Build Madness

Chapter 599 Ten thousand sets are sold out every now and then, news from Lao Shen

That night.

Xincheng Xingyuewan sales office.

After the customers left, more than 100 employees of Zaoshi Tiancheng Real Estate Development Company assembled quickly.

With his hands behind his back, Ge Xiaotian pulled his flip flops around and observed everyone over and over again.

"I only went out for a few days, and you all hung up on your boss when you turned around? Who came up with such a bad idea, stand up for me if you have responsibility!"

The real estate general manager took two steps back and explained: "Boss, this has nothing to do with our company!"


"It's Shen Zhipeng. He found out that you were killed. He contacted your navy chief and spent 300,000 to put the post on the top for three days, and then spent 5 million to put the advertisement for the opening of the Jishi Garden area on the top. Propaganda: 'Ge Lao Er is dead, if there is something wrong with the real estate, we can only burn paper, it is better to buy Ginza Community'."


"I have communicated with your navy supervisor, but the other party said: 'The boss has ordered, as long as you don't break the law, as long as you don't violate morality, as long as you can make money, you can take all the jobs you can!' So, they gave you to you with peace of mind. It's up. I just didn't expect that Shen Zhipeng would set up a monument for you on the Internet later, and even spent 100,000 yuan to ask your navy supervisor to help you make a wreath props, flower props, and coin props..."

"His uncle!"

"In addition, in the past three days, your tombstone has earned you 20 million yuan. On average, all smart card users in Dongshan spent two yuan each. The head of the navy did not dare to ask for a commission. to your salary card."


To be honest, Ge Xiaotian was very angry, this frankly is a show operation that is completely inferior.


For some reason, he suddenly wanted to laugh again...

It's done!

"Let's go, go back and rest early, and prepare for tomorrow's opening!"

All the employees raised their right hands and shouted in unison: "Everything is perfect!"


You can do everything!

Even online tomb sweeping has been done, what else can I do at home?

Ge Xiaotian walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, lit a cigarette, and suddenly felt melancholy...

At this time, the financial director of Zaoshi Tiancheng Real Estate Development Company stepped forward.

"Boss, the 'self-employed partner' model you proposed benefited from Tiancheng's strength and was very popular after it was made public. However, there are a large number of outside shop property owners who are not in the Xingyuewan industry chain and want to join this model. "

"Like toy stores, stationery stores, and dry goods stores, there are just a few. Do you think we can accommodate so many stores? Just take care of your own industry. Besides, rare things are more expensive. Some industries are destined to transform. High-end route, if the street is bad, where is the taste and grade?"

"Understood! In addition, the chairman of Dongshan Industrial and Commercial Bank came here and dealt with the issue of 0 down payment with the leader Xue Da."

"The share that Tian Cheng should take is given back to the 'community resident task system' as a living allowance."


"How much is the expected income from this real estate project?"

"The first phase is 13,000 units, not counting smart homes and villas, which is about 2.2 billion, and the latter two are about 2.5 billion. The commercial sector is leased. If the occupancy rate exceeds 75%, the annual income is 500 million."

"The proceeds from the first round will be used in the second and third phases, and the market will open on May 1 next year, and then the fourth, fifth, and sixth phases will be launched, and the market will open on May 1 next year."


Zaoshi New City is a large and sustainable project. As long as it has enough stamina, Ge Xiaotian is fully confident that it will be developed to more than 20 phases. It will first absorb the residents of the old city, then absorb the residents of the towns below, and then absorb the floating population from all over the country to build a commercial city. Canal Development Zone, a sports culture and scientific research city, complements each other with Taishi Industrial Park, an industrialized city in the north, and resource-based cities Yancheng and Tengzhou.

Of course, Zaoshi is also a resource-based city, and its specific positioning depends on the meaning of the leader Xue Da.

However, as the southern gate of Dongshan, adjacent to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it is far more appropriate to take the road of commercialization than the road of resources.


Ge Xiaotian walked to the real estate model and thought carefully.

Commercialization requires commodities, transportation, logistics, and corresponding personnel.

That is, practitioners, procurement chains, railway stations, bus stations, subways, waterways...

