Build Madness

Chapter 718 He's not an ordinary black!

The first snow in 2002 was earlier than in previous years.

The scope covers the entire Northland, and it has been falling for two days and one night until now.

The rubber-tracked snow carts of Linyang Tractor Sales Center can only take care of the Xingyuewan industrial chain in urban and county towns, while most of Tiancheng’s important industries are deployed in the countryside. Roads are blocked by snow and vehicles are impassable. Many enterprises choose to stop working .

The young men and women who have been stuck in the workshop for a long time have a holiday, and they are walking, stepping on the snow, to the nearby Xingyue Bay for shopping, consumption, and play...

They are all adults, the Internet cafes are crowded, the hotels are full, and the KTV is noisy...

When the news of Ge Laoer's spat with Shen Zhipeng was sent to each user's smart card by means of a notification, people who were just looking for fun, watching the excitement was no big deal, put down their keyboards, turned off their microphones, and crowded together. Enter Baixiaotong information platform.

The two 'richest men' in Dongshan often fought each other in reality, and even fought several times.

This is the first time that they have spammed each other and blackmailed each other on the Internet.

"Fish farming in the desert? Old Shen, have you lost your mind?"

"What the hell... this is obviously your project!"

"As smart as I am, how could I be so stupid as to raise fish in the desert?"

"Bah! You go to the desert to grow watermelons, what do you say?"

"Is there such a thing?"


As the two talked, countless bullet screens popped up above, all of which were teasing Old Shen.

Then, Shen Zhipeng blackmailed Ge Erdan.

Everyone thought this was the end of the matter.

Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, it was exposed that Shen Zhipeng had spent 50 million for the annual package of Zibee Network...

(Time difference, two things reversed.)

"What the hell operation?"

"The two broke up, why does Lao Shen still use the Zigbee network?"

"Or, Shen Zhipeng thinks the package is worth it?"

"I think it's really worth it. Although the speed is limited, there is no limit. It's much cheaper than the 2G speed limit and expensive package."

"Then do it!"

"Divided by region, divided by community, there are many places that do not support it."

"Xishan xx mosquito coil processing factory, recruits 20 long-term contract workers, provides board and lodging, has internet, and supports various packages!"

"Decheng xx Precision Instrument Co., Ltd. is recruiting... There is an Internet connection, and various packages are supported!"

"Black Dragon xx aircraft assembly line, recruiting... There is a network, and various packages are supported!"

"The assembly line of Glass King Screen Company recruits 500 long-term contract workers, arranges workshops nearby, provides board and lodging, has internet access, and supports various packages."

"Second Ge, your uncle, when will my factory be connected to the Internet? The employees are going to run away!"

"President, my own people, connect to the Internet quickly!"


Beihe Jianlian sales office.

Shen Zhipeng doesn't care much about the online ridicule, 60 million is paid for two months a year, which equals to spending 50 million a year, which is a total savings of 10 million. If such good things happen every day, he would rather be scolded until he retires.

And exposing the package is also a prerequisite for him to get the discount.

Originally, Shen Zhipeng thought that Ge Laoer was just using his packages as an introduction to attract users to accept the charging model.

Never expected that the opponent could play new tricks.

As people rely more and more on smart cards or SG devices, there is a huge difference between having a network and not having a network.

This kind of experience was experienced by all users when the Zigbee network was upgraded.

Can't open the door, can't take the bus, can't receive company notifications, can't buy things, can't receive community welfare tasks...

In this way, enterprises and factories connected to the Internet will overwhelm those enterprises and factories that have not applied for the package, thus forcing more enterprises and factories to have to apply for the Zigbee Internet package.

Even enterprises and factories that do not use the Zigbee network have to apply for the Zigbee network package in order to retain employees.

Although the large base of ordinary users can bring a lot of profits to Zigbee Network, enterprises and factories are all big customers, and a single optical cable passes through it without the need to lay too many base stations, so the profits are higher.

"Hey! Why did I meet such a dark opponent!"

Shen Zhipeng was a little scared, picked up the signed desert fish farming contract again, and carefully figured out the meaning of each word...


"Shaanxi accepts Zibee business from 600 office building companies..."

'Xishan accepts 1,300 county enterprises...'

'Xishan accepts 30,000 shops...'

'Xishan accepts 500 office building companies...'

'Nanhe accepts 2,000 rural and township enterprises...'

'South River...'

'Beihe accepts 200 factories in remote areas...'

"Beihe accepts 1,600 office building companies..."


'Dongshan accepts 50,000 shops...'

'Dongshan accepts 6,700 county enterprises...'


"This money has never been lacking."

On the balcony on the sixth floor of Beihe Tianbo Group Building, Ge Xiaotian was doing sit-ups hard while staring at the statistics on the projection.

However, in the face of all this, his heart was not disturbed, but instead... a slight sadness of "how should I spend it all".

"Eleventh, inform Old Wang Longtian that this year, before Tiancheng goes south, he will lay the SG equipment and smart card to the south of the Yangtze River. If it cannot be completed, he will choose the consequences."

"Boss, do we want to use this method to reshuffle Jiangnan enterprises?"

"What do you think, my community has internet, it's so fast, who wouldn't buy it?"


"How lonely it is to be invincible..."


Dao Shishi shook his head and sighed, and turned to leave when the satellite phone rang suddenly.

chat a few words...

"Boss, Chen Feng has been arrested."

"Huh? With so many Tianwei and strong men around, who can catch him?"

"The sea department in the Singapore region of Nanyang detained the out-of-season fruits provided by our plastic greenhouses to Shangpin International. Before Chen Feng lost contact, he activated Tianxiu Group's SOS system."

"Singapore... why did they detain him?"

Ge Xiaotian thought for a moment, "Could it be that Daoyi took back 46% of Nanyang Development Group's local shares, and Nanyang felt that it could not control Nanyang Development Group, and secretly fueled the flames and attacked Huaxia enterprises?"

Dao Shishi logged into Shiguangji and checked, "There are reasons for this, but the exhaustion in Nanyang is more serious than we imagined. Shangpin International has not shipped products there for three quarters, and the business is estimated to be blocked."

"Ask the intelligence department, is there any shadow of North America?"

"Yes, the Millennium North America Sea Department signed an agreement with the Singapore region to set up a sea department base, which was just completed this year and put into use."

"Then I understand."

Ge Xiaotian finally knew the real reason why Li's richest man in the capital lost two-thirds of the price, lost Nanyang Development Group to him, and even kept the acquisition funds with him.

The North American commander who entered Nanyang intends to fundamentally drive Chinese companies out of Nanyang and reduce his own influence in Nanyang.

"Is there a way to help me contact the chairman of Taimei? I want to talk to him."

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