Build Madness

Chapter 658 I want to go home...

In deep space.

Countless technological products revolve endlessly around the blue planet...

Suddenly, several low-orbit cylindrical satellites with solar photovoltaic panels lighted up with bean-sized blue warning lights.

The horn-shaped instrument aimed at the blue planet, accompanied by a satellite camera that does not have real-time monitoring functions and can only take pictures, sends out a series of photoelectric signals...


In Montenegro, on certain fishing boats in the Mediterranean Sea, on the continental shelf of Somalia, and at the mouth of the Gulf of Aden, the lids of large pots were turned one after another, and connected to two ground monitoring stations hidden in the surrounding area, which even Ice Bear did not know.

As of today, the GLONASS system has launched six rounds, including three signal enhancement satellites assisted by Tiancheng, and two-thirds of the Starlink has been completed.

The first few conventional satellites were okay, all of which used electronic technology based on silicon components, but with the development of Tiancheng Aerospace Department and Longtian Technology, the electronic components of subsequent satellites have added optoelectronic technology.

Because the latter is more energy-efficient, lighter, faster in calculation speed, and has a greatly extended service life.

Ice Bear's satellite technology used to far surpass the system, but after copying the opponent's technology, its own side relied on monks for further research, and it has already surpassed the opponent by far.

I'm afraid that even the ice bears with full authority don't know what new functions their satellites have.

After all, a chip can integrate hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions of transistors. Although the manufacturing process of SG chips is backward, it is independently developed by Longtian. Except for itself, no one else can understand the specific functions of the transistors inside.

For example, when the panda burning incense spread rapidly, a certain GLONASS signal enhancement satellite tried to simulate and decipher the surrounding satellite bands with photoelectric technology, and transmitted the virus-laden data to a certain stone light machine in North America, and then invaded a certain GPS ground The monitoring station made the other party the source of the first 'satellite virus' infection on the mother star, and quickly spread to the GPS star chain...

Of course, it was just an experiment at the time, enough was enough, and this kind of operation needed to be reserved as a trump card.

The GLONASS system is owned by Ice Bear, and Tiancheng is just an investor. For Ice Bear, deployment in Europe is the top priority.

When the sub-region has four conventional navigation satellites and one augmented satellite, the newly launched thirteen optoelectronic satellites are all in the European region.

Therefore, the accuracy of satellite positioning, satellite navigation, and other satellite functions here is far superior to that of the sub-region.

Includes communication module.

The download speed is as high as 15M/s, which has surpassed the 3G network. Through the newly developed satellite receiving antenna, modem, data card, and DirecPC technology (upload and download bandwidth can be adjusted), it is enough to start the live broadcast...

On-site summary video, simple editing and processing, uploading signal enhancement satellite...

Of course, this level of live broadcast needs to be handed over to the relevant departments of Huaxia for review.


Baixiaotong Information Platform - Dongshan Jishi Security Section.


chug chug...


"Go go go..."

"Follow me!"

"Enemy Spotted!"

"Cover me!"

"Roger!" (Understanding)



"Enemy down!" (Killed)

"Stick together team!"


Looking at the image displayed by the high-definition projection, and the figure that resembled a luxury-grade explosion-proof figure with the letters NT printed on its chest, Li Suo was full of question marks.

"What's the matter? Why did the game video suddenly appear on the top today? Ge Xiaotian is not here, the leader should not have been fooled, why are you advertising for his 'Cross Fire'?"

The network security officer in charge of the big data sector was a little embarrassed, "Leader, this is the front-line video, it's delayed by ten minutes."


Li Suo was taken aback for a moment, and stared at the screen intently.

A number of black-clothed Tianwei came out in a file, using textbook-level... no, completely procedural-level tactics to encircle and suppress many pirates.

If it weren't for the reminder from the network security officer, everyone would think that this is a CG animation of a first-person shooter game that was shot at a lot of money.