At present, there is only a lack of large distribution centers and airports.

The distribution center has a logistics hub, and the airport...

In Dongshan, there is an agricultural aviation demonstration base that can handle it.

As for the whole country, wait until the Xingyuewan industrial chain is completed.

Besides, these days, the general logistics in the province arrives within three days, which can be called extremely fast, and the general logistics outside the province can be completed in one week, which can also be called extremely fast. If it is done too fast, how will it reflect the efforts and progress of the Tiancheng hub plan in the future?

"Oh, unexpectedly, I also started to squeeze toothpaste!"

Ge Xiaotian signaled Seng Si to take out the SG notebook, walked to the negotiation area and found a seat to sit down.

The recruited flight attendants worked very hard and trained a group of qualified hospitality staff during this period.

Small scarves, bowknots, short-sleeved uniforms, hip-wrapped skirts, flesh-colored stockings, toothless smiles...

Very spiritual, very business, and the service is very thoughtful.

Logically speaking, this is indeed the image that a large enterprise should have.

But Ge Xiaotian still misses when those five little pink pigs were around.

However, Little Pink Pig will eventually grow up, and he doesn't have that much time and effort to train him.

"The past has become empty, but also a dream!"

"Tsk tsk!"

While sighing, Shen Zhipeng drove a wheelchair to visit late at night.

This guy's leg was indeed broken. It wasn't stepped on by his strong man, but... a light fall.

Really bad!

"Old Shen, play me a game, you can do it!"

"Each each other!"


Ge Xiaotian smiled mysteriously, "Old Shen, how about I tell you a story about Panlong River?"

"Oh? It has a story?"

"I don't know if you remember, last year I drove an excavator to chase you down?"

"Remember, there was a sudden heavy rain afterwards."

"Well, then you must not know why the Panlong River became red that night!"

"Isn't the iron sulfate in the muck washed into the river by the rain, killing the microorganisms in the water?"

"Heh, how do you explain the upstream without muck?"

"Indeed, I also wondered for a long time."

"This is going to start with the old tree covering the grave..."

Ge Xiaotian summed up his talents in writing novels, reading novels, and amateur screenwriters, combined with the gods, ghosts and ghosts told by Daoyi, and instantly came up with a horror story, "A hundred years ago, there was a scholar who came to Beijing to rush for an exam..."

During the narration, the music in the lobby of the sales office gradually stopped, the lights weakened, and the outside quickly became dark...

After a long time.

Shen Zhipeng's face was pale, he rubbed the goose bumps on his arms, and looked around suspiciously.

Ge Xiaotian felt that the fire was almost ready, and signaled the heavy cavalry to knock Lao Shen's guards unconscious, "Come on, send Mr. Shen to the old tree cover grave to rest for a night, by the way, print my portrait and stone tablet as black and white photos, and enlarge them , two meters long and wide, use it to help Mr. Shen shelter from the wind and rain!"

Shen Zhipeng exploded on the spot, "Ge Xiaotian!!!"

"Bring the phone, let's go!"

"I was wrong!"


"Your uncle!!!"


April of 2001 just passed away.

It is like the dividing line of the new century, making the originally peaceful mother star start to boil.

In fact, many things happened during this period.

For example, taking advantage of the Internet and Microsoft backdoor incidents, Pingguo released an epoch-making personal terminal, 3gs using the ios system and 3g network.

For example, Mr. Cao, the king of Huaxia Glass, announced the cooperation with Longtian, received the technology gift from the latter, invested 5 billion to form a technology group, laid the Super TFT-new generation IPS hard screen production line, and laid the first flexible screen LT first-generation AMOLED production line in Huaxia. , and many third-, fourth-, and fifth-generation LCD production lines. The headquarters is located in the Science and Technology Industrial Park of Jishi Canal Development Zone, and manufacturing bases are established in Beijing, Weicheng, and Heshi.

For example, the manager of Wajima was attacked by North American spies, he was hacked to the vitals by the latter, and unfortunately died, and the puppy came on stage.

For example, Huaxia Petrochemical split two refineries and handed them over to CNOOC...

For example, Shuai Bo's "Crazy Wang Xingren" officially started filming...

