Build Madness

Chapter 722 Five 100,000-ton docks

The Kra Isthmus Canal is not a secret. As early as the end of the 18th century, King Rama V of Thailand proposed the excavation plan.

However, due to economic and technical constraints, it could not be implemented.

In the 1970s, seeing the economic benefits brought by Maliu, Taimei couldn't help raising it again, and then... civil strife broke out.

The reason for this is mainly because there are too many interests involved in Maliu. If the Kra Canal is dug, it will completely change the overall development of Southeast Asia.

Singapore, Indonesia, etc., which were originally wealthy, will experience rapid economic depression.

The economy of Thailand, South Vietnam, and Cambodia, which were originally impoverished, will take off rapidly.

Thus affecting the military, government and other fields.

The strong will not allow the weak to resist, this is the principle of survival, not to mention North America intervening.

Therefore, in order to avoid conflicts, the excavation of the Kra Isthmus Canal will not be proposed by any country, but private enterprises need to come forward and summarize it as a non-governmental behavior.

Therefore, this private enterprise needs to have very strong strength, and it must also be very aggressive. Otherwise, how can it resist the pressure from Singapore and Malaysia?

Knowing this, the South Vietnamese side changed their face again when they saw the Kra Canal plan.

As Ge Xiaotian said, the excavation of the Kra Canal can indeed bring tens of billions of Franklin and even more economic benefits to South Vietnam, where the new route must pass.


Nanyue can't bear it!

And Tiancheng...

Very strong, after the acquisition of Nanyang Development Group, the strength is even stronger.

But except for the method of cutting off the Mekong River just now, it is not very 'horizontal'.

What's more, does my Thai girl agree?

Even if it is agreed, only private enterprises supported by two countries will participate. In terms of public opinion, it is far inferior to private enterprises in Singapore, Malaysia, and North America.

In addition, South Vietnam’s reform and opening up has finally won North America to abandon its economic blockade. If South Vietnam participates in the construction of the Kra Isthmus Canal Project, it will inevitably face a new round of sanctions.

This was a devastating blow to South Vietnam.

"Don't be cowardly!"

Ge Xiaotian flicked the desktop, "As I said, Tiancheng International Holdings Group is a comprehensive enterprise."

"We have 41 major industries in the industrial field, including metallurgical industry, electric power industry, coal and coking industry, petroleum industry, chemical industry, machinery industry, building materials industry, forestry industry, food industry, textile, sewing, manufacturing leather industry and other industries."

"There are two hundred and fifty categories, including petroleum mining, coal mining, metal mining, non-metallic mining, timber harvesting, metal smelting and processing, coking and coke, chemical, chemical raw materials, cement, wood-based panels, and electricity, petroleum and coal processing..."

"There are six hundred and sixty-six industrial subcategories, um, too many, so I won't go into details."

"In the fields of commerce, electronics, entertainment, communication, finance, etc., our Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has hundreds of billion-level enterprises, thousands of multi-million-level enterprises, tens of thousands of million-level enterprises, and countless self-employed individuals."

"From shipbuilding, to raw material processing, to high-tech, as well as finance and foreign trade, we have blazed our own path."

"Tell me, what do you want?"

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he made a phone call on his own, "Stock King, how are you doing recently? There is a big deal. I think the plan you proposed to short Nanyang again is very good..."

International negotiations require skills, and it is useless to talk about benefits, and it is necessary to magnify the interests.

You agree, I can bring you countless economic benefits.

If you disagree, I will cut off the Mekong River that you depend on for survival, and short your national currency.



Members of the South Vietnam Board of Directors, take a collective breath...

This is the knife resting on the neck.

The chairman made eye contact with the members of the board of directors again...

At this moment, a secretary chatted with the guard at the door, glanced at someone who had gone to the window to make a call, and came to the chairman.

"Leader, the joint fleet of Tiancheng Electric Industry and Montenegro, 'picked up' two frigates in Taiwan Province, and then crossed the southern waters, and are speeding towards us."

"According to the Taiwanese province who dare not speak out, there are 200 stealth helicopters in the fleet, 50 fighter jets of unknown models, 80,000 employees wearing Tiancheng standard uniforms, and 500 amphibious tanks, 50 A ground-effect landing craft. In addition, the launch silo of the carrier-based missile has been opened..."

