Build Madness

Chapter 634 In order to sell the house, we...

Hearing the word 20,000 mu, the young leader took a sip of tea and stood up in disbelief, "Didn't you take that deserted island to build a tourism sector?"

"Did I say that?"


The development potential of Qinggang far exceeds that of Jifu. Regardless of whether there is Mr. Du, it is a paradise for developers.

At first, Tiancheng was blocked by Mr. Du from entering Qinggang, so he could only entrust the ocean boss to take the land in the remote area of ​​the Inner Harbor and use it to build the first phase of Xingyue Bay.

Later, Shaobaitou was transferred to Qinggang, and Tian Cheng began to acquire land frantically, but now Shaobaitou has become extremely cautious, and will carefully study every piece of land that Tiancheng wants...

Just like Laoshan, the two parties negotiated the bid, Tiancheng offered 50,000 mu, and deducted the construction cost of Dongjiagang, but Shaobaitou demanded 500,000, which could only be settled in cash, and no credit was accepted.

Although this price is still very lucrative, it obviously restricts the development philosophy that Tiancheng has always insisted on: "House prices start low and grow rapidly, but there is no market for the price".

In desperation, Ge Xiaotian had to close his eyes and draw a random circle on the map...

Seeing the site selection at that time, the young leader was very happy.

The southern part of Jiaozhou Bay is called Huangdao. As the name suggests, it is a yellow peninsula.

Although it was planned to be included in the Qinggang Development Zone, due to impassable roads, yellow sand everywhere, and the impact of the decision of the age, there has been no development for decades.

To put it nicely, it's called the Gold Coastline, and to put it bluntly, it's called the Barren Beach...

Tiancheng won it at a low price and named it: Golden Beach, which is in line with the idea of ​​the leader of Shaobaidou: If you buy land at a low price, I will follow the trend to develop the economy. If you work hard to build supporting facilities, my GDP will rise wildly.

But it's different now.

If a subsea tunnel is built to connect the upper half of the most famous C-shaped Jiaozhou Bay in Qinggang, that is, Shibei, Shinan, Shizhong, Licang and other districts, there is no need to develop supporting facilities on the Golden Beach of Huangdao. Go to a large open-air parking lot and promote it casually, and you can sell it at a price no lower than that in the urban area.

The most irritating thing is that Shaobaitou was so happy at the time that he didn't ask for money...

Yes, no money!

After all, Huangdao needs someone to drive the development, and if Tiancheng settles in, he will give corresponding discounts no matter what.

What I never expected was that Tiancheng, in order to drive the value of real estate, stopped building supporting facilities and built a subsea tunnel instead!

Of course, the leader of Shaobaitou is definitely willing to add a subsea tunnel to Qinggang, but...

The value of 20,000 mu of land without money can exceed 500,000 per mu in the blink of an eye...

Ten billion is gone every minute, who can feel good about it?


Ge Xiaotian considered the Jiaozhou Bay Subsea Tunnel a long time ago. (chapters 549)

For this reason, he placed the first phase of Xingyue Bay in the vicinity of his home that had been surveyed in advance, and the cross-sea bridge would pass by in all likelihood. While improving the second phase, he placed the third phase of Xingyue Bay with his eyes closed. Island Golden Beach...

In the future, Golden Beach will be the new CBD of Qinggang!

An international metropolis integrating ocean transportation, technological services, high-end commerce, and international trade.

This is also the upgrade plan after the completion of the Xingyuewan industrial chain, which is to give each community urban characteristics according to the wonders that have not yet been seen.

Seeing the complexion of the leader of Shaobaitou changing from bright to dark, Ge Xiaotian felt that this weak point attack was a bit fatal, so he immediately comforted him:

"Leader, in fact, this matter is beneficial to you. After all, the project belongs to Qinggang. The faster Qinggang develops, the faster you will be promoted..."

"Don't say anything, I feel that my compound is like the ADC in the Horde and Alliance who was targeted by Zhu Bajie's iron rake. Every time you stretch out the rake, you can always hook it to your side..."

