Build Madness

Chapter 589: The End of the Sancha Cup: News from Old Li

From XBA to K.O martial arts hegemony, to Yancheng horse racing, to the current Sancha Cup, the female DJ on the scene has gone through several seasons of trials, coupled with the accumulation of a large amount of resources by Tiancheng and Tianyu, she has now become a well-recognized one in the sports broadcasting industry. sister.

Affected by his heroic, generous and passionate way of explaining, which attracted countless fans, various radio stations in China seldom use live studios for live broadcast or relay, but leave the work to Tiancheng Sports Operations Department and Tianyu International.

However, today is the finals, and the preliminaries of the Mother Star Cup were suspended for it. In order to deal with the accident, Huaxia Wutai specially arranged two commentators who studied in Tiancheng Technical Secondary School and would take over the female DJ later.

Why is the female DJ there?

General Manager of Jianfu Tiancheng Real Estate Development.

Every adult is working hard to be the boss, or the old director, or the project director, or the department head!

China Five live broadcast room.

In order to allow the audience in front of the TV to feel the atmosphere of the scene, the live broadcast room at the Lotus Stadium has long been connected with Tiancheng's omnidirectional radio equipment.

Hearing the female DJ's complaints, the two commentators took it very seriously, but quickly changed the subject.

"Mr. Huang, the atmosphere of the Sancha Cup finals is far better than any game I have ever seen. Why is that?"

"Dare to fight, aggressive, never admit defeat spirit!"

Teacher Huang said, and took out a stack of materials, "As far as I know, Tiancheng's super real Xingyue Bay built in Zaoshi Xincheng will be launched soon, and the starting price per square meter is only 998! Tiancheng's family has a big business, and you can't buy it. You can’t be fooled, there are tens of thousands of ready-made houses with exquisite layouts, one in each style, waiting for you to snatch them... Uh, sorry, I got the wrong one!"


"What did we just talk about?"

"Oh, we just talked about the fact that Tiancheng's tens of thousands of existing houses are about to go on sale, and the chairman, Mr. Ge Xiaotian, has prepared many exquisite gifts for everyone."

"What are you waiting for!!!"

Just as the two were chatting happily, the department head pushed open the door, "Get out, you two!"

Teacher Huang: "..."

A certain teacher: "..."

The head of the department chased the two of them away, "Sorry, audience friends, there was a little accident just now, let's talk about the geographical location of Zhenxingyue Bay in the new city of Chengzao City. It is located on the east side of the beautiful Nansi Lake, on the bank of the Panlong River. It has many complete or perfect supporting facilities including subways, universities, mountain views, stations, etc., and tens of thousands of jobs are waiting to be arranged!"

"As we all know, buying a house in Tiancheng not only buys a warm home, but also a better future!"

At this time.


The small door of the live broadcast room was pushed open, and the leader of Wutai rushed in angrily, "What are you doing? Get out!"

Director of Wutai: "..."

"I'm sorry, audience friends in front of the TV, let's talk about the ball game... The Sancha Cup is a new competition, and it will be promoted to the whole country in the future, and the next division will be set in Xingyue, a new city in Zaoshi Wan! The Canal Development Zone Lotus Sports Center has brought changes to the surrounding communities. Viewers who don’t know can just look it up online, so, Zaoshi New City, I wish you all your wishes come true!”

The voice did not fall.

The scene just returned to normal and the game continued.

The audience in front of countless TVs: "???"

Immediately, many netizens in the webcast room were the first to react.

"Damn it, heaven is better than nothing!"

"This ad!"

"I'm so convinced that I can still play like this?"

"Will these leaders be punished?"

"I'll go, I suspect they took Ge Laoer's red envelope!"

"This too insane!"

If you are punished, you will definitely not be punished, and you may even be rewarded by your superiors.

Because Zaoshi New City is the first new city in China that has grown from scratch, it is reasonable, including a news channel in China, which will also conduct comprehensive reports and publicity on it.

As for whether the starting price of 998 is low...

There is almost no money for the land, except for taxes, the rest is pure profit.

Moreover, the starting price is just the starting price, there is no upper limit!

