Build Madness

Chapter 720 I suspect that Ge Laoer had premeditated!


Jinxiuchuan University Town, Xindongshan Compound.

Ever since the Daji Mansion compound moved here, Mr. Yu felt that he had been sublimated.

Not only the mind, but also the knowledge.

There is no way, as you get older, your ability to accept new things is far inferior to that of young people.

Just like the smart card in your hand, there are endless functions in it. If you just learn one this year, you will pop out two tomorrow, and you will come to a bunch the day after tomorrow. Let him, the director of Dongshan, have no time to consider the impact of these things on society.

But after coming to Jinxiuchuan University City and living in a compound donated by someone, all this suddenly became easier.

You can understand it at a glance, you can understand it at a touch, you can understand it when you listen to it, and you can see what changes new things can cause after thinking about it, and you can also make corresponding new decisions along the way, which makes the cooperation between Dongshan and Tiancheng more tacit.

This made Mr. Yu feel that the Jifu compound may be too stuffy, lifeless, and lack of vitality, but here is full of vitality, coupled with the beautiful scenery and a good mood, the whole person is much younger, and his thinking has become very clear, so that Dealing with affairs is more effective, and I have a lot of free time.

He runs every morning and talks freely with college students and technical secondary school students who don't know his identity.

Hold an online conference during breakfast time to learn about local developments, work in the morning, listen to a movie at noon, and watch commercials in the afternoon.

Well, that's what someone told him.

That is to say, the fastest, best and most effective way to get an in-depth understanding of every emerging company in Dongshan is to watch advertisements.

You can see the strength of the company from the time of the advertisement; from the content of the advertisement, you can understand the main business of the company; from the bottom of the advertisement screen, you can find the contact information and specific address of the company...

If you make a phone call, you can also find out the service attitude of the company.

Yu always felt very reasonable.

However, after persisting for a week, he found that the company didn't remember a few, but bought a lot of things.

'Dangdang! '

"Come in!"

"Leader, the cervical spine massager you bought has arrived."

"Let it go."

'Dangdang! '

"Come in!"

"Leader, the self-test blood pressure monitor you bought has arrived."

"Let it go."

"Leader, the African brand durable slippers you bought have arrived."

"Leader, the Black Dragon Wuchang rice you bought has arrived."

"Leader, the old man's shirt of the same style as Lao Ge's that you bought has arrived..."

"Leader, the washing razor you bought..."

Boss Yu waved his hand, "Leave it all there."

"Leader, what is the advertisement selling today?"

"Heating water dispenser."

"Huh? Didn't you sell it a few days ago?"

"Today is the pumping type. There is no need to carry the bucket upside down and put it on top. It also comes with a hot water bottle and a set of cups."

"Then shall we place an order?"

"I already have one, why should I buy it? Go out and let me be quiet, I always feel like I've been tricked."


"No, it's not that I was tricked by the manufacturer. It was Ge Xiaotian, that bastard who asked me to watch the advertisement, and I just watched it, and even asked me to call the salesman. Isn't this a self-inflicted trap!"


Mr. Yu turned off the SG projection TV angrily, picked up the cervical spine massager and put it on his neck, "What is that kid doing recently?"

"Before New Year's Day, I will be busy with the business of the electrical industry. After New Year's Day, I will be busy with Zigbee Network. I am currently in Beihe."

Mr. Yu's resentment subsided slightly, "As long as he doesn't mess around, everything is fine."

"Leader, two days ago, Mr. Ge and Mr. Shen had a spat on the Internet, saying that they would go to the desert to raise fish, grow melons, and grow rice."

"This is a strategic plan, and the superior has a special team responsible for it, so we don't need to worry about it."

"Then, about Dongshan Tiancheng's 80,000 main construction personnel evacuating Dongshan?"

"In the main cities of Dongshan, all the projects that should be done have been completed, and only the township construction is left. In April and May, the water conservancy project will be completed, and there will be more than a hundred thousand people who were idle before. Now that they have learned the labor force of construction, Tiancheng has to free up enough jobs. We need to create more jobs to absorb this part of the staff, otherwise... once we are free and have no money in our pockets, there will be troubles."

"Mr. Ge is really far-sighted."

"Hehe, that's what I admire about him. He has a plan for everything. Let me ask, if you don't hand over to Montenegro with cheap goods, and then give him a ground effect aircraft, can Montenegro hand over the infrastructure of a country to Tiancheng?"

"It's really incredible."

