Build Madness

Chapter 601 The Coming is Fierce, Mr. Governor

There are many embarrassing things on the construction site. I remember that Tiancheng held a similar skit at the first corporate annual meeting.

It's just that these story elements are too professional. If it is broadcast, the audience may not even understand the meaning, let alone get the jokes.

Therefore, the design of such scripts needs to be considered 'easy to understand'.

As for living close to the construction site, promoting the spirit of labor, and spreading positive energy...

Tiancheng itself is like this, and all the employees are playing in their true colors.

In order to avoid being delayed by mundane events during the filming, the screenwriter Ge Da checked the schedule in advance and found that in addition to attending the press conference of CNOOC and Tiancheng in mid-May, he needed to host the opening of the Canal Zoo and Botanical Garden on June 1, and the cross-sea project in mid-July Delivery, before the restart of Zheng He's voyages in early August, there seems to be no important matter to delay time.

Just in time for a break.

With this in mind, the next day, May 2nd, Ge Xiaotian got up early to wash up. After eating, soaked in a pot of mother tree Dahongpao, opened the SG notebook and entered the writing state.

The story is adapted from "Construction Maniac", the main actors: Brother Hao, Daxiang, Li Shu, xx, five brothers, red, orange, yellow, green and blue, Lao Hong, Director Sun, Professor Hu, the old village head, Li Xiuxiu...

The overall structure: fragments, dialogues, performances...

Background: self-built houses, door houses, factory workshops, small communities...

Scenes: offices, construction sites, logistics, roads, Gejia Village, Sancha Township...

Props: playing cards, bicycles, trowels...

"By the way, there are also Dahan and Ah Huang!"

Ge Xiaotian spent the whole morning, frantically memorizing 50,000 words, read it through, heartily, couldn't help but light a cigarette...

At this time, Seng Si hurried over, "Boss, Nanyun Index Finger, something happened this morning!"


"Taking money for nothing, and being exposed by a business owner, the relevant departments have long been eyeing Nan Yun's index finger, and took the opportunity to make a move... He took more than 30 million yuan, and the economic amount involved was as high as 5 billion... His ex-wife hanged himself in the bathroom, and his mistress Missing..."

Ge Xiaotian woke up instantly, Mr. Du went crazy, the incident was too big, and the behind-the-scenes gave up the game in order to protect themselves.

"Boss, Li Wei also went in. Just now, someone from Nanyun came, put a lock on her, and went straight to Jifu Airport."

"This speed... It seems that the behind-the-scenes has been planning this recently."

"Then we?"

"Wait and see."

Ge Xiaotian is just an entrepreneur, and he really can't interfere in some things, otherwise he will get involved in another level of struggle, and the end will be worse than in another time and space.

However, with the destruction of Nanyun Index Finger, I am afraid that the behind-the-scenes will disappear for a long time...

"It doesn't matter if you disappear, the longer you disappear, the stronger Tian Cheng will be!"

"Also, Boss, Wei Changfeng betrayed Shen Zhipeng and defected to the Modu Chamber of Commerce. This morning, Xinglin International didn't even do any publicity, and just opened the market."

"This is to prepare for long-term sales. Based on the idea of ​​selling as much as possible, it is in line with their style to withdraw funds first."

"Who do you think Shen Zhipeng went to after being betrayed by Wei Changfeng?"

"Old Shen's life is even more difficult. If he wants to source goods, he may have to find retail goods suppliers in Jiangbei and Beihe."

"No, he found Feng Chen!"


"He bought Chen Feng's unfinished job in Jiangnan..."


Ge Xiaotian took a sip of tea without swallowing it, and sprayed it directly, "Old Shen is going to... take over Panxia?"

"It is estimated that he wants to rely on Chen Feng's unfinished business in Jiangnan to get rid of Wei Changfeng, and take the opportunity to rely on Chen Feng's contacts in Guangzhou and Xiangjiang to develop Jiangnan business. Report from the Intelligence Department: Maybe because Shen Zhipeng's goal is Wei Changfeng, Chen Feng is happy Terrible, no real estate transfer funds are required for the time being."

"I have said long ago that Old Shen is smart enough to fight with me, but he has never been ambiguous in general. We take Jianfu, he takes Jiangnan, I march into Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and he marches into Jiangbei. The situation at that time may be The remake of Dongshan is 50-50."

"No, boss, Chen Feng asked us for goods, and Lao Shen asked Chen Feng for goods, and in the end we had the upper hand."

"You mean, blackmail Old Shen with supplies?"


Ge Xiaotian smiled and shook his head, "Seng Si, there are many ways to do business. If Lao Shen wants goods, even if there is a threat to us, I will give them to him, and the price is still low!"

