Build Madness

Chapter 708 Visible Light Communication and Zigbee Network Upgrade

In the field of scientific research on the mother star, the "quantum computer theory" is not a secret. What is valuable is the application of quantum states, quantum entanglement technology, and numerous quantum tunneling experimental data.

The Nine Institutes got these and returned to the Beijing Aerospace Department for retreat.

Ge Xiaotian brought Dao Shishi and others back to Dongshan.


On the flight to Qinggang.

"Sir, what would you like to drink?"

"Oh, the girl is so beautiful."


"Is there any code for polar natural ice and iced ice?"

"It's... it's winter now, I suggest you drink something warm?"

"No code? Then have some Nanwa fruit oranges."

"Sorry sir, why don't you have a Coke?"

"Coke? Forget it, let's drink it cold."


"Sister, do you know why your three major airlines have lost so much money?"


"Because the commercial elements were not brought to the extreme."

Ge Xiaotian took the water glass handed by the flight attendant, "It looks tall, but in essence it is a ticket-selling business, just like the airplane shell, sprayed with XBA basketball stars, or Sancha Cup football stars holding up code advertisements, and occasionally giving the ball The team issued another batch of free air tickets, which not only has advertising benefits, but also attracts popularity. Also, there is no Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital on the back of the seat, or the words Zijinhua, Fuwa, Infertility, Suxiao Jiuxin Pill. I feel like you have no business sense. Especially this blanket, what a great advertising space, hot springs, hotels, big swords, Ma Ma Sang..."


Dao Shishi, who was sitting next to him, couldn't stand it any longer, "Boss, you should go to sleep."

"Sister, remember, go back and tell your chairman, if you don't follow what I said, you will lose money next year. In 2002, the superior decided to open up the private aviation industry. If you are bought by me, what a pretty girl, wearing black silk Moving bricks, it must look good."


Dao Shishi secretly waved his hand and signaled the stewardess to go to work, "Boss, what should we do about the network upgrade?"

"The biggest benefit from communicating with the Nine Institutes this time is not to send out quantum computer theory, nor to get visible light communication technology, but to activate the receiver that integrates Zigbee technology and visible light communication."

Longtian Zibee's technology is not behind, but it is shared too much, resulting in too slow network speed. If the sharing is adjusted to exclusive, the 30M network speed can be used in the 5G era.

But network speed is network speed, bandwidth is bandwidth, and delay is delay, which cannot be confused.

For example.

It takes 10 seconds to pump a ten-cubic water tank, and the speed is: 1 cubic/s, which is the network speed.

Bandwidth is how many cubic meters of water the pipe can pass through per second.

Latency is...

After laying the water pipe, you need to notify the pump administrator to start it. The administrator receives the message and the time it takes for the well water to flow into the tank is the delay.

The farther the water tank is from the water pump, the longer the water pipe, or there is a message transfer station in the middle, the higher the delay.

In addition, the response time of the administrator and whether the water outlet at the end of the water pipe is smooth, that is, whether the computer or server is infected with a virus, and whether the hardware performance is excellent.

If a car suddenly blocks the water pipe halfway, it means that the network cable has been pulled out...

Of course, this is just a metaphor.

In addition, optical fibers with the same bandwidth and different materials can withstand different optical power.

Just like the water flow speed in a water pipe, if the material is good, the water pressure is strong, and the flow speed is fast; if the material is poor, the water pressure exceeds the limit, and the pipe will burst, or the water pressure is not strong, and the flowing water is soft...

After listening to this, Dao Shishi, who mainly researched the materials, thought deeply, "Integrate Zigbee, complement each other, arrange two communication modes according to the environment, and gradually update SG equipment and smart cards."


Ge Xiaotian took out his SG pad and found a set of data, "Like Tiancheng Plaza in Jishi City, the traffic flow is 50,000 on weekdays and 100,000 on holidays, and one optical fiber serves one hundred people. There are now one thousand optical fibers and one Thousands of base stations, how much? It looks like a lot, but for a CBD with an area of ​​200,000 square meters and a building area of ​​800,000 square meters, it is too little. No matter how you have to tie up 10,000 optical fibers, or rely on cable settings Super Base Station."

