Build Madness

Chapter 706 Tiancheng Electric Industry (6)

Mecha, also known as mechanical power armor, is often mentioned in anime, novels, and movies.

If it is used as a weapon, even if it can be easily manufactured in the future, it will not be able to appear on the battlefield due to expensive materials, fragile joints, delicate and easily damaged parts, and too large size.

On the contrary, fusiform, elliptical, etc., which conform to aerodynamic design, adopt a stable frame structure, can share the energy of being attacked, have thick armor, and unmanned equipment with a multi-functional attack system or defense system will be the mainstream armament in the future.

Therefore, Tiancheng's inverted design, which is not even a mecha-like or quasi-mecha, can only be used as a vehicle, mining, and shooting sci-fi movies.

The reason why it was taken out is to cheer up the manufacturing industry.

'Only you can't think of it, without us we can't make it! '

The second is to...

Let the special agents who are deliberately kept spread the news to all parts of the home planet to lead out the real 'robots'.

This thing is not generally difficult to manufacture. Dao Yi led the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics to study the escape-specific mechanical legs for two years, but he didn't break through the 'signal synchronization' technology.

In other words, the delay is too high now, and the operation is like doing slow motion. You can't take a step in two or three minutes, and you need to increase it to the level of synchronization with people.

If you use fake mechanical legs to lead out a real robot from the Science and Technology Alliance, as long as you get one at random, your side will have it.

As for whether the other party has...

Whether it has dates or not, let's talk about it after a while.



However, the news that Tiancheng Electric Industry held an expo spread all over the mother planet, some weapons that were deliberately exposed, coupled with the advent of self-produced aircraft, and the war in Eastern Europe was beyond everyone's expectations, which also caused some changes in the situation.

No one expected that Harden would be able to encircle the 20,000 NATO army, and rely on a new tactic "electronic silence" to cut off NATO's land and air supplies, and start "surrounding points to fight for aid"...

The stalemate in the war has brought countless refugees, coupled with the collapse of the native chickens, the economic depression, and the people's livelihood. Millions of poor people who cannot continue their lives have poured into the European region.

In order to join the Joint Conference and the European Union, Montenegro agreed to accept refugees, but asked the European countries to provide materials, funds, machinery and other assistance.

Countries such as England and Germany, unwilling to bear it alone, turned their attention to North America, the instigator, and North America did not want to pay, so they left the problem to the parent planet joint meeting.

The countries of the joint conference pay money, but no one dares to go to the chaotic chicken...

Finally, after going around, the task was handed over to Tiancheng International Holdings, which is helping Montenegro with infrastructure construction.

It's a pity that the refugee problem is temporarily resolved, but Harden is even more difficult to fight. It seems that there are more people, and there are a lot of World War II weapons...

So much so that North America is eyeing the ice bear again.

Besides this product, who can come up with so many AKs?

Ice Bear: What are you looking at?

North America: What are you doing?

Ice Bear: Try again?

North America: Try it!

Relations between the two sides are tense.

at this time.


The black bear who wants to join NATO bombs down an ice bear airliner...

Eastern Europe is even more chaotic.


the other side.

December 28th.

The bidding of the military department was vigorous, but it was launched very covertly.

Beijing Military University, Tiancheng Electric Industry Exhibition Hall.

Lao Qin, the richest man in Beijing, the third son of Lao Pang in the paper industry, together with more than a dozen private military entrepreneurs and hundreds of factory leaders code-named by numbers, broke the old-fashioned bidding mode and gathered together for the first time.

The bidding party is the leaders at all levels of the Huaxia Military Department, as well as the heads of the major regions.

The richest man in the capital, Li, was in high spirits, and stood up first in high spirits:

"Before the bidding begins, I will announce a decision on behalf of Daqin Bingfeng."

"Some time ago, thanks to the care of Mr. Ge Xiaotiange, chairman of Tiancheng International Holdings, I was able to throw away the burden of Huada Investment Group and get back a sum of money."

"During the conversation with Mr. Ge, I was deeply touched. In the end, blindly making money is nothing but a piece of fish belly to be slaughtered. Only when the motherland is stronger, can we enjoy more food overseas."

"Mr. Ge has a saying: Build a strong country, rejuvenate the country through science and education, and revitalize the country with military equipment. At present, in China, we have natural success in construction and dragons in technology, but we lack leading companies in military equipment."

