Build Madness

Chapter 721 Ge Xiaotian: I like to convince people with reasoning.

Hoo hoo...

Under the deep starry sky, a dark gray helicopter bent over and galloped...

inside the cabin.

Four pilots wearing wide-area, see-through, high-resolution digital helmet-mounted displays are communicating with twenty optoelectronic equipment controllers in the cabin.

"105°63' east longitude, 23°62' north latitude."

"Glonass 138, azimuth 122.35, altitude 4197 meters."

"I'm about to leave Nanyun and enter Nanyue."

"The radar low detectable system is turned on, which greatly reduces the probability of microwave detection, and the stealth degree is 60%."

"Engine heat shield open."

"Put down the wave-absorbing and wave-transmitting baffles."

"Reduce the engine power, slightly reduce the probability of meter wave detection... the stealth level is 85%."

"It is about to enter the high-density radar area of ​​​​Wenshan Tianbao Port."

"Reduce speed, currently 285km/h, 95% stealth."

"Daqingshan's over-the-horizon radar is turned on to assist the lidar in detection."

"Entering the high-density radar zone..."

"Capturing radar bands, simulating, tracking..."

"Nearby radar sites found."

"AR augmented reality is turned on, and a 'ground scene' is generated according to the radar site to assist flight."

(Mark the radar stations that cannot be seen with AR images, and the radar waves emitted by the other party will also be displayed on the own display device, and then use methods such as avoidance, absorption simulation and feedback to make the other party unable to detect the own side, which belongs to a part of optoelectronic technology. application.)

"Leave the high-density radar area..."

"Positioning, east longitude..."

"Has entered South Vietnam..."

"Turn off the AR augmented reality system..."

"Contact Wangwang Airport and land on time in two hours."

"Communication has been connected..."

"Dongyao, Dongyao, this is Wangwang Airport, and the fuel is ready."

"We're going to stop for 12 hours, overhaul, refuel, rest, take care of things."



The news that Tiancheng's 80,000 employees supported the infrastructure construction in Montenegro had been known all over the world as early as a month ago.

Regarding Montenegro's purchase of two aircraft carriers, the countries in the European region not only did not stop them, but instead provided some support, such as a loan of 200 million Franklin each, in order to guard against ice bears.

The main reason is that the ships made by Tiancheng really cannot keep up with the times.

The old models and technologies from the 1970s and 1980s can only be used to bluff small countries that are not well-known. Otherwise, the cheap price would have been snatched up by third- and fourth-rate countries.

Furthermore, Montenegro bought outdated warships. To fight against the Ice Bear, it needs to be equipped with advanced weapons. The east is blocked, and there is no technology, technology, or high-end materials. Montenegro will definitely import tanks and fighters from European countries.

Although Montenegro has no money now, but with Tiancheng's assistance in construction, Odyssey can attract so much money, I believe its pockets will bulge up again soon.

Therefore, a large fleet of 10,000 tons from the Tiancheng Oil Protection Brigade took the lead (the small aircraft was changed to a racetrack), with two small aircraft in the middle, and a huge fleet of more than 30 warships of all levels scattered around, after attracting a wave of attention , No one pays attention to this seemingly huge fleet that actually has no force.


When the fleet finished setting off the fireworks and left the Taiwan Strait, there were inexplicably two more obsolete frigates in the team, which obviously did not belong to our side, and resembled North American ships...

Ge Xiaotian knew nothing about this.

As a qualified entrepreneur, he doesn't like to use force, which is too rough, but likes to convince others with reasoning.

Use your own business methods and construction capabilities to convince your opponents or partners.

At this moment, he was meeting with the South Vietnamese board of directors.

Regarding Ge Xiaotian's arrival, the Nanyue side had been notified a long time ago, but unexpectedly, Tiancheng Electric Industry really did it.

Stealth Helicopter!

This is the first armed helicopter with stealth capability on the home planet!

If it wasn't for the military's refusal to cooperate, and the board of directors didn't want to offend the big brother on the north side, I'm afraid many people would want to snatch it away.

January 8th, ten o'clock in the morning.

The highest conference room in South Vietnam.

Ge Xiaotian sat on the sofa with a big sword, with a smile on his face, looking at the chairman of Nanyue and the members of the board of directors.

