Build Madness

Chapter 602: Core Technology, Industrial Foundation, New City Business Sector

Seeing Ge Xiaotian slumped, Mr. Governor showed a satisfied smile, lowered his head and carefully counted the amount of vodka, glanced quietly at the Ice Bear staff who were about to come up, quickly closed the lid of the brown suitcase, and locked it with the code.

Witnessing this scene, Ge Xiaotian suppressed his smile and said, "Mr. Governor, your trip is only to sell two backward technologies, a special wine from your country? No wonder it can't be sold."

"No, no, we still have a lot!"

"Let me see? If possible, I'll take them all!"

Perhaps because of the low failure rate of Mierliu and Tianba Dongba tua series, Ge Xiaotian changed another time and space's prejudice against Maozi engines.

Well, prejudice!

Affected by the backwardness of light industry and the limitation of talents and funds, Ice Bear's aero-engine manufacturing technology lags far behind European and American countries.

For example, the average service life of Bingxiong aero-engine is 600-1500 hours, and it needs to be overhauled every 150 hours, while the service life of European and American aero-engines is as high as 3000+, and it needs to be overhauled every 1,500 hours.

From the data point of view, the Maozi aero engine is obviously behind Europe and the United States.

However, the geographical environment needs to be considered.

For example, the old man with the white beard piloted the civil aviation to land safely, but the expensive business jet of the aviation service company had a broken wing...

In addition, he planned to use Tianba Dongba tua to cheat friends and enemies for maintenance fees, but he never expected that the first Tianba was sold for more than a year, and there were no problems after six or seven inspections...

How many hours has this been running?

Are you afraid that your lifespan is exhausted?

In fact, this has a lot to do with the design concept.

Mao Zi believes that when the war starts, each air battle will only take a few minutes, and sooner or later the fighter will be shot down, and sooner or later it will fall behind. Instead of prolonging the life span, it is better to invest funds in the development and rapid mass production of new fighters.

Therefore, Maoxiong Airport is used for both military and civilian purposes, and when the fighters are eliminated, the military will be directly converted into civilians.

You know, there is a big difference between military use and civilian use. The former requires fast excitement and high precision. Civilian use only requires stability, adjusting engine components, and no longer doing various difficult movements. The service life of aero-engines for civilian use will naturally rise linearly, even surpassing Europe and the United States. .

This also led to the fact that Tiancheng's remodeled Mi 26 and the Tianba Dongba tua developed based on the Maoxiong tank engine do not require much maintenance, and their lifespan is extremely long...

Keng Lao Shen is an exception...

It can only be said that Mao Xiong pays attention to power performance, while Europe and the United States pay attention to exquisite comfort. The two paths are different.

Comparing the two, coupled with the relationship between Tiancheng and the two parties, and the system's new functions, the agricultural aviation demonstration base of its own will definitely take the Maozi route.

The leather is solid, durable, the parts are rough, and it is easy to maintain. The old man in the Northeast drove the plane and sprinkled the fertilizer. Where did the plane go?

Of course, the core technology that Maozi wants to sell now is definitely not aviation series, but probably machinery manufacturing and electrical control. Otherwise, he would go to Huaxia leaders to talk alone instead of looking for Huaxia companies to play sales.

However, since the other party is willing to take it out, it also shows that North America, or Europe, or other regions have already researched it, but China has not. Maozi plans to sell the core technology to China before it has depreciated in value, and make a lot of money.

Good idea, but unfortunately met hang!

Ge Xiaotian looked at the fourth box brought up by Mr. Governor.

"Ge, you gave me a family heirloom, and I will give you a family heirloom too!"


"Yes, may our friendship be like..."

Mr. Governor said, popping open the lid, "It's just like it... It has a long history!"


Looking at the colorful nesting dolls in front of me...

Ge Xiaotian almost spewed mmp.

Is this also technology?

"May you like it!"

"Yes, I like it very much, you can give it to my sister-in-law!"


"My daughter-in-law's younger sister is one year old!"

"Bless her, may she like it!"

After the governor finished speaking, he took out the fifth box.

Inside were still a few metal samples and a few pages of paper.

"Ge, this is the most advanced 'powder metallurgy high-speed steel' and smelting process!"

"Sounds great!"

Ge Xiaotian picked up the paper, entered the system, and checked the metal strip.

Powder metallurgy high-speed steel is a high-speed steel production process born in the 1960s, also known as front steel, or white steel.

It is mainly used to manufacture complex thin blades and impact-resistant metal cutting tools, as well as high-temperature bearings and cold extrusion dies, such as turning tools, drills, hobs, machine saw blades, etc.

It belongs to the base of heavy industry.

Well, the foundation of heavy industry is not machine tools and numerical control, but special metal smelting processes.

Only with more advanced metal materials can we create corresponding molds and then manufacture products.

It is precisely because of this that Ge Xiaotian ordered Daoyi and others to increase the research and development of new materials before the establishment of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space, instead of researching machine tool numerical control.

Of course, if you want to research a new smelting process, you must definitely have a smelting furnace and an electric furnace, and the manufacture of the latter requires materials and equipment...

