Build Madness

Chapter 598: The Eve of the Opening of Xingyuewan New City (Please ask for a monthly ticket, please

Xincheng Xingyuewan's publicity campaign started long before the Sancha Cup Football Finals.

In addition to female DJ broadcasts, billboards around the football field, there are also shopping mall promotional posters, theater promotional videos, bus promotional albums, bus station promotional projections, local radio stations, China Five, car FM...

The publicity content covers everything from brand to Tiancheng's strength, from apartment type to design concept, from location to follow-up development, from facilities to occupancy experience.

In addition, although Xincheng Xingyue Bay bears the name of Xingyue Bay, it is a comprehensive community, including the Xingyue Bay brand, smart home hardcover house brand, and the second-phase temperature-controlled house brand that has not yet been built.

In order to continue Tiancheng's miraculous sales performance, Ge Xiaotian set a precedent by opening three sub-sales offices outside the real estate.

They are: the old city of Zaoshi, Tengzhou on the north, and Xucheng on the south.

The secondary sales office adopts the style of the Auto Trade City exhibition hall, but the floor-to-ceiling glass wall is inclined upwards, making the overall look more concise and more luxurious.

Its interior decoration is not uniform, but corresponds to the real estate sales module.

For example, the sales office in the old town of Zaoshi focuses on cost-effectiveness. The interior decoration and sand table correspond to the new city Xingyue Bay C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3, E...a total of nine communities in three rows.

For example, the sales office in Weixian County mainly focuses on store leasing, and the interior decoration and sand table correspond to the door stores around Xingyuewan Community Square in Xincheng.

For example, the sales office in Xucheng focuses on high-end enjoyment, and the interior decoration and sand table correspond to the hardcover houses and villas that will be launched later in Xingyue Bay of Xincheng.

In addition, in the 15th city of Dongshan, as well as Jishi, Heshi, Jifu and other places, Tianrong also launched a large-scale investment activity of "welcome local enterprises to open branches and subsidiaries in Zaoshi New City, and must go out if they want to be strong".

Tianrong is rich. With the launch of Longtian and Weihua's Tiancheng version of the smart one-card, the number of users of the one-card officially exceeded 10 million, and the pre-deposit amount in the account was as high as 60 billion.

Tiancheng has not used the funds in it. The new chairman of Tianrong, who is also the president of Dongshan University of Economics, led economics and management professors from various colleges. He is in the stock market and the futures market like a fish in water. In addition, the first batch of angel investment companies have begun to make profits. Tianrong has already Grow into the top 50 financial institutions in China.

Although the pre-stored funds of the smart card can only be used for stock speculation and investment in real estate, and cannot be used for angel investment, the income generated by the 60 billion yuan can be spent at will.

Therefore, Tianrong's first public investment activity has attracted a large number of small and medium-sized business owners to Xingyue Bay.

To start a business here, to open a branch here, you must have a home, right?

No need for full payment, installments can be made on the spot, and 0 down payment is also available!

April 30th.

When Ge Xiaotian left the Taishi Steel Plant and arrived at Xingyue Bay in the new city by Mi 26, the three-day "collective house inspection" was coming to an end.

Looking into the distance.

The brand-new wooden ships hang high the flag of Tiancheng, coming from the upper and lower reaches of the Panlong River.

In the picturesque Crescent Lake, many sightseeing arrow boats shuttle and wander.

On the newly repaired ultra-wide asphalt road on the west side, the simple and domineering Jiefang cars dragged the clean and new carriages painted with the words "Tiancheng New City Xingyue Bay" roaring and galloping.

The twin bridge lights are shining, wearing red and green.

Although the viaduct is not open to traffic, it has also been carefully decorated, with colorful flags fluttering on it and long banners, which looks extremely mighty and extraordinary.

The most spectacular thing is the Xincheng Xingyuewan sales office and the sightseeing cable cars that have been launched.

The former is resplendent and magnificent, but full of sense of technology everywhere, while the latter is leisurely and comfortable, as if you are in a 4A-level scenic spot. (Highest 4A in 2001)

In general, this is the prototype of a metropolis that integrates countryside, romance, times, and technology!

And this opening, still adopt the old model.

SG series and smart card users can choose a house online, pre-order online, and pay the balance online through the Shenlong account channel at 8 am on May 1, or sign a loan agreement online.

Ordinary customers need to arrive at Xincheng Xingyue Bay one day in advance, and go through the formalities of staying in the "Tiancheng Staff Home". The next day, bring cash or ICBC savings card to choose and buy a house on the spot.

Of course, at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, Boss Ge Da will throw out 100 million red envelopes and give away a new generation of Pokemon worth 1 billion!


at dusk.

Home of Tiancheng employees.

Lao Yan is an ordinary employee of Zaoshi Mining. Today he took his wife and children to wander around Xingyue Bay in the new city all day before returning to Room 303, Block 6, D8 District, which he reserved in the morning.

Throwing away his personal package, he slumped exhaustedly on the lower bunk bed.

"so tired!"

"As far as you are doing, the sales offices have reminded me that I would only visit the three communities of CDE today, but you dragged me and my children around. Fortunately, I didn't go to the corridor on the top of the mountain, otherwise I would have to ask you to carry it back today. !" Old Yan's daughter-in-law rolled out the brand new bedding and complained in a low voice.

"Heh, who is clamoring to go to the south gate of Dongshan?"

"That's a must-see attraction in the new city, look at the photos taken, how beautiful our neighborhood is!"

"Speaking of which, 1350, the price is a bit high."

"Are you going to buy the top floor and the first floor of 998?"

