Build Madness

Chapter 590 Ge Xiaotian: Let them catch it and get the plane ticket! Desperate Old Shen

Hearing the news from Lao Li, Ge Xiaotianxia consciously glanced at his watch.

The day before yesterday, the strong man from South Vietnam was caught, and there was a new move there today.

Isn't this speed too fast?

Ge Xiaotian wouldn't believe that Nanyun Index Finger didn't even receive the news of whether the Nanyue strong man succeeded, so he just took a step in a daze.

No matter how stupid the other party is, to be able to sit in the current position without saying anything, you must have a careful mind, right?

Or did someone pick something out of it?

Ge Xiaotian decided to comfort Lao Li first:

"Uncle Li, Xiuxiu went to Neobras, if someone wants to arrest her, you can help them buy a few air tickets and let them go to Neobras to arrest her!"

"Oh? Oh~~ I understand!"

beep beep...

Ge Xiaotian looked at the screen, a little puzzled.

Isn't Lao Li afraid of being arrested?

Forget it, Lao Li is surrounded by a pony, whose temper is comparable to that of Li's, and his father is an old horse who was promoted to the Canal Development Zone. If he ran to his territory to arrest people, he might start a fight, and things would get messy. Big is better.

And a group of girl films went to Neobras to raise pigs... No, they are engaged in ancient cultural products, there are so many wolves, bears and so on around, whoever has the ability will catch them!

However, the matter of the strong man in South Vietnam reveals strangeness everywhere.

Ge Xiaotian put down the smart card, thought about the previous question carefully, took out a pen and paper, and listed the people related to Li Wei.

Just like what he thought before, if it wasn't for the things that Nanyun Index Finger did, then in Nanyun, who could give orders instead of Nanyun Index Finger?

On this list... only Mr. Du, the leader of Nanyunkun Mansion!

Combining what happened during this time.

Li Wei smashed the funds controlled by Nanyun Index Finger into Zaoshi New City...

The latter is insatiably greedy, but has no use value. The interest groups must hope that he will finish the calf early, so they can take the opportunity to separate the relationship...

In this way, Mr. Du betrayed Nanyun Index Finger and pushed Nanyun Index Finger into the fire pit?

In other words, Boss Du himself is not a member of Nanyun Index Finger, but he just used the name of his old subordinate to get close to him so that he can easily fool him...


Picture what?

In other words, why did this group of people go to Nanyun?

Or, what good things does Nagumo have?

Tea? cigarette?

Big business……


I remember seeing a news that the old man who created Hongta Smoke went in, so he bought Yuxi a few times to taste the taste, and wanted to see if there was any change...


Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian sat up straight and looked at several key figures.

He was wrong.

Mr. Du, Li Wei, and Chen Donghai didn't want to trouble him.

If we push forward, perhaps as early as the 1990s, this group of people had already started planning Yuxi...

Ge Xiaotian quickly rummaged through the information.


Nanyun Index Finger used to be in Heilong Province, and was transferred to Nanyun in 1998...

Chen Donghai used to plan in Huaxia, and was transferred to Huaxia Petrochemical in 1998...

Li Wei used to be unknown, but established an overseas investment group in Xiangjiang in 1998...

It seems that there is no connection, but Li Wei's overseas investment group is the link, including Mr. Du who took office in Qinggang in 1999.

"Hiss... what a huge game of chess!"

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath and continued to calculate.

What happened during this period is unknown.

Anyway, many people went in, and many people were changed...

Now it seems that this group of people succeeded in planning, got a huge amount of money from Nan Yun, and decided to withdraw.

And the pawn left in Nanyun to make money is Nanyun's index finger. On the one hand, the behind-the-scenes man is based on the principle of fattening and killing, and on the other hand, he is worried that the other party also has a handle on his own group of people...

He planned to let a third party take action!

Then, Tian Cheng, who is in full swing and has the support of big shots behind him, becomes a very good butcher's knife.

