Build Madness

Chapter 615 The mood that only two words can describe

The charm of infrastructure lies in witnessing.

Witness the rise of tall buildings from the ground, witness one miracle after another.

When countless steel beams, steel columns, and steel trusses are assembled into a spherical building with a span of 100 meters in the sparks of welding, the merchants and students who come to watch from time to time can only use two words to describe their feelings.



"So fast!"

But it's not over yet!

The main base is nearby, and the 40% efficiency bonus of the four-level system allows all workers to operate with incomparable precision in every step of the construction process.

When installing the glass, it seems that when it is placed there, all angles are just right.

When laying solar photovoltaic panels, it seems that the perfect splicing can be done by stretching the welding rod forward.

Butt the circuit, tie the tape, it seems to move your fingers, everything will be ok!

As long as there are sufficient building materials for steel structure construction, there is no need to wait, and the rest is only construction.

And Tiancheng let everyone see with their own eyes: construction is also a kind of performance art!

In just two more days, the spherical frame was quickly filled.

Subsequently, exterior decoration, lighting adjustment, interior decoration, overall adjustment...

May 30th.

A colorful, small planet surrounded by planetary belts appeared in the eyes of countless people.

Kacha Kacha...

The reporters who came after hearing the news quickly pressed the shutter.

"Mr. Ge, may I ask if this is Tiancheng's top construction team?"

"Mr. Ge, it is said that Tiancheng has ten elite engineering departments, each of which is an expert in the industry. Is the construction team on site one of them?"

"Mr. Ge, is this ball a temporary structure or a permanent structure?"

"Mr. Ge, is it in the form of building blocks?"

"Mr. Ge..."

Ge Xiaotian was wearing a safety helmet and a white shirt, with blueprints in one hand and trouser pockets in the other. He refused many interviews, "Sorry, the company is confidential!"

Hearing this sentence, the reporters got excited.

"Mr. Ge..."


At this moment, a monster with bird feathers on its head and standing upright walked out of the steel structure metal ball.

The monster raised its paw and slapped its butt:

"Humans, hello, I'm Wang Xingren Ah Huang!"



It exploded!

Regardless of reality or the Internet, everything exploded!

"The demon dog is alive!"

"Mafa Raid!"

"Alien invasion!"

"Extraordinary, Tianyu's masterpiece: Crazy Wang Xingren, released on June 1, starring Shuai Bo..."

"Do you want to know where the dog is? Do you want to know the origin of monsters? The fantasy-level zoo and botanical garden 'Canal Continent' is waiting for you on June 1st!"

"My mother, what's wrong with this world?"

"The alien star in Zaoshi New City fell and was snatched by Tian Cheng. It is said that the army dispatched tanks and howitzers that day... Countless sky guards confronted the army!"

"true and false?"

"There are pictures to prove it!"

"Damn it, Tianwei dares to compete with the military... Well, they also have heavy weapons!"

"Tian Cheng dared to drive Tank over there?"

"This is real?"

"Only stupid X will believe it!"

"You stupid X, what if that planet is an alien aircraft?"

"Damn it, yes!"


May 31st.

Zaoshi New Town.


Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the sound of cannons shook the sky.

Dozens of heavy-duty howitzers crossed the mountains on the north side of Zaoshi Xincheng and repeatedly bombarded the sports center...

In the vast wilderness, more than fifty 90-tank tanks charged towards more than thirty Huaxia's newly developed 99-A...

In the air, two camouflage Mi-26 and a silver-white sci-fi-shaped Mi-26 confront each other...

On the edge of the battlefield, 500 green-clothed soldiers crawled forward quickly, and in front of them, thousands of Tianwei wearing heavy armor, lined with bulletproof vests, and Tiancheng helmets, bent their bows and set arrows...

"The filming is over!"

Ge Xiaotian kicked away Ah Huang who had been relying on him since he came back, got up and shook hands with an old man next to him carrying a blank shoulder badge, "Leader, thank you for your cooperation. After this battle, I deeply understand the cruelty of war. I have benefited a lot, and I believe that under your guidance, Modern Film and Television City will surely reproduce the glorious days of the older generation of revolutionaries!!"