What's more, even if the price is low, if the first batch of buyers are attracted, the price of the second phase will rise.

This is why Ge Xiaotian is willing to donate money to build roads and spare no expense to build Twin Bridges and Crescent Lake.


The game continues.

Just two minutes after the game started, it was forced to suspend the game. The ratings of each station did not decrease, but rose sharply because of this buffer period.

So much so that the "Deep Love and Rain" that was just released in China was suppressed.

Female DJ:

"Dear audience friends, you are watching the first half of the Sancha Cup Football Finals. The game is named after Xingyue Bay, a new city in Zaoshi City. Live in Xingyue Bay, live in a blessed place for thousands of years, and prosper your home forever!"

"Wow, Boss Ge just gave me a small apartment, 8 buildings in District 8... Um, sorry, personal privacy."

"Let's watch the game next..."

"Two minutes into the match, Tian Cheng trailed Long Tian 0-1, now Tian Cheng has the ball..."

"Boss Ge has already taken off his suit and tie, and signaled for the Tiancheng team to launch a fierce attack..."

"Long Tianwang is always very disdainful about this, and raised his middle finger across the court..."

"Fans on both sides seem to have a good impression of these two coaches. With the vertical half as the boundary, each has support. Now the audience area has given each other the middle finger... oh, that damned woman is..., please turn the camera away, it's not suitable for children. "

"Tiancheng organized an attack with a waist knife... dribbling, piercing the crotch, jumping the ball, passing three people in a row..."

"The left forward catches the ball... bursts!"

"Go~~It's a pity, the goalkeeper Longtian even hammered the ball away with one hand!"

Time passed by every minute and every second...

Players from both sides competed and scored goals almost all the time.

In just forty-five minutes of the first half, the number of shots from both sides exceeded 130 (including supplementary shots).

This is a terrifying statistic, because the first half only lasted 2,700 seconds!

In other words, one shot every twenty seconds!

That's not amazing!

But the score was still 0:1 behind Tiancheng and Longtian Technology.

So intense, no one would think of match-fixing.

The first 784 games also proved that the Sancha Cup is a fair and just regular event, which only depends on the strength of the team!

Therefore, at the beginning of the second half, Longtian Technology scored again, and the odds of the Tiancheng team's overseas blockade instantly dropped to freezing point.

Someone Ge's one billion?

For the entire home planet, this is just a drop!

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian quietly asked Daoyi to contact Nong Qijiu and Horton, and once again strengthened the supervision of the blocking boss, and even sent a batch of heavy firepower.



No, he doesn't call it blocking, he calls it educating those people to correct evil and return to righteousness.

However, Tian Cheng's defeat seemed to suit Dutu's appetite. There was no shouting or cursing at the scene, but cheers in unison...

However, when the game came to an end.

"Listen, Boss Ge is calling so?"

"It seems that... if you lose the game, all will be sent to Neobras?"

"Damn it, Team Tiancheng is going to fight..."

"Three members of the Longtian team fouled and pulled the clothes of Tiancheng's left forward, and were dragged away by the latter..."

"Damn, the goalkeeper of the Tiancheng team rushed out..."


"A kick of the S ball... 2:2!"

"The game is in overtime!"


"Boss, we received a threatening call."

Someone standing on the coaching platform and shouting at the top of his voice received a voice message from Tiancheng Sports Department.

"If you can locate it, locate it. If you can't locate it, use hackers to see where the other party is, and quickly arrest it. The nearest choice is to send it to the polar region to raise fish, or send it to Africa to help me build a power plant."

"Good boss."

Sports are a very sacred activity, so Ge ​​Xiaotian naturally won't allow anyone to break the rules of the Sancha Cup.

Even he has to abide by every rule.

And as Tian Cheng scored the third goal, amidst the boos of the audience guarded by Tian Wei, the second Sancha Cup officially came to an end.

Next is the second K.O Dance Forest Championship that lasted for one month, and the second XBA league that was adjusted to 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, which took half a year in total.

However, the China Super Voice Audition, which was originally scheduled to start this year, was forced to end because Takamatsu went to Africa to sell slippers.