While chatting, another secretary came in, "Boss Ge, Boss Ge has gone abroad."

"Huh? Who approved it for him?"

"He took Mi 26 and flew directly to the south through a specific route of the Ministry of Air Force."

"Where is the fleet supported by Tiancheng?"

"Fireworks are being set off across the Taiwan Strait."

"Fucking fireworks, let him get out of here... No, let him fly back to me, and urge the Tiancheng fleet to go to Montenegro as soon as possible."

"Leader, Boss Ge has lost contact."

"Contact Guang District and restrict this guy from leaving the country!"

"It's not that serious, is it?"

"The fleet brought so many things, I'm afraid this guy will go to Xiangjiang to trouble those rich people."

"Didn't those rich people who hired the third brother Haibu to intercept Zheng He's fleet last time help him deal with it?"

"Yeah, we were afraid of causing trouble, so we helped him deal with it, but this guy will take revenge. Now that there are so many big guys supporting the scene, and the fleet is passing through Xiangjiang, what do you think he is going to do? I'm afraid he wants to invite all the rich people in Xiangjiang to race at sea. After losing it all, throw it down to feed the sharks."

"It's not that cruel, is it?"

"Think of an agent spy in a mine."


The two secretaries instantly understood the seriousness of the matter and acted quickly...

Mr. Yu made a set of encrypted calls...


Hoo hoo...

Although Mi-26's flight speed is less than half that of civil aviation, it can carry dozens of tons of additional weapons.

If a guided missile flies in, civil aviation can hardly resist, but Mi 26 can resist missiles, and even counterattack...

Moreover, this Mi-26 was leased to the military and was returned in the end. After refurbishment, the layout is completely different from the business model.

Entering the cabin, there is a row of electronic instruments driven by stone light machines on both sides. Twenty Taoist priests are flying with their hands, adjusting radar, positioning, communication, flight path, infrared, laser...

All kinds of beeps sounded together, and it looked like a headquarters in front of the station.

Ge Xiaotian walked to the electronic map located at the back of the cockpit, clicked on the touch screen to zoom in and out, "Don't stop, follow the route given by the Air Force Department, and go south."

"Boss, Mr. Yu found out."

"Tell him the old man, I will return immediately."

Two hours later.

"Boss, you are restricted from going abroad."

"Stealth, turn to Nanyun, go straight to Nanyue Wangwang Airport."

Nanyue has a lot of fate with me.

Shang Wu, the big brother who was a fan of South Vietnam, gave Tian Cheng the first honorary fund when he started his career.

The brain-dead killer in South Vietnam made Li Suo get promoted and raise his salary by several levels.

The Nanyue Green Clothes who went to the breeding farm to do things, let their civet cats replace the prince, and have the opportunity to start the reverse osmosis plan...

Ge Wangwang is the national idol of South Vietnam again...

It is not too much to spend the South Vietnamese dong earned from selling discs there to invest in an airport.

Three hours later.


"Shh, don't talk, I'll sleep."

five hours later.

The detainment incident that was deliberately concealed by Xinjia finally spread to all parts of the home planet through certain channels...

Different camps have different promotional content.

For example, in North America, it directly stated that Tiancheng transported the embargoed goods on the home planet, seriously violating the regulations of the joint meeting.

For example, Bing Xiong directly sprays North American doctrines.

For example, a neutral area: "Tiancheng's 50,000-ton cargo ships are stranded in the Strait of Malaya, and Singapore suspects that it is hiding internationally prohibited items." '

For example, Montenegro made a good deal with Tian, ​​"That's our goods, and the intercontinental guide eggs are in place!" '

After Mr. Yu got the news, he took a look at the interception plan he had spent several hours, centered on Xiangjiang, and carefully thought out. He suddenly dropped the pen and shrugged, "I suspect Ge Laoer has premeditated!"


"Everything is so coincidental, and everything is so sudden, when Chen Feng comes back, we will know whether he is fat or not."


The secretary was thoughtful, "Then...leader, what should we do?"

"Water conservancy projects require hundreds of thousands of laborers, can Tiancheng absorb them all?"


"So, this incident reminds me of another strategic project, the Kra Canal."


"That's right, there are more than 100,000 idle laborers in Dongshan, all of whom have learned water conservancy construction technology, and there are no restrictions on steam machinery overseas..."

"Hiss...Mr. Ge is really, so wise and close to a monster!"

"Prepare in advance, save a lot of things crowded together in the next year."

"Leader, you can see through these things, and you are more far-sighted than Mr. Ge."


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