Build Madness

Chapter 593 Enrollment of the 01st Vocational Secondary School Students: The Iron Pimple Incident as

Now that the strong man is tired of the buffet, he must not be forced to do so in the future. If he is passive and slows down his work, or beats up his boss, who will judge this matter?

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian agreed to Lao Shen's request, which was not considered a request.

It's just that, recently, Lao Shen has a tendency to become "Chen Fenghua", becoming shameless and learning to eat and drink.

Not only did this guy follow the off-duty Tiancheng employees into the cafeteria, he even offered to make a pot of mother tree Dahongpao.

"Old Shen, you have changed!"

At this moment, the latter has already removed the bandage and splint pretending to be sick, and is holding the Maji Roast Chicken and gnawing on the chicken skin. Hearing this, he picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the Red Sun Baijiu named after the opening ceremony of Xincheng Xingyue Bay:

"I can see it. The sun rises in the East China Sea and sets in the West Mountain. It is a day of sorrow and a day of joy. When things happen, you don't get into the corner, and you feel comfortable and your heart is comfortable!"

"Hey, are you reading Chicken Soup for the Soul?"

"No way, this is my perception of life, just like now, three small dishes and two plates of meat, tea, porridge and wine, delicious and worth seeing, and you don't need to spend your own money, tsk tsk... how cool is it?"

"Heh, come here, let me settle the accounts for this gentleman. The special brewed diamond-grade gold version of Red Sun 1949, the authentic Dongpo pork secreted by a private chef, the limited edition cabbage in Penglai Xiandao, and the top-quality prawns from the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea..."

"Fuck you, five hundred yuan, I pack it!"

"You are missing a ten thousand word."


Old Shen was silent for a few seconds, threw his chopsticks on the table, his hands were trembling, his eyes were rolling and he was about to lie down on the ground, a little foam was still overflowing from the corner of his mouth...

"You... I'm just kidding, you can eat as much as you can!"



The old thing has definitely changed!

Seeing Shen Zhipeng's triumphant appearance, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered that Lao Hong was not ashamed, but...

Why is there a piece of hair missing on the top of Lao Shen's head?

"Fuck, are you thankful?"

"My god, I'm so bald. My hair has always been of good quality. It's black and shiny, and it's as dense as a forest. You're envious!"

"Really, I won't lie to you!"

Ge Xiaotian was very surprised, Lao Shen's hair was exactly what he said, with mousse on his back, he looked like a big beach hair brother, but...

Have someone bring you a mirror.



When Shen Zhipeng saw the forehead that had exposed his scalp, he subconsciously rubbed it, and even a small lock came off...

"how so?"

Old Shen Ru was struck by lightning, his face full of disbelief...

Seeing that his expression was in a trance, and there was no movement for a long time, Ge Xiaotian was a little worried, "Old Shen, are you okay?"

"How did this happen?" Old Shen rubbed the top of his head again, and there were a few locks again.

"Maybe I've been working too hard recently, go back and have a good rest, maybe it will grow out soon."


Old Shen Wangruo didn't hear about it, he didn't eat, and ran out of Tiancheng canteen staggeringly...

"It's just a thank you, did you hit people like that?"

Seeing Lao Shen's reaction, Ge Xiaotian felt a little apprehensive, and hurriedly grabbed the mirror on the dining table...

Then he realized belatedly that he was originally bald.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, whether it's ugly or handsome, you can see clearly by shaving your head!"

Ge Xiaotian rubbed his forehead, and summoned Seng Si, "Send Seng Yi to the polar region to raise fish, sir, can my hair grow back?"

"Boss, why don't you buy a few bottles of the 101 hair growth potion sold by the richest man in Beijing on Wa Island?"

"It really can't grow out?"

"I guess it will take some time..."

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

At this time, Teddy, who had just come off work, walked into the restaurant because of the meal rotation. Seeing that there was wine and meat, he sniffed and ran over. While asking vaguely: "Brother, why are you drinking alone today?"

"No, old Shen just left."

"Oh!" Teddy chewed the chicken twice, picked up the chopsticks to pick up some vegetables, and soon realized that something was wrong, looked at the used chopsticks, and then at the roast chicken without the chicken skin, "This is... old man Shen's? "

"Well, he is thankful, I heard that the thing is contagious..."



The next day, April 25th.

After breakfast, Ge Xiaotian checked the schedule, and instead of staying in Xingyuewan, a new city, to prepare for the opening ceremony speech, he didn't go to the construction site to check the community greening, and the installation of rough house doors and windows, but took Mi 26 to Jinxiuchuan University City.

After the start of school last September, Dongshan Agricultural University in Tai City, Dongshan Normal University in Jifu, and light industry schools in Jifu, Yancheng and other places jointly formed Dongshan Light Industry College. , and commissioned Tiancheng to build a new campus.

Nong Yi, who stayed here, was in charge of the project.

Three colleges, three 1,000-mu, or 1,500-mu campuses were completed before military training in August this year.

