Build Madness

Chapter 719 Shen Zhipeng: The scene is probably spectacular!

With the current influence of Tiancheng International Holdings and Ge Xiaotian, it is not difficult to meet the chairman of Taimei.

This is related to the opponent's system.

To put it simply, Taimei is divided into three aspects.

One is the royal family.

The second is the military.

The third is the general manager who is equivalent to the chairman.

The royal family belongs to the supreme existence, but only cares about its own status, and ignores everything else.

The military department accepts the leadership of the royal family, but is independent of the royal family and the system headed by the general manager.

The general manager is in charge of Thai girls, but basically has no real power.

in other words:

If the public supports the general manager, but the royal family does not support it, the general manager will step down.

The royal family supports the general manager, but the public does not support it. In order to avoid rebellion in the royal family and the loss of the throne, the general manager will step down.

The royal family supports the general manager, and the public supports the general manager, but if it is not in the interests of the military, the general manager will also step down.

In the past 60 to 70 years, the Taimei military department has suddenly had 16 general managers, and then replaced them with retirees from the military department.

At present, Taimei's internal affairs are relatively stable. The current general manager belongs to the military department. As long as the subordinates do not rebel, they have enough real power to control the military department.

In addition, the other party has a good relationship with the royal family and is supported by the public. Behind him is a super group that dominates the communication field of Thai girls. Generally speaking, there is no surprise, and he can sit in the position of general manager for a few more years.

And Tian Cheng has many business contacts with this general manager.

This starts with the relationship between Thai girls and Singapore and North America.

In the past, the three parties were very close, but after the establishment of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the relationship has become even better.

When Mao Xiong was there, Taimei was attached to North America, received a lot of aid, and the economy took off for a while. Coincidentally, England and North America sold aviation to the outside world, and set off a boom in research and development and equipment of light aircraft carriers on the home planet. Taimei is not short of money. In order to catch up with the fashion, it happened that there was another stock, so I immediately caught one.

But Mao Xiong disintegrated, the Thai girl lost its strategic value, and was subsequently shorted by Soros, and the wealth of the entire country was wiped out.

Taimei couldn't beat North America, and she didn't dare to say anything, so she had to choose neutrality and start Buddhism.

In the millennium, North America intervened in Southeast Asia and set up military bases. Thai girls who are more Buddhist, especially the royal family, began to worry about their own interests. The old aircraft carrier was dilapidated and had no carrier-based aircraft. It was once reduced to a rescue ship. It happened that Tiancheng sold it at a low price. After a discussion between the royal family and the general manager in charge of the military department, the two Thai sisters, who are as rich as the enemy, immediately decided to purchase a new type of aircraft carrier, becoming the only one in Southeast Asia with two aircraft carriers.

This is to prevent the Singapore peninsula bordering Singapore from being seduced by North America, causing a rebellion and overthrowing the status of the royal family.

In addition, the general manager owns a communication group behind him, has obtained the SG pad licensee qualification, and has contact with Lao Wang.

Now that the Zigbee network is being upgraded, the next-generation SG pad will abandon the low-band signal receiver. The Tiancheng Zigbee network operator company is currently in business talks with the other party.

Another one is that the general manager is of Chinese origin, his ancestors are from the Guangzhou area, and he is relatively close to Huaxia.

Therefore, when the two parties meet, all they need is a telegram, and a grand reception ceremony will be arranged there.

After all, Boss Ge's identity is really unusual.

As for Chen Feng being detained by Singapore, why did he find a Thai girl...

a little complicated.

In fact, this matter seems to have nothing to do with Ge Xiaotian or Tiancheng, but the cargo ship used by Shangpin International is known to the whole world as owned by Tiancheng International Holdings.

North America instructing Xinjia to do this is nothing more than Holden's competitor. They want to get rid of Tiancheng, a powerful but weak partner. This can not only reduce the influence of the Holden Consortium, but also take care of the affected shipbuilding industry in North America. Crack down on Tiancheng Electric Industry Group.