"Increase the number of optical fibers and optical cables, and change the number of shared by a hundred people to shared by ten or five people."

"Yes, I used to worry that too many base stations would interfere with microwave interference. Now with visible light communication technology, shopping malls, supermarkets, home appliance stores, and furniture stores, especially underground pedestrian streets and underground parking lots with poor signals, can use purple The bee is changed to visible light, and the extra Zigbee base station is moved outdoors."

"So, we don't need to improve the optical fiber, even if we continue the old-fashioned optical fiber, we can solve the problem of network speed."

"Sure, with a burst of production capacity, it's best to be able to manufacture dozens of circles around the parent star. If the price comes down, the cost will also come down, and then it will be connected to villages in various places to replace telephone lines."

Ge Xiaotian figured it out as early as when communicating with the Nine Institutes.

There are many places where Huaxia cannot access the Internet. Instead of competing with North America for Internet speed, it is better to continue to expand the SG series market.

Moreover, as long as the number of optical fibers increases, Zigbee Sharing becomes exclusive, and the download speed can reach 30M.

The 3G download speed is only 2M, and even the 4G download speed will not exceed 10M.

One's own side can still maintain the lead.

When the new type of optical fiber is popularized, we can raise another gear.

Unless the other party offers 5G, or... shoots more than 6,000 satellites.


Ge Xiaotian blinked, "How many spies are left behind?"

"More than thirty."

"Let them spread the news. Let's say that Long Tian has developed twenty stars with one arrow, and is going to secretly start the network star chain project. By the way, hand over the star chain technology to agents and spies."

"It's better to instigate a few agents. After some agents were arrested, North America has not found out yet. Exchange this information for grades and help them get promoted and raise their salaries... It will definitely be of great use in the future."

"Double agent? I like it! By the way, let Lao Wang hold a press conference first, and put forward the idea of ​​a 'beam of light falling from the sky' by the way, confirming that Long Tian really wants to build a network star chain and stimulate the technology alliance. One step at a time, if you decide to invest in the Internet Starlink, it will be a lot of fun."

"But once they get there, we're behind."

"Are you stupid? There are more than 6,000 satellites, and the lifespan of a single satellite is calculated according to the highest ten years. If there is another round in ten years, who can withstand it? It is necessary to use graphene technology to increase it to twenty years, or even more. Long time, but here comes the question, do they have graphene?"

"Sell them a batch secretly first, and then raise the price?"

"you are so bad!"


"The big question right now is how do you get the latency down with old-fashioned fiber."

"Didn't you say, integrate visible light communication into laser guidance, and set up a separate communication channel."

"Did I say that?"

"What you told Nine."

"I'm used to blowing it, but I didn't expect it to work."


"What is the current inventory of optical cables and optical fibers?"

"Weihua and Mobile are launching business in Xishan, Shandi, Heilong, Beihe and other places. The demand is huge, and the workshop has never stopped."

"First, transfer a batch of inventory, complete the industrial chain of Dongshan, upgrade the Zigbee network once, and resist the impact of 3G."


"Visible light communication... The big cells are full, and I will get a batch of LED lamp beads, laser lights, laser lights, and replace all the base stations in our office and Longtian Building."

"Okay, by the way, boss, there are two days left for New Year's Day, do you want to hold an event?"

"Forget it, it's not good to show your face all the time. It's not good to be too high-profile. In this way, use my elf to make a small video, to wish the people of the whole country a new year, and send a few hundred million red envelopes along the way."



December 29th.

Ge Xiaotian rushed to Qinggang overnight.

Tiancheng Electric Industrial Group is relatively scattered, part of which is located in Jishi, part of which is located in Dongshan 15th City, and part of which is located in Dongjiawan Shipyard. After its establishment, its headquarters is located in Zaoshi.

But in terms of scale, Dongjiawan Shipyard is the largest, occupying almost the entire bay, stretching to the Golden Beach in the northeast and extending to Zhaoshi in the southwest.

The wharves along the way are densely covered, and there are berths at a glance.

On the central coast, there are many tower cranes, gantry cranes, conveyor belts, transport vehicles, docks, and floating docks, filling nearly a hundred miles of blank space.

Further on, warehousing, logistics, auto repair, parking apron...

