Build Madness

Chapter 714 Zigbee Network Charging Model

Zigbee Network has nothing to do with Huaxia Information Operators, and uses its own servers and optical cables, optical fibers, switches, and various base stations provided by Weihua.

If Tiancheng rejects a certain company's business, the other party will not be able to appear on the SG equipment and smart card.

Including keywords, enterprise information, product information and so on.

In other words, blocked.

This is also the reason why the leader of the industrial information industry asked him to drink tea and made Zigbee the first topic.

The other party talked about trivial matters, but Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to take Zigbee Network as a trivial matter, after all, it involves information security.

However, for now, Zigbee is very much in line with China's development plan, there are no messy negative energies, and everything is positive.

So, whether you charge or not, as long as you don't play too much, basically no one will care.

As for the full economic benefits here...

Tian Cheng spent a lot of money, not counting Dongshan, the largest investment, to build a westward highway, set up ground effect transportation projects, and develop the desert, which is as high as trillions.

Learn from what the deputy director said to the president in private:

"Anyway, all the money Tian Cheng earned, including more Franklins from overseas, was spent in the mainland, so let him do what he wants, as long as he is happy!"


Why did Ge Xiaotian know?

God knows!

Braving the heavy snow, they came to the gate of the sales office on the first floor of Beihe Jianlian Building.

When several security guards saw the security team of fifty people, they stopped them twice symbolically, and all fell down in the hall.

Well, there is snow outside and the ground is cold.

Ge Xiaotian shook off the woolen coat that Shuai Bo helped him put on on his back, and went straight to the elevator.

The sales girls and female managers along the way were collectively stunned, but they dared not press the alarm.

Come to the 12th floor.

A long time ago, on the eve of the bankruptcy of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, it was reported that someone went to the toilet and broke into the conference room by mistake. Lao Shen no longer dared to set his office on the highest floor, but in the middle.

In fact, Ge Xiaotian didn't dare either.

The Xingyuewan industrial chain has benefited thousands of families, but it has caused countless old companies to go bankrupt. Now that he wants to kill his boss, he may be able to gather a strengthened company.

Dao Shishi pushed open the office door.

Old Shen was having a great time playing, "Go, go, cut him!"

Ge Xiaotian stepped forward, but the other party was too involved to notice that someone broke into the office.

On the projection screen, half of the second JJC has been completed. Lao Shen's three-person team has 980 points, and the not included in the statistics.

Lao Shen controls the master of the healing department of Huasheng Temple, and the other two players, one is Taixu and the other is Wildfire.

The master attracts firepower, Taixu controls the field, and wild fire outputs.

Thanks to the powerful SG graphics card and SG chip, the picture is clear, the operation is smooth, and every move is extremely realistic and gorgeous.

"What a dish!"

"Get out...Second Ge? No, brother Ge, why are you here?"

"Will you play?"

"Just started, not proficient."

"Look at mine."

Ge Xiaotian has never played a healer master, but he knows the professional setting and 3v3 arena mechanism.

The trio of old Shen and Shen couldn't make it into the rankings, and the opponent must also be a rookie.

Although the master of the healing department mainly heals, he has two brain-dead skills.

One is, cut meat and feed the eagle: the enemy will get 10% healing when the enemy attacks itself.

In other words, with this skill, if the enemy player has residual blood and attacks the master, the enemy player can recover their blood.

Properly support the enemy's behavior.

The second is to become a Buddha instantly: consume all mana and withdraw your own healing output.

That is to say, with this skill, as much blood is added to teammates, teammates will lose as much blood. If they are revived by the master, they will die suddenly.

High-end rounds, these two are magical skills, the master opened the meat to feed the eagle, basically no one dares to beat the master, for fear that if the ten knives go down, all his blood volume will be judged to be treated by the master, and the master will become a Buddha immediately, and he will be fine Sudden death.

But in low-end rounds, no one uses this skill, because it needs cooperation, teammates can't be healed, and enemies must be hacked, which requires extremely high skill control.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the healing statistics, and knew that if he used Instant Buddhahood, both teammates would die, and they were hostile...

There is no such skill as 'cut meat and feed the eagle' in Lao Shen's keyboard.

Fortunately, the key is not locked, and it can be dragged in from the skill panel.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the time, there were three minutes left.

Cut meat and feed the eagle to cool down for 20 seconds, enough to use seven or eight times.

Immediately reserve the amount of mana, no longer respond to treatment, and directly turn on the beating mode.