"Actually, the first floor is not bad. The independent sewage pipes are still 128 units, which is 8 square meters more than the 120 units above the second floor. Tiancheng canceled the public stalls this time, and 128...why is it bigger than the 160 units in the nearby Ginza community? "

"Then let's buy a 12-storey 90 apartment, which just corresponds to the 120 outside!"

"Huh? Didn't you say that if you buy a 90 apartment, you will lose face when you go to the company and say it?"

"Isn't Tian Cheng saving face?"

"Tsk tsk!"

Lao Yan looked at the fourteen-year-old half-child without speaking, "Son, which one do you want?"

"Our teacher said that as long as you buy Tiancheng, any set is fine. You can live comfortably and use it at ease. It has nothing to do with face!"


Lao Yan rubbed his son's head, "Then let's buy two sets of 90!"

"Blow it, how did our family get so much money." Old Yan's daughter-in-law looked at the smart card, "However, it's not bad to buy a set of 90, and then buy a small shop with 0 down payment in installments."

"You quit your job to start a business?"


"Then who is the shop for? After signing the contract, Tiancheng has the right to take it back if it does not open for a month, and also deducts high management fees, community image loss fees, and various handling fees. It is really... a good company!"


Seeing her man shrinking his head and running to the window to observe, Old Yan's daughter-in-law almost burst out laughing, "Isn't it good to rent it out?"

"0 down payment, who will rent?"

"No, what I mean is, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has a new cooperation model, what is it called?"

"Self-employed partner! You provide a store and become a shareholder of my store. You don't participate in the management and operation, and you don't get rent, but at the end of the year, you can get dividends from the store from Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce."

"Yes, yes, I heard that there is a dry goods store in Xingyuewan, Xiang County, called Xue Heji, and they are currently recruiting partners. Why don't we buy shares from the store, entrust management and sales, and enjoy regular bonuses?"

"It's not bad...but I'm afraid I won't get much money in the early stage, not as good as the rent."

"Tsk tsk, you always say that I have a long-term perspective! Now you are looking at things and only looking at the immediate future. There is a Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce as a guarantee. It will take less than three years. I am afraid that next year's bonus will exceed the rent. Ten years is equivalent to a house for nothing! "

"Then I apply for a loan?"

"Hurry up, I don't know if I can get the quota."

"should be no problem."

As Lao Yan said, he took out his smart card and glanced at the news feed, "Huh? Ge Baiyi came to give out red envelopes? Didn't this guy get killed?"

"Not dead? Damn, I bought a house crying because I heard rumors about Ge Baiyi's accidental death, Zaoshi Xincheng Xingyuewan lost money and sold it for loan repayment..."

"Why don't you consider Ge Baiyi's death, Tiancheng's bankruptcy, and the house's unfinished business?"

"It's all covered, what's wrong with it?" Lao Yan's daughter-in-law angrily searched for Bai Xiaotong's pinned post, "It's strange, why did the post that was popular for three days disappear?"

"The officials have clarified it, so I have to read some posts."

"No, during the time when Ge Baiyi disappeared, no one was seen when he was born, and no ghost was seen when he died. Don't you doubt it?"


"Dad, Mom, it's light outside!"

"Huh?" Lao Yan and his wife looked out the window.

I saw the huge Xingyuewan community, illuminated by wall washers, linear lights, lawn lights, projection lights, cross-shaped lights, etc., forming a '★'.

In the artificial lake in the south, underwater lights are lit to form a blue moon.

On the shore of the northern lake, the gourd-shaped sales office is crystal clear, and the cable car leading to the top of the mountain casts strips of colorful light.

The lakeside in the south is connected with the stone carvings of the Panlong River Flower Garden, and echoes with the viaduct and Twin Bridge...

In an instant, the whole city was lit up!

The employee's home is located on the west side of the hillside, on a higher terrain.

Lao Yan was immersed in it, observed for a long time, couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and took out his smart card to write and draw, "Strange, how do I feel, this is a bit like a gourd on the head, with blue hair dyed

|@_@|? "

"Why can't I see it? It always feels like a funny face!"

"The angle is different, you look from south to north... wait, where do you see that funny face from?"

"From west to east!"

Without waiting for Lao Yan to observe again, the younger son suddenly said: "From east to west, plus the lights of the cable car, isn't it two donuts and two popping candies?" , Golden Star Community)



Xingyue Bay, Zaoshi New City.

Ge Xiaotian got off Mi 26, and faced the house inspection customers with different expressions around him, he was a little confused, and always felt that something was weird.

"Hi everyone, have fun!"

Countless customers: (#Д)ヽ

'It's okay to ignore me, why do you all look like hell? '

Ge Xiaotian frowned slightly, and while heading to the sales office, he signaled Seng Si to step forward, "What's going on here?"

"Very good, boss, 3,000 sets are pre-ordered online, 5,600 sets are pre-ordered on-site, and more than 6,000 customers are applying for loans. It will be easy to complete the goal of 10,000 sets tomorrow."

"That's not what I mean, I want to say, why do they think I'm weird?"

"Maybe today you are wearing a white old man shirt with green beach pants, yellow flip flops, a big gold chain, and pink sunglasses on your head. Your attire is rather eye-catching. No, this is trendy!"


"Boss, the top of your head is a little dusty, let me blow it off for you..."

"Go aside!"

Ge Xiaotian cursed with a smile, and stepped into the sales office.

The real estate model the size of a basketball court is surrounded by crowds of people, and the steel-structured glass walkway on the second floor is also full of staff and customers waiting to make a deal.

However, the moment they saw him, the customer's reaction was exactly the same as that of the people outside.

Since noise is prohibited in the hall, a few exclamations can be faintly heard:

"Fuck, are you still alive?"

"Today's first seven?"

"The wreath is for nothing!"

Ge Xiaotian: "???"

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