Build Madness

Chapter 648 Renewing the Manufacturing Base

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The text is as follows:


Ge Xiaotian went to the Magic City Chamber of Commerce to pretend that it was the implementation plan on the 20th. In fact, "infinitely magnifying wrong information and eventually leading to oversupply" is a market phenomenon that is not controlled by anyone at all.

Tian Cheng's role in it was just to light the fire at the beginning, fan the wind in the middle, and pour some oil in the end. As for how far it would simmer, even the capital couldn't control it.

There is no need for Ge Xiaotian to issue orders.

July 19th.

After Baosteel's 100,000-ton oil pipeline was loaded, Zheng He's fleet left Modu and headed towards Taiwan at high speed.

On the same day, the panda burns incense and abuses the Internet, and the major stock markets of the mother planet are suspended.

Tiancheng reduced production capacity early on, and Shen Zhipeng had a keen sense of smell, and made preparations early.

Just like the calm before the storm, countless merchants waited for two weeks and failed to get their money back. They complained on the Baixiaotong information platform in the morning. After noon, maybe the weather was too hot and tempered, or maybe the funds really couldn’t flow through...

After Tiancheng and Jifu Chamber of Commerce's local properties issued the rent collection list for the second quarter, the retailers couldn't bear it anymore.

The funds are used to purchase goods, and now the goods cannot be sold, how can there be money to pay the rent?

More seriously.

On July 20th, Tiancheng Electric Industrial Group announced to the outside world that due to the impact of the market, the price of all equipment will be halved, and the manufacturing cost will be reduced by 80%.

What's the meaning?

Equipment is worthless!

That is to say, those companies that mortgage production equipment, raw materials, semi-finished products, and products need to make up the shrinking value of the mortgage to the bank, or repay the loan in advance.

For example, the value of equipment A is 100,000, and the original mortgage can only be loaned 50,000. Now the value of equipment A is 50,000, and the mortgage can only be loaned 25,000. You have borrowed 50,000, and you need to return 25,000, or give me another A equipment .

Terminal merchants can't sell their goods, wholesalers' funds are locked up, manufacturers can't get the final payment, and now the equipment is depreciating...

According to Dongshan Secretary, Mr. Yu smashed his beloved water glass...

Immediately call.

"Reduce the rent and increase the price of equipment."

"Leader, I have no money. As early as two months ago, the funds in Tiancheng's account were zero. I don't collect rent. Who will support my employees? I don't sell equipment at a low price. Where can I get the money back?"

"I know it must have been done by you. Who dares to play so big?"

"not me."

"Believe it or not, I will let you squat..."

"I can't squat, I'm going to snatch a large iron lump."

"Believe it or not, I will seal your company..."

"It can't be sealed. Tiancheng has 180,000 employees, and the chamber of commerce has nearly 500,000 jobs. If all of them lose their jobs..."

"I...hey, I have nothing to do with you! It's okay to beat you up, right?"

"I'm in the Pacific Ocean..."


"Leader, just kidding, don't be angry. As the saying goes, if you can't break, you can't build. Don't worry, new industries are about to rise."

"What? Even I started to hide it?"

"No, I really didn't do this, I just pushed it a little..."

"I believed your nonsense."

"Don't worry, before September, there will be a large number of integrated manufacturing enterprises that will blossom in the 15th city of Dongshan."

"Oh? You used Tianrong's funds to buy bankrupt companies?"

"No, what can't be broken can't be built, and the old can be broken to create the new."

"Stop fooling me!"

"Really, Tiancheng Electric Industry will sacrifice itself to complement China's lack of heavy industry foundation, light industry foundation, and manufacturing foundation, and strive to complete the transformation of Dongshan's various industries within one year, skipping the first, second, and first times. Three industrial revolutions, collectively entered the fourth industrial revolution, popularized digital and information management, based on the network physical system, combined digital technology of communication with software, sensors and nanotechnology, and finally achieved full intelligence, intelligent conversion, multi-dimensional Vertical and horizontal, transformation of building materials, new normal life, unlimited energy..."

"When we talk, do you need to be so tall?"

"You are the leader."

"What you said is true?"

"I've always been reliable."


After the phone call with Mr. Yu, it means that the commercial market is no longer restrained, and it directly becomes a wild horse...

The first to bear the brunt is the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce.

Almost overnight, it fell apart.

No matter how good the cooperation is, no matter how strong the relationship is, they will not be able to withstand the bank loan reminders and the subpoenas enforced by the high court...

this is the truth.

This is also the cruelty of business wars...

Fortunately, there are Tianwei and new projects, and there is no incident of entrepreneurs and family members being ruined, desperate and eventually jumping off the building.

However, the collapse of the Modu Chamber of Commerce does not mean that the storm is over.

Tiancheng prepared the drink for a long time, and under the leadership of code, he launched an assault on overseas brands...

Tianji launched the second-generation Sancha-Wuling series, the first-generation Great Wall series, and the second-generation hybrid Tianba Dongba series. With the help of CNOOC, it launched an attack on foreign automakers...

The newly processed agricultural and sideline products of Tianmao are pouring into the market...

Longtian launched tens of millions of color SG TVs with a price of only 268 red notes, and announced that in order to take care of retailers and wholesalers, it will start recycling various electrical appliances, unlimited...

Immediately afterwards, the next day, Longtian launched smart washing machines and smart air conditioners equipped with SG chips, as well as a new generation of smart black and white TVs and smart color TVs. The activity of sending smart wheelchairs for free.

On July 21, well-known overseas brands such as Wadao Sanyo and Wadao Sanleng were expelled from Dongshan.

On July 22, well-known North American jelly manufacturers, canners, and small and medium-sized electrical appliance manufacturers were besieged by several unknown brands borrowed by Huaxia...

On July 23, League, Dimei and Erhai jointly announced to increase investment in the real estate industry, which seems to be transforming...

On July 24th, Zheng He's fleet divided into two groups, one docked in Taiwan Province, and the other headed for Li's richest man's construction site in Nanyang.


The changes in the Dongshan market are dizzying, and Ge Xiaotian has no time to take care of them.

The fleet arrived in Kaohsiung, Taiwan Province, and opened the Maritime Mall again.

And he also met Longtian Laowang who was looking for an authorized SG pad dealer here, and Seng Si who came to help.

However, no matter how Ge Xiaotian looked at it, he always felt that the two brothers were fat.

Seng Si is fine, but there are creases on the back of his bald head.

And Lao Wang...

The belly is round, the face is big and the neck is thick, and the palms have become fleshy.

Facing his Maitreya-like smile, Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of Wei Changfeng in the past, "Is it also an order for me to let you eat?"

"may be?"


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