Build Madness

Chapter 711 Air Lease Drinking Tea

There are many factors for civil aviation to lose money.

For one flight, fuel is the most expensive, followed by maintenance, then crew, ground support, and then bridge rental, take-off and landing fees, airport overnight fees, various command fees, route rental fees...

If it is in the north, deicing is required regardless of whether it is snowing or not. If it is not snowing, 50,000 yuan will be deiced, and if it is snowing, 150,000 to 200,000 yuan will be deiced.

In China, most passenger planes do not belong to airlines, and are either leased from aircraft manufacturers or from private investors who invest in passenger planes, and the cost is extremely high.

In general, for 1,000 kilometers, the ticket price is 800 red notes with a 20% discount. Not counting the airport construction fee and the fuel surcharge implemented in the millennium, high-quality routes can earn 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, and medium- and low-level routes can lose 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. As many as hundreds of thousands of losses.

Like the three major airlines, including the depreciation of their stocks, each lost an average of 200 million yuan last year.

A small airliner just disappeared.

Therefore, Xu Fei, the person in charge of Dongshan Airlines, heard that the boss of Dongshan business circle complained about his own flight, and the first thing he thought of was to learn from it.

It's a pity that Boss Ge is busy with business, selling aviation ammo, selling tanks, selling guided weapons, all he does is "big business", the two of them don't know each other well, he has nowhere to go, even if he finds Mr. Say it again'.

Received a call from the company today, and heard that Tiancheng's executives had booked tickets, so he rushed over as soon as possible.

In fact, Xu Fei very much agrees with the concept of "down-to-earth".

When you have no money, you have to learn to tighten your belt. When you have money, you have to learn how to save money. Isn’t life better?

I’ve heard that the stock king lost money investing in airplanes, and Chuanpu also lost money investing in airplanes. The two sides lost a total of six to seven billion red notes. Only the originator of cheap flights made a profit. Now, Xu Fei only has " The words "Bus Mode" and "Swipe Card Boarding".

Everyone understands that aviation loses money not because the business is bad, but because the competition is too great and the management is scattered.

If miscellaneous expenses are removed, unified management and unified operation are substituted into the land transportation mechanism.

For example, if you want to enjoy yourself, buy your own car, corresponding to a private jet.

For example, if you want to do business, you can charter a car for a business, and you can use a business jet.

For example, if you want to be fast, you can take your own taxi, corresponding to commercial flights.

For example, if you want to be cheap, you can squeeze together, get together and take off according to a fixed route, corresponding to cheap flights.

Xu Fei has heard a little bit about Tiancheng's "big database". If it is reasonable to adjust flights, arrange passengers' trips reasonably, and set ticket prices reasonably according to the off-season and hot season of aviation, the opening hours of various tourist destinations, and the business needs of enterprises, as long as it is formed, Dongshan Airlines will soon It can turn losses into profits.

After all, flying is a very important thing. Many people may not have taken it in their entire lives. With the launch of cheap flights, everyone can experience it. If it becomes a trend, the passenger flow will increase, business flights, corporate business jets, and even private flight attendants. , will also develop accordingly.

'Fortunately, I read the Tiancheng employee handbook, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to understand what it means to 'popularize first, then make money'. '

However, the most important thing is to get the support of Tiancheng Electric Industry.

In other words, leasing airports, leasing planes, and leasing pilots should not be too expensive.

"Mr. Ge, I feel that your swipe card boarding mode is great!"


Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect the other party to really accept his unreliable idea, "You want to do it?"

"You can try."

"I just admire a courageous person like you!"

Ge Xiaotian gave a thumbs up and took out the paper and pen, "Actually, it's very easy to do it. Reserve the existing flight and lease 20 passenger planes suitable for the card swiping mode from me, and I will allocate them when building the airport according to this mode. Dedicated channel, and use the smart card to buy tickets online, share flights, have Tianwei security, security check is not a problem. Plus the bus system, waterway system... brother, I can help you push Shandong Airlines to the throne of China's No. 1! "


Ge Xiaotian does not do aviation operations, not because it is losing money, but because its own company is too strong.

