Build Madness

Chapter 709 Ge Xiaotian: That's too much!

January 1, 2002, ten o'clock in the morning.

The Zigbee network upgrade is over, and the stagnant and silent world seems to be 'alive'.

In communities, squares, and streets, countless display devices are instantly filled with colorful colors.

Public welfare videos, commercial advertisements, decorative images, gorgeous projections...

Accompanied by BGM with different styles, it outlines the prosperity that a gorgeous metropolis should have.


"Grass, doesn't this advertisement cost money?"

"Grab a red envelope, I listened to the promotion for five minutes, God knows how many I can remember."

"This is not advertising!"

"What's that called?"

"Ad bombing!"


"Hey, I heard that hundreds of thousands of users jointly reported the online shopping system to the Supreme Management Office of Industrial Information."

"I'll go, what hatred?"

"The activity was so powerful that I couldn't stop buying it softly. In the end...the savings were exhausted before I realized it."


"Also, the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce placed too many advertisements, which seriously disrupted the market order. The big leader of the industrial information industry asked Ge Laoer for tea."

"Will the Zigbee network be blocked?"

"It is unlikely. It is estimated that according to the questionnaire, the charging model will be activated to increase revenue, reduce advertising volume, and balance losses."

"Charge? Traffic is very expensive."

"Yeah, I don't know if I can afford it in the future."

"By the way, what did you choose?"

"It's free, only fools choose to charge."

"what about you?"

"It's definitely free."

"Then who chose to charge?"

"Ghost knows..."


Zigbee Network is different from the wireless router that was born in 1998, developed slowly in North America, and was eventually acquired by Huo Dun. It is also different from the traffic packages of 2G and 3G modes provided by communication operators. Satellite network, SG server and international network, constructing a 'semi-shared' network service.

The reason why there is a half word is because users must use SG equipment and smart cards.

In fact, if the Zigbee network is disconnected from the international network, that is, the Internet, it will still work.

This involves knowledge of local area networks, metropolitan area networks, and wide area networks.

For example.

Jishi Tianheng Auto Trade Group builds an enterprise LAN, and its employees can freely access the data stored in the enterprise server.

One day, Jishi Tianheng employees want to access the Jishi Tiancheng real estate server, so the two companies need to install a switch to exchange data between the two enterprise servers.

In the same way, Jishi Tianrong, Jishi Tianwei, Jishi Longtian Technology, Jishi Sun Paper, Jishi Wanshi Technology, etc. can also join in.

More people, more companies, more data, but too scattered servers and too many switches seriously affect the speed of data exchange.

Boss Ge decided to increase investment, install Shiguangji servers, set up a "three-layer switch" to speed up internal data exchange, and open up permissions, and promote this "local area network" to Jishi, so that the masses can also participate.

Thus, this is the metropolitan area network.

One day, people in Jishi wanted to know about Zaoshi Xincheng, but found that there was no information about him on the Internet.

Boss Ge immediately patted the table: connect the Jishi MAN and Zaoshi MAN.

Cities communicate with each other, and the 'Internet' was born.

The information that occurs every day in the two cities is transmitted to its own server through optical fiber, or to a shared large server, and then to every visiting user, thus creating the information age.

Of course, both Internet users and corporate websites need to have their own access address and user name to avoid logical differences and cause network crashes.

So the question is, what is the difference between Zigbee Network and the traditional Internet?



This fast is not comparing the future, but the present.

The download speed of the mobile terminal is 300K, far exceeding the 20K of the 2G network, and the download speed of the Internet bar is 2M, far exceeding the 50K of the telephone line mode.

In addition, SG equipment adopts the manufacturing method of integrating information into the equipment, such as the large-scale 3D game Shenlong Cultivation, with fast file reading, fast network data exchange, and reduced delay, thus bringing smooth operation fluency.

The same is true for Pokemon, online shopping platforms, advertising, etc.

Of course, the low latency of the Zigbee network is only relative to commercial operations, and it is still too high for industry and military.

However, with the network upgrade, the delay problem has been greatly improved.

In summary, it is not difficult to see that the Zigbee network system is developed from the Tiancheng LAN, and the external connection is completed by the Tiancheng Aerospace Department's Shi Guangji matrix that constantly absorbs external information.

As for switches, optical fibers, optical cables, base stations, etc., all are handed over to Weihua, who is authorized by SG equipment, which is equivalent to project exchange.

Therefore, Zigbee Network belongs to Tiancheng.

Zigbee replaces the telephone communication business. In addition to cooperating with Tiancheng to provide 2G cellular data network and the new mobile digital mobile office business, several other communication operators have withdrawn from Dongshan.

And as Tian Cheng marched into Nanhe, Xishan, Beihe and other places, some leaders were not happy.

Calls are charged by the minute, such a big cake is eaten by Tiancheng's free network, who is willing?

That's why, the big leader of industrial information really invited someone to drink tea.

After all, Tiancheng has no communication authorization and no relevant license.

For Ge Xiaotian, this is not a crisis.

One is that there is another Shiguangji server at the Ninth Institute, which is a large database, and information security is not a problem.

The second is that Zigbee popularizes the industrial field, and the big leader of industrial information cannot only care about information and ignore industry.

The third is that the Nine Institutes have come up with visible light communication technology, which means that the military will also adopt Zigbee.

Therefore, what Ge Xiaotian considered was whether drinking tea this time would bring out the 'benefits'.

For a long time, Zigbee Network has adopted the free model, but it is not without income. On the contrary, it is more profitable than the charging model.

With the popularization of SG devices and smart one-cards with unlimited data traffic, the trend of the whole people going online has been triggered. The brands with three grades of "high, medium and low" in the online shopping system have easily entered the public's field of vision.

The value contained in this can no longer be measured by money. At least millions of shops, large and small, can exchange for N Zigbee network systems every year based on the promotion fees and profit commissions paid by the online shopping platform traffic.

However, after two years of brand building, people have begun to get tired of advertising bombing, which is bound to adjust the operating model.



International Tourism City, Gold East Coast.

Driven by twelve rainbow hot air balloons, the twelve large characters written by the deputy director himself crossed the golden beach, which was beautiful and shocking.

Although the rear villa area has not yet been completed, supporting facilities matching the beach culture have been laid on the coast.

Lighthouses, stone sails, wooden boats, ancient ships, beach wooden houses magnified N times, rows of marine sculptures...

As an important project of the same level as Jishi Canal Development Zone, Zaoshi New City, Jinxiuchuan University City, Neo Brass, the future Magic City Wuzhou Avenue, and Xiangjiang Sea Racecourse, there are five cement drones, one A small real drone, a ground-effect aircraft landmark in the form of a marquee, and a large underwater world that may be built in the future...

Ge Xiaotian took tua to the airport, admiring the scenery along the way, while thinking about the new model of Zigbee Network.

Billing on time, monthly traffic subscription, member exclusive, VIP acceleration, personalized recommendation...

"If you make these, will you be struck by lightning?"

"Boss, here we are."


Ge Xiaotian got off the tua, looked around wildly, and was shocked to find that all the flights at the airport had changed their livery after not coming for a few days.

'Brain and kidney invigorating liquid! '

It doesn't matter, the important thing is that the person holding the small brown bottle high and holding the straw in his mouth looks exactly like him.

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