Build Madness

Chapter 656 Horton's Cosmetics Trading (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)

In terms of capital strength, the family behind Holden is enough to start a war.

Now Holden's own interests are directly damaged, which is far more serious than being fooled by Ge Xiaotian.

Just like the North American reporter who dared to point at the chairman of the North American fleet and yell at him, and even took off his shoes to smash it, Horton, a consortium-level taxpayer, was not at all polite to the captain of the North American fleet.

The captain of the North American Fleet may have learned the specific information of Zheng He's fleet through the warship he encountered first, and knew that the DuPont family was involved. Although his eyes were full of impatience, he still enjoyed Horton's saliva throughout the process...

Afterwards, the fleet left two Apaches behind, aggressively chasing the pirates...

After Horton got angry, he went back to the treasure ship to find Ge Xiaotian who was 'in a bad mood' and 'I'm so at a loss'.

"Ge, believe me, since Huo Dun is responsible for the safety of the fleet in Europe, I will definitely be able to handle the next voyage. And when we ship the goods to Somalia and Eastern Europe, compared to the huge gains, this loss is nothing Nothing."

"That being said, I sank three 2,000-ton cargo ships and one ironclad ship worth 20 million, and lost a total of nearly 200 million Franklin."


"Old Huo, tell me, if we spend 200 million Franklin, will we be able to form a continuous oil protection brigade?"


"Alternatively, if we jointly fund and spend ten 200 million Franklins, can we form ten oil protection brigades, one in the East China Sea, one in the Pacific Ocean, one in the South China Sea, one in Maliu, and one in the Sange Ocean, One is here, and then the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean..." (Mother star regulations: warships cannot run around with weapons, and can only cruise in specific areas)


"Listen to me, let's build a joint fleet based on the security of Tianwei and Huo Dun. In the future, our own fleet will not need too much protection force, nor will we need so many crew members to guard the cargo. In this way, a It can save tens of millions of Franklin's labor costs every year. Moreover, we can also carry out escort services, and all oil tankers traveling to and from various oceans only need to handle escort services in a certain area to ensure that there are no pirates in the sea area!"


Holden is not a good person, and he instantly understood what it meant, "Like the Strait of Maliu?"

"you said."


"I think this plan is great, and I can buy the Aircraft." Ge Xiaotian thought of the two super-large iron lumps that Ice Bear couldn't sell.

Well, bring a super.

Like the Kiev class with a displacement of 40,000 tons, it is just a lump of iron.

One was sold to Nan Bangzi as scrap iron, and the other was given to the third brother. It is said that the boiler that the third brother had just repaired exploded again.

The remaining two ships, one is its own aircraft carrier, and the other was transformed into a playground by Jingang.

Like the Varyag with a displacement of 60,000 tons, it is also a big iron bump to snatch the external target this time.

The super-large iron lump is the Ulyanov class and power aircraft with a displacement of 80,000 tons.

A total of two ships were built, one in Wuxiong and one in the Arctic Ocean.

It's just that Mao Xiong was disbanded before the two ships were completed, and now they are just empty shells.

But even if it is an empty shell, I can't make it myself, so I can only buy it.

The most important thing is that the aircraft carrier is not yet completed, so you can ask Ice Bear or Black Bear for the structure diagram of the aircraft carrier that has not been verified and has little value, and then use it to optimize and manufacture your own aircraft carrier...

Of course, pilots also need talents, but after reaching the fourth level, the sailors who have changed jobs from their strong men have already learned how to pilot pilots.

Otherwise, how did the NT Aircraft work?

Perhaps, at that time, the strong man can help the Ministry of the Sea train the old captain who pilots the drone...

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian looked at Horton with burning eyes.

The latter's mouth was dry, and he took a sip from the teacup, "Ge, the idea is very good, but... although I can shout at the commander of the warship, I am not qualified to own a warship, and I am afraid that the parent star alliance will not agree to us playing so big. "

"The Mother Star United will not agree, but can the Mother Star United compensate us for our losses? Or, you ask the Mother Star United to give me 200 million Franklin."


"Old Huo, I fought for everything by myself, such as the Tianwei Offshore Oil Guard Brigade, does Huaxia allow it? Obviously not, but it did appear, and there is an aircraft carrier. And you..."

Ge Xiaotian narrowed his left eye and pouted his lips, "I don't despise you, but I feel that you...have no courage."


Holden's face turned red, and the display of energy to scold the North American Fleet officer vanished in an instant.

"Old Huo, I have a boat, people, and weapons. I only need a partner."

Ge Xiaotian flicked the table, and took out the invitation letter for the dinner with the stock king old bus, "I will help you fight against your competitors, but in terms of the cooperative relationship, if you don't do it, maybe I have to consider the old bus and the others." Those people, at least, they voted kindly."

"Ge, they are a group of very hypocritical people, they are different from us, and our relationship is so detached, I will definitely not refuse. However, I feel that forming a joint fleet will encounter a lot of resistance."

"Old Huo, don't you know that Baishi has a fleet?"

"Um, I know, Mao Xiong exchanged 17 submarines, 1 cruiser, 1 escort, and 1 destroyer for 3 billion Cokes in order to drink Coca-Cola. Baishi also has the sixth largest fleet on the home planet."

"Then why can't we have it? No, why can't you have it?"


"Yes, Huo Dun Security Maritime Guard Brigade, I provide ships, armaments, and personnel, and you manage them. We split 50/50, and you control the shares."

Horton is not stupid, he immediately understood what Ge Xiaotian meant. Affected by the situation on his home planet, Tianwei can only conduct business around China, but Huo Dun Tianwei can roam around the world, "Ge, I heard correctly, am I a controlling shareholder?"

"I'm just engaged in construction and manufacturing, and I'm not very familiar with the security business. Warships, personnel, and armaments, as many as you want, need to make money!"

"You can try."

"By the way, what we do is security, not employment."

"Understood, employment is not subject to international protection, but security can enjoy the treatment of joint peacekeeping on the home planet."

"We are kind."



Due to the pirate attack, Zheng He's fleet arrived in Somalia on August 17, a week later than originally planned.

But it doesn't affect the whole grand scheme of things.

Currently Somalia is a war-torn zone, Tiancheng has no business, and the fleet's foreign trade products are mainly Horton's 'cosmetics' and Band-Aids.

Band-aids are okay, can cosmetics sell well in war-torn areas?

The word "chemical" for cosmetics does not mean beautification, but chemical raw materials. If cosmetics are mixed, they will become highly explosive and highly combustible unstable compounds in minutes. They are "arms" blatantly smuggled by North American capitalists.

This matter, not to mention Ge Xiaotian, even the master who protects Horton, Tianwei, only realized it after arriving at the destination, following Horton to make a deal with the local leader.

"Interlacing is like a mountain, it is indeed the most profitable business on the mother planet."

Ge Xiaotian did not disembark, but when he received the news, he was overwhelmed with emotion, and then called Nong Qijiu, preparing to shoot a documentary film against real pirates.

At the same time, in the northeast corner of the Mediterranean Sea, in the waters outside Montenegro, battleships armed to the teeth are ready to go...

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