Build Madness

Chapter 647 The Headquarters of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce

Daoyi doesn't gamble, Ge Xiaotian lacks interest.

Take a stroll around Xujiahui by car and go straight to the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce Building.

In the past, the Modu Chamber of Commerce was a giant in Tian Cheng's eyes. After only one year passed, looking at the other party again, Ge Xiaotian felt like he was facing a sunset industry.

This is not to say that the other party is about to die, nor does it mean that the other party's products are behind, but the thinking.

Sunset thinking, outdated models, lack of business means...

For example, in the department store next door, the glass counters are scattered all over the place, the clothes on the hangers are layered, and the shoes on the shelves can only be dragged...

There is nothing wrong with putting it in the Limin Activity Center, but this is the commercial area of ​​Shanghai, a high-end place.

Not to mention special lighting effects, plastic models, promotional posters, projection equipment, and accessories, there must be a decoration style corresponding to the brand, right?

Unfortunately, except for three or four new products displayed separately, each store has almost the same style.

This reminded Ge Xiaotian of Ginza Mall where Shen Zhipeng used to be.

Fortunately, Old Shen was a quick learner, otherwise he would have been eliminated.

And what eliminated them was not the business war, nor Tiancheng, but the era.

High-tech era!

No matter what you do, if you don't play technology, you are out.

Not to mention that those who sell underwear, cups, and urinals are labeled with graphene, even Lao Li's farm has the sign of "High-tech Industry Experimental Zone".

GIS breeding system, automatic management, intelligent monitoring, regular washing, regular listening to music, regular inspection, regular massage, painless slaughter, aseptic cutting, happy animals die, happy customers, chew and swallow, feel happier...

This is the brand.

Of course, a brand does not mean expensive, but a logo, so that customers can recognize it, reassure them, let them help promote it, and let customers pay directly when they see it without comparison...

In terms of brand promotion, the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce has already lagged far behind Tiancheng.

If the 'Wuzhou Avenue' is built, even if the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce can survive the big reshuffle, it will be pushed into the abyss by Tiancheng's series of brands...

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and walked towards the building.

Almost at the same time, the two strong men who stayed in the car operated the Shiguang machine and directed the three companions to go straight to the monitoring room...

And here.

Five security guards at the entrance of the hall on the first floor stepped forward to stop Ge Xiaotian, but they were carried away by five strong men.

When the two hostesses saw the remaining ten strong men in windbreakers, they felt that they were not causing trouble, so they hurriedly saluted:


"The girls in Shanghai are both smart and beautiful..."

"Boss, pull back?"

"You raise it?"

"The poor monk..."

"Okay, I'm going to the bathroom."

"Huh? Are you here?"

"There is a queue for the toilets in the shopping mall. I walked around outside and didn't see any public toilets."


"Fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields..."


"By the way, old man, let's go, let's go to the top floor together, stand tall and far away..."

"It's not the same as going into the toilet?"

"It feels different, I take the time to appreciate the Huangpu River and the Oriental Pearl..."


Magic City Chamber of Commerce Building.

Xu Wenqing is making great strides in Dongshan, and is about to win a new market. The headquarters is working overtime and preparing 'ammunition' for it day and night.

As the chairman, Han Zhongmin lived in the office suite for a long time, always paying attention to the front-line developments, and planning a plan to seize the Nanhe, Xishan, and Beihe markets by taking advantage of the victory.

It's just that what made him suspicious was that the rumored Ge Wan'e suddenly turned into a shrinking turtle and didn't move much.

Therefore, a high-level meeting of the Chamber of Commerce is held today.

"It's strange. Tiancheng Electric's manufacturing industry is weak. I can understand why they gave up this business. But the retail industry... clothing, shoes and hats, fruits and drinks, agricultural and sideline products, and daily chemical department stores have all begun to reduce their supply."

"President, I feel cheated."

"Well, what's the vice president's opinion?"

"Could it be that Dongshan had a bumper harvest last month, and the collective consumption of farmers led to market saturation. Tiancheng felt that the market demand was greatly reduced, so he reduced the supply?"


Han Zhongmin nodded, "I have also considered it, but reducing the supply by nearly 80%, or even expelling a large number of member companies and switching to our supply chain, is tantamount to suicide. Just imagine, his members switch to us, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce Is there still a need to exist?"