There are airplanes, maintenance, construction, relationships, pilots, flight attendants, urban industries, and tourism modules...

Once it is done, who will play with the airline that is losing money?

After the first wave of competition, the company directly monopolizes, but the superior does not allow monopoly.

Therefore, what Ge Xiaotian considers is that airlines are like players, competing with each other, while his own development team helps airlines provide 'props' and formulate gameplay, that is, provide airports, aircraft, routes, maintenance, pilots, and set up operation models.

don't play?

Then let's a, once you lose money to the end, you will go bankrupt and liquidate directly, and leave this field.

'It feels like a big boss behind the scenes! '

Ge Xiaotian lit a homemade Cuban cigar, and looked at Xu Fei, the chairman of Dongshan Airlines who had been silent for a long time, "How is it?"

"Done! Just, I don't know the passenger plane and the airport?"

"Currently there is only one large airliner, and small and medium-sized ones need to be manufactured now, but don't worry, the delivery will be ready in the middle of this year, and the airport will almost be laid by then. You know, I have the strength."

"Can I see the blueprint?"

"no problem!"

Passenger planes must be jets, but there are also types of jets.

First of all, the turbojet engine: the gas after combustion is directly ejected, and the kinetic energy is provided by the thrust of the ejected airflow.

Advantages: high speed is particularly good.

Cons: Poor fuel economy.

It is mainly used for war beans, bombers, and drones.

Tiancheng Electric's industrial aviation technology is taking the bear route, which is dual-use for both military and civilian purposes, plus pure ethanol + liquid oxygen to replace aviation kerosene, and the large passenger aircraft is directly transformed from the HZA.

The fuel consumption is high, but the power is strong, and the feeling of pushing back is full.

Secondly, the turbofan engine: In order to improve the heat transfer efficiency, the turbofan engine does not directly discharge the gas, but drives the fan to rotate through the inner channel, and the gas generated by the fan rotates to propel the aircraft to fly.

Advantages: Fuel saving.

Relative disadvantage: the speed is not as fast as the turbojet.

Mainly used in civil aviation airliners.

Tiancheng has no shortage of pure ethanol and liquid oxygen, so naturally there is no need to consider fuel consumption, so it chooses a faster turbojet engine.

The last one, turboprop engine: In order to better improve thermal efficiency, engineers must increase the diameter of the fan. The diameter of the fan is too large to fit in the aircraft engine, and there is no way to put the fan outside, thus forming a turboprop engine. It can also be said that the turboprop engine is a turbofan engine with a large bypass ratio. It's just that if the engine speed is too high, a gear box must be used to slow it down, so that the speed of the large fan can be reduced, and the wind from the fan can drive the plane to fly.

Advantages: fuel saving, easy maintenance.

The disadvantage is: the flight speed will be slower.

Mainly used for heavy transport aircraft.

This has been abandoned by Tian Cheng and changed to a super large ground effect aircraft.

In fact, the core principles of these three engines are similar, but they are divided into three structures according to fuel economy and actual use.

The most difficult thing to process is always the blade, and improving the life of the blade is equal to improving the life of the aero-engine.

For Tian Cheng, lifespan... almost doesn't exist.

Therefore, leasing aircraft, earning maintenance fees, leasing airports, earning service fees, leasing pilots, earning training fees, plus miscellaneous expenses, earn much more than operating an airline.

Xu Fei saw the structure diagram of the aircraft, and the appearance that resembled a bomber, the corners of his eyes twitched, "Mr. Ge, this passenger aircraft does not meet the aviation standards of the parent star, and cannot land in other countries and regions."

"Take your time, first fly to Dongshan, Nanhe, Xishan, Shandi, and the desert. From abroad, you can temporarily fly to Neobras, Montenegro, and North and South Africa. In short, wherever my business is done, your flight will fly there , Maybe next year it will be able to connect Taiwan Province, Xiangjiang, Wadao, Nanyang, and Nanbangzi, and in the year after... there will be more places to fly to."

"Mr. Ge is a big business man."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, and tapped the table with his index finger, "As Dongshan Airlines grows bigger and stronger, it will become more and more important, and its level will gradually increase. As the person in charge, I feel that you can sit until you retire."

