Build Madness

Chapter 712 Tianbo Group Splendid Huaxia

Office of the President of Tiancheng International Holdings Group.


Seng Yi, who was busy working, saw the encryption prompt of the internal dedicated smart card, took a deep breath, looked around, and found that he was the only one in the room...

Click on the information.

Road Eleven:

'The boss doubted the origin of the tea leaves. I said that the Nanwa Animal and Plant Training Base cloned the seedlings of the Dahongpao mother tree and gave birth to them through the culture fluid. '

Seng Yi deleted it casually and contacted Dao Yi.

"problem occurs."


"The boss suspects the origin of the tea..."

"What a big deal."

"We don't have a Dahongpao mother tree?"

"Find a holly and put it in the laboratory, make it high-end around it, say it is a Dahongpao mother tree, can the boss see it?"


The monk was startled, "Do you know how the word death is written?"

"It's precisely because we know that we have to do this!"


"Calm down, old man, I watch the sky at night, we can survive this catastrophe safely."


"By the way, the boss wants two boxes of brain and kidney tonic liquid."

"What bottle?"

"This... didn't say anything."

Seng Yi hesitated and said, "Two bottles of each?"


"Where to send?"

"The Spring Festival is almost over, I guess the boss will go back to his hometown and send him off to the old house in Gejia Village."


Beihe is a very interesting province.

Of the eleven cities under his command, five have been provincial capitals, and two have been promoted to special areas, which successfully interprets "the boss takes turns to do it, and he will come to my house next year".

In recent decades, it has been the turn of Shijiazhuang, a city with a lucky bonus.

Because when running for the provincial government, its own strength is not as good as Daming Mansion, Shuntian Mansion, Baoding Mansion, and Zhending Mansion, nor is it comparable to Chengde, Qinhuang, Tangshan, HD, Hengshui, and Zhangjiakou.

Look at these names, they seem to be more famous than Shijiazhuang.

But it just became the boss and became the provincial government.

In recent decades, thanks to the addition of provincial titles, Shijiazhuang has developed rapidly and rushed to the third place in Beihe, second only to Gangcheng Tangshan and oil city Baoding.

Shuai Bo was in charge of Tiancheng's project in Beihe, who finished Wangjing's infrastructure project and handed over the operation to the little star Tong Ying, who then led the engineering department to start the development of Beihe.

Restricted by the age, real estate profits are not as good as the future, but Tiancheng is mainly engaged in industry, and has created an industrial chain. Countless shopping malls, squares, and factories have sprung up. As time goes by, the value continues to increase, and the tide rises. Realize it, but its own value is much more than a one-time profit.

The headquarters building of Beihe Tianbo Group is located in the newly established development zone in Shijiazhuang, opposite to the Jifu Chamber of Commerce Office and Dongshan Jianlian Sales Office.

When Ge Xiaotian rushed over, there was heavy snow in the air, and it happened to be early in the morning, and there were few people on the street.

However, under the headquarters building of Tianbo, and the sales office of Dongshan Jianlian on the opposite side, there seems to be a friendship, singing and dancing.

For the projects here, Ge Xiaotian only pays attention to, and does not intervene. Any cooperation or competition between Tianbo Group and Shen Zhipeng is all in charge of Shuaibo.

Therefore, seeing this scene, Ge Xiaotian felt quite interesting.

What's more interesting is that 'Splendid China' is located on the southwest side of Tianbo Group.

At the beginning, Ge Xiaotian finished the detailed planning for Li Xiuxiu, but he also let it go. He didn't go to the Northeast this year, and naturally he didn't go into the ancient culture store.

Immediately signal the driver of tua:

"Go and have a look."

Sitting next to him, Shuai Bo, wrapped in a woolen coat, with a black scarf around his neck, mustache, big back, and a jade wrench finger and a gold ring, said, "Boss, the lady boss is not here."

