Build Madness

Chapter 592 Ge Xiaotian: I have to keep a low profile for a few days... (Add more rewards for '

Xingyue Bay, Zaoshi New City.

Due to the very long construction period of Neobras City, this has become Tiancheng's largest investment and largest project, and it is also the largest comprehensive community in China.

In order to create Tiancheng's brand image, Ge Xiaotian didn't use the ordinary wonders of Dongshan Fifteen Cities, nor wasted the hard-won wonders of literature, but built a '\u0026' shaped steel structure building.

In addition, several steel cables are installed at the upturned end on the right side of '\u0026' to connect to the mountaintop corridor in the northeast direction, and a sightseeing cable car is set up.

After the opening, house buyers can take a sightseeing cable car to observe the Xincheng Xingyue Bay on the northwest side, and at the same time choose their favorite homes from the SG products.

The '\u0026' sales office is located on the upper part of the Crescent Moon Lake, which is the south gate of the Xingyue Bay community. It is surrounded by green plants and flower gardens, and there are fountains on the left, right, front and back.

In fact, the publicity campaign has already started as early as the Sancha Cup finals, but due to the impassable roads, there is no "centralized viewing" yet.

Inside the sales office.

Li Wei had already woken up, and was currently drinking hot water with a teacup in her hands.

When Chen Donghai received the call, he really wanted to come here, but CNOOC and Petroleum put pressure on Petrochemical together, and he was too busy to take care of himself.

In 2001, there were only seven or eight 10-million-ton refineries in Huaxia, and CNOOC and Sinopec needed five, almost killing the latter.

(The lion of CNOOC opened his mouth wide, the purpose was only to use it as a mortgage to Tiancheng)

Ge Xiaotian was slightly disappointed that Chen Donghai didn't come.

He originally planned to cut into the incident of CNOOC asking for the refinery from the spiral road, prompting Petrochemical to hand over the refinery, but now it seems that the refinery is far more important than Xinglin International of the overseas investment group.

That being the case, Ge Xiaotian decided to give up the plan of the two @one up and one down, but to create a pair of eyebrows for Lao Shen's @, which is used for raising eyebrows.

As for Li Wei's @...

If he doesn't have the conditions that Lao Ge likes, he can do whatever he likes.

However, just as Ge Xiaotian was about to persuade Li Wei to leave, Dao Si quietly came up and showed the encrypted satellite phone.

"Boss, the supervisor who went to study in Kazastan."


Ge Xiaotian took the phone and walked to the sales office, "What's wrong?"

"Boss, Mr. Du is in!"

"Huh? In?"

"No, I was admitted to the hospital."

"Speak well in the future!"

Ge Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, Mr. Du can't go in now, otherwise the clues related to the behind-the-scenes will be cut off, but he was a little puzzled, "It's just a mouth ulcer, does it need to be hospitalized? Old Du is not so delicate Bar?"

"No, boss, he's in a psychiatric hospital."



"What?" Ge Xiaotian was startled, "Crazy?"

"Well, mental illness is not neurosis. The No. 1 hospital in Ulu City has blocked the news. However, we still have the exact diagnosis information. Hysteria is accompanied by schizophrenia, as well as complications such as fear and depression. There is no cure for it."

"how so?"

"I don't know either."


Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered something, "Why did you sing to him so sweetly?"

"I sang too badly, like a duck quacking. I was worried that he wouldn't understand, so I danced a piece of disco on the bedside..."

"Fuck! Are you fucking crazy?"

The other end of the phone was a little aggrieved, and explained weakly: "I was afraid that I would be too ugly, so I put on makeup, and I called a few more buddies, turned on the lights, and it was three o'clock in the morning. Let's have fun together..."

"What the hell!"

"Boss, there are easter eggs everywhere in life, but Mr. Du didn't notice it. In fact, he is quite happy. It's just that life is too stressful. When he relaxes at first, he doesn't feel tense... So, the bedside disco is not the main reason for his illness."

"Fuck you, uncle, I believed your nonsense!"

If a boss is abolished, although things will be blocked, they must be strictly investigated.

Ge Xiaotian scolded angrily, "Then why don't you run away quickly?!"

"It's okay, we used to wear women's clothing, but now... lamb skewers, lamb skewers, big and fragrant lamb skewers... cantaloupe, cantaloupe, big and sweet cantaloupe..."


Looking at the other party's foolish appearance, coupled with the eloquent words before, Ge Xiaotian suspected that he was not his own strong man, "Are you a monk?"

"Huh? Boss, I'm Dao Thirteen! To protect the seedlings of our aerospace department, we must dispatch a brigade of monks. This is the order of our senior brother."


Ge Xiaotian dropped the satellite phone with his hands, "Come here, send Daoyi to the Pole to raise fish!"


Daosi dashed out...

Ge Xiaotian: "..."


President Du is crazy!

