Build Madness

Chapter 616 Goodbye Old Li Ge Wangwang

There will always be some illusory scenes in life, such as what happened just now, but it feels like it happened a long time ago, and what happened a long, long time ago seems to be happening now...

Just like Ge Xiaotian returned to Gejia Village by car, passed the main road in Sancha Township, and saw the impressive small bungalows and rammed earth houses, all of which have been transformed into two-story or three-story door stores. It is like traveling through time and space in a trance , I saw myself in another time and space before squatting behind bars, returning to my hometown to visit relatives.

A 01 year, a 17 years.

True and false, his memory was confused, so he couldn't see clearly whether it was real or illusory.

Especially when he came to Lao Li's pork stall and saw the old oil-stained wooden table disappear and turned into a floor-to-ceiling glass-style exhibition hall, a girl in uniform suddenly appeared in Ge Xiaotian's mind, busy there, but in the blink of an eye The girl with eyes was hit by a car rushing out of the opposite gas station, and was slammed into the air for more than ten meters...

That's right, Li Xiuxiu from another time and space did inherit Li Suo's mantle, but...

Ge Xiaotian suddenly missed Li Xiuxiu very much.

Maybe she was sprinkled with dog food by those two evil fates, maybe she was stimulated by Ge Wangwang, or something else...

Take out the smart card and make a phone call:

"Come back, I miss you!"

"Huh? Just thought about it last night, and now you think about it again?"

"It's different, I just miss you."

"Okay, then I'll go buy a plane ticket!"

Ever since the two established their relationship, Li Xiuxiu has become extraordinarily docile. She seems to have complied with the saying "marry a chicken and follow a chicken, marry a dog and follow a dog", never refusing many of his requests...


Thinking of something, Ge Xiaotian smiled knowingly, signaled to stop, personally took out a case of wine, two cigarettes, and three packs of Dahongpao from the trunk, and went straight to his prospective father-in-law's house.

"Uncle Li!"

"Hey! As soon as I heard it, I knew Xiaotian was back!" The moment the loud voice rang out, Lao Li with a scruffy beard pushed open the door.

I haven't seen you for half a year. It seems that after many years, Lao Li's hair has grown a lot grayer...

Upon hearing the movement, a middle-aged woman with a baby in her arms walked out of the hall together with her.

The charm of the past is still there. The widow Gu, who sold shoes on the street, has transformed into a peasant housewife.

'Time is like a ruthless butcher's knife...'

Seeing that his mother-in-law Qiqi Ai Ai didn't know what to call her, Ge Xiaotian took the initiative to say, "Hi Aunt Li!"

"Hey, Xiaotian, hurry up and sit in the room."


Ge Xiaotian put down his cigarettes and alcohol, and teased his sister-in-law with a smile, "Little sister is so cute, come, say hello to brother-in-law!"



Several people sat down happily, and Lao Li immediately got up and took out the smart card, "Xiaotian, eat at home at noon!"

"No problem, I haven't had two drinks with Uncle Li for a long time."

"You are a busy person, you can't meet twice a year."

"Hey, what is this? If you want to find me, go to Tiancheng's office and yell at me. Who would dare to stop you?"

"Xiu Xiu dares to stop her."


Ge Xiaotian didn't know how to answer the words, he turned his head to look at his sister-in-law, just in time to meet the two big watery eyes staring at him, "Hey, I really look like Xiuxiu when I was a child!"

"Girls follow their fathers, boys follow their mothers!"

"You can pull it down!" Aunt Li was displeased, "If it's up to you, how can Xiuxiu be so handsome?"


During the chat, the restaurant that Lao Li called brought some side dishes.

After unpacking the wine, Aunt Li ate a couple of mouthfuls and went shopping with the baby in her arms.

Ge Xiaotian took the opportunity to chat with Lao Li about the marriage, and turned down the matchmaker job on the spot.

If this is done, the son-in-law will act as a matchmaker for Lao Yue, and the protagonist will still be him, Lao Ge. I'm afraid it will become a joke for the whole town... no, it's a joke for Quan Dongshan.