In the wilderness in the distance, the lights are bright, and countless super-large workshops are spread all over the ground, which is for 'Tiancheng Electric Industry'.

Here is the largest precision instrument manufacturing plant in China.

Here is the most complete heavy equipment manufacturing plant in China.

There are the largest variety of electrical equipment manufacturers in China.

Here is Huaxia's most advanced advanced education system for on-the-job employees.

There are also two legions, two fleets, and the Tiancheng oil protection brigade stationed here.

Including the northeast and southwest of Dongjiawan, there are an unknown number of guide egg silos.

After Ge Xiaotian arrived, he didn't stop, but found a deep-sea town center docked by the sea, and exchanged electronic components that combined Zigbee technology and visible light communication technology, also known as lifi.

Then the lifi equipment will be installed and connected to Dongshan Tiancheng 10 Gigabit LAN, which is the mother body of the Shiguang machine that constantly absorbs Internet information.

Different from the Internet, it is only for Tiancheng's internal use, and the speed of the network... Ten Gigabit, 9G/s.

Well, it's military grade.

The scientific researchers got the signal receiver, worked overtime, made new parts, and installed lifi driving computer, photosensitive sensor, stable gyroscope, satellite receiving antenna, and loaded laser guidance for the huge mechanical leg...

December 30th.

early morning.

Ge Xiaotian got into the crotch of the two legs again, put on the 'pants' connected by laser, fixed the waist and abdomen, put on the helmet, and put down the goggles.


Bang, bang, bang...

"start running……"

Bang, clang, clang...


Seeing this scene, the researchers who had been studying for two years threw away their wrenches, screwdrivers and other tools in excitement, cheering for joy.

"No, no, there is still a delay, about 1 second, and needs to be improved. Also, the upper body is still missing."

Ge Xiaotian stretched his right foot forward, bent his left foot, and braked urgently while moving at high speed. The superalloy metal foot fused with graphene rubbed against the concrete floor, sparks and lightning along the way...

"Study the upper body, a double-bucket clamp, a hammer, can smash, dig and clamp, and the mining efficiency will definitely double in the future."

"Boss, do you want to modify that big black dragon?"

"Dongshan LAN only covers Dongshan."

"The server can be set up separately."

"Perfect the whole body first. That big guy needs five people to drive, and the material is different from this delicate little thing."

"What about the Oolong Fighter?"

"The speed is too fast, and there is no corresponding airport. When flying out of Dongshan, the laser guidance will be disconnected. What if it hits flowers and plants?"


"However, this is the first time I have experienced a mecha. Although I only have two legs, I feel... tsk tsk, the feeling of driving a tractor is back!"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the two legs happily, "Get me a layer of invisibility material, the black one."

"Good boss."

At this time, Dao Yi, who handles the shares of Nanyang Development Group, rushed to return.

"Boss, it's done."

"very nice."

Ge Xiaotian didn't ask about the process, and ordered: "Bring up the stocks and market value over there, and then hold an auction at the Shanghai Racecourse, and sell Nanyang Development Group, starting at 200 billion."

"Sell it as soon as we buy it?"

"if not?"

"Li's richest man in the capital sold 90 billion yuan at an ultra-low price. He must have a reason. If we sell it for 200 billion yuan, will someone buy it?"

"Everything has to be done, otherwise the acquisition of Xiangjiang Huada Investment Group will do nothing."

Ge Xiaotian walked out of the operation workshop, "If the news of our acquisition of Nanyang Development Group spreads, what will the developers in Taiwan, Xiangjiang, Malaysia, Indonesia and other places think?"

"You want to kill it."

"Then what?"

"Fear of the Xingyuewan industrial chain, unite together and fight against us together."

"Yes, our influence is so great, what about the Hong Kong real estate stock market?"

"Xingyuewan's industrial chain is following the people-friendly route. Buyers will wait and see in all likelihood, but if we don't pass it, it will cause Xiangjiang Real Estate to enter an off-season and the stock market will fall."

"Only we know about this, so, can Xiangjiang Huada Investment Group take the opportunity to buy the bottom?"

"Then, we sell Nanyang Development Group. If buyers cannot buy Xingyue Bay, they will turn their attention to other real estate projects that have already been reduced in price, which will drive up housing prices and the stock market. Xiangjiang Huada Investment Group will then sell it."