It can not only get rid of Nanyun's index finger, but also try Tiancheng's depth, which is convenient for the behind-the-scenes second layout, and then slaughter him Ge Xiaotian!

"No wonder I always feel that the other party's strength is a little weak. Otherwise, with the power of the behind-the-scenes, Tian Cheng's business in Dongshan will be fine, and Brother Hao and Shuai Bo must be in big trouble."

"That's right! Shuai Bo took the land in Wangjing, and the approval was quick. It should be the other party showing his favor and wanting to have something to do with Tian Cheng..."

"It's just that the other party never expected that I would be so vigilant (fear of death) that I would actually pull out CNOOC, which has a strong relationship with me. When Chen Donghai was caught, it would be a big beating, which completely disrupted their plans and turned the situation into a mess. .”

"And after Li Wei took Nanyun's harvest from the small developer of Zaoshi Xincheng, he probably also feared Ge Laoer's methods and connections, so he did not hesitate to show his favor with 500 million yuan, intending to sell the real estate as soon as possible and launder the money. Come out and kill Nan Yun's index finger, so as to end this game and facilitate the re-arrangement."

"So... I want to keep Nanyun's index finger temporarily, and even instigate Nanyun's index finger to fight against this group of moths."

After figuring out the key point, Ge Xiaotian seemed to see the sun through the clouds, and his whole body was clear.

It's not him who is worried now, but Chen Donghai and his group.

Therefore, as long as Nan Yun's index finger can't finish the calf, he can play with the other party as he likes.

"How to play?"

Ge Xiaotian looked through Nanyun news, especially the news about the tobacco king, that is, the old man who created Hongta Tobacco...

"Diabetes, parole for medical treatment?"

"Is this going to change and become the king of oranges?"

"I'll go, if I take the opportunity to invest, won't I have to send it again?"

"However, Tian Cheng can't easily make a move... Instead, he can let the second-hand businessman Chen Feng handle it. This old thing is a bit arrogant in his bones, and he doesn't want to rely on Tian Cheng for any product..."

Ge Xiaotian looked at Dao Si, "What is Chen Feng doing recently?"

"On New Year's Eve, a group of super fruit tycoons from Guangzhou and Xiangjiang raised 5 billion to march into Jiangnan real estate with great fanfare, and started construction opposite Wei Changfeng's property, and gave all the roads to the Jiangnan Changfeng industrial factory area. block up……"

"Tsk tsk, Old Chen is bad enough!"

"He has been very damaged. You forgot that he cut off our transportation line?"


Ge Xiaotian laughed immediately, "So it's my old business!"

"However, in April, the strawberries in Nanwa are ripe. This group of people built half of the building and went to sell strawberries."


"Strawberries are sold out, our oranges are ripe again, plus the follow-up vegetables, aquatic products, seafood... I am afraid that Chen Feng's construction site will not be able to start this year's New Year's Day. Moreover, it is said that Jiangnan buyers are not only not worried about the house being unfinished, but Take out more money and start business with Chen Feng..."


Ge Xiaotian was stunned, "The more Lao Chen plays, the more proficient he is?"

"News came from Zhang Fugui. Chen Feng also imitated you and set up the four major leagues of Huaxia Fruit, Aquatic Products, Seafood, and Vegetables. The nature of the Chamber of Commerce has launched a VIP level system, and even plans to apply for a smart card..."


"Actually, the suspension of construction on his building is also good for us. The road is impassable, and it is difficult to purchase and ship goods in Wei Changfeng's factory area. In addition, our Limin Activity Center is hardened and cleared. Entering the smart all-in-one card online shopping system, Longtian can also use Tiancheng as a springboard to break through the siege of the technology alliance and enter Jiangnan, Guangqu, Xiangjiang and other places."

"This is fighting back and forth, and they have become friendly forces!"

Ge Xiaotian laughed, searched for Chen Feng's Shenlong account, and dialed it casually.