"Hey...the film and television industry is booming, creating countless benefits, and we can't stop many things. I just hope you don't shoot randomly, and I'm satisfied!"

After the old man finished speaking, he patted someone's tender paw, "Xiao Ge, I took those fifty remodeled big guys away?"

"The new purchase order needs to be taken care of by the old leaders."

"Is it a movie, and it's a real scene reappearance, how can there be no real guy? Small matter!"

The old man smiled and nodded, waved his hand, and in the distance, hundreds of people in green clothes rushed towards the 90th reform.

Fifty big guys that were transported from Tiancheng Technical School changed hands just like that.

Ge Xiaotian didn't care about this, but looked at the bigger order.

It is full of World War II products of the Seventh and Nine riots...

There are handjobs, tanks, rumbles, and steam trains...

In addition, Tiancheng also obtained the right to operate short-distance railways.

Of course, there are many requirements.

The scope of operation is limited, and it cannot conflict with the Huaxia Railway Network. It must be subject to regular inspections by relevant departments, and it must be handed over to the state unconditionally when necessary. (Similar to civil air defense parking spaces, many large manufacturing companies also have such special lines, but it is difficult to apply for them.)

Tiancheng got this special railway line, and in the future, he can build two transportation lines:

1. Zaoshi Xincheng Industrial Zone - Sun Paper - Xinwanshi Technology - Longtian Technology - Yunhe High-tech Industrial Park - Tiancheng Machinery Factory - Daliuzhuang Machinery Factory

2. Nanwa Li Brothers Group—Xiaohu Town Toy Factory—Maji Cement Prefabricated Parts Factory—Xiang County Hub—Canal Development Zone—Zaoshi Xincheng Industrial Zone.

In addition, electric rail cars can also be laid in the modern film and television city to serve the filming crew and customers.

Most importantly, the dazzling one-stop operation aroused people's curiosity about Zaoshi New Town and also promoted the Canal Fantasy Zoo and Botanical Garden.

The former wants popularity, while the latter wants tourists.

Ge Xiaotian and other elders led the large troops to evacuate from the sports center area and waved their hands.

In the next moment, countless strong men turned on wheeled detection machines and stepped forward to collect scrap iron.


That night.

The new city was full of people, and the hotels and staff dormitories were all full.

The people attracted by the huge formation, after discovering the truth of the matter, not only did not clarify, but instead fooled more netizens to come.

That seems to mean...

I was so cheated, and I feel very upset, so let's all be cheated together!

Someone even brought up the war in 1999...

What's even more ridiculous is that someone actually believed it!

In this atmosphere, the propaganda war between Longtian and the computer manufacturer became more intense.

On that day alone, the online advertising fees invested by both parties reached 20 million and 15 million respectively...

Also, in the past half month.

Longtian Technology took the opportunity to launch the second-generation Shiguangji notebook, but due to production constraints, only 2,000 units were put on the shelves, with an average price of 668,000.

The major computer manufacturers are restricted by foreign trade, and the number of new products on the shelves is also scarce, only 30,000 units, with an average price of 36,000.

However, the impact of SG Pad is far-reaching. It took half a month for the sales of both parties to break through double digits.


Time unknowingly came to June.

On June 1st, the fantasy-style zoo and botanical garden opened for operation under the attention of the public.

Gouzi Ahuang led fifty younger brothers to dance a dance Gao Song learned from Africa to the guests at the gate of the zoo.

With the beating, the dogs and wolves beat the special amplifying equipment strapped to their bodies to the beat.

"Black oh black oh, oh hey oh hey..."


The dance music is not over yet, Dahan is dancing with the group of bears, wearing a grass skirt, with a mace in one hand, and a fierce chest slap in the other, roaring...

"Beast people, never be slaves!"


The unintelligible crowd was stunned.

Players who have played Dragon Continent, cheer up!