"Here, Daqin Bingfeng decided to donate 20 third-generation trainer planes, 20 third-generation carrier-based trainer planes, 50 light transport helicopters, 200 single-person mini-helicopters, and 10 gas turbines. A new generation of heavy tanks, 300 plateau-type ground-effect motorboats, 500 miniature unmanned reconnaissance be the leader!"


There was a gasp all over the place, and then fell into dead silence.

However, the five military leaders sitting on the rostrum were not surprised by this.

One of them looked around the bidding area and took out a list:

"The first public bidding mode is different from the previous ones. Capable companies can directly raise their placards, and we can discuss quotations in the second round of bidding tomorrow."

"First item."

"One million sets of regular camouflage, 600,000 sets of desert camouflage, 1.2 million sets of snow camouflage, 2.8 million sets of winter training uniforms, 3 million sets of winter uniforms, 5.6 million sets of shirts and underwear ...and the corresponding ties and accessories, delivered within two weeks."


The factory delegation sitting below was stunned.

The order quantity is no problem, the problem is delivery within two weeks.

Counting, ordering, assigning orders according to type and design, procurement of raw materials by each second-tier manufacturer, and notifying third-tier manufacturers to adjust the production line, it takes one month alone.

"Leader, is the time wrong?" A factory manager reminded.

"No, it's just two weeks. Interested companies should raise their placards as soon as possible."

"How can it be?"

"In such a short time, who can finish it?"

"Even if the order is divided into hundreds, it's still far from sure!"

There is a lot of discussion.

"Pangsan Security Products Company participates in the bidding!"

"Once, twice, three times, congratulations to Pangsan Security Products Company for getting this order."


More than 500 people at the scene all looked at the tall and thin man beside Lao Qin who had stood up.

"Thank you leader!"

"You don't have to be polite, let's bid, each according to his own ability."


The gods depend on their abilities.

Apart from being prepared, who can complete this order? !

In the confusion of everyone, the communicator after removing the shielding rang out one after another.

'Pangsan Security Supplies Company was established on December 25th with a registered capital of 1 billion red notes. It has reached a strategic agreement with Tianwei Security Fire Protection Group, Wanshi Technology Textile Group, Li Brothers Garment Group, 'Splendid Huaxia' ancient cultural products, etc. Partnerships. '

'Rumor, Pang San is the third son of Chairman Pang xx of Sun Paper Group, the leader of Huaxia Paper Industry. '

"Quiet, next item."

"Armed belts, belts, carrying straps, and straps that match the quantity of previous orders will be delivered within two weeks, and interested companies should raise their placards as soon as possible."


The directors of the on-site bidding factories were speechless.

"Black Dragon Peak Tannery is participating in the bidding."

"Once, twice, three times, congratulations to Black Dragon Peak Tannery..."

The communicator rang again.

'Heilong Dingfeng Leather Factory was established on December 25th with a registered capital of 1 billion red notes. It cooperates with Tianwei Security and Fire Protection Group, Wanshi Technology Textile Group, Li's Brothers Garment Group, 'Splendid Huaxia' ancient cultural products, and Pangsan security products. companies, etc., to reach a strategic partnership. '

'Rumor, Yang Dingfeng, the current director of the Black Dragon Dingfeng Leather Factory, was once a legendary fur merchant in Dongshan. '


"The next item, a thousand pairs of metal rubber-mounted tracks, will be delivered within two weeks."


"Under the Great Qin Chamber of Commerce..."

"Congratulations to the Great Qin Chamber of Commerce..."

"The next item, three thousand sets of suspension devices, within two weeks..."


"Under the Great Qin Chamber of Commerce..."

"Congratulations to the Great Qin Chamber of Commerce..."

"The next item, five hundred 360-degree wireless turrets, within two weeks..."


"Under the Great Qin Chamber of Commerce..."

"Congratulations to the Great Qin Chamber of Commerce..."

"The next item, three million sets of tactical helmets..."

"The next item, five million sets of shoes and hats..."

"The next item..."

Seeing that all the big orders were taken by the Daqin Chamber of Commerce, a certain factory manager couldn't help it anymore, "Leader, you can't do this!"

"Any opinion?" The old man sitting in the middle of the rostrum raised his head with cold eyes.

The factory manager gritted his teeth, "Yes!"

"Hold it."



the capital.

In the past few days, Lao Qin and the others were traveling around, and Ge Xiaotian didn't stay in the military university to dawdle, but visited important people everywhere.

The richest man in the capital, Li, solved the "county magistrate is not as good as the current management", so he will solve the "county magistrate" or the old men at the upper level.