In order not to disturb the learning environment of the existing students, the newly added campus is located on the south side of Jinxiuchuan No. 1 Hill, which has crossed the Jinxiuchuan community, belongs to the new business circle, and once again radiates N blocks of new community planning.

Tian Cheng runs the school for free, so he has to think about himself, otherwise how can he make money?

However, although 8,000 mu of land was taken in one go, Jinxiuchuan Reservoir and two hills were added, and the total construction land exceeded 10,000 mu, but six schools, three commercial areas, public libraries, and public stadiums And other large supporting facilities, if all completed, the overall slightly crowded.

Therefore, when Ge Xiaotian came this time, first, he would chat with the freshmen, and second, he would take another 10,000 mu of land for educational construction, 5,000 mu of land for scientific research, 5,000 mu of land for epidemic prevention and medical treatment, and 5,000 mu of land for sports venues. Together with squares, protection, parks, transportation, etc., there are almost 5,000 mu of comprehensive land in total.

A total of 30,000 acres, different uses, different discounts, if you estimate it yourself, you need at least 3 billion red notes.

In 2001, this was a huge investment.

Logically speaking, since Jinxiuchuan belongs to Jifu, it should talk to Jifu.

But Jinxiuchuan is located at the northern foot of Dongyue. If the university town develops to the south, you can actually talk to Tai City. After all, there is a Xingyue Bay over there that it took over from Datai.

In addition, if the Ji government does not build the subway, it is estimated that it will not be willing to spend the 3 billion, but if it is given to Taishi, Taishi has already decided to build the subway, and maybe the money will be returned on the spot.

Of course, it is still necessary to ask the question, so as to prevent the leaders of Jifu from wearing small shoes.

Ge Xiaotian took Mi 26, enjoyed the scenery along the subway route, and landed in Jinxiuchuan University City'Agricultural Aviation Demonstration Base'.

Well, it's not called an airport.

This is a special airport for agricultural trade logistics, aviation industry, and mechanical scientific research that Tiancheng specially applied for.

It took a year to obtain 20 demonstration areas.


It is impossible to locate the Mi 26, which is bigger than civil aviation, as a model.

The standard should be 4D, or 4C, but it does not require a runway of several kilometers.

However, Tiancheng also has the manufacturing capabilities of aero-engines and aviation transport aircraft, and has also submitted a research and development report for super-large transport aircraft...

In order to better develop agricultural trade, the superior leaders agreed to the words "agricultural aviation demonstration base" and satisfied some cross-border projects of Tiancheng Aerospace Department, such as carrying passengers in rural tourism, air transportation of live animals...

(There is such an airport in reality, and the first one was approved around April 2001)

And Tiancheng is also very strong, the first self-developed aircraft has been 'finished'.

It has a wingspan of 15 meters and a main body of 11 meters. The complete design plan is made of light steel. The early experimental model uses synthetic wood boards. The tentative code name is: Albatross—Jiujiu.

It uses electric motors to run up, solar photovoltaic panels are installed on the wings, and the principle of ground effect aircraft is added. The cabin can load and unload two tons of cargo, and it can fly flexibly in a space of more than ten meters and less than two hundred meters.

To put it bluntly, it is an agricultural aircraft transformed from a World War II battle chicken, responsible for spreading pesticides, fertilizers, and pollination of grain and crops...

On the home planet, there is a serious lack of blueprints for World War II fighting chickens, and other countries don't pay much attention to them. Since Tian Cheng researched it, it is his own patent.

Ge Xiaotian attaches great importance to patents, but he also leaves a lot of behind-the-scenes.

for example:

In case one day the patents of our own industry chain + Pharaoh + Weihua + other Chinese companies surpass those of Europe and the United States, they will cancel this thing...

Let's raise our hands in favor at that time, and then show the 'techniques' that Gou came up with.

What we need to do now is to increase the number of patents in various ways, and strive to surpass Europe and the United States as soon as possible!

To cheer up the scientific research personnel at the Aerospace Jinxiu Chuanbu, Ge Xiaotian went to Tiancheng Technical Secondary School.

Last year, taking advantage of the education reform, he took advantage of the loopholes, and with the hard work of Liu Beibei and others, and the help of the Jinxiuchuan special team, his family recruited more than 8,000 students in one go.

That is to say, starting from this year, the 8,000 students enrolled in the unified technical secondary school are no longer restricted to take the corresponding college entrance examination, and apply for vocational colleges.

They are no different from high school students now.

But not this year.

The number of places for unified recruitment is limited, and a small private school does not have such great qualifications. Therefore, the Education Bureau only gave Tiancheng Technical Secondary School 500 places for unified recruitment.

Ge Xiaotian is definitely not happy with such a small amount.

It's a pity that the higher-ups rejected Tiancheng's application for 16,000 students to be recruited collectively on the grounds that 'directed training' does not require such a high degree of education.

