Build Madness

Chapter 633 I Can't See Someone Pretending To Be In Front Of Me...

Canal Development Zone.

The young and white-headed leader wore a white shirt, stepped on pure white cloth boots, and held a white paper fan. He strolled comfortably in the fantasy-themed zoo and botanical garden, admiring all kinds of monsters from the Mafa Continent and the Shenlong Continent...

The white wild boar that can climb trees...

The golden monkey who can count...

The dancing Siberian wolf...

The golden pheasant and phoenix that can spread the peacock...

Piranhas that sway to the music...

A big black bear who can play mace moves...

Dolphins with cross-eyed, funny faces...

Will... no, I dare to call Ge Lao Er a melon-skinned parrot...

"It's quite interesting."

The secretary responded: "It is said that his theme zoo has attracted nearly 500,000 new players for the Shenlong Continent game, and then launched the game recharge to get discount coupons for tickets, watch fantasy movies and TV works to get corresponding peripheral discount coupons, plus Pokemon dog food A big gift... in just one month, he earned one billion red notes."


"Leader, let's stop showing off. I'm worried that you will be tricked again."

"Oh, look down on me!"

Shaobaitou closed the paper fan and patted his palms, "The Jiaozhou Bay Bridge was built to train the infrastructure army. Qinggang doesn't pay a penny, and the project is assigned to the second construction. No matter how much Ren Ge's second child fools me, Tian Cheng won't get it." A little safe!"


"When I was in Jishi, he took away so many cheap land when I was not prepared, and when I ran to Qinggang, he entrusted Yuanyang to quietly take the land... Heh, Ge Baiyi is awesome, this time he will give it to you again. Let me see? The sea-crossing bridge, there is no such thing as nature, let him die of hunger!"


Are you afraid that you will lose yourself too...


Shaobaitou was originally the leader of Qinggang University, the son of the Nine Institutes, and now he is serving as the vice president of Dongshan. Even if he does not take over the general position in the future, he will have a bright future.

Now he actually said that it was embarrassing for Ge Baiyi to come to see him!

Ge Xiaotian panicked, took two mouthfuls of Liangpi, rolled a few skewers of garlic clove meat, boarded the silver-white Mi 26, and landed directly at the Agricultural Airport of the Canal Development Zone.

When I ran to the fantasy-themed zoo and botanical garden, I saw the owner who was all white...


Ge Xiaotian roared, and rushed up quickly, "Long time no see, I miss you!"


The young white-headed leader was about to taunt, but was suffocated by the smell of garlic, "You are a big boss, can you pay attention to your image?"

"What image do I have?"

Ge Xiaotian glanced at a certain counter in the nearby pharmacy, with a resentment on his face, and took the lead towards the Wuming Hotel.

"Leader, are you here this time?"

"I heard that Qinggang is going to build the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge."

"I know, although it has not been officially announced, but the first construction and the second construction and the first and second railway constructions have already started exploration. It seems that the superior plans to connect Dongshan Qinggang and Northwest Ulu City, across the entire China, referred to as: Wuqing Line ?”

"Yes or no, the snow area will be connected in the future, but in any case, it will pass through Jiaozhou Bay. In order to get familiar with the cross-sea project and prepare for the cross-Bohai Sea or other large-scale sea area projects, the superior decided to build a 40-meter-long The multi-kilometer Jiaozhou Bay Bridge is used for infrastructure training. The project has been in preparation for nearly ten years and has recently been formally approved.”

"It's a big project."

"Yeah, such a big project, but you have nothing to do with it, are you uncomfortable?"


"A big project worth tens of billions!"



Seeing that Ge Xiaotian was silent, or deflated, the young leader laughed heartily, feeling that he had regained his place, but when he caught a glimpse of the Incheon Bridge on the wall of the meeting room, the laughter stopped abruptly...

It's not because of how exquisite the building is, nor because of how powerful Tiancheng Construction is, but because of the profit marked on it: 80 billion!

