Build Madness

Chapter 717 You will sell me later!

"Shuai Bo, what is your dream?"

"Do a project, expand a market, make friends, create a first-class brand, and benefit the people."

"well said!"

Ge Xiaotian swallowed the soup dumpling, and sighed vaguely: "It's unexpected that our dreams are exactly the same."

"Boss, isn't your dream to be a cook?"

"Yeah, isn't the cook just for people to eat?"

Shuai Bo was startled slightly, lost in thought...

"Hey, wake up so early?"

In silence, at the entrance of the hall, Shen Zhipeng stomped the snow on his feet, threw his coat to the entourage, said hello and walked in.

Ge Xiaotian pushed the soup dumpling steamer in front of him, "Have you eaten yet?"

"After drinking a bowl of porridge, you can put some more on it."

Shen Zhipeng walked to Shuai Bo and sat down, picked up the bowl and chopsticks, "Brother, I have read the contract, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Nonsense, as a partner, can I still cheat you?"

"Let's make an agreement, how much to invest, we'll talk about it when we get to the ground."

"That's natural."

Ge Xiaotian nodded seriously.

The contract is only a constraint to prevent the other party from withdrawing from the project at will.

The contents inside are harmless to old Shen Baili.

How to tie the other party to one's high-speed train heading west, the most deceitful thing is the five million fish fry given away for free.

With the contract, if this guy wants to quit, he has to pay for fry research, cultivation, and transportation.

Produced by Tiancheng Laboratory, there are no cheap ones.

Shen Zhipeng had no doubt about him, so he took a pen to sign and handed over the contract to the legal teams of both parties.

Ge Xiaotian changed the subject, "How is your business in Jiangnan?"

"It's not easy to do. If there is no help from Chen Feng and the others, I'm afraid I will fall into a big fall."

"Wei Changfeng tripped you up?"

"No, it's because our out-of-town companies can't get the construction procedures at all. Even if we set up a company locally, the other party will push back and forth."

"What about the real estate?"

"Chen Feng's unfinished sale ended up selling 70% of it, which is considered a return of capital."

Shen Zhipeng said, sighing, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. I ran over once and almost lost my life. It's better to go home."

Although Ge Xiaotian did not consult the intelligence system, he also knew that what the other party said was true.

Jiangnan attaches great importance to business, and there is no shortage of developers in the local area.

"Turn around, I'll help you vent your anger."

"Take it easy, those people dare to troll the night market crowd."

"Come here for you?"

"It's crooked."


What a fate.


As the end of the year approached, everyone was very busy, chatted for a while, and Shen Zhipeng left.

Ge Xiaotian sent it to the entrance of the hall, and took the time to watch the snow.

Under the vast sky, everything is white.

At the top of the green belts on both sides of the road, the snow is already as thick as a foot.

There is silence all around...


Suddenly, a rubber-mounted tracked vehicle with the brand "Beihe Linyang Tractor Sales Center" on it, pushing a tapered push plate made of soft plastic, came from east to west.

Behind it was dragged a long flatbed car that looked like a train chassis, and was filled with industrial salt on top. Several strong men swung the shovel vigorously, and sprinkled the gray and white things on the asphalt road behind.

Thick smoke billowed and the vehicle drove away.

The snow on both sides of the road is thicker, but the road is already open to traffic.

Not long after, a first-generation Jiefang bus produced by Tiancheng Electric Industry roared and stopped at the BRT station with an entrance and exit.

"Beihe Tianbo Group has arrived, and they have gone to 'Splendid Huaxia', 'Tiancheng Plaza', 'Tiancheng Shopping Center', 'Longtian Home Appliance City', 'LT store Beihe Flagship Store', 'Ginzuo Mall', 'Beihe Jianlian' Passengers, please get out of the car through the back door, the ground is covered with snow and ice, please pay attention to safety...'

Several young men and women stepped down.

Bah... bang!

The back door was closed, and the bus was like an old cow in the plowing field, spouting white fog, dragging the two carriages connected by the winch, and rushing to the distance...

Several young men and women walked out of the station, played and played in the snow, and entered Tiancheng Shopping Center.

The glass door opened automatically, and a faint singing sound could be heard.

'Love is a light, so beautiful...'

'Guiding the future we want...'

"Magic Northern Lights, Fantastic Prophecy..."

As the glass doors close, the singing fades away...

Ge Xiaotian scratched his head, turned around, and Shuai Bo was checking this year's year-end bonus with the finance.

"When will the company's annual meeting be held here in Beihe?"

"Twenty-fifth of the twelfth lunar month."

"It's full of budgets, and there is still one month to celebrate the Spring Festival. I don't know when the snow will fall. It's freezing cold. If I want to start work, I can only wait a few years later and hold it in advance, so that the workers can go home with their annual salary to consume and make babies."

"Wait until the snow stops?"

"Well, those professional singers and actors have all changed their jobs. It's a bit wasteful. Taking advantage of this annual meeting, we'll gather them together, add some other programs, and have a New Year's party with groups from Dongshan, Nanhe and other places. One day can last almost a week on the SG platform.”

"Is there a lottery?"

"Whoever has the highest ratings will get the priority for next year's new project."

"Expand the foreign market?"

"What do you think, do a good job at the front, and then look far away, to continue to consolidate the local area. I plan to fully promote the second brand smart home, and the third brand constant temperature room. Tiancheng headquarters will provide technical support, and the group will choose one of them. Whoever has the highest ratings will receive the most support."

"What if you want both?"

"Then find a way to get first!"

"With me and Tong Ying, Beihe is determined to win!"

"Hehe, wait and see."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he walked aside and opened his Shi Guangji notebook, "You are busy, don't worry about me."

Click on the Baixiaotong information platform to automatically log in to Ge Erdan.

Switch administrator privileges and remove permanent bans.

Almost instantly, fans who followed him responded.

"Yo? The second child is out?"

"Greetings to the second master!"

"Old Ge, you only gave the beginning of the song you played and sang last time, can you finish it?"

"What song?"

"It's a song about traveling to Tokyo, Paris, and Turkey."


Ge Xiaotian rummaged through the folder, found a song recorded a long time ago when he was living outside Daxing City with Li Xiuxiu, and shared it directly in the post.

Then edit a paragraph:

"What do you think of Zigbee Network's charging model?"

"It would be nice if it could reduce the amount of advertising."

"Upstairs, are you stupid?"

"This is Ge Lao Er, the owner of Zigbee Network. He asked you what you think about the charging model. It's like a robber robbing your property, and then asking you if you are happy!"

Netizen: "..."

Second floor: "Damn it, I'm so stupid!"

Netizen: "..."

Ge Xiaotian: "It's different, the nature is different. I also have costs to operate Zigbee, and I have been losing money. Look at the 2002 rich list. Is my name still there? Just Zigbee Network, I lost more than 200 billion."

The previous second floor: "Huh? Really."

"How stupid are you? Look at the top 100 richest people on the rich list, count the companies starting with the word "day", add them all up and multiply by 2, the total amount is roughly how much money this product has."

The second floor before: "Why multiply by 2?"

"Because there are more Tianzi companies that are not on the list."

Ge Xiaotian: "Nonsense, I've never heard of some of these names, and I don't even know their chairman."

"You have a lot of money, and you don't even know how much money you have."


"Don't make trouble, let's talk about something serious. This morning, that idiot Shen Zhipeng actually told me that he was going to the desert to raise fish!"

Shen Zhipeng: "???"

"I knew you would mess with me. I've been staring at the screen since I left the gate of your house. Sure enough, you'll sell me later!"


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