Build Madness

Chapter 713 Linen Products and Their Significance

North River.

'Splendid Huaxia' ancient cultural city.


Scattered snowflakes are falling, gradually covering the ancient courtyard that makes people linger.

In the distance, dead trees, broken bridges, and ice lakes outline a flawless beauty.

Nearby, a few proud plums swayed in the wind, and a beautiful figure wrapped in plain clothes and a rabbit velvet cape stopped to watch.

In the cold wind, a middle-aged man with a capable figure and slightly white temples, wearing a bamboo hat and carrying a three-foot long sword, came walking on the snow.

"Girl, may I ask how to get to the building?"

"From here to the south, eight hundred steps."

"Thank you!"

During the conversation, the two of them passed by each other, and the breeze gently blew up the tips of their slender hair, and a few petals fell leisurely.

"When will Zhaner see Nanxue, plum blossoms and I will grow old together." '

The elegant singing sounded, describing an emotional story about the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, why should they have known each other before they met.

The picture is beautiful, the lyrics rhyme, and the tune is easy to remember. You can hum it out of ten after listening to it once or twice, which is very in line with my entertainment purpose.

Ge Xiaotian applauded without stinginess, "That's right, a newcomer transferred from Tianyu?"

"They are all our clerks. The business is not good, and they are idle when they are idle. Shooting promotional videos and literary films and uploading them to the ancient style section of the Baixiaotong Forum can attract popularity, cultivate hobbies, and gain a large number of customers."

"From scratch, I understand very thoroughly."

Little Pink Pig proudly raised her chest when she heard the words, it looked like: Hurry up and praise me, give me more compliments!

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "Is this all your idea?"

"Yeah, yeah, let's make a bet with Miss Xiuxiu, whoever runs the business well will double their bonus this year, and I'm the best, with sales exceeding five million!"


Ge Xiaotian glanced at the slim little pink pig, nodded heavily, "Sure enough, your brain is inversely proportional to that, you are the smartest one among your sisters."

"Yeah, yah, but, what is the inverse ratio of the brain to?"

"Have you ever heard a word?"


"Big boobs and no brains."

"???" "I'm smart, I have a brain."


Ge Xiaotian glanced at the crew and shop assistants who were holding back their laughter, "Although the acting is good and the filming is good, it doesn't mean that this short film can really exert its full commercial value."

Seeing that the extremely intelligent big boss had something to say, Little Pink Pig didn't care to think about the relationship between being smart and having big breasts and no brains. With both feet together, he stood up straight, "Please brother-in-law give me some pointers!"

"It's not a suggestion, it's just a personal experience."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he walked to the side of the middle-aged man with the long sword on his back, "Repeat the action at the beginning of the video, but when asking for directions, I have to introduce myself."

"I'm a swordsman, ?!"

"No, no, no, I am a ruthless killer. My sword is cold, my face is cold, my eyes are cold, and my heart is also cold..."

"It smells a little bit."

"Then, the plum-appreciating woman turned around in horror, hurriedly took out a pack of Sancha brand warm babies, and started first aid."


The audience was silent.

Little Pink Pig was full of disgust, "It's gone, my brother-in-law only has advertisements in his mind, and he doesn't understand art at all."

"Who said that?"

Ge Xiaotian took off the long sword on the back of the middle-aged man, put on a bamboo hat, put his right hand and dragged the sword backwards, his left hand lightly held the pose on the edge of the bamboo hat, lowered his head, and said in a hoarse and magnetic voice, "Death is like the wind, always with me, I It's Ge Aotian, a wandering swordsman!"


"so cool!"

"Boss, you are so stylish!"

The scene exploded instantly.

Ge Xiaotian pulled a sword flower, and took out a bottle of code from the Dao eleven bag, "Although I wandered the world, I did not lose my heart. The long journey is long, and it is the only companion!"


"The next step is to launch the code in the wine jar, think about it, after I swing my sword, I hold my head up and drink, that scene..."

"Boss, you'd better sell wine."