"NT Marine Guardian? Black mob? Where is this?"

"The Gulf of Aden has penetrated into the Red Sea, and the opponent is a pirate."

"Where is Ge Xiaotian?"

"on board."

Li Suo frowned, "This kid was robbed?"

"According to the information over there, there should be no problem. The leader, the superior requires serious study."


The picture is not bloody, not even the slightest blood.

Some are just anesthesia bombs, which are shot into the enemy's shoulders and buttocks in bursts...

In addition, smoke bombs, flash bombs, shock bombs... Hurrah are thrown out.

Is this really free?

Also, is that Tianwei who is dressed like a five-hundred-jin fat man a human shield? Actually resisting the ice bear and rushing forward?

"No voice?"

"It's being debugged over there."

The voice did not fall.

In the camera, there are two people who are dressed differently from Tianwei, gray all over, with yellow sleeves tied to their arms.

One of them was holding a microphone, and the other was carrying a shield. It seemed that the person in charge of recording was also in similar attire.

The three of them first shuttled among the NT Sea Guards, introducing various tactics.

Then, under the skeptical eyes of Li Suo and the network security officer, they went through the war zone and came to the rear of the pirates.

The six pirates, chug chug with ice bears in their arms, did not know where they were going to fight, but they did not notice the arrival of the trio for the time being.

At this time, the man holding the microphone patted one of the pirates on the shoulder, "Hey, brother, is it convenient to do an interview?"

The latter turned his head, his eyes were dull, "???"

"Relax, we are neutral and pose no threat to you."


Seeing this scene, for some reason, Li Suo suddenly remembered the 'Black Question Mark' series of emoticons that someone often used on the Internet.

It turns out that this is so true!

Reporter interviews are still going on.

"Hey bro, how are you feeling right now?"

"I appreciate Nima!"

chug chug...

At the moment when the pirates went crazy, the shield was in front of the trio, and the camera quickly zoomed out.

But then, the camera panned to meet three pirates who had just climbed onto the deck.

The man holding the microphone immediately raised his hands, "Hey, brother, we don't mean any harm, can we do an interview?"


chug chug...

The trio was not discouraged, went around among the pirates, and after eating a lot of bullets, they returned to the original place again.

Only two of the six pirates remained, and the other four had just been dragged away by Tianwei's netting gun, and there were still traces of struggle on the ground...

The man holding the microphone took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to the bullets, but he was trapped in the cabin, and the faces of the two pirates were full of despair.

"Brother, is it convenient to do an interview?"


The male reporter seemed to think of something, took out the translator from his arms, and helped the pirate put it on himself, "Can you understand me?"

The pirate stared blankly: "..."

"Brother, can you tell me how you feel now?"

"Mom, I want to go home..."

"Sorry, let's change the subject."


"Do you have any plans for the future? For example, how many fish are raised every year, or how many mines are mined every day?"


"It seems that you hate me a little bit."

The male reporter put the microphone in front of his chest, took off the two bullet-filled ice bears from behind with one hand, and made a standard gesture for Tiancheng employees with the other hand, "Brother, come on! Ollie!"


The two pirates looked at the firearms in their hands, then at the smiling reporter, and burst into tears on the spot...


Although the painting style is a bit wrong, but with the influence of Tianyu and the less strict control in this era, the live broadcast has successfully passed the review and logged into the Baixiaotong information platform.

However, war is cruel.

After an hour of close-range firefighting, the 200 ironclad ships in Zheng He's fleet suddenly listed rows of steam-powered crossbows resembling Katyushas, ​​and steam-powered catapult equipment...

woo woo woo...

The whistle sounded, and the five hundred Tianwei quickly retreated...

bang bang bang...

A dull sound came, and a large dense black spot appeared in the air...

And the target is the warship blocking the way ahead...

clusters clusters...

The arrow shaft with a thick wrist can easily send the triangular arrow into the iron sheet, or even the steel plate, deep into the cabin...

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