"not understand……"

"If I don't give it to him, will he have to develop his own supply chain? Look at Sanxing Electronics supplying to friends, and overseas supplying to Huaxia Electronics brands. It's the same reason. As long as I let Lao Shen feel the establishment of a supply chain Goods chain, it’s better to buy my products in bulk, he won’t build a supply chain, and it doesn’t matter if he wins or not, anyway, I have the final say on the price, and he will make money no matter what!”

"I understand a little bit."

"Look at the big picture!"

Ge Xiaotian got up and walked to the top of the gourd-shaped sales office, holding a telescope, crossed the viaduct, and observed Xinglin International.

The Modu Chamber of Commerce is an ancient business organization with a history of about a thousand years.

Of course, time has changed and members have changed, and the current group has little to do with the business tycoons of history.

But the shrewdness of doing business in the south is far superior to that in the north.

This stems from the regional culture. The north is adjacent to the grasslands. Every time they encounter an invasion, they must be killed first. In order to save their lives, they have to work hard or stand up to resist.

In contrast, the south suffered less from wars, and all kinds of industries remained intact. With the accumulation of years and the influence of business culture, it is natural to learn to do business after being familiar with it since childhood.


This time when the Magic City Chamber of Commerce opened, the activities launched were similar to those that Tian Cheng held in Xingyue Bay of Xiangxian County.

The old brings the new, and the old customers will be presented with a coupon of 500 red notes for parking spaces, and the new customers will be exempted from 100 red notes per square meter, only once.

New and new, more than three sets, each household will get a 500 yuan parking space coupon and a large color TV. More than five sets, plus one air conditioner for each household. For more than ten sets, each household will be exempted from two hundred red notes.

Ge Xiaotian calculated carefully, the average price of 1200 red notes per square meter, more than ten sets, after various discounts, tax cuts, reduction of various expenses, the profit per square meter that the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce can get has approached double digits.

Of course, even if they lose money, he won't let his strong man buy it.

Because if you sell one third, Xinglin International will raise its price, and if you sell another third, Xinglin International will increase its price.

This is called the first phase to attract bold customers, the second phase to rely on the occupancy rate to increase the value of real estate, and the third phase to start making a lot of money.

It's just the developer's routine operation, it's the same as Tiancheng's phased project.

Ge Xiaotian changed the binoculars to check the roads in Xinglin Community.

It doesn't connect to the elevated road, nor does it connect to Laoshen's side, but extends eastward, as if it intends to connect to the old city of Zaoshi.

The place where Li Wei greeted the members of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce yesterday was under urgent construction and seemed to be planning to build a wetland park.

"That's a good idea. Since Tiancheng Xingyue Bay cannot be connected, it is better to create a place for viewing and entertainment, and develop your own riverside business."

The Magic City Chamber of Commerce knows more than Li Wei, or the two are not at the same level at all.

According to Ge Xiaotian's vision, wetland parks and riverside businesses are formed, and the other side will expand the community scale eastward along the Panlong River...

Better have another Ferris wheel!

As soon as the idea came up, Ge Xiaotian saw trailer trucks full of steel components coming from the direction of the train station.

He must be walking on his own main road, and he has no right to stop him.

The truck was close to the West Shuangzi Bridge, and it rushed directly down the main road of Zaoshi Xincheng and drove into the wasteland.

At the same time, dozens of construction vehicles drove out from the construction site of Xinglin Community, circled Laoshen's Ginza Community, rolled roads, filled soil, and laid temporary roads on the wasteland.

There are also more than a dozen tractors connected to the trailer truck, dragging the latter roaring forward...

"It's coming fiercely!"

Ge Xiaotian walked down to the top floor, and handed over the early stage script of "Story on the Construction Site" to the director of Tianyu Film and Television who came over, instructing the other party how to arrange, select roles, shoot, and leave a plot for himself, and immediately took out the leader of Jianfu University and sent it agreement.

Inside is a project to build a large tourist port, including shipyards, docks, monumental buildings, monumental ships, two hotels, three communities, two commercial streets...

This is different from Tiancheng exchanging boats for land, it belongs to Jianfu's own project, and it is just given to Tiancheng as a meeting gift.

Reciprocity, Tian Cheng will definitely give a low price.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian gave a 10% discount on the 'cost price' based on the quotation from the outside contractor.

For a project with a total investment of more than two billion yuan, a 10% discount can save two to three billion yuan, which is quite interesting.

Besides, after several visits to Huaxia, apart from Tiancheng, there is really no company that can build a tourist port with ancient scenery.

The other is the preparation progress of their own materials and products.

After Da Mao finished working on the new town of Xingyue Bay, he started to work there. One month later, he still hasn't even settled on the transportation route.