And when people follow the animal performing arts troupe into the park and see the animal caves, animal farms, and barbaric tribes created by countless lights and decorations...

The sky is full of exclamations...

At the same time, Shenlong Cultivation launched a new expansion pack: Orc Invasion!

In addition, the update of the claw machine in the shopping mall, the update of various toy stores, the release of new works by Tianyu Films, and the introduction of new gameplay in the tourist service area...

This is like triggering a chain reaction, instantly activating Tiancheng's industrial chain and creating trembling economic benefits.

But when Ge Xiaotian wandered in the zoo, he always felt that he had screwed up!

In other words, confuse science fiction with fantasy!

At this moment, Seng Si held the card that was not hung up and said, "Boss, your mother called and told you to go to Qinggang. Your little nephew was born."

"Little nephew?"

"Your elder brother, he is getting married."

"Huh? Damn it!"

"Your father and your mother have returned to Gejia Village, preparing for the wedding..."

"So fast?! No... no, conceived at the end of the year, born now?"

"Actually, your sister-in-law was pregnant last summer, probably around the time Shenlong Baifu attacked the sand. It was only at the end of the year that her belly was too big and she couldn't hide it when she returned home during the New Year, so the trouble came to your parents..."


"Also, your father-in-law Lao Li also wants to get married, let me ask what you mean..."

"He gets married and cares about me..."

"You are a matchmaker!"

"Fuck off, it's hard to get Pangxiu out of the fire. If I run to be her father's matchmaker...why am I still married or not?"

"Why don't you take the opportunity to end it too?"

"I want to take Fat Xiu to the moon for a wedding..."

"excuse me."

"Wait, get married in June, according to our custom, you can't get married in March, May, and June..."

"It's the beginning of April in the lunar calendar!"


A lot of things came together, Ge Xiaotian was a little numb, he opened the notepad and took a look.

The cross-sea bridge was completed in mid-June.

Zheng He sailed to the West in mid-July.

In early or mid-August, execute the plan to snatch large iron bumps...

"So, during this period of time, apart from guarding against the Magic City Chamber of Commerce, and going to Nanbangzi to participate in a ceremony, I basically have nothing to do?"

"Almost, there are many mountains in Jianfu, and the female DJ and Da Mao have encountered a lot of trouble in laying out the logistics channel. It will take a while to fully develop Xingyue Bay and enter the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions. In addition, you need to find time to go to the capital Wangjing , Shuai Bo and the others have been working for half a year."

"Don't worry, go back to your hometown and rest for a while."

"Then Zaoshi New City is set up like this? Start construction?"

"There is no shortage of people in the Xincheng Sports Center. As for the Modern Film and Television City...the water conservancy project is a long-term project, so a group of people will be transferred back to work on it!"

"Then I will arrange for someone to transport Mastermind No. 1 to Nansi Lake?"


Ge Xiaotian thought about it again, opened the SG notebook, and informed Dao San of Neobras to increase the amount of crops planted this year, and asked the other party to send the follow-up equipment of the Taishi Steel Plant as soon as possible.

The Xincheng Sports Center needs a lot of ultra-light alloy steel. If there is no full-scale production, after all the basic items are completed, I am afraid that it will be like the Xincheng Xingyuewan construction site, and then have a long vacation and go home to make dolls...

Hundreds of thousands of people earn tens of millions of dollars a day, lose 100 million in ten days, lose billions in 100 days, and have no projects to make money...

"Oh, it's not easy for me, Old Ge!"

Ge Xiaotian sighed, strolled around the zoo and botanical garden, and prepared to return to Gejia Village.

However, when the vehicle drove out of the Canal Development Zone and passed the rest area by the river in the Small Commodity Market, he suddenly saw Lao Qin's daughter, Qin E, mixed with Shen Wen...

The point is, hug each other tightly and kiss!


Lao Qin and Zhong Xiaoxiao's daughter, and Shen Zhipeng and Zhong Xiaoxiao's son, are they getting along?

Seng Si leisurely said: "Spring is here, all things are revived, and it's animals again... evil fate!"

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