Build Madness

Chapter 710

"It's too much!"

Looking at the various postures of himself with a straw in his mouth on the shell of the plane, Ge Xiaotian's head was covered with black lines.

He was not at all interested in Jiannao Bushen Liquid or Jiannao Bushen Pills. When he bought the other party, he wanted to refund the funny face endorsement fee given by the other party, and then shut down the other party's factory.

It was never expected that Dao Er and his masters would make Ge Shi Pharmaceutical stronger and stronger. According to the year-end audit report, the profit was more than three billion yuan.

But earning more and earning less will not change the fact that this thing is a drug.

Drugs are different from health products. Health products are health food, not for the purpose of curing diseases. They are similar to food, but only regulate human body functions, while drugs are only used for curing diseases. Taking medicine when you are not sick is purely looking for trouble.

"Remove the advertisement. Sanzhu Oral Liquid, Jianwei Xiaoshi Tablets, Naobai, etc. are health care products. The purpose of advertising is to make money. Why are we making a fuss about pharmaceuticals?"

Daoyi went to study visible light communication, and Daoshixi continued to serve as a private secretary, "Boss, whoever allows pharmaceuticals can't advertise? Golden Throat, Ganmaoling, Cough Syrup, Suxiao Jiuxin Pills, aren't they all medicines?"

"It makes sense..."

"Besides, the Jiannaobushen pills and tonifying kidney liquid prepared by our Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine have no side effects. The main ingredients, such as honeysuckle, can not only disperse wind-heat, but also clear blood toxins. They are used for various febrile diseases, including bodily Fever, rash, spots, heat toxin sores, sore throat, etc. The fleshy root of ginseng is a well-known strong tonic, suitable for adjusting blood pressure, restoring heart function, neurasthenia and physical weakness, and also has expectorant effects , invigorating the stomach, diuresis, excitement and other effects."


"Actually, the adjusted formula is mainly used to nourish the brain. Let's open it up. It's a system university. It's like cramming ducks. Stuffing things into the students' brains has to be digested, right? Continue to use the brain, overdraw the brain, and the lack of brain nutrition leads to neurological problems. Weakness...this is a disease, and it must be cured."

"Isn't this a brain supplement for the whole people?"

"Yes, the pharmaceutical company is aiming to break through 10 billion in profit this year."


"This is real medicine, which is better than asking ordinary people to buy those messy health care products."

"It's better to have a walnut milk."

"That one is already on the shelves. It is similar to the edible nutrient solution launched by Nanwa. The sales volume is not bad. This year, it has settled down. It will be advertised at the end of the year. A bottle sells for two yuan, and the cost is 20 cents..."

"too dark!"

"It is not expensive, no one believes it is a nutritional product."


Ge Xiaotian was just about to complain, when he suddenly remembered that this is the era of health care products, if the Jiannaobuni liquid is crushed all the way, it can prevent a large number of people from being deceived.

"Give me two boxes of Brain-Invigorating and Kidney-tonifying Liquid to try later."

"The blue bottle?"

"What about the red bottle? Do you think you're playing legend?"

"The red bottle promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, the blue bottle nourishes the brain and nourishes the mind, the green bottle strengthens yang and nourishes the kidney, the pink bottle nourishes yin and nourishes the face, the white bottle detoxifies and dispels heat, the brown bottle nourishes qi and strengthens the spleen, the purple bottle relieves dizziness and tinnitus, and the black bottle treats bad breath and beriberi..."

Ge Xiaotian's eyes straightened when he heard this, "So many? Is there a rainbow bottle?"

"Yes, it can cure all diseases."

"Go away, turn it off, it's too ridiculous!"

"Don't talk, our Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is the top Chinese medicine research institution on the mother planet. The rainbow bottle is a first-aid medicine customized by the military. There's nitrate for the coronary arteries. There's also a diamond vial..."


"Would you like some of everything?"

"Go and clean the plane with your bare hands. When will I come back and when will I stop?"

"They won't let me wipe it."

"This airport, I take care of it, you wipe the airport hall and the runway together, and help them repair the plane by the way."



Arrived at the airport hall, boarded the plane through the dedicated channel for Tiancheng Enterprise, coincidentally, met the flight attendants from last time.

The pretty girl seemed to be waiting for a long time, and said hello timidly:

"Mr. Ge."

"Well, did you really tell your chairman what I said?"

"Who dares to ignore Mr. Ge's words?"

Before the pretty girl could answer, a middle-aged man greeted her with a smile.

The rear economy class is empty, and the front business class has also been adjusted.

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, knowing that the other party came to him in all likelihood for cooperation.

As he said before, the three major airlines have lost money, and the higher authorities can't stand it. They have to merge with other official airlines to rescue the market and open up private aviation.

In the news this morning, there were reports that the richest man in Beihu established East Star Airlines, Shencheng established Donghai Airlines, and JuneYao Group established Juneyao Airlines.

Entering 2002, private airlines have sprung up.