It's not that Da Mao is not strong, but that there are many mountains and rivers there.

"It will take at least half a year..."

Ge Xiaotian switched the ERP system and adjusted the order of Jianfu material preparation.

A small amount of building materials, a large number of goods!

Grandpa is about to hang up!

Just then, a Tianwei walked in.

"Boss, Mr. Governor is planning to return to Amur and wants to meet with you."

"That's right, why did you forget the honorable Mr. Governor?! Hurry up, please!"

Mr. Governor came to Huaxia to eat and drink.

Sell ​​oil, sell machinery, sell technology...

Unfortunately, very little was gained.

Therefore, it has been staying until now.

Soon, under the protection of dozens of fully armed green clothes, Mr. Governor walked quickly into the sales office.

"Oh, dear Ge, long time no see, you have become so young!"

"Really?" Ge Xiaotian spread out his hands and gave the other party a warm hug, kissing was fine, his beard was sloppy, and he couldn't speak.

"Yes, Ge, seeing you makes me feel decades younger!"

"Ha ha!"

Ge Xiaotian took off a big gold chain weighing one jin and put it around the governor's neck, "This is my ancestral treasure, may our friendship be as pure as gold!"



Ge Xiaotian took a step back consciously, and then, in order to hide his embarrassment, he motioned for Mr. Governor to take a seat, "I heard that you are going to return to Amur?"

"Damn the escort, the car you gave me my father's love, was blown away by the cold current from Siberia not long after it was delivered to Amur!"

"It's okay, I'll give you another one!"

"Ge, I am touched by your generosity."

"I don't know how Mr. Governor's trip has been rewarded?"

"Well, they don't know what core technology is, what is heavy industry foundation, and they don't understand why the price is expensive. I'm very disappointed."


Ge Xiaotian's eyes turned. He didn't expect this boy to hide himself quite tightly. He only revealed the core technology and heavy industry foundation until now. "Mr. Governor, I'm a little interested!"

"Really? That's really great!" Mr. Governor tried his best to express surprise, "Ge, I didn't mean to hide it from you, I just got the materials from China."

"Understood! But, can I take a look first?"

"Sure no problem!"

The Ice Bear staff took out one of the safes and entered the password...

The cover popped open, revealing four or five pages of paper, and two pieces of metal the length of a thumb.

"This is?"

"Purple gold, artificial purple gold, has a very high production technology, that is, metals such as palladium or aluminum are added to gold, and a purple effect is produced after a chemical reaction. It contains 80% pure gold. It contains more gold than 18K gold, although it is more expensive than 18K gold. It's not 24K, but its good looks are more popular."

Ge Xiaotian picked up the metal block with one hand and the paper with the other.

'Drip, found Zijin, analyzing...'

'The analysis is successful, reverse the production process...'

'Drip, found a simple production process, repaired, reversed, improved...'

'You get three types of Zijin production processes with different qualities. '

'You have activated the Zijin production line, affected by the technology tree, it can only be exchanged, but cannot be built'.

"Oh! So it's Zijin, spicy chicken, I don't like it!"


"What is this?" Ge Xiaotian picked up another piece.

'Drip, found single crystal high-purity copper, analyzing...'

Mr. Governor: "This is..."

"Oh! Spicy chicken, I don't like..."

"???" Did I say something?

"What's in those boxes?"

Mr. Governor did not explain, and said seriously: "Ge, they are not spicy chicken!"

"Oh, but...we already have these technologies, but they are left in a corner of the laboratory."


"Mr. Governor, can you come up with something of value? I have money!"

"I do not believe!"

"I'm really rich. I just made more than 37 billion red notes, and I made 10 billion Franklin in Nanbangzi."

"I know, I know that you are rich, I said no, because I don't believe that you have these technologies, this makes me doubt our friendship, you know, Zijin synthesis technology has always been unique to us, until 2000, Singapore Pocai researched a slightly inferior production process."

"I snatched mine from Xinjiapo, and made improvements and in-depth research. At present, we use at least three sets of production technologies with different qualities."


Mr. Governor opened his mouth, only surprised, but didn't care about the robbery, "Really?"

"This is our secret, but I can write it silently!" Ge Xiaotian picked up a pen and paper to write and draw.


Mr. Governor didn't seem to understand this thing, scratched his head, and motioned for a staff member of Ice Bear to open a light brown suitcase.

"Ge, I promise, you absolutely don't have this technology!"



"I do not believe!"

Mr. Governor was very angry, he brought a brown suitcase, put it in front of the two of them, and entered the password...


The lid popped open, revealing... a whole case of vodka in tins.

Ge Xiaotian: "???"

"Do you have?!"

"This...really not!"

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