Build Madness

Chapter 661 Horton: How many years is this?

The command cabin of Zheng He's fleet.

The moment the radar showed more than a dozen light spots, Dao Yi was bewildered, "So many?"

But the ignorance returns to the ignorance, as the founder of Bagua Yijian, the experienced hand speed will definitely not be slow, and even rub out afterimages...

Ge Xiaotian was extremely looking forward to misleading the control system of the Apache guide egg, causing the opponent to attack unknown ships, and was also very curious. He urged: "The more the better, do it quickly."

In just two sentences, Apache hit the target.


A series of clouds emerge from the east side of the embankment...

On the system map, the red dots representing the enemy forces instantly emptied a large area...


Ge Xiaotian's face changed, and he quickly checked the list of system personnel.

Fortunately, the Gulf of Aden was shrouded in smog, and the North American soldiers could not lock on Nong Qijiu's subordinates, but only took the coordinates of attacking Apache as a guidance target.

And Nong Qijiu's subordinates had already evacuated from the place.

"Old Daoist, you are starting to be unreliable."

Daoyi didn't answer, and continued to rub the keys, and he let out a long breath after a long time.

"It's the first time to do it by hand. Besides, it's not so easy to mislead the egg. At present, we only have two ways."

"One is to invade the opponent's egg control system, gain control of the opponent, and then directly control the opponent's egg to attack the target we want."

"But the network of the other party's control system is not connected to the Internet, and it operates independently, so I can't hack it at all."

"The second is to modify and transfer the target information during the take-off and ascent phase of the opponent's guide egg, so that the opponent can attack our target. But after the missile enters the middle and final stages, the fuel is quickly consumed. If our target is not within range, the guide egg can only self-destruct. .”

"That's why I said before that if the three unknown ships are on the egg-leading route, the success rate is relatively high."

"However, to use the second method, you also need to know the type of the opponent's weapon and whether it has an anti-EMP system, or in other words, an anti-electromagnetic pulse system."

"If not, we can use a 0.1-1 second pulse wave to destroy the electronic components in the guide egg. But the EMP system is based on 'he power'. We don't have this technology, and we don't have EMP weapons."

"Fortunately, in our optoelectronic technology, there is a laser-like neutral particle shock beam developed with reference to the all-weather characteristics of HPMW technology, which can destroy the opponent's egg-guiding control system and cause interference, causing the opponent to attack other targets on the movement path."

As soon as he finished speaking, he called up the monitor.

"The two Apaches fired a total of twelve krakens and sixteen hellfires."

"Six of the sea monster snakes turned halfway and got into the smoke area. When the other sea monster snakes and hellfire hit the target, the misguided sea monster snake also burst into flames in the smoke area. It should have hit."

"What happened to the three unknown ships?" Ge Xiaotian looked at the personnel in charge of radar and monitoring.

"Back to the boss, one capsized and two were severely damaged. The latter was reversing and seemed to be planning to escape."

"Sink them, no, crush them with two ironclads."


"You can't waste here, get them both done, sail out of the Gulf of Aden, and enter the Red Sea."


"By the way, how many prisoners were captured?"

"Seven hundred and thirty-four."

"Send three ironclad ships to transport them to South Africa. When will they dig up five million carats of diamonds (about one ton), and when will they be released."


At this time.

The surveillance showed the two Apaches.

Flying six sea monster snakes, the opponent has already detected the electronic interference and climbed quickly...

Ge Xiaotian is not envious of Apache. Although the opponent's technology is advanced, there is no way for his own side to copy it...

When it's time to fight, we still have to fight.

However, rescue arrived, and the pirates who suffered heavy losses began to evacuate.

As for the seven warships that were blown up, they disappeared while sinking into the thousand-meter deep sea...

Perhaps several years later, this is another unsolved mystery of the mother star.


The news that Zheng He's fleet encountered a pirate group in the Gulf of Aden and lost hundreds of millions spread throughout the mother planet, causing a great sensation.

The mother star joint meeting mobilized the Mediterranean peacekeeping fleet and strengthened the Red Sea guard force, while increasing the cost sharing of all countries, and preparing to expand the peacekeeping military headquarters...

North America's finances are already full of deficits, so there is no money to hand over to the Mother Planet Joint Conference.

But this expense cannot be ignored.

Therefore, North America drew the attention of my younger brother and asked for 200 million Franklins from Washima, 500 million Franklins from Nanbangzi, 300 million Franklins from Germany, and 300 million Franklins from France...

North America is rich again.

This made Ge Xiaotian greedy.

However, we dare not play like this...

North America pays, and countries that are not in the North American camp must also pay.

But North America has a lot of money, and it is still the big brother who takes the lead. It further overheads the three-army system of the Mother Planet Joint Conference, and is also very straightforward in sending a rescue team to take the lead in taking over Zheng He's fleet.


August 26th.

After a week of repairs, Zheng He's fleet safely crossed the Suez Canal and entered the Mediterranean Sea under the escort of the United Fleet of the mother planet.

As for the untimely rescue, everyone knows it well, so it's meaningless to talk about it.

Even Horton, who hid in the safety cabin the whole time, also understood this.

The DuPont family is awesome, but facing six or seven families of the same level alone, you have to bow your head and admit it.

What's more, the two sides are not in the same camp. Holden can exercise his responsibility as a partner and put pressure on the United Fleet, which is already very loyal. If he uses the power of the DuPont family to protect a Chinese businessman, it will be a bit unreasonable.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian didn't care that Horton couldn't call for help.

The United Fleet is only responsible for the Red Sea area. After entering the Mediterranean Sea, the other side returns.

At this moment, the Mediterranean Sea no longer has the military power of the Mother Planet Joint Conference...


It's noon this day.

Horton was full of apologies, and set up a luxurious lunch to entertain Ge Xiaotian.

There is no way, Huo Dun security in North America uses Hua Tianwei. If someone has suffered heavy losses and raises the labor dispatch fee again, how will he do business in the future?

Formation No. 3, Area E-2, restaurant on the top of the leading battleship.

The interior decoration far exceeds that of a five-star hotel, it is full of big boxes, and the mother star is unique even after several times...

Although Zheng He's fleet belonged to Tiancheng, it was actually a moving commercial street.

Regardless of fleet employees or fleet guests, if they want to use the hotels, hospitals, libraries and other supporting facilities in the 'Commercial Street', all of them have to pay for it except for someone.

It's not that Ge Xiaotian has a dark heart, but the 'rules'.

Zheng He's fleet is positioned as a global business tour group. The existing companies belong to the original shareholders, and more small shareholders will join in the future. If all of them use the fleet facilities for free...

Boss Ge lost money!

Therefore, Horton spent five million on Franklin's meal.

Albino sturgeon caviar from the polar regions, stir-fried golden oysters from the deep sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean, head fish stew from the East Lake, reindeer meat from Neobras, pure natural seasonal vegetables from Xixiang, from a manor in Europe The 82 Grace dry red...

"Ge, I'm so sorry..."

Horton raised his goblet, spoke a few words, and looked into the distance. In the haze, ten battleships comparable to flying boats suddenly rushed out of the sea-sky intersection...

Although the Stars and Stripes are flying, it is obvious that this is not the North American fleet!

Horton couldn't help rubbing his eyes, his Adam's apple was throbbing, "Ge, I want to make sure, what year is it now?"

Ge Xiaotian turned his head, the moment the alarm sounded, his hand shook, and the wine glass fell to the ground, "I, I... I suspect that we have traveled to World War II!"

Immediately, he roared with a crying voice: "Withdraw, withdraw to the chicken country, please help!!!"

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