"Fuck, add blood!"

Ge Xiaotian left the gossip shift key with both hands, picked up the Yi Nian Century No. 13 cigar that was brought in from the industrial information boss, lit a big cigar, and brushed it for the master to continue to restore blood, "Add wool, will you play?"

"Wildfire is dead, how can I fight without output? It's over, Taixu has resurrected."

"Don't worry."

Ge Xiaotian used meat to feed the eagle for the second time, and took the initiative to be beaten. The three rookies on the opposite side felt that the victory was certain, and while complaining about the old Shen trio, they attacked and slashed wildly.

The master was attacked by three characters, and his blood volume dropped rapidly.

Fortunately, old Shen Konglan has good skills, leaving him with 80% mana, which is enough for a set of blood-increasing combos.

Metamorphosis improves defense, Hinayana Dharma restores mana, Vajra subduing demons increases attack, pushes Qi through the palace to speed up mana recovery, Buddha's light shines on group healing, my Buddha's compassionate group recovers blood, Qi Huang's technique restores a large amount of single blood volume...



Various special effects cover the projection screen.

Old Shen was in despair, "After the calf, I'll be the only one to heal, what else do you want to do, just surrender."

"Old Shen, to play Shenlong cultivation, you must first familiarize yourself with the skills. You will find that there are more than a dozen ways to play in the treatment alone. There are main group blood recovery, main single blood recovery, main team buffs, and main team eliminating negative effects. Also, it seems to be a cure, but it is actually a poison doctor, curse master, and control."

"too complicated……"

"This game is about IQ and hardcore operations. Once you get used to it, you will find the magic in it, such as..."

Ge Xiaotian saw that the time had entered the countdown, and he also used eight cuts to feed the eagle. The system judged that the opponent's blood volume was 800% and healed himself.

In the sky full of golden light, the master was suddenly immune to all attacks, and the remaining 60% of his mana was instantly emptied. The character sat cross-legged uncontrollably, and slowly floated into the air.

A halo suddenly appeared in the back of his head, and the halo of cassock around his body.



Damage values ​​appeared above the heads of the three enemies, and they knelt down instantly.

Since they are all attacking the master, they are also facing the master, so the direction of the kneeling ground must also be the master.

this scene...

'Excellent moment! '

'Congratulations, you have been selected into the JJC compilation of three unpopular people. '

Shen Zhipeng was dumbfounded.

"That's the joy of gaming."

Ge Xiaotian stuffed the No. 13 cigar in his hand into Lao Shen's mouth. The latter reacted, just about to spit it out, but subconsciously sucked his nose.

"This cigar?"

He looked at the cigarette box suddenly, "The Age of Rejuvenation? Taizu... Where did you get it?"

"The old man sent it."


"Old Shen, you have heard about the Zigbee Network."

"Well, to be honest, this advertising bombardment is really too much."

"But I have to make money, otherwise how can I get back the early investment."

"The thing is yours, and you have the final say on how to charge it. But there is a premise, if it is too expensive, I can't afford it."

"Speed-limit charges, a single user, all unlimited traffic, but need to buy a new signal receiver,

200k download speed, 10 red notes for the receiver, still free, and the advertisements are still the same.

500k download speed, 20 red notes for the receiver, 10 yuan for a monthly subscription, and greatly reduced advertisements.

1M download speed, 50 red notes for the receiver, 20 yuan for a monthly subscription, and recommended advertising products.

2M download speed, 100 red notes for the receiver, 50 monthly subscriptions, and personalized advertisement recommendations.

5M download speed, 500 red notes for the receiver, 200 monthly subscription, intelligent advertisement recommendation, will only push the products you need.

10M download speed, 2000 red notes for the receiver, 500 monthly subscription, can block ads by itself.

There are also brand-new visible light signal receivers with 2M, 5M, 10M, 20M, and 30M download speeds, which can be purchased at full price alone, and 20% off when purchased with equipment. "

Shen Zhipeng was a little dizzy, "Let's talk about it directly, my industry, the Internet remains the same, how much does it cost to go to advertising?"

"10M download speed, block ads, 2500 for a single person for the first month, you have 50,000 employees, you need to pay 125 million..."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he felt...

What a profit!

"What about the second month?"

"From the second month, five hundred red notes per person, 50,000 employees, need to pay 25 million."

"One year, just for the network, I will pay you more than two hundred million?"

"That's the truth, but I feel... I seem a little dark."


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