Lao Li didn't insist anymore, the two exchanged cups and chatted until two o'clock in the afternoon...


Sancha Township is only two miles away from Gejia Village. Ge Xiaotian had enough to eat and drink. After saying goodbye to Lao Li, he didn't take a car, but returned on foot.

He used to be airborne on the Mi-26, but now he was taking a stroll, and he found that the changes in Sancha Township were not so great.

The old Internet cafes are gone, the old offices are gone, and a whole row of buildings have been turned into 'Sancha Township Museum'.

Standing at the door, Ge Xiaotian looked around, and found that there were quite a lot of tourists inside, and most of the works on display were old street scenes, small objects, many stories, and... his old Ge's hundred-day photos?

"No, you..."

Before the words fell, the two tourists said in surprise: "Hey? This is it?"

"Ge Baiyi?!"

"Damn, I saw a living person!"

"Father-in-law, son-in-law is waiting for you..."


Facing the frenzied rush of people, Ge Xiaotian jumped into the accompanying tua as if fleeing, beckoning the driver to flee at a faster speed...

Wait for the vehicle to turn around the intersection and drive onto the road leading to Gejia Village.

Ge Xiaotian looked at the specious things from a distance, and it seemed that everything had changed except for the clear river where he wanted to dig mussels and have a picnic.

"Notify me, this small river is reserved for me."

"Good boss."

Walking to the entrance of the village, the car drove towards the parking lot. Ge Xiaotian went to the window of Dahan's hut to have a look, and found that the old village head was not there.

At this time, the shit-eating hero, wearing a brand new suit, swayed left and right, and walked up to him in high spirits.


"Second, let me see your car!"

"Thought beautiful!"

Ge Xiaotian knows why the other party wears this suit. The man needs a little boy of about ten years old to escort the car. In 2001 this year, he was a bit older in 1988 or 1989. In 1990, he was himself. There were more miscarriages in 91, and fewer in 92. He is the only one in the whole village who has a blood relationship with his family.

"Second brother, don't go, I'll get in the car to find out how I feel."

"Get married and don't drive my car, how do you feel?"

"Not driving your big RV?"

"Nonsense, if you want to experience find fourth uncle, your fourth brother, brother Lei's father."

"His is Tiger Head Ben..."

"Isn't it good to get married and run like a tiger? How solid."

"No, no, how much is fourth uncle, you are worth a lot, your car must be the best, and you are the most popular when you get married."

"Who is your teacher? Didn't teach you well?"

"The teacher is the teacher, I am me, you can't do it...don't pull the belt, if you dare to hit me, I will tell you about eating shit when you were a child!"

"Who the hell is eating shit!" Ge Xiaotian was a little confused.

"You, you told me yourself!"


"Second boy, if I say that I eat shit, no one will believe me, but if I say that you told me that you eat shit, there must be a large group of people who will believe it! I heard that you were very skinny when you were young!"

Ge Xiaotian was stunned, but after thinking about it, it seemed to make sense, "Who did you learn this from?"

"I figured it out myself..."


Ten years old, with this logic?

Ge Xiaotian was very skeptical, whether it was because the system university used too much, which changed the way this brat thought.

It's just that the other party is useless in the right way...

"Let me ask you, 25 multiplied by 88, how much?"

The bear child said without thinking: "2200."

"How do you calculate?"

"Twenty-two 25 times 4, one 25 times 4 is 100, isn't 22 2200?"


Computational thinking has changed.

It is not the complex multiplication distributive law of 20 times 80, 5 times 80, 20 times 8, 5 times 8, and then add together, but the simple distributive law.

Of course, this may be related to the education reform. In the future, elementary school textbooks will start to diversify, which makes it difficult for a genius like him to understand.

No one can tell right from wrong, after all, no matter 22 '25 multiplied by 4', or the distributive law of multiplication... the final answer is the same.

But it is precisely the application of this kind of logical thinking that created the Shenlong system...