"Well, Xiao Bo, the end of the year is approaching, and the group has a lot of things to do, so go get busy first, don't worry about me, I'll go for a stroll by myself, and I'll find Lao Shen for lunch at noon."

"That night?"

"Go around your place."


Ge Xiao got out of the car and looked at Splendid Huaxia, and Shuai Bo returned to the group with his unit year-end award last year.

The ancient building complex in front of you is assembled from buildings from multiple periods.

There are single eaves veranda, double eaves veranda, single eaves Xieshan, double eaves Xieshan, three drops of water Pavilion Xieshan, big eaves Xieshan, rolling shed Xieshan, and triangular, quadrangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, octagonal, circular , Single eaves, double eaves, multi-layer eaves Cuanjian buildings.

They are connected with each other by ports, pavilions, platforms, and corridors.

The gate is a wooden archway, spanning 100 meters, and the inscription: Splendid Huaxia.

The parking lot is underground, and gardens, landscapes, lakes and small bridges are set up on both sides of the passage.

Show the demeanor of prodigal old ladies everywhere.

"If you get a few courtyard houses, you can pay back the cost in minutes."

Dao Shishi replied: "Boss, the lady boss lost 500 million this year."

"Just be happy."

Ge Xiaotian didn't take it seriously.

To do any business, you have to lay the groundwork, maintain the store, and explode.

The purpose of Splendid Huaxia is to promote national culture and impact overseas markets. Before the Daqingshan Ancient Cultural Center became famous on the mother planet, these physical stores located in various provincial capitals just need to do their jobs well.

As for what kind of job...

That's why Ge Xiaotian came to stroll around.

Step into the main entrance.

The moment the melodious guzheng music came, the heat wave was on the face, and the eyes suddenly became clear. All kinds of models in ancient costumes constituted a bustling "Riverside Scene During Qingming Festival".

Yes, there are no shops here, but only "ancient street scenes". If you want to buy something, you can take out your smart card, scan the barcode, and put it into the cloud shopping cart.

After shopping, if you are not satisfied with the try-on, you can cancel the order at will. If you are satisfied, you can pay and take it away.

Moreover, with the development of science and technology, the provincial-level Splendid Huaxia will extend to county-level and cloud-based physical stores that integrate VR experience and AR try-on functions.

One is to reduce operating costs, and the other is to popularize and expand the market.

Ge Xiaotian believes that with the support of culture, he will make a lot of money sooner or later.

"Hi sir!"

At this time, two girls in ancient costumes stepped forward to greet him.

Just as Ge Xiaotian was about to respond, a beautiful little fairy rushed over and gave him a bear hug.



Seeing the beautiful young girl in front of him, far surpassing another time and space seller's show model, Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, "Who are you?"

"Me, Shishi!"

"Shishi? I'm a cricket, go and go, I have a wife."

"It's me!" The girl was in a hurry, she let go of her hands, puffed up her cheeks, her big eyes were tearful, she was extremely wronged.

Ge Xiaotian blinked, feeling that this scene seemed familiar, and suddenly a picture flashed in his mind: five little pink pigs rode on the electric bike, roaring and flying away quickly.

'Ride my beloved scooter, it'll never...'

This one in front of you is one of them.


"You are the pig!"


Ge Xiaotian was immediately happy, and walked around Shishi, "Unexpectedly, I haven't seen her in a year, and she looks so juicy."

"Your eyes are so evil."

"What about the other four?"

"Nanhe, Xishan, Shandi, Jianfu... No, how can we make the decision."

"Yo, dare to resist!"

"Speaking of resistance, I just remembered that I was fired by you. I can't call you boss."

"What do you call it?"

"Sister Xiuxiu is our boss. Calling you the boss? It doesn't sound good, or brother-in-law!"

Ge Xiaotian flicked his brains casually, "The idea is beautiful, and you are getting close to me, open the way ahead, let me see what you have done."

The little girl hugged her head, her cheeks puffed up even more, she turned around angrily, "Coincidentally, it's snowing today, and we're filming a promotional video."

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