This is an endless loop, one step behind, and one step behind.

Fortunately, the four-level system pushed Tiancheng to the level of the second industrial revolution, skipping the initial stage of industry, allowing Tiancheng to break through the technological blockade and have its own foundation.

Ge Xiaotian played with the samples one by one, entered the materials into the system, and after getting the feedback, he said:

"Mr. Governor, although the data shown in the data is relatively general, but fortunately, I can see what these metal samples are. However, tungsten-based high-speed steel (containing 9-18% tungsten), tungsten-molybdenum-based high-speed steel ( Containing 5-12% tungsten, 2-6% molybdenum), high-molybdenum high-speed steel (0-2% tungsten, 5-10% molybdenum), vanadium high-speed steel, according to the vanadium content is divided into general High-speed steel with vanadium content (containing 1-2% vanadium) and high vanadium content (containing 2.5-5% vanadium), cobalt high-speed steel (containing 5-10% cobalt)... We all have research results in this area."


Mr. Governor tilted his head, narrowed his eyes, and looked a little confused.

Only with samples and simple data and materials, it is definitely impossible to crack.

But these high-speed steels are indeed the cutting-edge smelting technology of the parent star, although many countries have it...

"Oh, did you get it?"


"Okay then, let's take a look at this secret technology again, 'parallel coaxial dual rotors', you are the first customer."

Hearing the word "rotor wing", Ge Xiaotianxia cheered up consciously, but after seeing the feedback information from the system, he couldn't help frowning.

Can't parse it!

"Are there any samples?"

"Ge, you are my friend. To be honest, this is Wajima's technology. It is also available in North America and Europe. It's just... Last month, during the Thousand Islands conflict, our sea department captured the Wajima helicopter. Before returning know !"


No wonder the bear roared angrily: Without the ice bear, what else would the world do? It turned out that the Sea of ​​Okhotsk was fighting.

"We can't study it, we can only sell it."


Ge Xiaotian really wanted to complain, but felt that his words seemed quite reasonable, "I think the Huaxia Air Force Department should be more interested."

"Your air department has the same problem as ours, no money, no one. I learned from your leader that Tiancheng is building an agricultural aviation demonstration base, and you are not short of money. I think we can become partners .”

Ge Xiaotian understands that this technology has a bad origin, and the superior doesn't want to cause trouble, so he pushes it into the hands of a troublemaker and is willing to do it. It's covered up, and he's a peacemaker, but he doesn't want to do it, it doesn't matter, otherwise he would have notified him long ago up.

"I'm really interested, but side-by-side dual propellers and dual-rotors... are not very helpful for cargo transportation. I wonder if you can get tandem dual-rotors or co-axial dual-rotors?"


"I want a big guy that takes off with two hundred tons and can transport a hundred tons of cargo!"

"Pretty, Ge, I also like big guys, why don't you consider An 225? It takes off at 600 tons and can carry more than 200 tons of cargo. Mi 26 is just a little kid in front of it, and its shape is super good! Moreover, we can provide all-round technical support!"

"No, it's too big!"

Ge Xiaotian quickly refused. He already had the largest helicopter on his home planet. If he had the largest transport plane on his home planet, not to mention the skyrocketing fuel costs this year, he might have to spend tens of billions to build N super airports...

No, it seems that there is only one An 225 on the mother planet, and it is still in Wuxiong.

Seeming to see his doubts, Mr. Governor repeated: "Technology! We have manufacturing technology!"


Ge Xiaotian turned his eyes, forgetting about his skills, he might as well go to Wu Xiong another day to touch them, "Mr. Governor, since there are no tandem dual-rotors or coaxial dual-rotors, then we can't cooperate."

"Sorry, we actually have tandem dual-rotors, but... now only North America has them, and we haven't figured it out. The higher-ups don't agree to sell or cooperate."

"Praise be to your honesty!"

Obtaining Zijin's artificial synthesis technology, single crystal copper manufacturing process, and various high-speed steel smelting processes means to Tiancheng to advance the industrial foundation, walk out of the second industrial revolution, and reach the level of the 1990s. Ge Xiaotian is already satisfied.

Like rotors, super empty aircraft, products of World War I and World War II, with the improvement of the system technology tree, they will be unlocked sooner or later, don't worry.


Having a meal at noon, sending off the lovely Mr. Governor, Ge Xiaotian sorted out what he got today.

In the evening, the second uncle, Ge Shunfeng, walked into the sales office beaming with joy.

"My God, the celestial ornaments are going to be released again!"

"How many?"

"All our owners, as well as most of the owners in Ginza Community and Xinglin Community."

"It seems that you are busy again."

"The Phase II project of Dongshan Fifteen City takes up a lot of manpower. I need to transfer a group of carpenters and electricians from Tiancheng headquarters."

"Coincidentally, the second phase of Xingyue Bay in the new city is not in a hurry. Eighty engineering departments are preparing to support the water conservancy project. You can discuss with the personnel department, including the transportation team, and send them all over for the National Day holiday. Ours Owners can collectively move to a new house.”

"I think so too!" Ge Shunfeng patted his thigh, "Then I'm leaving."