"Then you should play a game of Steampunk Smash Bros. There is a robot named Blitzclaw in it, whose claws are more powerful than Bajie's iron rake."


"Actually, the ghost prince in Shenlong Continent can also seduce people, and the Thresh of the Demon Race..."


Seeing that Shaobaidou's eyes were burning, Ge Xiaotian quickly shut up, and changed his voice, "Boss, you don't have to regret it, Tiancheng is a real estate company, and in order to sell houses, it can actually do anything, such as road construction , Building bridges, and building various amusement parks are actually just tricks, we have built waterways, repaired subways, played with airplanes, and it’s just an undersea tunnel, and you don’t need to pay for it.”

"I don't pay, but I lost 10 billion! And, if I don't pay, you won't collect money?"

"I don't charge money, the investor, Huaxia Trust collects money, Xingyue Bay residents are exempt from tolls..."


Sure enough, it's this set again!

Seeing that beating someone failed, and being tricked again, the young leader immediately decided to leave.

"Leader, don't leave. In fact... Although Tiancheng is unable to undertake the construction of the cross-sea bridge, the second construction has purchased a large number of deep-sea construction ships and machinery from Tiancheng, and even introduced bridge-building technology, and hired the main construction management of the Incheon Bridge to the site with high salaries. Help guide, do the calculations, it seems to make more money than contract construction... Eh? Leader..."


In June, Tiancheng was operating at high load.

Integrate, reorganize, adjust management...

Promote water conservancy projects, lay more projects that benefit the people, develop agricultural planting, animal husbandry...

Construction of the second phase of Jinxiuchuan University Town, construction of Xincheng Sports Center, construction of Nansihu Modern Film and Television City, construction of Neobras...

Preparations for industrial upgrading plans, preparations for electronic technology trade wars, preparations for grain dumping wars, preparations for real voyages to the West...

Instead, Ge Xiaotian relied on the young and white-headed leaders, squatting in the Qinggang compound to eat and drink, and secretly made friends with many small leaders, while busy with upgrading the industrial chain, and dispatching the goods needed by Xiyang.

Until July 1st, Longtian Laowang, who went to Wajima to negotiate with the Ninja Alliance for SG pad dealers, returned...

The result must be satisfactory, after all, they are all their own people.

It's just that there are many small episodes during the period.

Ge Xiaotian has always believed that Wajima Semiconductor is very strong, but he never expected that Washima Semiconductor used to be stronger than the Technology Alliance, such as Casio, Toshiba, Hitachi, etc., and even occupied half of the North American market.

It's a pity that Washima has always been the younger brother of North America. The elder brother is unhappy and will definitely launch sanctions. Washima was forced to sign a "semiconductor agreement" to weaken its own technology industry from all aspects.

Later, Wajima faced an economic bubble, and high-end technical talents were exiled to Nanbangzi, which led to the rise of Nanbangzi's semiconductor industry, such as Sanxing...

The biggest achievement of King Longtian's trip was not to get rid of the SG pad dealer, but to operate the Ninja Alliance secretly, acquire a large number of small and medium-sized semiconductor companies protected by the Ninja Alliance, and then integrate them into "Razer Electronics" and transfer them to South Korea. Bangzi establishes a multi-party joint venture...

Therefore, Tiancheng developed Nanbangzi SG pad market public relations without using its own network.

During this period, a lot of nonsense happened. For example, the gas pipeline construction project that he had verbally reached an agreement with Nanbangzi KS Group and Bingxiong was snatched by Wadao Engineering Company...

This made Ge Xiaotian very curious. Nan Bangzi poured the funds for the gas pipeline project into the cross-sea project, and Bingxiong himself is a poor ghost. What did these two brothers use to pay the Wadao engineering company as construction costs?

The most nonsensical thing is that the Japanese island engineering company handed over the concrete purchase order to Tiancheng, and the contract payment of 200 million Franklin has not yet arrived...

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