Xu Fei also smiled and stood up, "Mr. Ge, it's a pleasant cooperation."

"Raise money as soon as possible."



In 2002, the Industrial Information Supreme Management Office was not called Gongxin. Now it is divided into two offices, one is located on the west side of Huaxia Street, and the other is located on Wanshou Road.

It was not the two office managers who invited Ge Xiaotian to drink tea, but a member of the board of directors.

During this period, the bosses are quite old, like Jiusuo and Wanlao, who are already 80 years old, and the chairman is also 76 years old.

So was the board member, gray-haired and walking with a cane.

Ge Xiaotian came to the meeting place, and the other party was enjoying the flowers in the plum garden.

"Good leadership."

"According to the standards of communication operators, how much is 10 megabytes of traffic?"

"It's dropped this year, ten yuan last year, and five yuan this year."

"The Zigbee network is free, and the traffic consumption is all calculated in exabytes. You will lose billions a day."

"The nature is different."

"I said the same, it's the same, isn't it all about information exchange?"


Ge Xiaotian was a little confused about the attitude of the other party.

Before coming, he inquired about Jiusuo and Wanlao, but the latter said nothing.

If he didn't say anything, it meant he was fine, so Ge ​​Xiaocai would think of 'gaining benefits'.

It seems interesting now...

"You're always right."

"Since you're losing money, why don't you hand Zigbee Network over to the Industrial Information Management Office? Don't worry, I'll make up for the cost of laying the Zigbee network system."

Ge Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, and suddenly remembered Chen Donghai's backer.

Could it be this one?

"Okay, research and development, patents, agreements, frequency band leasing, laying of optical cables and optical fibers... all these things add up, and I won't lie, if you want 500 billion red notes, you can pay them in one lump sum, and they will be handed over immediately. "

"You are a big lion, you lose more than one billion in a mess every day, and you want 500 billion for me?"

"It's not a mess, it's a cornucopia. Besides, I can afford it."

The white-haired old man turned his head and looked at Ge Xiaotian for a moment, "Up to 200 billion."

"It seems that you are always determined to win."

"It depends on what you do."

"Okay!" Ge Xiaotian nodded without hesitation.

The white-haired old man suddenly smiled, "After Zifeng Network changed hands, what will you do next?"

"Keep using it."

"This style of work is a bit different from the black-hearted Ge Er Er I know in my impression?"

"if not?"

"I thought you would temporarily replace Zigbee with a satellite network, and then speed up the construction of a new network to replace Zigbee in the shortest possible time, making Zigbee an empty shell. Whoever takes away Zigbee will be ruined."

Ge Xiaotian realized instantly that the other party was testing himself, "Don't say it."

"Ha ha!"

The white-haired old man laughed heartily, walked into the room, and motioned for the secretary to offer cigarettes and tea, "Sit down."

"Are you still buying it?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

The white-haired old man stared unhappily, picked up the white cigarette case and took out two weird cigars, "It's called 'Yinian Century', and it has many recipes. Taizu likes to smoke No. 2, which has a very light taste, and Mr. He likes to smoke No. 33." , the taste is very strong, I like to smoke No. 13, the taste is mild, far more than the big Cuban cigars you like to smoke."

"I don't like smoking, I smoke cigars just to..."


"Hey, no, it's for matching clothes."


The white-haired old man fiddled for a while, "Try?"

"Thank you leader!"

"At the beginning, it only had 20 cigarettes per month, with a monthly output of 200 cigarettes. It was no longer produced 20 years ago. I only have these six special cigarettes left. I smoke one, and one less. When it is buried, I don’t know if I can bury one of them.”

"Where is the recipe?"

"Burn it, burn it, throw it away, leaving only one or two elimination formulas, which are kept as secrets."


Ge Xiaotian sighed, picked up the cigar and sniffed, ignoring the prompts of Didi screaming in his mind, "Can I give birth?"

"It's up to you, I don't have a formula anyway."

"If you don't give the formula, then you won't be paid."

"What do I need money for?"