"This is not a knife resting on the neck, but it has been swung down."

Chairman Nanyue looked around the hall and looked at the two green-clothed supervisors.

The latter also received the news and shook their heads in unison...

That means clearly: can't beat.

Deputy Director: ‘Do you want to detain him? '

Chairman: 'It can be detained for a while, but not for a lifetime. Besides, what excuse is used to detain him? He is a popular entrepreneur of the Big Brother in the North, and one of the most influential entrepreneurs on the home planet. If the fleet target is not ours, but we take the initiative to turn against him, you will bear the consequences? '

Deputy director: 'I'm going to the bathroom. '


The two green clothes: 'Let's go to the bathroom too. '


Other board members: 'Adjourned? Well, withdraw! '


The chairman of Nanyue immediately understood that this group of people was afraid of getting angry and threw the problem on themselves.

In case something happens, no matter 'war' or 'peace', it will be done by oneself.

Immediately said: "Mr. Ge, we support you in carrying out this project."

Ge Xiaotian made a phone call with the stock king old man, just pretending, and when he heard the words, he immediately felt that the effect of "convincing people with reason" was effective, so he put down the satellite phone and turned around.

"Huh? Where's the person?"

"I went to the bathroom. As people get older, some functions are seriously degraded."

"Go together?"

Ge Xiaotian frowned, and then thought that this might be a local custom, "It's okay, I'll invest in another Southeast Asia General Hospital of Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for you!"

"Thank you Mr. Ge."

Chairman Nanyue didn't care much about this, what he cared about was his own position, "Mr. Ge, we hope that after we are blocked by North America, Tiancheng can give us some support."

"No problem, no matter the Nanyun inland river transportation project, new routes, or land transportation, I can bring you innovations in the industrial field and progress in the commercial field."

clap clap...

The chairman stood up and applauded, and suddenly remembered that he was the only one present...

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he got up and planned to shake hands with the other party. Facing this scene, he felt that it might be a custom, so he immediately applauded.

clap clap...

Board members hiding outside the meeting room: "???"

"Mr. Ge, it's noon, how about eating first?"


"this way please."

"You first you first."

After the banquet.

It is still the highest meeting room.

Just missing board members, a lot more business people, and a man who is visibly disturbed.

"Mr. Ge, hello."


Ge Xiaotian nodded and communicated with the other party, knowing that this is a representative of a private enterprise launched by Nanyue, responsible for conducting business with Tiancheng Holdings Group and Nanyang Development Group.

Influenced by the nature of the entire large project, our side also invested a lot in South Vietnam.

In the early stage, there will be a 100,000-ton terminal, and two more will come when the new route is opened.

Later, it also includes fishery, breeding, agriculture, industry, communication, entertainment, armament...

Generally speaking, as long as Nanyue steps forward and supports Tiancheng in carrying out the Kra Isthmus Canal project, no matter whether it succeeds or not, Nanyue will receive assistance from Tiancheng.

Each contract is signed, encrypted, saved...

With a few gunshots, Nanyue dealt with outside agents and spies wastefully, and Ge Xiaotian also carried these contracts to Cambodia.

Nanyang Development Group has many industries here, and this is also the main basin of the Meigong River, so things are much simpler.

First "convince people with reasoning", then throw out two 100,000-ton wharves, and then finalize the project.


January 10th.

eight o'clock in the morning.

Bangkok International Airport.

The elephants sing together, and the gongs and drums are loud.

The grand welcoming ceremony with gold as the main tone is about to begin.

nine in the morning.

A direct flight from Cambodia to Bangkok landed safely.

On the boarding ladder, one hundred masters responsible for handling the Nanyang Development Group, dressed in gorgeous gold silk cassocks, carrying golden Zen sticks, holding nanmu gold silk wooden fish, and golden five Buddha crowns on their heads, made their debut.


There were bursts of knocking on the wooden fish.


Taimei had been preparing for the ceremony for several days, but suddenly got stuck, and the audience was dead silent.

Ge Xiaotian appeared at the top of the boarding ladder, took off his sunglasses, and smiled slightly, "Sawadika!"

Thanks to 'Qi Di Tian Tian Xia' for the rewards, as well as the rewards of many book friends, I will add more tomorrow.

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