Fortunately, thanks to Tianchang's long-standing reputation, the superiors agreed to adjust the contracting date for this year's bidding projects to two weeks.

After finishing all this work, Ge Xiaotian hosted a banquet in the courtyard to thank him, and by the way, made friends again.

Invitations are sent out, those who cannot come will be replaced by a secretary, those who can come are mostly old acquaintances, Jiusuo, Wanlao, Zhulao...

After eating and drinking, many secretaries were sent away.

Dao Shishi set up the tea set and served a pot of 'Mother Tree Dahongpao' dazzled.

"Huh, what an authentic mother tree Dahongpao!"

After taking a sip, Jiusuo sighed again and again, "It tastes more mellow than the mother tree Dahongpao you entertained me when we first met."

"Then you should drink more."

Wan Lao put down his teacup and said in surprise, "It's strange, this year Wuyi only produced five catties, most of it was given to foreign guests, and a small part was distributed. Those old guys love it like treasures and are usually reluctant to drink it. Where did you fool me?"

"What's a fool? Last year and the year before last were all auctioned off. I'm considered a character. Wouldn't they give it to me?"

"No, this is new tea... Wait, there is new tea in winter?!"

"I don't know either……"

Ge Xiaotian felt guilty. With such a rare tea, his own bag after bag, as if he couldn't drink it all, there must be something wrong with it.

Quickly changed the subject, "Grandpa Wan, how is the approval progress of the desert project?"

"The environment is under my control."

"That's kind, you can use your pen to help..."

"So, I can't approve it for you."


"I approved it for you for such a big project. How much should I fill in for the appropriation from the superior?"

"That's right, no matter how much you fill in, someone must be gossiping."

"So, this matter needs to be handed over to the chairman."

"Then it will be too late. His old man has a lot to do every day. It's my turn. It will probably be in the middle of next year."

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Instead of being anxious, it is better to find a way to solve the transportation problem and increase the amount of funding."

"Transportation problems are nothing more than road construction."

Ge Xiaotian took out Shi Guangji's notebook and opened his own road map, "We plan to build a highway from Qinggang to ALSZQ."

"It doesn't matter if there are a few mountains along the way, but you still want to cross the high slopes of the loess? Are you crazy?"

"Actually, we considered detouring the northern EEDS and then arrived in Yinchuan, but...there is already a road there. It is better to build a highway that connects many towns and villages without demolition, and set up expressways next to it, and set up roads every 100 miles. Toll booths will drive development along the way.”

"The idea is very good, but the construction is too difficult, and the superiors will not approve it, let alone approve the funds."

"We fix it ourselves."

"That's even more impossible."



"If you don't agree, don't donate."


Wan Lao couldn't help but lit a cigarette, and carefully examined the plan, "So, you plan to plant in the ALS desert?"

"No, we grow watermelons in Taklamakan."


Wan Lao zoomed in on the planning map, "Then build the highway from ALS to Taklamakan?"

"No, it is to set up a route, a flight route close to the ground, from ALS, through JYG, Yumen Pass, arrive at Dunhuang Transit Station, then go west out of Yang Pass, all the way west, and arrive at the central area of ​​Taklamakan."

"can't read."

"We use a desert-type ground-effect aircraft that can transport more than 400 tons of materials at a time, and build a few more to form a 'near-ground train' to continuously transport the things needed in the desert from Dongshan."

"It's like a dream."

"Times have changed."


"At least, ground-effect aircraft really exist, including the Caspian Sea monster that can transport six hundred tons."


"Grandpa Wan, you have to work harder on this matter. Think about it, how many areas will benefit from the expressway connecting ALSZQ from Qinggang to ALSZQ? How many new residents will be formed along the way? point? The most important thing is that if we pass in a straight line, we can transport troops quickly!"


Wan Lao slapped his forehead and ran away in a hurry...

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

Jiusuo was immediately happy, "I guess they are busy."

"Master, I want to launch some satellites."

"The Glonass system should be complete, right?"

"Replacing the seven launched by themselves before we invested, to me, is the real perfection."


"No, old man, I want to launch a few satellites of our own."

"Without a suitable reason, the superior will not agree."

"Yes, I want to build a network star chain. You know, the current network delay is very high, not only for remote control, but also for network broadcasting and live broadcasting. It is too restrictive for mechanical manufacturing and technological development. I mean, launching 6,000 satellites , to form a new network model.”


Nine directly sprayed, "How much?"

"To be precise, six thousand nine hundred."


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