Not only that, during the construction period, Tiancheng secretly extracted many microelements from the sea area of ​​Incheon, researched the cultivation of seawater crops, and even had a new project of microwave bombarding seawater to generate energy...

The young white-headed leader couldn't help but rub his eyes, "Microwave, sea water, burning?"

"Yes, as we all know, seawater contains trace elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, aluminum, sodium, etc. During the extraction of trace elements by Tiancheng Research Department, a researcher made a mistake and used microwaves to vibrate the seawater, causing the temperature to rise rapidly and produce violent Physical reaction and chemical reaction, resulting in combustion phenomenon."

Ge Xiaotian opened a document, "This is not accidental. In 1973, a violent hurricane suddenly blew up in the waters near Bengal in the south of Sange, causing the waves to roar wildly. In an instant, a miracle appeared on the sea: a wave crest as high as 30 to 40 meters A raging fire was actually ignited, and the red flames and the blue sea water complement each other, illuminating dozens of kilometers of sea surface."

"Coincidentally, on the evening of September 13, 1987, on a Ziwu River near Songlou Township, Feng County, Jiangsu Province, there was a section of water 30 meters wide and more than 20 meters wide. People discovered that it shot out dazzling sparks, as high as four or five meters. And with the whirring sound of the jet of sparks, the whole sky is red like a festive firework, and the fish and frogs in the river are killed in the jet of flame. This strange fire-breathing phenomenon lasts until September At dusk on the 16th, nearly 100 hours."

"Then 99 years..."

"Facts have proved that the energy produced by such a natural phenomenon is comparable to hundreds of large-equivalent peaceful worlds. If we can control it..."

Ge Xiaotian lay beside Shaobaitou, "From now on, our car will burn sea water, it will be inexhaustible, and it will be inexhaustible."


"What I said is true!"

"Little Ge, let's talk about the sea-crossing bridge."

"Leader, don't change the subject. In fact, I have another big project, the seawater backflow project."


Ge Xiaotian switched pictures, "Microwaves oscillate seawater, and the process of burning is equivalent to distillation, that is, seawater desalination. Think about it, after hundreds of miles of sea water is burned, what is left is hundreds of miles of freshwater sea water! And in the long river of history, mother The river used to flow backwards. Although it caused major disasters and caused countless deaths and injuries, if we can control it, we can bring the seawater in the freshwater sea into the mother river, and then go upstream, reaching the grassland in the north and the desert in the west, while managing it. Environment, while using fresh water for irrigation, power generation, and aquaculture... Hey, leader, don’t go, wait until I finish!”

"As long as you don't brag, we can talk about anything."

"What I said is true. The riverbed of the Mother River is higher than the ground, so it can be dug back... Okay, okay, I won't brag, so let's talk about Qinggang?"


"I have a big plan..."



Ge Xiaotian hurriedly pulled back Shaobaitou who got up and wanted to leave, "This time it's reliable, it's absolutely reliable!"


"Leaving aside the Jiaozhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge project, just looking at the mouth of Jiaozhou Bay, do you think that if a subsea tunnel is built, will Qinggang have an extra high-value 'suburb' in the future?"


"Jiaozhou Bay is like a C shape. Qinggang is located in the upper half of the C shape. If you want to reach the lower half, you have to go around Jiaozhou Bay for nearly a circle. The distance from the half to the lower half will be reduced by five times. Moreover, after the opening of the undersea tunnel, it will only take ten minutes for the residents in the upper half to go to the lower half. Isn’t there a new suburb? Land, economic development..."


Shaobaidou was stunned, and looked carefully at the barren peninsula in the southwest of Jiaozhou Bay, which is the lower half of the C shape, "The large port Dongjiagang is next to it, and you Tiancheng seems to have taken it a long, long time ago..."

"Twenty thousand mu, no more, no less, I remember very clearly."


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