Build Madness

Chapter 649 Ge Wanwan's Style

Facing Pharaoh and Seng Si who had gained weight twice, Ge Xiaotian had some doubts about their real purpose in coming to Taiwan.

"Is the matter over?"

Lao Wang quickly took out the documents, "I have signed a cooperation agreement with Taiwan Province Xinda Technology as an authorized dealer, but the project of entrusting Taiwan Province's integrated circuits to manufacture SG pad chips and establish an SG pad assembly line was blocked by the Science and Technology Alliance. slow."

"It's very good to be able to sell in Taiwan Province. What else do you need to manufacture? Are you afraid that some moths over there will blow up your base?"

"Then I have a reason to do things..."


Ge Xiaotian glanced at Seng Si where the old god was present, Lao Wang was greedy for life and afraid of death, he definitely had no such thoughts, "Xiao Si, is it not good to live?"

"Boss, Mr. Wang is going to make a big business, I'm just planning it, and I will never intervene."

"Oh, is it?"

Ge Xiaotian smiled but was not a smile, just about to say something, Daoyi walked into the cabin.

"Boss, the millet king of Taiwan Plastics, come to visit."

"Come so fast?"

Ge Xiaotian got up and walked to the window of the ship, looking through the glass at the bustling pier in the distance.

In 2001, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, and haphazard things had not yet emerged, and the traditional culture of Taiwan Province was well preserved. Many people from the mainland were very fond of Dongshan's traditional handicraft accessories, which indirectly led to consumption by young people.

At the same time, the electrical appliances, equipment, and machinery manufactured by Tiancheng Electric Industry, a subsidiary of NT, benefited from the publicity and praise of users in Wadao and Nanbangzi on the Internet, and have also been highly recognized by the people of Taiwan Province.

Under such a general environment, the goods carried by Zheng He's fleet were almost unsalable.

But trade is one aspect, and other issues need to be considered.

Zheng He's fleet implemented offshore trade in the form of duty-free.

For example, an electronic lighter is priced at five cents in Taiwan Province, and one cent at Tiancheng. There is no tariff control. Tiancheng exploded in the production of billions of electronic lighters and sold them all at once. The brand must have a brand name and a good reputation. Sound, if there is a degree of recognition, is the lighter manufacturing industry in Taiwan still alive?

Therefore, Taiwan Province originally prohibited Zheng He's fleet from docking.

That's why NT sent out public relations personnel two months ago.

It wasn't Chen Feng from Tianxiu Group, but the official public relations officer of Tiancheng Holdings.

The public relations personnel are divided into three batches.

The first batch of large-scale enterprises in Taiwan Province responsible for public relations, such as Taiwan Province Plastics, Taiwan Province Precision Instruments, Taiwan Province Yongfeng Paper, Taiwan Province Wistron Finance...

Respectively in the form of procurement, investment, technology shares, etc., to reach cooperation in various aspects.

The second batch of ruthless people in charge of public relations in Taiwan...

The third batch of regional directors in charge of public relations in Taiwan Province...

Then, the first batch communicated with the third batch to push Zheng He's fleet to berth in Taiwan Province.

For example, Formosa Plastics wanted to win Tiancheng Electric's industrial plastic supply project, but Ge Xiaotian had always ignored it.

Now Zheng He's fleet cannot dock in Taiwan Province because Taiwan Province is worried that the electronic lighter manufacturing industry will be destroyed.

Ge Xiaotian immediately agreed that Formosa Plastics would provide plastics to Tiancheng Electric Industry, provided that Taiwan Province gave up the electronic lighter manufacturing industry and agreed to the docking of Zheng He's fleet.

Tiancheng Public Relations cannot do this, but the chairman of Formosa Plastics, the king of millet, can do it.

Of course, there were many other reasons why Zheng He's fleet could not dock in Taiwan Province.

However, in capital operations, one group has always died and the other group has survived.

NT Public Relations' Taiwan Provincial Precision Instruments, Taiwan Province Yongfeng Paper Manufacturing, Taiwan Province Wistron Finance, etc., are all alive.

Other small and medium-sized processing, small and medium-sized papermaking, small and medium-sized financial institutions, or miscellaneous industries, things that are not important to the capitalists in Taiwan Province can all be discarded.

As for whether the Taiwanese capitalists will transfer their hatred to Zheng He's fleet or NT, Ge Xiaotian has also made preparations.