Ge Xiaotian's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered Qian Shunfeng in rice grains. The story of the construction site needs some seasoning, such as adding family series and decoration stories, "Wait, second uncle, I am shooting a series in the form of sketches. Missing a boss, the protagonist, I think you are very suitable."


"Coincidentally, the character is also engaged in decoration!"

"I'm afraid I won't be too busy."

"It's okay, for half an hour every day, I will act in my true colors, no makeup required."

"It's very interesting. Well, I'll be busy here and call when needed..."

Before he finished speaking, Ge Shunfeng ran away...

"It seems that Tianzhu is really busy."

Seng Si flipped through the standing work folder, "From January this year, the total sales of Tianzhu is not inferior to Tianheng Automobile Trade, but the profit is... three times that of the latter."

"Connect the Tianzhu business with Qian Dabao's loan company. It is useless to keep so much money. It is better to let it out for interest. Of course, warn Qian Dabao that it is legal and beneficial to the people. It has become an industry standard. , I will stuff him into the alchemy furnace!"


"Time flies so fast, one day is gone!"

Ge Xiaotian closed the SG laptop and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the sales office.

Don't scare Shen Zhipeng, the 'stars' and 'moon' are shining tonight, looking around, the whole earth is like a dream.

It's a pity that the owner has not yet moved in, and the priority for decoration is shops, shopping malls, and commercial streets. Otherwise, 50,000 to 60,000 people will move here, without food, drink, or work...

"Let's go and have a look at the business sector."


Relying on Tiancheng's industrial chain, Zaoshi New City can completely get rid of the manufacturing industry and focus on commercial services.

Including education and training, financial management, legal services, information transmission, various maintenance, medical and health care, catering and entertainment...

Starting from nothing is a very difficult process. Fortunately, Tiancheng's industrial chain is about to be perfected, and many things can be produced.

Such as education and training.

It is set in a six-story building, divided into dormitories, canteens, and teaching buildings.

It is not a technical secondary school or a school, but a training institution for short-term militarized management of the summer camp model.

The trainees come from various enterprises in Dongshan, and they are used to cultivate teamwork awareness, deepen professional skills, and obtain Tiancheng technical certification.

In the past Tiancheng bronze, silver, gold and other medals were a joke, but now they have become a symbol of professionalism.

Such as financial management.

It is located in two buildings, connected to the Financial Street of the Canal Development Zone, and features the "Chamber of Commerce Quotation System" that Tiancheng has always used. That is to say, in the future, not only Tiancheng members can view Tiancheng's procurement chain, but also external companies, including external products. offer.

Transparency will inevitably reduce profits, but this is the characteristic of Tiancheng Xingyuewan industrial chain, high wages, low consumption, and changes to improve living standards.

As for various enterprises, the luxury goods that Tiancheng helped to create increased profits, and the quantified products he was responsible for drove sales. Not only did they not lose money, but they could also earn a lot of money and reputation while receiving local subsidies.

Such as various maintenance.

It is located in the northern part of the northern mountain range and is divided into modules such as electronic product maintenance, clothing and shoes maintenance, and mechanical equipment maintenance.

From now on, the damaged parts of auto trade and mechanical equipment in various parts of Dongshan, the after-sales service of clothing, shoes and hats of the Li Brothers Group, and the after-sales service of electronic products of Longtian and Weihua will all be set up here.

Unified logistics, unified maintenance, and improved maintenance efficiency.

Such as health care.

Qingshan General Hospital is composed of more than 20 universities or medical institutions including Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Luqi University of Medicine, Huaxia Medical University in Liao Province, Huaxia Medical University in Taiwan Province, Xiangjiang, Amur, Vladivostok, etc. ', will be located on the east side of the northern mountains of Zaoshi Xincheng, and become the largest Chinese medicine rehabilitation physiotherapy center in China.

At present, Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has achieved brilliant results. In addition to launching the dog skin plaster for the treatment of intractable diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, it has also helped more than a dozen professional athletes who were forced to retire due to bereavement illnesses to return to the top.

As for other things, catering, entertainment, and accommodation, there was no problem for Tian Cheng.

Walking on the city center avenue in the north of Xingyue Bay in the new city, after seeing all the sections and the comprehensive commercial street, Ge Xiaotian always felt that something was missing.

"By the way, where is the Zaoshi compound?"

"Leader Xue Da insisted on setting the compound on the bank of the Panlong River, which is between Xingyue Bay, Tiancheng Home and the long-distance bus station."

"It's become a suburb over there. Here, the north of Xingyue Bay is the city center. How miserable are people to build a compound and a train station in such a desolate place? They all moved here. Coincidentally, Tiancheng Home took over the land and planted some land. , Raise some chickens and ducks."

"I'm afraid that leader Xue will not agree..."

"Xiangxian County, Jishi City, Dongshan Fifteen Cities...At the beginning, the leaders didn't agree. What about now? Haven't they all moved in?"

"Then I'll talk to Leader Xue."

"No, bring the No. 1 town center here. I will do it myself tonight and help him set up a fourth-level county government!"

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