"Hello, awesome Teg?"

"In human terms, where are you?"

"Guang District, I'm going to Malay. After finishing this ticket, I'll treat you to drink 82 Lafite when I go back! It's not your 82 Lafite, it's true!"

"God is it true or not, there is a big business, do you want to do it?"

"No Money!"

"Didn't I lend you two billion?"

"Hey, don't mention it, my family's stupid financial manager is locked up in buying stocks. I'm afraid it will be difficult to withdraw my two billion..."

"It's okay, I have money, I invest, and you operate."

"What big deal?"

"Go to Nanyun to find the tobacco king, and grow oranges together."

"So far? It's not Nanwa over there. There is no foundation, and there is no plant cultivation institution like yours. From planting to fruiting, it will take four to five years, and the road is difficult... This cycle is very profitable for us. For people with quick money, it's too long."

"I'll prepare saplings for you, as well as a birthing solution, which will bear fruit in two years. Of course, according to the old rules, such fruits cannot be sold in the mainland."

"Understood... Two years, well, for the sake of our first cooperation, I will help you."

"What do you mean by helping me? It's as if you don't make money! In this way, you go to Nanyun Index Finger first..."

"Huh? Fuck, your way is too straight, isn't it?"

"That's not the case. You go to him first, and you'll understand after a chat. Of course, all expenses will be reimbursed. After all, you are the general manager of Tianxiu Group's public relations."

Chen Feng has been in business for so long, and also in real estate, so he instantly understood what it meant, "You can't take this opportunity to mess with me!"

"I'm still waiting for you to help me sell potatoes!"

"Wai Ruigude! I'll give you one-tenth of the potatoes in Niobla this year. Mad, I can blow another wave!"


Ge Xiaotian hung up the communication with black lines all over his head, and asked Dao Si to contact the planning department to make an investment plan for Nanyun Orange as soon as possible, and send it to Chen Feng.

And after dealing with all this, the matter related to Nanyun's index finger has come to an end for the time being, and the rest is... the opening of Xingyue Bay, a new city in Zaoshi!

However, with the idea of ​​having fun, Ge Xiaotian first notified Tiancheng's aerospace department, and then found Mr. Du's phone number.

He dares to promise.

In the name of completing the work (killing the farm) and protecting himself, Mr. Du asked Nanyun Index Finger for help, coupled with the power of the behind-the-scenes, to transfer from Nanyun Provincial Government to another area.

As for whether frequent transfers have any effect...

Then it depends on the level of the behind the scenes!

The phone connects.

"Mr. Ge?"

"Mr. Du, fortunately I'm lucky, otherwise I would have died in the hands of these people you arranged."


The other party was obviously surprised, and immediately replied: "Mr. Ge, don't be joking, how dare I do such a thing, I am a leader."

"Yes or no, all the strong South Vietnamese men you arranged have been recruited. I have all the evidence, confessions, and witnesses."

"Mr. Ge, there must be a misunderstanding between us. I definitely did not send anyone to assassinate you. They are slandering you!"

"Heh, according to the confession, you gave them five hundred red notes each to inject hormone-like mixed drugs into the feed factory, and you gave them another five million, asking for my life to be taken away."

"Mr. Ge, you must have misunderstood. As a petty official, how can I have the ability to spend five million to hire South Vietnamese people? Or, you send someone to investigate carefully? Coincidentally, I have an old colleague in Nanyun who can help you, I will definitely do my best to help you!"

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, confirming the guesses in his mind, Lao Du wanted to kill Nanyun Index Finger, "Check? Yes, I found Nanyun Index Finger, but the other party revealed that it was you! Old Du, life is not easy, and you can do it and cherish it! "

During the call, the Aerospace Department quickly found Mr. Du's location.

Ulu City!

He even went to the Northwest!

Ge Xiaotian didn't wait for Mr. Du's reaction, hung up the smart card, picked up the satellite phone, and contacted the person in charge of the technical secondary school students who were training in the Bingxiong Aerospace Department.