Seeing him in a daze, the bear boy turned his eyes and looked at Seng Si, "Old monk, where is your boss's car? Come out and I'll take a ride!"

The latter smiled mysteriously, and copied the cassock into the long sleeves, "Little friend, I have a good thing, do you want to see it?"


"Very precious!"


"Do you want to see it?"

"Take it out!"

"Come on, let's go inside and take a look!"

Seng Si smiled and took out the small knife for shaving, rubbed the boy's flat head, and pulled him into Dahan's hut...

The latter suddenly came to his senses and said in horror, "Let me go, I don't want to shave my head!"

"Two more heavy cavalry to help, don't scratch the skin..."

"Second Gou..."

"Ha ha……"

Ge Xiaotian happily turned around and walked into his own alley.

The small villas are decorated with lights and festoons, and the exterior walls are also freshly painted.

Get closer, and vaguely see that in the yard, my mother is making quilts with a dozen aunts...

"Buy what you lack, why are you still wearing it?"

"Hey, second child, I'm back so soon!" Mom got up and patted the cotton wool on her body, "Your fourth aunt sent more than a hundred catties of new cotton, and I kept it for myself. Why don't I give it to you, to your brother, everyone Put on seven or eight beds."

"The heating is on, how can I get such a thick quilt?" Ge Xiaotian lay down and tried, rolled over, and saw a few aunts chatting happily, he didn't say much, but took out a two-finger quilt from his file bag. A wide golden belt.

"Mom, try?"

"Go, go, I understand. You are trying to make me lose weight. I am wearing a gold jewelry that adds up to more than ten catties. It's like wearing a sandbag. I lost a full twenty catties in half a year!"

"No way, this is a gift from the son to respect his mother."

"Don't fool me, go and do your work."


Ge Xiaotian walked into the hall, Comrade Ge Feng was chatting with the second uncle, the third uncle and others.

When the second uncle saw him, he pursed his lips and said, "My heartless second nephew, my uncle was mistaken. He loved you so much since he was a child, and even sent me to the Northeast. I've been busy for half a year, and I don't even have a salary."

"Why not? There are so many gas stations, CNOOC bought the fuel area, and the rest of the new energy, car washing, maintenance, modification, and subsequent expansion of agricultural aircraft are all yours."

"Forget it, it's boring!" The second uncle shook his head in denial, pulled Ge Xiaotian's clothes and walked to the door, "You tell me the truth."


"Did you have a chug in Neobras?"

"Yes, there are too many beasts, and Ice Bear has strict management over biubiu, so he can only buy a batch of chug chugs, and use them only for Tianwei."

"How about I help you train Tianwei? You can't play darts in China, but it's absolutely fine to play darts overseas!"


Ge Xiaotian's eyes lit up, thinking of Nong Qijiu, he looked left and right, put his arm around his second uncle's shoulders and walked away from the hall, "Second uncle, do you want to play, chirp~~ boom!"

"I rely on it!"

"And whoosh whoosh... boom boom boom!"

"What is this?"


"I rely on it!"

"Also, hoo~~ After flying up, shake!"


"Aerial combat!"

"Don't fool me."

"Really, Second Uncle, will you help me train?"

"What are you doing?" Second Uncle's eyes were dangerous.

"Overseas, you will know when you go."

"We can talk about it..."

"Grab a large iron lump!"

"Damn it, it's done!"


The next morning, Ge Wangwang returned from Qinggang.

Maybe he has experienced too much in this time and space, maybe he is tired of the colorful life, or maybe because he has a child, he looks mature and stable in dealing with people now, and he is not the same as the decadent man who is heartless and huddled in Internet cafes all day long in another time and space. Jin is the complete opposite.

'Finally the transformation was successful! '

Ge Xiaotian took the initiative to pass a cigarette, "Brother!"

Hearing this, Ge Wangwang was stunned for a long time, and patted his shoulder heavily, "This should be the first time in more than ten years that I have found the feeling of being a big brother."


How obvious am I?

Ge Xiaotian ignited it for him, "The helicopter has been arranged..."

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