Holden is pinned down by his competitor and cannot help him for the time being, and Ge Xiaotian doesn't want to use his opponent's strength either.

As a businessman, it's not good to be patient all the time. In order to win more profitable deals, at this time, it is necessary to show off your muscles and let the enemy attack you.

And what Ge Xiaotian did was...

As early as the last voyage to the West, he was greedy for the benefits brought by the Mal6 Strait.

To put it bluntly, Maliu is far more profitable than Zigbee.

Even for a period of time, Ge Xiaotian often fantasized about whether he could make as much money as Maliu if he really filled the platform province strait and set up a sea toll station...

Of course, this is just fantasy.

But now, here's your chance!

It is not to capture the Six Straits of Malaya, and there is no way to capture them, but to build a new Six Straits of Malaya to replace it.

Where is Xinmaliu?

Thai Mei Kela Isthmus.

The Kela Isthmus is located on the Malay Peninsula in the southern part of Thailand. It connects the Pacific Ocean and the Koga Ocean at both ends. The narrowest part is less than 50 kilometers, and the widest part is 150 kilometers.

If a sea channel is built here, passing ships can pass through the Taimei Bay from the South China Sea, and then pass through this new canal, enter the Andaman Sea, and go out three oceans, without having to detour through the Straits of Malacca.

The overall voyage is shortened by at least 1,100 kilometers, which can save 2-5 days of sailing time, and the cost savings are also considerable.

Most importantly, Tiancheng can use the new canal to develop the southern waters.

The amount of this project is not too large, and it can be done in three to two years by just pulling in an infrastructure group from China.

The difficulty is that there are many opponents. Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and North America, after all, without the old horse six, the first three cannot survive, and the last one cannot continue to be a "road tyrant".

Another one is that Taimei has a complicated internal environment and often changes the general manager. It has no international reputation and cannot afford the cost of building a new canal.

But there must be supporters. The Maliu Strait is the lifeline of maritime transportation for Huaxia, Wadao, and Nanbangzi. If it can shorten the voyage and get rid of the control of North America, all East Asian countries are willing to pay.

However, only Huaxia and Wajima dared to really support this project, and even made their own plans.

Nan Bangzi?

Don't dare to fart, it might as well have the courage of Wajima, which has been peaceful.

North America is deeply involved in the war in Eastern Europe. As long as Taimei is determined to build a new canal, even if North America uses force, she will not dare to fight for a while.

After all, Taimei will soon have two carriers with carrier-based aircraft and ground-effect aircraft vehicles.

Based on the above, the purpose of Ge Xiaotian's trip is to:

'My cargo ship wants to pass through the Maliu Strait, but you are stumbling me. Then I was forced to dig through the Thai sister and build the Kra Isthmus Canal to replace Maliu! Anyway, you know, I have money! "


Outside the Tianbo Group Building.

The snow covered the knees, and the cold wind was as cold as a knife.

Ge Xiaotian covered his big-brimmed hat with one hand and wrapped his windbreaker with the other, staggering forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

"Steady the camera!"

"Boss, the floor is slippery."

"You get in the car, I'll walk, and you must take pictures of the kind of people who are not afraid of hardships and dangers."


"When it's done, Chen Feng will definitely be moved and weep bitterly."


In the distance, the dubbing artist recorded live: "Beihe Blizzard is still there, but it can't stop Mr. Ge from rescuing Chen Feng..."

Hoo hoo...

The heavy-duty Mi26, which can fly around the clock, drilled out of the vast sky and landed smoothly.

Shen Zhipeng, who was across the road, looked up and wondered when he saw the movement here, "What's wrong with this guy?"

"Chairman, Tiancheng International Holdings issued an announcement that 80,000 regular employees are going to Montenegro to support the construction via Maliu."

"Haven't you left yet?"

"There are too many people, and it takes time to go through the procedures for going abroad. I heard that it has just been processed recently."

"It is estimated that the scene is spectacular."

"Well, indeed. The accompanying Tianwei helped Montenegro transport two customized small aircraft carriers, more than 30 warships of various types, and various armaments exported to Montenegro by the superior. That scene"


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