After half a year of study, the students are already familiar with the launch technology of Ice Bear, and have started actual combat drills.

However, the climate conditions at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Black Dragon River launch site were too harsh. Coincidentally, the Ice Bear's battle in the west ended, and the situation in many places was stable.

The old white-bearded general took the money to do things well, and wanted SG equipment that could run the simulator, so he took the students to the Baikonur Space Center in Kazakhstan, which is also one of the three major launch centers of Ice Bear, to participate in the Glona The second and third rounds of the Sri Lankan navigation system were launched.

The boss of Wanshi went in, but his son Montblanc didn't understand, and the old man of the paper industry was too busy, so both parties asked Tiancheng Aerospace Department to do it for him.

In addition to Tianwei who protects technical secondary school students, and Nong Qijiu's business in Eastern Europe, Tiancheng actually has a lot of personnel in Kazastan.

Crack the GLONASS navigation system and connect the encrypted phone.


"Ulu City, do you know?"

"It's five hundred miles away. According to the plan, after we launch the third round of satellites, we will take a helicopter from Tacheng, a small town on the western border, to Wulu City, and then return to Dongshan by civil aviation."

"Well, there is Mr. Du in Ulu City, look for him carefully, give him some lollipops for me tonight, and then imitate my voice and sing him a song: Sweet honey, you smile sweetly, as if Flowers bloom in the spring breeze...where have I seen a dream..."

"It's easy to manage, but singing is a bit difficult."


"I may be singing a little out of tune..."

"It's okay, just sound like it."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, "Tonight?"


"Then I'm leaving now..."


Arrange for Mr. Du, and Ge Xiaotian took a wheelchair to visit Shen Zhipeng.

When I came to the construction site of Dongshan Jianlian, I saw the car of the leader Xue Da from a distance.

"Hey, Lao Shen really succeeded in playing this bitter trick!"

At this moment, Ge Xiaotian suddenly knew that his strong man was not ignorant of the severity, but he was merciful.

It's just that Old Shen originally planned to show bad face, and the injury was just what he wanted, so he didn't stop doing anything, and he became half paralyzed...

Ge Xiaotian suppressed his smile, greeted the project manager of Dongshan Jianlian with a serious face, and walked into the sales office where Lao Shen was.

Well, after so long, the 'facades' of both parties have been done.

After entering the gate, seeing the leaders Shen Wen, Zhong Xiaoxiao and Xue Da, a strong smell of herbs came to the nostrils.

It's a play!

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, and the two heavy cavalry presented wreaths...

Well, it's actually a lying flower basket.

Old Shen was sitting in a wheelchair with his right leg raised high, his left hand hanging on his chest, his neck and chin were bandaged, and he was chatting with Leader Xue Da.

Seeing him walk in, I felt a little excited, and tried to pretend that I wanted to get up, but pain immediately appeared on my face.

"Old Shen, look at this matter, come here, prepare to be confused, and send Mr. Shen to Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for recuperation."

"Ge Er Er, if you dare to touch me today, I'll never end with you!" Lao Shen waved his intact right hand, grabbed a crutch made of a wooden pole, and was about to slap...

Leader Xue quickly stood in front of the two of them, "As the saying goes, it's better to settle enemies than to end them. They are the pillars of our east mountain. Why can't we sit down and have a good talk?"

What Shen Zhipeng wanted was for the leader Xue to uphold justice. Hearing this, he quickly cried out: "Leader, it's not easy for me, old Shen! I worked so hard to save some money, and all of it was spent in Zaoshi Xincheng. I never thought that Ge Heixin would take the subway Why, give me 500 million yuan to repair the elevated... Our old Shen is also a serious entrepreneur. The subway is built by Tiancheng. Dongshan Jianlian should take some because of emotion and reason, so I don't say anything Said, call Ge Heixin and Ge Papi, 500 million! I never thought... the leader, look, he actually made me into an @ shape, he can go up and down, but he can't get out or get in! "

"Yes, this matter, Xiao Ge is really unkind!" Leader Xue Da was concerned about the new city plan, and seeing that the three families were about to fall apart, he had no choice but to come forward, "Xiao Ge, what do you say?"

