Lion OS X and the world's first 3G mobile phone, iPhone 3Gs!

Then, the North American Win system crashed even more seriously, breaking 20 million in two days...

Old Joe was accused.

April 16th.

When the worm virus invaded the White House, the security office, the intelligence system, the important sites of the sea, land and air departments of North America's highest department, the ultimate hacker war between North America and China in 2001 also disappeared.

Affected by the super virus, there will be no more serious hacker organizations on the mother planet, and perhaps, such a huge network battle will never occur again. (The hacker war in 2001 did capture it)

However, the hacker war is over, but the worm has intensified.

Panda burning incense is unkillable.

As long as there are loopholes and backdoors in the win system, it will reproduce infinitely until the page that the user must choose: destruction or rebirth appears.

Microsoft urgently launched win 2000, and then found that the very powerful system in the development department was vulnerable to worms...

Many antivirus vendors are helpless about this...

The incident seems to be at an impasse...


And just when the hacker war and panda burning incense virus broke out at home and abroad, the cooperation between Tiancheng and CNOOC was also in full swing.

CNOOC has no money, and Ge Xiaotian does not intend to ask for money.

Just like the terms agreed by the two parties, Tiancheng took out the fuel oil segment of the Northeast New Energy Project and handed it over to CNOOC, which provided Tiancheng with 30 million tons of free fuel oil for a five-year period.

The unilateral value of the project is about 32 billion red notes. After the contract ends, the fuel oil area in the new energy supply station will be operated by CNOOC.

In addition, Tiancheng needs to build gas stations of different sizes for CNOOC in the Dongshan Xingyuewan industrial chain and the Limin Activity Center. The total investment is estimated to be 10 billion, which will be paid by CNOOC loans.

The lender is Huaxia State-owned Assets, and the other party will take out a 10 million-ton large-scale refinery, retain 51% of the shares, and hand it over to Tiancheng for operation. After five years, CNOOC will get the funds in the second five-year plan , buy back from Tiancheng according to the scale of the refinery.

A 10-million-ton refinery is worth about 25 billion. The three-party transaction means that 49% of the refinery's shares are mortgaged to Tiancheng as a fixed asset.

Tiancheng has the right to transform the refinery and the qualification to refine and process crude oil, but it does not have the qualification to sell finished fuel oil to the outside world. It must ensure that all the fuel oil and additives produced by the refinery are provided to CNOOC...

Just one contract is so complicated, plus Shanghai Oil has not yet snatched the refinery from petrochemicals, as well as fertilizer supply, solar energy projects, fuel oil supply and demand of Tianhao Group, fuel oil supply and demand of Tianbo Group, crude oil exploration project in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk... …Negotiations between the two sides will take at least two months.

Ge Xiaotian negotiated the main matters with the leaders of CNOOC. He wanted the first batch of 500,000 tons of fuel oil, so he handed over the signing of the contract to a lawyer team composed of hundreds of masters, and he followed Daoyi to take care of the panda guards...

Generally speaking, the purpose of this visit to Beijing has been achieved.

One is to solve the problem of fuel supply and demand.

The second is to obtain the offshore oil exploration platform construction business.

This is a long-term cooperation project, and the income cannot be estimated for the time being, but the annual income will not be less than 5 billion red notes.

The third is the launch of new energy supply stations.

Half a year later, or at the end of the year, the existing Tianba Dongba tua series will be out of print, and new models will be launched, ranging from friendly models to high-end versions.

As for Chen Donghai...

Let's wait until the other party solves the troubles brought by CNOOC.

At that time, even if he is still the chairman, his position will not be so stable.


April 17th.

He has been busy for half a month, and now he has nothing to do. Ge Xiaotian originally planned to take a stroll in the Bada Hutong to relax. Zaoshi new city publicity activities.

Unexpectedly, just after taking a bite of breakfast, he received a call from Xiaolan's old subordinate of the Sancha Township Intelligence Department.


"What's wrong?"

"Recently, more than 20 strong men came to our township!"

"Tourism development zone, isn't this normal?"

"No, it's a bit like the green clothes, but the momentum is very different. The other party sat in the alley of your father-in-law's house for a while, then walked around your father-in-law's house, and finally went to the farm in Sancha Township, Hexiang County Breeding Center."

"Oh? This is for my father-in-law?"

"I don't feel like it. Judging by the posture, it seems a bit aimed at the boss's wife."


Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, "It seems that the troublemakers are really here, so please invite these strong men to the construction site to catch up on the old days, and keep it quiet!"


"By the way, go to XBA and call some centers, let them compare their stature with these guys, brawny! I just like brawny guys!"


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