For example, when the desert-type town center arrived in Eastern Europe, Nong Qijiu began to rampage...

For example, Shen Zhipeng wailed all night, his voice became hoarse...

In short, this is an era of rapid development and dazzling.

And in May...

From the first day, it is destined to be extraordinary!


eight o'clock in the morning.

Ge Xiaotian stepped on the red carpet and walked to the door of the sales office under the eyes of everyone and countless flashes of light.

Turn on the microphone and face the news media and house buyers in the square.

"Working people are ordinary, but they are also great! They use their hard-working hands to create our happy life today. Laborers are selfless. They have devoted their youth and sweat to make the world a better place. More harmony!"

"Tiancheng has been going all the way without the support of the working people. On the occasion of the opening of the new city Xingyue Bay, on behalf of Tiancheng's 80,000 employees and 150,000 employees, I wish the Chinese people a happy Labor Day!"

ding ding ding...

Almost at the same time, regardless of the scene or the Huaxia Smart Card users who are in a foreign country, all the little elves popped up on the page, with red envelopes on their heads, drums and gongs to dance...

"Please input by voice: labor is the most glorious!"

"labour is the honour!"

"The voice is too low, please enter again!"

"labour is the honour!"

"Based on your tone of voice, guess the emotional value, and activate the blessing of labor: 8 red notes."

"???""how much you?"

"I'm the one who sings, and it's only 0.1 red notes?"

"Hahaha, I actually got 666 red notes, and I can buy several piglets this year!"


The two young men looked at each other, looking at the cheerful and rude man, as if they understood something.

At this time, the smart card prompt sounded again.

"Another red envelope?"

"Shout it from the bottom of my heart!"

"labour is the honour!"

'Input error, please enter again: Ge Xiaotian is the most handsome! '

"I bother!"

"Twice wrong entry, the red envelope is cancelled."


Several families were happy and others were sad, after Ge Xiaotian threw out 200 million, he turned on the microphone again.

"Facts have proved that God will only favor serious and hardworking people. I wish all workers in China a good harvest this year!"

"Next, I want to talk about Xingyue Bay."

"It is Tiancheng's first brand, and it has many novel modules, such as Tiancheng credit system, Tiancheng task system, resident subsidy system, re-employment technology night school... With the completion of the second phase project of the Dongshan 15th City County level, the brand has Dongshan is becoming more and more perfect. Taking this opportunity, I announce that from today, shared bicycles will enter the community!"

"Well, it's limited to the community. If it works well, we will extend it to the monitoring network."

"The way to use it is to take out the smart card, swipe the card to pick up the car, and swipe the card to lock the car. It only costs two cents per hour!"

"The purpose of our promotion of it is to fill the gap that there is no bus in the short distance. I hope that the residents of Xingyue Bay can love it and protect it! Let it become our pride!"

"In addition, I announce that after the second phase of county-level Xingyue Bay goes on sale, together with Zaoshi New City Xingyue Bay, the total number of Xingyue Bay communities will officially exceed 100!"

"What does this mean? A more passionate Sancha Cup? XBA? Martial arts hegemony? Happy rush forward? Neither!"

"This means that we will be able to fully connect thousands of Limin activity centers immediately, achieve urban-rural integration, let urban commodities go to the countryside, and let rural agricultural products go to the city, so that all of us can live a better life in the future, at a faster speed , Get rid of poverty and become prosperous!"


The audience applauded thunderously.

"I won't say more about the others, join Tiancheng, join Xingyue Bay, and I will give you a bright future!"

"I announce that the first phase of Xingyue Bay, Zaoshi New City, has 10,000 units for sale!"

The moment the voice fell, the network channel was opened.

And in the sales office behind Ge Xiaotian, hundreds of financial personnel were dispatched, and every three people were in charge of a window, pressing the calling machine.

"Customer No. 1, please go to window No. 1..."

"Customer No. 2..."

"number 3……"

hula la...


"Sell less than 10,000 sets in half an hour, Zaoshi branch collectively experience life!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Amid the roar of the general manager of Zaoshi Tiancheng Real Estate Development Company, Ge Xiaotian came to the Ginza community of Jifu Business League.