"Leader, I'm here today to solve this problem!"

Ge Xiaotian took out the contract for the viaduct, "In fact, Mr. Shen was too anxious. These documents include plan A, plan B, and plan C. It's just that when signing the contract, Mr. Shen left in a hurry and forgot plan C."

"I believe your evil!"

"I'm leaving!"

"Don't, don't, don't!" Seeing that things were turning for the better, Lao Shen didn't care about acting, and stood up directly.


Leader Xue Da was dumbfounded.

Ge Xiaotian pretended not to see it, "Old Shen, although the signature was missed, the contract has already come into effect. Whether or not to sign Plan C depends on your mood!"

Shen Zhipeng understood that he was going to be cheated again, "I have no money!"

"I don't want your money!"

"What do you say!"

"Nansi Lake is a good place. There are railway guerrillas, Weishan Lake Anti-Japanese War, Taierzhuang Battle and other sites. I plan to build a modern film and television city here, filming some devils, spy wars, modern love stories, and promoting patriotism. Film and television works with themes such as communism."

Old Shen turned his eyes, "Needless to say, I'll invest, and the two of us will be happy!"

"I won't play with you!"


"The south side of Nansi Lake is Xucheng."

"I know, it's your first defeat, Ge Laoer! It's all over the Internet."

"Nonsense, I'm holding back my big move. Think about it, once the film and television city lands, the Xingyue Bay industry in the south of the city will take off? It's just a high-voltage wire. You should know that I have countless means to make it get away."

"Then what do you mean by talking to me?"

"Of course, use the soldiers (Wei Changfeng) of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce to attack the city of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce!" '

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "Jiangnan Changfeng Industrial's factory is blocked by Chen Feng's unfinished building. Is the Ginza Mall going to fail again?"

"Yes, I admit, I am very sad!"

Old Shen broke the jar and admitted very bachelorly, "But I will not sell the Ginza industrial chain."

"Sell Ginza? Old Shen, how can you do this? This is your foundation!" Ge Xiaotian was surprised, "Then you should really consider my project!"


What the hell, you said you wanted to buy it back then, but now you're playing this trick again!

Old Shen couldn't help lighting a cigarette, and immediately remembered Leader Xue Da, and quickly handed it over.

"Old Shen, you are also the pillar of Dongshan Mountain. When you are in despair, I should lend a helping hand. It happens that the leader Xue is here, so I will tell you about the project..."

Ge Xiaotian took out the planning map of Xucheng Xingyue Bay, "At the beginning, Tiancheng won 3,000 mu of land in Xucheng, 1,000 mu was used to build Xingyue Bay, 1,000 mu was used to build a commercial area, and the remaining 1,000 mu has not yet been planned. .Old Shen, now that you are in trouble, I have decided to transfer this piece of land and take you flying together!"

"thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

"Damn, you're really thick-skinned, what's the unit price?"

"Five hundred thousand."

"How much did you pay for it?"

"Ping in and flat out!"

"I bother!"

Ge Xiaotian ignored this guy, and opened the drawing of the viaduct, "Let's fly together, and I'll connect @的a to the main road...Of course, if you disagree, I can talk to Li Wei. Anyway, I don't care about this thousand acres of land. I can't sell it."

"Leader, look, this Ge Heixin..."

"Mr. Shen, I think Xiaoge's proposal is good, to develop together, promote cooperation, and achieve a win-win situation. This is the slogan of our whole Dongshan this year!"


Shen Zhipeng looked at Ge Xiaotian, then at the leader Xue Da who was full of satisfaction for the former, and was suddenly very desperate...

Can you still do business well? !

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