"It's just one of those operations."

"I understand, this is called capital operation."

"It can be repeated several times."


Daoyi was silent for a moment, "Didn't you say that you will not be Soros?"

"Yes, I am Ge Xiaotian."


"Of course, what I cheated was Nanyang developers, who let ordinary people buy real estate at a low price, and then it can appreciate in value. Is this considered a good deed?"

"We might as well take this opportunity to incorporate Nanyang Development Group and change it to Nanyang Tiancheng."

"After the economic crisis in Southeast Asia, in a short period of time, there is no commercial value there. Building a building can only earn one-tenth of the profit. Instead of working hard, it is better to concentrate on promoting the country. Besides, our goal is Xiangjiang. This time After the operation, Xiangjiang Huada Investment Group was changed to Xiangjiang Tianrong, and with Chen Feng's Shangpin International and the offshore amusement project, we can gain a firm foothold there."

"The boss is far-sighted."

"In this way, there are Qinggang, Modu, Jianfu, and Xiangjiang along the coast, and Dongshan, Nanhe, Xishan, Beihe, Shaanxi, and the desert in the inland."

"Make dumplings, take down Jiangnan, Jiangbei, Nandu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Nanyun and other places in one go, and dominate Huaxia real estate... The boss is domineering!"


Ge Xiaotian was a little complacent, "As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass go first. What is important now is the transition, waiting for Brother Hao, Shuai Bo, and Big Brother to unite together. When the time comes, we will all set up troops in Jiangbei..."

"Shoot a battle across the river?"

"good idea!"


'Drip, the network is being upgraded...'

New Year's Day morning.

It's rare for people who have a day off and don't sleep well under the covers to sleep in. After waking up early, they find that the smart card that is always with them has failed.

I can’t see the community tasks, I can’t open the community gate, I can’t buy anything, and I can’t take the bus. Even if I want to find a community shared bicycle, I have to give up because I can’t unlock it...


The community display screen turned into a bar because it could not receive the network.

The same is true of advertising screens, projection lamps, and various LEDs...

At this moment, the whole world seems to have changed.

People who originally wanted to do something were suddenly a little confused and a little overwhelmed...

"Can you play chess?"

"It's weird. I used to do morning exercises and play chess. I didn't even pay attention to whether I had a smart card. Even if I put it at home, I always thought of taking it later. But now, it's right in front of my eyes, but I feel empty in my heart. .”

"No internet connection."

"Have you complained?"

"There is no Internet connection, and I can't make a call to the customer service network, how can I complain?"

"It's solid."

"The monthly rent for that thing is so expensive, my house has already moved out."


Hu Wei walked out of the unit lobby, heard the old people chatting, took out the smart card to check, and was surprised to find that the signal was full.

Not only that, the Pokemon, who was sleeping soundly because there was no internet connection, actually held up a red envelope.

lightly click...

'Congratulations, you opened Boss Ge's red envelope and got 68 red notes. '

'With a red envelope: only today, online shopping 50% off. '

'With a red envelope: only today, movie tickets 20% off. '

'With a red envelope: today only, 10% off on car purchases. '

'With a red envelope: only today, 30% off in supermarkets. '

'With a red envelope: only today, free viewing. '

'With a red envelope...'

'With a red envelope...'


Dozens of reminders flashed past...

"Damn, so many? Wait, it seems that the Internet speed is faster."

The voice did not fall.


Pokemon suddenly threw countless daily necessities...

The kitchen knife only costs two yuan and five, buy one get one watermelon knife...

The pillow only costs two yuan and six, and you can get two pillow skins when you place an order...

Cotton mop only needs one piece and two, and you can get knitted socks as soon as you place an order...

Spatula vomits blood from 50% off...



Hu Wei took a closer look at the rapidly beating real-time internet speed, "Free Zigbee, don't lie to me!"


"Boss, since this morning, there have been many customer feedbacks, requesting to change the Zigbee network to a charging model."

"Why charge, isn't it free?"

"The number of feedback has already accounted for 50% of the total users, and it continues to rise, especially the parents of children, who are all complaining about Tianwei Catering and Tianyu Toys..."

"It's hard to disobey public opinion!"

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