Unfortunately, my family is interested in airport construction, not aviation operations.

Oh yes, maybe sell a few planes.

The aviation technology tree has been pushed to the 1970s by Lao Hong unconsciously.

At present, most of the mainstream flight models used by countries on the home planet were developed at that time, and they can be sold in batches.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian stepped forward and held the other's outstretched right hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, I wonder who you are?"

"The person in charge of Dongshan Airlines, Xu Fei, may I have a chat with Mr. Ge today?"

"It's an honor." Ge Xiaotian said, walked to the arranged cabin and sat down.

The pretty girl quickly served the code in a transparent goblet, and saw that there were really a few pieces of ice inside.

"Mr. Ge, Siberia is not navigable. This is edible ice made from Nongfu Spring."

"Ha, just kidding, don't take it seriously."

Ge Xiaotian waved his smart card to distribute red envelopes to nearby users, and then looked at the middle-aged and elderly man, "Mr. Xu has a heart."

"Mr. Ge, I hope you can forgive me for the poor hospitality."

After a few polite words, the middle-aged and elderly man got to the point.

"Tiancheng Electric's industry is booming, and its transportation business has expanded to land, sea and air. Now that civil aviation is emerging, if Mr. Ge joins in, it will definitely change the current old model like Xingyuewan's industrial chain."

"Haha, Mr. Xu, I don't know if you have heard that I chatted with the stock king old man for half a night a while ago."


"The stock king told me a real joke. In 1989, he just made a five-fold profit on Coca-Cola. Then he set his sights on the civil aviation industry and spent 358 million Franklin to buy the preferred stock of US Airways. Unfortunately, the car overturned and fell in six years. In the letter to investors, the trapped stock king made no secret of his anger: If you want to be a millionaire, become a billionaire first, and then buy airline stocks.”


The beautiful girl who stayed aside laughed directly.


The middle-aged man also wanted to laugh, but this time it was to save Shanhang, "Mr. Ge, maybe it was an accident."

"In fact, there is another person who lost more. He has a nickname called Chuanpu. The year the stock king invested in US Airways, he founded Trump Shuttle himself, and then spent 365 million Franklin to purchase 21 Boeing 727s, and returned the money for each plane. The toilets were all gold-plated, and champagne, wine and laptops were provided free of charge to passengers, and it ended up in bankruptcy for three years."


"However, from 1989 to now, although the global airlines are losing money, there is one airline that has made money."

"Sorry, I'm a little ignorant."

"No, I pay more attention to him, and I also call it the 'ancestor of global low-cost airlines', North American Southwest Airlines."

"Appreciate further details."

"This company is different. When other companies are buying large aircraft, developing long-distance routes, and upgrading cabin services, they are doing the opposite, using a single model, flying only short and medium distances, and not providing meals. The ticket price ensures a high passenger load factor, and this seemingly foolish way has resulted in 45 consecutive years of profitability, and its performance is not as stable as an airline.”

"It's a bit like a bus, and a bit like your agricultural plane...I get it!"

The middle-aged and elderly man nodded seriously, "However, the superiors have regulations that airlines need to pay attention to the brand and strive to build the image of China Airlines in the world."

Ge Xiaotian shook the melted ice slag in the tall glass, motioned to Shisan to fetch a bottle of vodka, divided the code into two glasses, and poured the vodka into it, "Try?"

The middle-aged man picked it up and took a sip, "It tastes good."

"In my industrial chain, KTV, shopping malls, hotels, and restaurants, the cost is only 30 cents, but they can be sold at a high price of a full red note."


"If you introduce this drink and give it to passengers for free, is there a Bigger?"

"can not afford……"

"Cost price, three cents a piece."

"This...thanks to Mr. Ge."

"Also, what about the image...Although I do architecture, I have also modified airplanes. How many passenger airplanes do you have?"


"If you believe it, just leave it to me, and I will help you decorate it into the world's top interior for free."

"You are too proud!"

"In addition, I will help you subsidize one-third of the salary of the flight attendants. It is not a subsidy for the current salary, but an increase of one-third."

The middle-aged man seemed to think of something, his face was a little stiff, "Mr. Ge, what is your request?"

"Order 20 small and medium passenger planes from me, build 15 airports in Dongshan, and hire 50 pilots."


The middle-aged man sprayed directly, "Are you kidding me?"


"If you sell Shandong Airlines, you won't be able to buy these!"

"Don't let you buy, rent, rent my plane, rent my airport, rent my pilot..."


"Guarantee you turn losses into profits within a year. Although you don't earn much, there are few things to do. You don't need maintenance, you don't need to drive cash trucks to recruit pilots, and you don't even have to worry about selling air tickets. You only need to build your own brand and train flight attendants."

"This mode..."

"Real estate office leasing model."


The middle-aged man was silent for a long time, "I can apply to sell Shandong Airlines to you."

"You know, I'm a down-to-earth person. If I were engaged in aviation, I'm afraid that this thing will be directly turned into a bus model, and boarding with a card."


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