Therefore, starting from this year, Tiancheng Technical Secondary School no longer recruits students in a unified way, but instead recruits teenagers over the age of 13 and under the age of 18 from the whole society, and signs a targeted training agreement.

In addition, newly established social elite classes, agricultural trade technology night schools, technical post crash training online schools, etc.

Therefore, this year, Tiancheng recruited a total of 13,000 technical secondary school students, 5,000 social elites, 60,000 agricultural technicians, and more than 100,000 funny netizens.

In mid-April, the 2001 enrollment has ended.

The 15,000 teachers and students of the 2001 class of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School are about to participate in the military training that will last for half a year.

Unlike last year, there is no need for so many routines. This group of students has been educated by the seniors and sisters of the 2000 class, and they are very well-behaved.

At present, the students and parents who came to visit have already lived in the staff dormitory left by the engineering department of the first phase of Jinxiuchuan project.

The salary has been improved, and the tuition fee has naturally increased slightly.

Four thousand five years last year, six thousand this year.

Of course, if you study hard and actively participate in internships, you can earn back your tuition fees in half a year, pay for your personal living expenses in one year, have enough pockets in two years, and buy a house with a loan after graduation...

This is the unique advantage of Tiancheng Education!

When Ge Xiaotian came to the Jinxiuchuan Operations Department, the aunt-level secretary whom he hadn't seen for a long time was wearing reading glasses, sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass and looking at the Huanggang test questions.

Seeing him coming in, he hurriedly prepared the tea set.

"Auntie, aren't you illiterate?" Ge Xiaotian signaled that the other party was not busy, but sat down to chat.

"Yeah, I really couldn't understand these ghostly symbols before. But haven't you been here for a year? I'm idle and idle, so I go to the library to help clean up. I don't know what's going on. I come and go, I know There are more and more words, and I will soon recite the nine-nine multiplication table, and then... I can understand all the junior high school textbooks."


Ge Xiaotian laughed dumbfounded, knowing that it was the change brought about by the system upgrade.

The system university is no longer a school, but a human civilization cultivation base that has added characteristics such as atmosphere, enlightenment, and renaissance.

"A good learning environment will inevitably lead to a series of changes. Auntie, this is the reward for my hard work. Come on!"

"Boss, I'm going to take the secretary certificate exam!"

"After passing, raise the salary!"

"thank you boss!"

After chatting for a while, the aunt went to work on refreshments, and Ge Xiaotian turned on the SG desktop to check the new plan submitted by the Jinxiuchuan Operation Department.

At this time, the smart card sounded.

Looking at the number, it turned out to be unknown.

"Hello? How are you?"

"Xiaoge, it's me!"


Ge Xiaotian instantly recognized that the surname was Liu.

"Xiaoge, I have a good way to get that back."

"You say!"

"This is a private contact, let's change to a safe way?"

"no problem."

Ge Xiaotian didn't use an encrypted satellite phone, but logged into the Shenlong account, and connected to the online video with the smart card given by the opposite party last time.

Soon, an old man with serious face and white hair appeared on the screen.

This is.

Unfortunately, another time and space...

"Xiaoge, that big iron lump was purchased by a rich man in Xiangjiang in the name of an amusement park. It is a private ship. I heard from Wan Lao that you have a lot of ideas. I wonder if you can find a way to break the situation from here?"

"Personal? Yes! Personal!"

Ge Xiaotian was very powerful, and instantly thought of a method, "I have it!"

"So fast?"

"I personally subsidized that rich man with a huge sum of money, and asked him to hire the Mother Star Legion to snatch the iron lump back!"

"Go, go, this is not a joke!" The old man was a little angry.

"I am serious!"


"You wait for the good news!"

After hanging up the smart card, Ge Xiaotian's eyes brightened. The way he thought of was definitely not to grab it back.


Ge Baiyi, that's really rich!

Anyone who is not afraid of death wants to tie him up, let alone on the home planet?

Restarting the voyage to the west, and walking to the vicinity of Eastern Europe, Nong 7925 is going to kidnap Boss Ge and launch a large-scale operation against the country of chickens.

Ge Xiaotian seeks the protection of the motherland and settles in the air carrier detained by the Tuji Kingdom...

Nong Qijiu's offensive was fierce, and the sea department of Tuji Kingdom was hard to resist. He was about to be captured alive. Boss Ge was quick to use his wits to dismantle the driving device of Zheng He's voyage fleet, remodel the aircraft overnight, and rely on protection to leave hundreds of wooden warships behind. , driving the drone out of the tight encirclement, and fled in a hurry...

Nong Qijiu was so angry that he bombed the wooden fleet and looted countless trade products, causing heavy losses to Boss Ge and shocking the home planet...

Of course, this is just a rough plan. We need to bring Holden and his group to save their lives, and we need to make Nong Qijiu move more quickly to prevent Europe and the United States from joining the rescue...

By the way, we have to make a documentary...

"Hahaha, I'm such a genius!"

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