No matter how much the No. 1 Court of Wulu City blocked the news, it was not a secret in the leadership system.

Ge Xiaotian returned to the sales office, just in time to see Li Wei put down the phone.

And the way the other party looked at him was completely different from before.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't do that!"



Ge Xiaotian was a little embarrassed. The other party, as Mr. Du's concubine, must have received the news at the first time, but how did he, Ge Er Er, know?

"We have a good relationship, and we often send text messages to greet each other..."

"Mr. Ge, I'm sorry to bother you!"

Li Wei said, holding the small bag with both hands, bowed deeply, stepped on the small high heels, and ran to the sales office as if fleeing.


Ge Xiaotian couldn't help lighting a cigarette, "It seems that I'm going to keep a low profile for a while!"

At this time, Seng Si said: "Boss, Phoenix Radio has contacted our group since New Year's Day last year, and wanted to invite you to participate in a very famous program."

"Phoenix? Xiangjiang? What column?"

"Lu Yu has an appointment, and Sky Entertainment has already bought the exclusive rights to broadcast in mainland China. You are the first person to be interviewed on the mainland broadcast."

"Why do you want to buy it? Wouldn't it be good to poach Lu Yu?"


"Gao Song is not here, and the management of Tianyu is a little bit uneasy. Let's transfer Gao Song back from Africa. Coincidentally, there is going to be a war there."

"Okay boss, are you still interviewing?"

"I don't lack popularity. Why do I need to be interviewed? Boss Ge's time is precious. A dinner can fetch 10 million yuan, not to mention the column that is open to the public. mind."

"Then you should rest."


"No, I mean, you should take a good rest and prepare for the opening ceremony of the new city Xingyue Bay by the way."

After Seng Si finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, the boss, the leaders of Jianfu University have already prepared the preliminary work for the tourist port. The weather is getting warmer. We want to restart Zheng He's voyages. Prepare, plan to hold a grand sea festival in Qinggang."

"The recent blockade in North America is a bit strict, so there is no hurry to go to the West."

Ge Xiaotian sat in the negotiating area, opened his SG notebook, and was just about to write something for the opening ceremony of Xingyue Bay, when he saw the news feed on the upper right corner of the desktop out of the corner of his eye.

North America blocked China, so naturally it also blocked the big brother Ice Bear.

It's just that the boss of Ice Bear's response is very rigid: If the Ice Bear is gone, what do we need the mother planet for?

"It seems that Europe is really going to fight."

Seng Si submitted a document: "It happened that Nong Qijiu was fished in troubled waters, and took the opportunity to wash a few banks..."

"Fuck off, I want those waste papers to have an egg."

Ge Xiaotian cursed with a smile, and looked at the file.

This is an armament purchase order submitted by Nong Qijiu, with a total amount of three billion Franklin.

This money has nothing to do with Tiancheng, part of it is Nong Qijiu's income from opening a security company in the European region, part of it is the income from "eliminating violence and safety, and doing justice for the sky", and part of it is the income from anti-virus software.

After the order is completed, Nong Qijiu can earn 5 billion Franklin!

"It's really profitable, it is indeed the most profitable business on the mother planet."

Ge Xiaotian opened the system, found the manufacturing center, ordered 100,000 sets of Hanyang made, Mauser 98, bastard box, wooden handle banglong... respectively, and tens of millions of corresponding peanuts, and then chose Douding Xiaotan Keliang 10,000 vehicles, 1,000 wooden biplane fighting chickens...

What he sells is definitely not armaments, but history!

As for how to ship...

The four-level system has ten town centers, and the first five have been unlocked, namely mountains, deep seas, plains, polar regions, and deserts.

Gaoshan is No. 1, in Daqingshan.

Shenhai is No. 2, and a bridge across the sea is being built.

The plain is number three, in Neobras.

Pole is No. 4. Later, I will follow Dao Yi to the North Pole to raise fish.

The desert is on the 5th, and it can be sent to Nong Qijiu by restarting the voyage.

The construction list has been generated, and all base resources are shared. Let Nong Qijiu do it by himself when the time comes.

After finishing all this work, Ge Xiaotian was just about to continue working on the opening ceremony speech, when Lao Shen ran into the sales office in an electric wheelchair.

The moment he saw him, Old Shen gritted his teeth and roared angrily:

"Second Ge, forget one thing!"


"We must add a clause to our agreement. In the future, your people will not be allowed to eat in my cafeteria! My mother, do you raise pigs? I eat 200 million yuan a month. If it weren't for my family's great business, It's closed early!"

"not enough!"



A construction site in Tiancheng.

Close to noon to get off work.

Several strong men gathered together with frowning faces.

"Director, I really don't want to eat buffet, I feel like throwing up when I see the barbecue..."

"Do you still need a salary?"

"No more!"

"Then you don't have to go at noon today."

"Long live the boss!"

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