"Tiancheng International Holdings Group is a newly emerging comprehensive construction company. Although it failed to catch up with your reform and opening up in the mid-1990s, it is not too late. I want to help you develop the Meigong River estuary and build Tiancheng's first 100,000-ton wharf in Nanyang."

"We have long been aware of the news of Mr. Ge's acquisition of Nanyang Development Group, and warmly welcome you to invest in our country with huge sums of money. I just don't know if Mr. Ge is in the name of Nanyang Development Group, or Tiancheng?"

"Nanyang Development Group."

"Mr. Ge, we sincerely hope that Tiancheng International Holdings Group can settle in our country."

After the chairman of Nanyue finished speaking, the general manager of Nanyue echoed: "Yes, Mr. Ge, we learned from the news that the Zigbee network is being upgraded, and we are willing to open up part of the communication market as an encouragement for Tiancheng International Holdings Group to invest in our country. "

"Actually, they are all the same. Both groups belong to me."

"It's not the same." Nanyue Deputy Director seriously shook his head, "Nanyang Group is a listed company, and you have strong financial resources. We don't want the Soros incident to happen again."

"Haha, you don't worry too much. I'm a man of action, just like the old stockholder. We like to fight big with small things, invest in the weak side, grow bigger and stronger, and benefit together."

"What you said makes us even more worried about your purpose of investing in our country."

"Common development."

The collective silence of the South Vietnamese board of directors...

Ge Xiaotian picked up the teacup, pressed the lid on the tea leaves, took a sip, and secretly glanced at the two green clothes sitting in the distance, his face was slightly cold, "You should have heard, my partner, Chen Feng , together with my more than 300,000-ton freighters, were detained by Singapore in the Straits of Malaya.”

"We sympathize with this, and we will protest internationally."

"That's unnecessary. You should also know that Chen Feng grows oranges in Nanyun. The first phase is 100,000 mu, the second phase is 500,000 mu, and the third phase may be even more..."

Ge Xiaotian put down his teacup, "Orange trees need to be watered. Where does the water come from? Lancang River. It is the second longest river in Asia, the longest river in Southeast Asia, and the Mekong River that flows through many countries."

The board of directors of South Vietnam is a little unclear.

"Orange gardens, orange research institutes, orange cultivation centers, etc. all need electricity, but Nanyun is poor, there are mountains everywhere, and the development of agriculture is slow. Fortunately, Tiancheng has an agricultural group, which made me born in Nanyun Lancangjiang River basin, the idea of ​​building dozens of hydropower stations.”

The face of the South Vietnamese board of directors changed.

"I haven't done research yet, but I don't know if the Mekong River in Southeast Asia will stop flowing after doing so much."

"Mr. Ge, if you do this, it will damage the relationship between neighboring countries."

"This is my personal behavior. I have money. In order to make money, I issued a military order and created a Dongshan economic chain. I believe that my leaders will not only refuse, but will also strongly support it."


"Of course, if the Nanyang Development Group builds a 100,000-ton wharf at the estuary of the Mekong River, the meaning will be different. The transportation from Nanyun to Hanoi in South Asian countries, and the sea transportation from Dongshan, the Far East, and Eastern Europe to Guizhou will be added. Thousands of jobs brought about by the development of the world... Think about it carefully, the economy takes off and becoming the fifth tiger is not a dream."

Chairman of Nanyue, "We need to think about it."

"There is only one chance, and it will never come back. Cambodia is planning to lease the entire Whitehorse City to me. Your side is too messy. Look at my trip this time. I even took out the stealth helicopter. If Cambodia nods, This 100,000-ton terminal will be born this afternoon, and I won’t come here again until I don’t have my own business.”


The chairman of Nanyue made eye contact with the members of the board of directors...

At this time, one of the two green clothes shouldering the star suddenly said: "The military department agrees, we need the ship technical support of Tiancheng Electric Industry, as well as help in the industrial field."

"All right."

Chairman Nanyue nodded helplessly, "I wonder if Mr. Ge has a specific investment plan?"

"Yes, but this plan is a bit big!"

Ge Xiaotian gestured and took out the map, "As long as you stand in my position and give unwavering support, I believe that the investment brought to you will not be as simple as tens of billions of Franklin."

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