Lao Shen has already got the 'climbing frame', and with the help of a strong man, this has been completed, but it takes half a month to prepare for the sale of the existing house.

However, Lao Shen has already left Li Wei far behind.

Xinglin International, an overseas investment group, is estimated to have to wait until September.


The Xingyuewan and Ginza communities are estimated to have taken shape, the other party has no way, no customers...

It's cold!

Ge Xiaotian came to the sales office of Dongshan Jianlian, and when he entered the door, he saw Shen Zhipeng tasting tea.

"Old Shen, don't be angry! What you did was too unkind. I was so angry yesterday that I did something that I'm sorry for you. Today I came here to apologize!"

"What about the ceremony?"

"Do you want to get rid of Li Wei? I'll help you!"

"I have reconciled with Chen Donghai."

"Oh? Join forces to deal with me?"

"How is it possible, we are Xu Cheng's partners now."

"So, Chen Donghai plans to withdraw?"

"The two large refineries in Dongshan have been lost, and Dongshan's fuel oil supply and demand business has been divided by CNOOC. Why is he still here?"


Ge Xiaotian was secretly vigilant, it seemed that he was about to face the Chamber of Commerce in the Modu.

However, Shen Zhipeng reconciled with Chen Donghai, so naturally he would not attack Li Wei again.

"By the way, Lao Ge, I have some news, and I don't hide it. Fatty Wei is a fool, and he didn't intend to expose the news that the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce met Li Wei."

"Cao thief is here!"


"Unite Wu against Cao?"

"I have no opinion."

"The Xingyuewan industrial chain is about to be completed, and the surplus retail goods can be supplied to the Ginza community in the future."

"Then I can help Tian Cheng resist Xucheng and Zaoshi, so you can enter Jianfu with peace of mind."

"So you understand too!"

"I'm not stupid. Mr. Yu talked to me before taking the land in Xucheng."

"Say I'm merciful and let you go?"

"Oh!" Shen Zhipeng turned his head, without denying it.

Ge Xiaotian looked at the increasingly sparse forehead in front of him, and couldn't help blowing...

Old Shen scratched his head subconsciously, and completely removed the remaining strands, only to be belatedly aware of it, and angrily said, "Go away!"


Knowing that the Magic City Chamber of Commerce was coming to kill him, Ge Xiaotian was not in a hurry.

As the saying goes, it's a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk.

The strength of the opponent still needs to be tested.

Moreover, there is nothing to fight in real estate, and the competition between the two sides is still in the retail industry.

As for Tiancheng's retail business, it's really at the top level.

Of course, you can't believe what Old Shen said.

This guy definitely won't help Tian Cheng, but will take advantage of Tian Cheng's fight with the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, and go to Beihe to grab the territory.

While thinking, the general manager of Zaoshi Tiancheng Real Estate Development Company called.

"Boss, get 10,000 sets in 25 minutes!"

"You can't sell it in an hour, and you still have to experience life collectively."


"By the way, here's a good news: 10,000 sets were sold every hour, and four billion yuan was sold in less than half an hour! In addition, the second phase of Xingyue Bay sales will start, and three counties, or five counties will be sold together. Good news of this level!"

"As you wish!"

Ge Xiaotian has never participated in the second phase of Xingyue Bay.

This is a project extended by the general manager of the local branch to the cities and counties under the jurisdiction of various cities after the opening of Dongshan 15th City.

Except for a few county-level cities and counties where Xingyue Bay is not easy to lay because of the poor environment, impassable roads, and low per capita income, they have been converted to develop industries, and all of the other 80 cities have them.

They are all about the same size as Xiangxian County. One covers an area of ​​200 mu. The number of commercial houses is small and the price is low. The total sales will definitely not reach the level of Xingyue Bay in the new city.

The sale of five seats and five seats can not only make up the number, but also cause shock, and can be sold for a whole day!

Shen Zhipeng knew about the second phase of Xingyue Bay, but he never thought that Tian Cheng would play like this.

"You are going to make a sensation in the whole of China on May 1st, and alarm D...Yang!"

"Believe in yourself, you can too!"


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