Build Madness

Chapter 657 This is not a drill!

The Red Sea is located between the Arabian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, with the Gulf of Aden in the south and the Suez Canal in the north, with an average depth of 600 meters and a maximum depth of 2,500 meters.

Due to the narrow waterways in most sea areas, ships need to slow down slowly when arriving here. In addition, the living conditions of the surrounding residents are hard. Poverty and wars drive most people to a dead end. Under the constraints of the terrain, this place is known as a paradise for pirates, and it is also the most dangerous place on the mother planet. the waterway.

The parent star alliance has a fleet headed by North America here, responsible for escorting the cargo ships of the community of interests across the Red Sea.

In 2001, Huaxia Haibu had not yet risen and was unable to join the escort team. Even if there was a United Fleet of the mother star here, Huaxia Merchant Ships would not dare to arrive here, but completed the transshipment business in the Six Straits of Malaya.

For example, when Huaxia exported rare earths, the Huaxia freighter arrived at a port in the Six Straits of Malaya, transferred the rare earths to the freighter in the "Beiyue" alliance, paid the other party a high transportation fee, and entrusted the other party to transport the rare earths to countries around the Mediterranean Sea.

The same is true for imports.

Zheng He's fleet, to put it bluntly, is a transoceanic foreign trade led by Chinese private companies.

Even if Huo Dun, KS and other companies join in, even if Horton dares to point at the North American chief and curse, the two sides are still hostile in the economic field.

Before the Horton consortium completed the "cosmetic" transaction, the fleet encountered pirates, and the North American fleet would help. Now that Horton emptied the cargo and the fleet crossed the Red Sea, it was a fluke that the North American fleet did not make trouble secretly, let alone come to help convoy.

Therefore, the two Apaches remaining in the fleet left in a hurry before entering the Gulf of Aden due to fuel shortages.

As for Horton's assurances that he was responsible for the safety of the fleet in Europe...

Just listen, this old man is 'too young', how has he ever experienced 'war chaos'?

Before encountering the second batch of pirates, Horton was frightened and cursed.

This time, after leaving Somalia and entering the Gulf of Aden, Horton was almost frightened to have a heart attack when he saw another pirate appeared and the opponent's lineup...

Dozens of decommissioned warships blocked the channel ahead, and countless 'refugees' suddenly appeared on the scorched-earth dikes on both sides...

What's even more frightening is that the artillery fire roared from the rear of the fleet. It seemed that these pirates wanted to rely on their own ships to block their own way.

At this moment, Holden seemed to have found the main reason why Zheng He's fleet was repeatedly attacked by pirates.

The ships are filled with retail goods, and what these poor people lack are daily necessities, clothing, shoes and hats, food and drink...

Nearly a thousand cargo ships, billions of goods, this is more attractive than the gold, silver and jewelry thrown into the robber's lair...


Several speedboats came from the pirate warships in front, and the 'refugees' on the embankments on both sides jumped into the sea like dumplings, rushing towards Zheng He's fleet...

woo woo woo woo ~~~

Unlike the previous electronic prompts, today's alarm sounds are particularly dull and urgent.

"Attention all staff, the fleet has entered the first level of alert, this is not a drill, not a drill, not a drill!"

"Please quickly put on your work clothes and protective equipment, and each team leader and team leader will conduct a safety inspection and report their situation."

"The permission to use the weapon bay is enabled..."

"The permission to use the escape ship is enabled..."

"Collectively enter combat preparations..."

"Say important things three times, all employees please pay attention..."

Holden was dazed for a long time, and seemed to think of something, "Ge, why didn't there be such an alarm before?"


I played fake pirates before!

Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, "Oh, although we have conducted anti-piracy drills, Tianwei is not proficient at sea business. I encountered pirates before, and when I was nervous, I forgot."


"Fortunately, I have met a lot, and everyone will be familiar with it."

Ge Xiaotian put on his overalls and glanced at Holden and others who were also neatly dressed, "You advanced to the safety cabin, I believe Tianwei can handle them."

"Ge, I have already contacted the North American Fleet, but the warships in the Arabian Sea hunted down the first two batches of pirates and have not yet returned. The warships in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea are under repair and it will take time."

"Not in a hurry."

Although the United Fleet of the mother planet is dominated by North America, and Zheng He's fleet encountered pirates, the other party must delay time, but it is not that they will not come, otherwise they will cause trouble to the Federation of the Mother Star, and it will be embarrassing...

Ge Xiaotian didn't take it seriously, and took out two small biubiu specially handmade by Nong Qijiu for the big boss...


Horton was startled, quickly put on the earmuffs, pulled off the goggles, and soon realized...

"This... is this biubiu live ammunition?"

"Narcotic bomb, I am a private company after all, so I must abide by the law."



At this moment, on the battleship next to the treasure ship, the trebuchet swung and projected a football-sized object into the sky.

The ball exploded in the air, making a sound far beyond the explosion...

On the sea below, a dozen or so fastest 'refugees' rolled their eyes and passed out...

Almost at the same time, the mechanical arm on a nearby ship swayed, cast a metal net, and quickly swept it up. A dozen refugees who fell into a coma and had not sunk in the sea were quickly salvaged and put into the fish. In the cabin...

Dozens of strong men rushed forward...

Immediately afterwards, three spherical objects lifted into the air, bursting out with a dazzling light even wearing goggles...

Many pirates who wanted to get close to the ship stopped shooting one after another, howling and covering their eyes...

More than a dozen strong men jumped along the ropes to snatch the other side's speedboat...


Just when Holden was in a daze, there was a broadcast in several languages ​​in the sky:

"Solemn warning, this is the NT fleet. When we are attacked, we have the right to implement the NT standard, send the captured criminals to the polar regions and underground, and work for us for N years without compensation until we pay off our losses."

"The polar fish farm is located at 65 degrees north latitude, and the annual temperature is lower than..."

"The underground mine is located 1,300 meters underground in South Africa, and the annual temperature is 42 degrees..."

"Compared to labor intensity, I believe this is your paradise..."

"Say important things three times..."

chug chug...

No matter how the broadcast summons, the pirates will ignore them until they suffer a major setback, and boldly pull the trigger directly...

When the sea area near the fleet was cleared, Tianwei controlled the battle rhythm, and the well-dressed Tianyu crew came on stage one after another, and rushed to the planned ships that would be snatched by pirates in their own speedboats.

Ge Xiaotian secretly contacted Nong Qijiu.

In this attack, the enemy was not the main force to snatch the large iron lumps, but the real pirates attracted by spreading the goods of Zheng He's fleet.

Although Tian Cheng wanted cheap labor, he had no eyes for swords and guns. If his own side could not guarantee his own safety, he might use fierce force and cause a large number of casualties.

Boss Ge is a kind person.

Therefore, it is necessary for Nong Qijiu to control the pirates' offensive so that they can be captured conveniently...

Horton and the others were a little confused by Tian Cheng's operations.

In particular, the armored ships distributed in the front, middle, and rear even started to drop smoke bombs, and the alarm even reminded them to wear masks to prevent coma...

"Ge, what are we doing?"

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