Build Madness

Chapter 705 Tiancheng Electric Industry (5)

Daqin Group, Daqin Bingfeng, and Daqin Chamber of Commerce, the three behemoths appeared suddenly and rose extremely quickly.

December 27th.

Qin Ming, the richest man in the capital, Li, and more than a dozen private military entrepreneurs arrived at the Black Dragon Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, accompanied by the stars, the leaders in green, blue, white, and tunic suits.

After the handover between Lao Hong and Li's richest man in the capital, he took off his factory director's uniform, and led everyone to visit the largest building in Huaxia, which was built on the top of the graphite mine, covers an area of ​​100,000 mu, has green clothes, Tianwei, and a security office, and three-party cooperation and joint defense. Aircraft factory.

In Warehouse No. 1, the nearly 100-meter-long passenger plane was operated by hundreds of staff with bare hands, fixing every screw and checking every piece of skin...

In Warehouse No. 2, 20 small helicopters, under the hands of thousands of staff, are completing the hoisting of each component...

In Warehouse No. 3, five medium-sized transport helicopters...

In Warehouse No. 4, two fans, two and six...

In Warehouse No. 5, there is a 260-meter-long ultra-large ground-effect aircraft that has never been heard of or seen before...

In Warehouse No. 6, three third-generation fighters...

In Warehouse No. 7, an unmanned stealth fighter (an improved version of the unusable Oolong Space Fighter)...

In Warehouse No. 8...


In Warehouse No. 25, ten amphibious gas turbine tanks...

In Warehouse No. 26, ten amphibious gas turbine combat vehicles...

The gate of Warehouse No. 27.


Lao Hong stopped a group of gangsters, "We went the wrong way, this is not an aircraft factory."

"what is that?"

"A top-secret project jointly developed with the Beijing Aerospace Department."

"We can't visit either?"



"In fact, you have the highest pass, and logically speaking, you also have the right to visit, but without the five certifications of the nine institutes, me, and my boss, this door cannot be opened."


In the past year, Tiancheng's five encryptions were definitely the safest 'locks' on the mother planet.

And, along with this system, there are also China's most advanced defensive counterattack fortifications...

Everyone is thinking.



The heavy super alloy door was suddenly opened.

Two scientific researchers wearing white coats and obviously wearing a small biubiu around their waists walked out while communicating...

Seeing that Wu Yaba was full of people outside, the two of them were startled, and immediately took out the small biuniu, "Who is it?"


At this moment, no one paid any attention to the two scientific researchers, and they all looked inside dumbfounded.


"Oh My God!"

"real or fake?"


hula la...

Visitors against the stars rushed forward together...

The two researchers quickly turned around, closed the door, and sounded the alarm.


Hoo hoo...

Almost at the same time, four helicopters and countless karts appeared around.


Lao Hong quickly revealed his identity.

However, the on-site visitors were still immersed in the shock.

"Could it be that this is the legendary mecha?"

"We made it first?"

"I, I~~~karma!"

"What about the medicine? Who has Suxiao Jiuxin Pills? It must be from the Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"


"Oh yes, I have."

After Lao Hong roared, remembering that he also had a heart attack, he quickly took out the yellow rubber pills that his boss gave him but never used.

"Old general, don't get excited, it's not a mecha."

"what is that?"

"Wait, I'll make a call."

Not long.

The visitors who got the tripartite authorization couldn't wait to squeeze into the No. 27 warehouse.

next moment.

All of them gasped in unison.

In the brightly lit super-large assembly warehouse, a two-legged monster with a black body and a height comparable to a six-story building stood proudly in it.

Zizi la la...

Hundreds of workers are welding, and sparks are shining, illuminating the thick circuits and various motors inside the metal monster.

"It's not a mecha!"

"Really, you've missed it!"

"Looked down?"

"Yeah, everyone turn their backs to it, spread their legs, bend down and look down."


"Look, look, and you will know what it is."


In the silence, an old leader who couldn't bear his curiosity took the lead in doing so.

"I rely on it!"

"What is it?"

"See for yourself."


Not long after, various surprises filled Warehouse No. 27.



"It turned out to be this thing!"

"Dual boom excavator?"

"You guys really know how to play!"

"This design idea...convinced!"

"This is the first self-propelled mechanical vehicle of the parent planet!" Lao Hong was a little proud.

I have a synchronously operated two-legged mecha, but it hasn't been perfected yet.

However, to change the way of thinking, the two-in-one excavator is used in reverse, two gas turbines are used as the main power, one gas turbine provides electricity, driver A operates the left leg, driver B operates the right leg, SG single-chip microcomputer synchronizes data, Gyro Assisted Balance...

"We are currently researching the four-in-one excavator, so that it has two legs and two arms. Unfortunately, the technology has encountered a bottleneck and needs high-tech support. In addition, we plan to increase the fifth driving position to command the other four drivers. personnel, and other operations."

"Such as weapons?"

"No, no, we study it for mining."


"In addition, we also added a remote control system to it. There are still five pilots, but they don't need to go on the plane, but sit in a special cockpit in the room. It's a pity that the signal transmission has not been able to break through, regardless of effectiveness and accuracy. , or the synchronous frequency, which is far less than that of personnel driving on the plane."

"What kind of material is this? If the enemy blows up one of the legs, will it be paralyzed?"

"It all uses a superalloy fused with graphene, basically ignoring ordinary guide eggs."

"What about the motivation?"

"It only weighs 50 tons, can walk at a speed of 80km/h for 35 minutes regardless of the terrain, can sail on water at a speed of 65 knots for two hours, and can rely on propellers to soar like a helicopter for 20 minutes."

An old man who shouldered the stars said seriously: "Although the parameters are a bit low, I feel that it can be used in the military, especially the fifth driving position, equipped with armament systems..."

"In that case, it would be a living target on the battlefield."

Lao Hong is not afraid of the stage, "Unless all the current most advanced defense systems are installed, however, increasing the weight will inevitably affect the mobility, and eventually become a tortoise... Therefore, it can only be used for mining."

"It can't be solved?"

"Okay, shrink to the size of a normal person..."

"Mechanical exoskeleton?"

"We have this. It's called the fourth-generation constant temperature suit."


"This thing, shrunk down to the size of a normal person, or even smaller, is a robot, most suitable for drilling holes."

"Why are you so full of mines?"

"Yeah, once there was a super mine worth trillions (graphite mine), I didn't cherish it, I didn't regret it until I told my boss..."

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