Build Madness

Chapter 662

Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

woo woo woo...

Six old-fashioned high-power steam turbines were running at full capacity, spewing clouds of gray smoke from the three-meter-diameter chimney, pushing the two hundred-meter-long steel giant to break through the waves.

Different from the current silver-white hull painting popular on the home planet, these iron bumps covered with super-large-caliber battle guns are all dark, not reflective, and not dazzling, revealing a sense of spookiness, horror, and depression everywhere. , It makes the scalp numb, like facing the undead crawling out of the abyss.

Especially the rows of North American soldiers on both sides of the steel behemoth, wearing North American military uniforms from World War II, holding their heads high, hugging Thomson and M3 chugs...

If it didn't happen in reality, it would be like a movie...

"Oh God, what happened to me?!"

In a nearby fishing boat, the fat captain tried his best to avoid the sea ahead by adjusting the steering wheel regardless of the liquid leaking from his trouser legs...

However, the opponent's speed is fast, whistling past at a speed of nearly forty knots...

(Warships in World War II are faster than they are now, and they need to grab positions and avoid torpedoes, but now they are all guided weapons, and they fight for anti-missile systems)

And in the rear, countless cruisers and frigates rushed west after the steel monster...

The fat captain saw an assault boat approaching, and desperately dialed the satellite phone, "Honey, I may not be able to go back..."

Just then, a North American major boarded the ship.

"Hey sir, where is this?"

"Eastern Mediterranean Sea."

"It seems that we are not mistaken."

The North American colonel smiled slightly at the adjutant behind him, took out an antique pocket watch to check the time, then spread out a nautical chart that obviously did not belong to this era, and said gently and elegantly: "How can I get to Normandy?"


"Sir, we are going to Normandy, where the most critical battle of the mother planet is going on, and we want to save Europe..."

"Oh! Damn it! '43? Iowa Battleship Group?!!!"

The fat captain seems to be a military fan. After understanding the situation, he put his head in his hands and looked desperate, but when he saw the adjutant who was carrying the radio switch on the M3 chug insurance, he hurriedly called up the marine navigation, "It..."

"What is this?" The North American colonel looked at the display curiously, "What a delicate little thing."


The fat captain didn't know how to answer.

"But it's okay, tell me the route, we won't hurt you."

Such a scene not only happened on fishing boats, but also cruise ships and cargo ships wandering around...

But except for the fat captain who was able to dial the satellite phone at the very beginning, the electronic equipment of the rest of the witnesses were all destroyed by electronic silence tactics...


"Damn it!!!"

When the North American soldiers left, countless people screamed in panic...


The southern coast of Turkey Country.

The two frigates check in daily...

"Report, received a distress signal, it is the NT foreign trade fleet that has made big news recently."

"Heh, for the sake of popularity, those people are really unscrupulous. They encountered pirates one after another? They are cheating ghosts! Now they are calling our attention again."

"Sir, how to reply?"

"Let them eat shit, evil capitalists!!!"

"Yes, sir……"

At this moment, in the eastern sea area, a long line of black lacquered giant steel beasts came aggressively, chasing away wooden warships everywhere like ducks.

Occasionally, one or two sailboats fell behind, and were immediately shattered by the soaring flames...

Before the chief of Tuji Country could react, there was a piercing whistling sound in the air...


The water column soars into the sky...

"460mm main gun with 50 times the caliber? Damn it, why is there such a thing now?!" The chief of the Tuji Kingdom was not an idiot, and instantly judged the enemy's firepower.

He turned around and wanted to give orders, but found that the adjutant's mouth and nose were bleeding from the shock of the high-explosive bomb, and he couldn't hear himself at all.

460mm artillery shell, nearly 300 meters from the explosion point, can still suffer such heavy damage...

So scary!

Chief Tuji touched his ears, his fingers were stained with blood.

Unfortunately, there are no protective earmuffs on our side.

"Turn on the radar protection, contact the headquarters, and withdraw to the inland sea!"

"Report, the target cannot be found!"


The radar soldiers saw that the captain was digging out his ears, and quickly pulled him to the radar screen.

Referring to the monitoring screen and optical aiming lens, the radar did not show the torrent of black steel at the rear of the NT fleet.

"Damn, stealth battleship cluster? Which lunatic made this..."


During the chase, the fifty ironclad ships at the forefront of the NT fleet had already approached the frigate of the Tuji Kingdom.

Amidst the loud noise, Chief Tuji even saw NT employees on the ironclad ship waving at him for help.

next moment.

A long piece plunged into the seawater...

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

Immediately afterwards.

Have you ever seen a running dog being hit by a Steyr heavy truck?

Now it is!

Fifty 30-meter-long iron-clad warships, like a playful pile of toys for children, were suddenly kicked to pieces by a furious father...

Immediately, the sea was choppy, swallowing countless debris...

The captain of the chicken fleet was scared.

Without a carrier, Battleship is still king.

No matter how many cruisers there are, the stuffing is big and the skin is thin, one shot at a time...

Within the range of a super-large-caliber battleship, even if the aircraft is equipped with a stealth bomber, it still needs to kneel down and call Dad...

As for modern frigates and destroyers, they cannot be locked (battle stealth)...

"Quickly evacuate!!!"

The captain of the chicken fleet pressed the signaler himself.

However, the NT fleet that escaped desperately was faster than its own warships.

In less than half an hour, the opponent has already left his side far away...

What's even more frightening is that the speed of the battleship cluster is not bad...

In this way, the result is...

The Chicken Fleet is sandwiched between the NT Fleet and the Mysterious Fleet...

Not long after, two battlecruisers, which were smaller but not inferior to small aircraft, outflanked the two Tuji Kingdom frigates.

"Turn on the radar defense, defend and counterattack!!!"


whoosh whoosh...

More than a dozen anti-missiles launched into the air, accurately intercepting the shells that are about to fall in midair...


Fireworks all over the sky...

At the same time, several guided eggs were lifted into the air and headed straight for the black steel monster...

boom! ! !

The advanced armor-piercing shells bombarded the battleship's thick armor, leaving a half-meter-diameter tattered pothole. Unfortunately, it has no effect on the behemoth...

Such an attack immediately attracted the attention of the entire mysterious fleet. Ten battleships completed their formation within a minute, forty 460mm battle guns aimed quickly, and 160 120mm secondary guns also swung in unison...


This is so impossible to fight!

Judging by the size and tactics of the opponent, it is already ranked second on the home planet...

The captain of the chicken fleet was desperate.

Fortunately, the battle group did not attack.

Not long.

The battlecruiser approached, and fifty North American soldiers with old-fashioned chugs boarded the ship.


"Hey, identify yourself!"

"We are the Chicken Fleet."

"Turkish? Allies? Oh, sorry, we encountered Hitler's main naval force on the way to Normandy, and we are now pursuing..."


The captain of the Turkey Fleet looked at the NT Fleet that had almost disappeared into the sea in disbelief. He turned his head again and carefully looked at the clothes of the North American soldiers. Special forces, we are encircling!"

"Oh, good job!"

The North American colonel patted the captain of the chicken fleet on the shoulder, "For the peace of the home planet!"

"Yes, peace!"

"After the victory, I will treat you to drink vodka!"

The North American colonel waved his hand, and the North American soldiers quickly withdrew from the chicken frigate...


The captain of the Tuji Fleet was stunned for a long time, and suddenly smiled sickly, "Heh, heh, their target is not us..."

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