"That's right, can it be branded as 'Century of Elderly Age'?"

"No, registration has been banned."

"Then it's called, number 13?"


The white-haired old man didn't care much about this, he took a sip on his cigar, "How does it taste?"

"It's very pure, very fragrant, very rich, and has an ancient atmosphere..."

Ge Xiaotian relaxed his body, half-lying in the armchair, his expression blurred, his tone misty, holding a cigar in his left hand, shaking his head and saying: "At this moment, what I smoke is not a cigar, but years."


The white-haired old man spit out a puff of smoke and coughed violently. The secretary suppressed a smile and stepped forward to take care of him.

"Today, I finally saw your nonsense ability."

"No, do whatever you want, I'm serious."


"Good smoke, good smoke, leader, I really produced it?!"


After the old man finished speaking, he suddenly realized, "It's useless for me to nod. How can private enterprises make cigarettes? You can only find a way to invest by yourself."

"I didn't say it's made in China. Niobras Cigarette Factory, No. 13 cigars."

"Choose a nice name."

"talk later."

Ge Xiaotian picked up the teacup handed by the secretary, "Thank you."

"I called you here today, it's nothing, just chat casually."

The white-haired old man blew on the ashes, "We are in the industry, we can't just rush forward, we need to take one step and consider three steps."

"Listen carefully to the instruction."

"It is very difficult to go out of your own way, and it is difficult to reach the sky, especially when you ascend to the height of the parent star. For information security, other countries will not only not use Zigbee, but will block Zigbee. I hope that if one day it is unstoppable , the Zigbee is gone, you can immediately launch the second Zigbee, Hornet, and Red Bee."

"Don't worry, we have a Starlink project consisting of 6,900 network satellites!"

The white-haired old man didn't show any signs of change when he heard the words, "What's the success rate?"

"I leaked it to North America."


"But we can do the same. Let Long Tian launch a batch first and take the lead."

The white-haired old man suddenly realized that he was trying to cheat him, "Okay, I'll approve it for you."

"Approve what?"


"It turns out that you invited me to drink tea today because of this."

"if not?"

"I thought it was a problem with Zigbee's fees."

"It's a small thing for global development."

The white-haired old man took a sip of tea, "Try it, the authentic mother tree Dahongpao."


Ge Xiaotian feels a little guilty when he hears these words now, especially when he sees... the packaging that is exactly the same as his own, he picks up the cup with a stiff smile, drinks it in one gulp, and babbles, "Good tea, good tea."

"The cow chews the peony!"


Chatted for a long time, the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

After eating the dinner of four dishes and one soup, Ge Xiaotian left the courtyard.

in the car.

"Eleventh, contact your elder brother, and quickly throw away those tea leaves for me, no, burn them."


"Although I don't know how this thing came about, but your senior brother is engaged in physical chemistry, he must have synthesized it by a certain method. The big brothers are getting old, what should we do if there is a problem with drinking?"

"If you think too much, it is the mother tree Dahongpao. When the owner of the tea shop auctioned off four liang of tea leaves, a small branch of the tea tree was pinned to the outside of the paper bag. Later, we established an animal and plant breeding base and successfully cloned the mother tree seedlings, but the output was scarce. , and then through the cultivation system and plant nutrient solution, it was successfully spawned, and the yield increased, coupled with the master's tea frying skills, our tea is more authentic than the real mother tree Dahongpao."

"It turned out to be like this..."

Ge Xiaotian frowned, "Why do I always feel that this thing looks like an old Tieguanyin?"

"Thinking causes the sense of smell to be distorted. You always think it is inferior jasmine, and you can't help but bring that smell into it when you drink it. How can you taste the mother tree Dahongpao? It is more complicated to explain in detail. You need to study psychology."


"Boss, where shall we go next?"

"There is still half a month before the Spring Festival. I will go to various companies for a stroll and go home to coax my nephew. In the next year, after the electrical industry has finished processing this large number of orders, I will go all the way west!"

"Boss, after taking down Jiangnan, Shen Zhipeng moved to Beihe, do you want to visit his company?"

"Oh? Let's go."

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