"Drinking alcohol hurts the body, how can there be a code, it refreshes the mind and appetizes."

"There is no wine culture."

"Oh, that's right, the big deal is to re-launch the old wine from the food stall, and there are also new professions of Shenlong Cultivation, Jiujianxian, Drunken Whale Slash, Duoying Geometry, I am free and unrestrained, light up the lamp to watch the sword... drink Pofeng Life wine, open it up, drink it, drink it, I will slash a street... Eh? Why are you all gone?"


Little Pink Pig is just 'studying' here, which is almost equivalent to the inspector arranged by Li Xiuxiu. There are also formal managers, store managers, and finances here.

After the actors and crew dispersed, Ge Xiaotian took a stroll outside and returned to the interior of the Splendid China Ancient Culture City, and the supervisors at all levels also lined up.

"Hi boss!"

"It's been hard work, and the overall work is good. Although it is a loss, this loss is evenly shared with the construction and decoration costs. I believe it will be able to earn back several times, dozens of times in the future."

Ge Xiaotian gave a few words of encouragement, picked up the financial statement, and found that the company had a lot of orders.

Flax is one of the earliest natural fibers used by human beings. It has a history of more than 10,000 years. It is natural, simple, rare, natural and noble. It is known as the "Fiber Queen of Natural Fibers" by the fiber industry.

Linen fabric has the functions of temperature adjustment, anti-allergic, anti-static, anti-ultraviolet, moisture-wicking, antibacterial and warm-keeping, and is known as "natural air conditioner" by the textile industry.

Flax is different from the hemp that wears hemp and wears filial piety. According to the type, it is divided into fiber, oil, and oil fiber dual-purpose, with a height of about 60cm to 120cm.

In Asia, flax is mainly used for oil refining, but in Europe and America, it is a high-end fabric, which is equivalent to luxury goods.

Ruyi Technology Textile, which is in charge of Mr. Wanshi, also mainly faces markets in Europe and the United States.

Later, Montenegro grew flax and imported grain from China in exchange for semi-finished products, which were then exported to Europe and the United States.

And Splendid Huaxia's ancient costumes improved according to regional culture will be sold together with these European-style clothes at that time, subtly affecting European and American dressing styles, and further increasing cultural output.

"There are two kinds of power in a country, one is hard power and the other is soft power."

"Hard power usually refers to a country's GDP, hardware facilities, etc., while culture, system, media, etc. are called soft power."

"Soft power is far more terrifying than hard power. Hard power can't destroy beliefs, but soft power can erode the opponent's thoughts invisibly, and can destroy a civilization..."

"So, you are the vanguard army carrying Tiancheng's great dream, the secret army that I, Lao Ge, marched overseas, and the most glorious one among Tiancheng's 150,000 employees, hundreds of thousands of employees!"

Following the speech, hundreds of executives lined up involuntarily straightened their waists.

"I expect!"

Ge Xiaotian looked around the front, "You, selected from so many elites, can create a new beginning for Tiancheng!"

"Hua Tiancheng, dominate the mother planet!"

"come on!"

"come on!!!"


Affected by the outbreak of infrastructure construction in Dongshan, Nanhe and other places, Shen Zhipeng's march into Beihe went very smoothly, and he received the attention and support of many big leaders.

However, the development project established by the other party in Beihe still followed Dongshan's method. The business alliance acquired the land and Jianlian undertook the construction, but the word Dongshan was replaced by Beihe.

At present, Tian Cheng and the other party are considered to be in a cooperative relationship. This is for balance and to avoid monopoly. Even if the old Shen Hun is unsatisfactory, he must let the other party live a decent life.

Therefore, Beihe Business Alliance and Beihe Jianlian have their own office buildings.

According to the intelligence, today, Old Shen is hiding in his office and secretly playing Shenlong Cultivation.

Ge Xiaotian came to meet him, not looking for trouble, but...

Zigbee Network is about to charge.

The charging model is not the monthly subscription, yearly subscription, membership-free advertising, and super VIP acceleration that he considered before, but a brand-new operation method.

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