They are the ruthless people from Taiwan and the province of the second batch of NT employees' public relations.

To do business, you must learn to guide public opinion, or eliminate public opinion, or create public opinion...

However, Ge Xiaotian believes in 'subtle influence' and 'boiling frogs in warm water'.

Zheng He's fleet docked in Taiwan Province for the first time, and the impact on the underlying manufacturing industry in Taiwan Province was not great. It will increase year by year in the future, until Taiwan Province Plastics, Taiwan Province Integrated Circuits, MSI Technology, etc. are built into top-level building block towers. , isolated from the world, dominating the crowd, and then let the ruthless people in Taiwan, who are secretly developing, use the power given by super companies such as NT, LT, WH, KS, Wanshi, Horton, Sun Paper, etc., to push gently...

The building block tower collapsed, and in the end, only NT Holdings was left in Taiwan Province, a small and medium-sized manufacturing industry run by ruthless people.

The program will take ten years and a lot of money.

Ge Xiaotian believes that if he wants to be an underground island owner, it is worth it even if he makes a profit for five years.

The cooperation with Taiwan Plastics is just the beginning.


The king of millet, ranked in the top five of China's rich list, and also won the first place.

Before World War II, he was in millet business, in World War II, in timber business, and after World War II, he established a plastics company, and he must be a high-ranking official in Taiwan Province at that time.

In the 1970s, Formosa Plastics' turnover exceeded 1 billion Franklins. In the 1980s, it began to involve tens of billions of Franklin projects. In the 1990s, it dominated the South Asian plastics market and spread the world...

Last year, a petrochemical company with an investment of NT$120 billion in Taiwan Plastics went public, with a market capitalization of NT$650 billion, equivalent to about 22 billion Franklin.

In Ge Xiaotian's impression, in another time and space, the king of millet is not only the "god of business" in Taiwan Province, but also a great philanthropist. He has donated 100 million yuan to Sichuan and Sichuan, an earthquake-prone area, and plans to invest 10,000 schools. .

Logically speaking, such people should make friends with each other.

Unfortunately, time and space are different, things are different.

This is the reason why he was reluctant to contact the other party before.


In the deck of the real Zheng He treasure ship.

Ge Xiaotian greeted the Taiwan Provincial Plastics Team in a grand manner, and stretched out his hand to hold the palm of the head old man, "Old Wang, I have long admired you."

"Mr. Ge, I never expected to pass by each other once, and it will be a year later."

"Haha, I'm so stupid, I don't know Mr. Wang's true face, I should punish myself with a cup today. Please come inside!"

A year ago, Ge Xiaotian went to Nio Brass and ran into him at Jifu Airport. The boss of eBay was also there at the time, but he knew each other, but the other didn't know him, and the two passed by.

Therefore, Tianxie rejected the cooperation proposal of Taiwan Plastics, and turned to tinkering with instant noodles, intending to let the third brother "have fewer children and grow more trees" and exchange plastics for instant noodles, so as to live a better life.

Although Zheng He's first voyage to the West was stranded, the plan was quickly launched with the help of Chen Feng.

Now in Nanyang and Third Brother, Tiancheng also has its own production base for plastic raw materials, otherwise how would the Department of Aeronautics and Space Research research new materials? How can Africa sell so many slippers?

The two sides greeted each other politely, and stepped into the treasure ship hall one after another.

This moment.

The ancient emperor-like luxurious decoration, under the background of light and shadow special effects, shocked all the people who came here for the first time.

next scene.

More than a dozen "fairies" in gorgeous curvy trains came in style, serving delicate melons, fruits and pastries.

Even the king of millet, who has been on the rich list for many years, was a little distracted for a while.

According to the reception guidelines, the guests sat down at the ancient desks on both sides of the hall one after another. Without Ge Xiaotian's instructions, the guzheng, pipa, shengle, and suona played together.

It is the revived Chinese version: Lanling King Enters the Battle Song.

Almost at the same time, 'Gao Changgong', wearing a battle armor and carrying a commander-in-chief flag on his back, pointed at his arm and stabbed, danced lightly, and performed a series of dazzling, but ancient martial arts skills that have long been lost...

The whole scene showed Ge Wanwan's style.

In the nearby flight attendant, Horton and the others were attracted by the vocal music, staring intently, dumbfounded...

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