This is Tianyu's business, Ge Xiaotian didn't bother to take care of it, he just asked for a few more female stars or singers to be popular there, so as to help Tiancheng Xingyuewan Phase II advertise and endorse.


Receiving the award, delivering a speech, and announcing the date of the third Sancha Cup: October this year.

Then read the registration method, and how new companies, or new regions want to participate in leagues and cups...


When the highlights of the finals were sent to the SG platform, the Internet exploded instantly.

Graphic live broadcast and watching video are two different things. Even if there are more GIF animations, it is far less coherent than video.

What's more, there is also a female DJ who can drive the atmosphere.

"mmp, you actually used all the consecutive backflips!"

"Is this an upside-down golden hook, or a second kick in the air?"

"I seem to see a group of martial arts masters competing with each other with the ball..."

"Gossip, gossip, just now, a famous comedy star from Xiangjiang reached an agreement with Tianyu and Tianti to shoot Shaolin football at the Lotus Stadium!"

"It's already enough kung fu, come Shaolin again, is this going to kick the ball into the sky?"

"By the way, Ge Laoer hasn't sung for a long time!"

"Yeah, without the Internet of the second child, it seems to lose the soul."

"What is the second child doing?"

"Didn't you have a coaching addiction just now, I guess I was secretly having fun."

"Why don't we hold an event and ask him to come out and continue singing? The only good songs on the Internet are free..."

"Crowdfunding singing?"

"good idea!"

"Crooked? Is it a crooked building?"


In the afternoon, Ge Xiaotian led the players who had been busy for a whole season to eat and drink well, pay bonuses, and sleep well.

The next day, April 21, they collectively put on the tooling of Tiancheng Engineering Department and went to Zaoshi Xincheng in batches.


start work!


Standing on the top of the small high-rise, Ge Xiaotian observed Dongshan Jianlian construction site with a telescope, but found that Lao Shen was not only in a wheelchair, but had bandages and splints on his right leg and left hand, and a plaster cast on his neck...

"what happened?"

Dao Si did not participate in the ball game, but he knew about it, "Boss, when he led people to beat up our employees yesterday morning, he was accidentally tripped and fell to the ground, but his people charged too hard, and there was no When he found that Mr. Shen in front fell to the ground, he stepped on it dozens of times..."

"This group of people strikes too hard!"

"I criticized them."

"One month's salary!"

"Old Shen sent them..." (Shen Zhipeng bought Chen Feng's commodity construction company.)


Ge Xiaotian was a little bit sorry, "Prepare some expensive gifts, I'm going to visit Lao Shen, although the two sides are competitors, but I feel bad to see the other party in such a miserable state because of their feelings."

"Then... give him an electric wheelchair?"

"Very good, it was transported by air... By the way, add a pair of crutches."


"Sure, bulletproof, explosion-proof, waterproof...all of them."

"The cost is not cheap."

"Am I a stingy person?"



Taking advantage of the time to prepare gifts, Ge Xiaotian and the supervisory general manager went to check the real estate that had already been closed.

Tiancheng's construction speed is well-known in the industry, and this time it adopts prefabricated construction technology. The construction period of Xingyue Bay in Zaoshi New City can be regarded as shocking.

So fast, it is naturally very strict in each acceptance link.

Therefore, just the first two buildings in the first section were busy all afternoon.

At dinner time, Tianzhu decoration settled in Xingyue Bay, Zaoshi New City, and Tianzhu was accompanied by the third-generation smart home electric wheelchair.

Ge Xiaotian was just about to go to Dongshan Jianlian construction site to condolences to Lao Shen, when his prospective father-in-law Lao Li called.

"Oh my god, Nanyun conducted surprise inspections on Tonggong sausages, Tongluo ham, Haotai instant noodles, and delicious frozen meat in the local market, and found that many types of products did not meet the food standards, and even blindness occurred after eating. , lameness, liver failure, renal dysfunction and other complications, the number of victims is as high as more than 60 people, Nanyun decided to arrest Li Xiuxiu according to law..."

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