"President, our inventory in Dongshan has exceeded 10 billion, accounting for 30% of the working capital of the chamber of commerce. The expansion of production by various manufacturing companies has taken away 40% of the working capital. If you follow your idea, take the opportunity to open up Beihe, Nanhe, and Xishan In the market, our Chamber of Commerce has insufficient liquidity, and I am afraid that all of its subsidiaries will have to apply for large loans to raise money for goods."

"It's not a problem. The leader has already greeted the Bank of Communications. As long as we continue to expand the scale of operations, let alone 10 billion loans, 30 billion will not be a problem."

"What I'm worried about is this problem. If Tiancheng keeps secrets and uses the influence of the Limin Activity Center to create a market shortage situation, we will focus on production, continue to expand production, expand production, and expand production again, turning working capital into goods, and The goods are hoarded in Dongshan, if no one buys..."


Before the vice president finished speaking, the door of the meeting room was suddenly blown open by the wind...

bang dang...

Everyone at the scene looked at the door together...

I saw a bald young man and an old Taoist priest eavesdropping.


Facing this scene, the old Taoist bowed, a little shy.

The bald young man didn't take it seriously, he lifted his trousers and loosened his belt, looked around the room full of middle-aged men, his eyes were a little confused, he took two steps back, looked up at the door sign, "Old man, we went wrong, this is not the toilet. "

"Did I lead the wrong way?"

"Nonsense, do I want to enjoy the Huangpu River while scoffing in front of a room full of young and old?"

"Then let's take a look around?"


Only then did the middle-aged men in the room react.

"A bit familiar..."

"Second Ge?"

"Old billion?"

"Fuck, why is he here?"

The vice president stood up, "Mr. Ge, we are discussing important matters of the company. If you do this, we hope that the Security Office will intervene..."

"Oh, it's the first time I came to Shanghai, I couldn't find the toilet, and I went the wrong way, so it's not considered eavesdropping on corporate secrets. Besides, arrest me, sit behind bars? I want to go in, just because I'm afraid that someone won't agree... especially A warship moored at Wuzhou Port."


"Brother, meeting is fate. I feel that you are very kind and suitable to be the acting president of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce."


"There is no annual salary, but you are allowed to use the resources of the Chamber of Commerce to start a business. I will also provide you with a good project, two years, only two years, beyond your current achievements."


Seeing the vice president's silence, Han Zhongmin quickly put down the unreachable phone number, "Mr. Ge, don't come here without any problems."

"Nothing, but the toilet is hard to find, and the bladder is about to burst."


"I'm thinking, if I can come to Shanghai to do construction, the first project will be to build hundreds of thousands of toilets, and go wherever I want."


"Well, I'll go to the bathroom first, let's talk another day."

"Mr. Ge, wait a moment."

After listening to the Vice President's analysis, coupled with the scene in front of him, Han Zhongmin had already figured out Tian Cheng's purpose, "I don't know how far Mr. Ge's plan has been implemented?"

"Start on the 20th."

"Today is the 17th, and there are still three days left. Mr. Ge is not afraid that we will make up for it?"

"Where does the equipment purchased by your manufacturing company come from?"


"Where did the equipment in the wide area come from?"


"Tiancheng Electric's equipment is of high quality and low price, and it can manufacture original equipment of various brands at home and abroad. My price is only 80% of the external cost. For various equipment manufacturers, it is better to buy than to manufacture in the true sense. , and the equipment you purchase, strictly speaking, all come from Erdao traffickers."


"I've already sold the equipment that should be sold, and I've installed it for you, and even adjusted all the parameters. It doesn't matter whether it is produced or not, anyway, I made money. What's more, in order to fill the gap in the terminal, your manufacturing plant has a rush of raw material orders. It's flying all over the sky, causing our Tiancheng manufacturers to stop making products and sell all the excess raw materials to you, which also causes the chamber of commerce and shops to purchase your cheap goods."


Han Zhongmin was stunned.

"Actually, the cement and concrete on your construction site were transported by sea by Erdao traffickers, from Dongshan to Guangzhou, and then by land. Don't be so stupid in the future, I can give you a cheaper price, and the money saved will be earned by Erdao traffickers .As for who this awesome Erdao dealer is..."

Ge Xiaotian looked at Wei Changfeng who was hiding his face in the corner, "President Wei's brother-in-law, Chen Feng."

"No, not me!"

"President Wei, isn't Chen Feng your brother-in-law?"

"Yes, but... the purchase of building materials by the chamber of commerce has nothing to do with me."


Ge Xiaotian leisurely lit a cigarette, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Han Zhongmin's sallow face, his body began to tremble, and he stopped shaking immediately, "Well, you guys talk, I'll go to the toilet."

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