Build Madness

Chapter 725 Whose? !

The sea area on the east side of Taimei Bay.

The 10,000-ton destroyer is in the middle, and two 5,000-ton frigates are side by side.

In the rear, three 20,000-ton cruisers and ten torpedo boats formed a circular formation.

Inside the circle, there are two aircraft carriers one behind the other, surrounded by numerous supply ships, guided egg cruisers, carrier-based cruisers, ground-effect flying vehicles, heavy landing ships...


The size of hundreds of computer desks is equipped with wheeled equipment "dedicated to laying submarine optical cables". Through the embedded propeller blades at the tail and abdomen, and the ropes connected to the surface ships at the head, it moves closely with the fleet.

Suddenly, the two wheeled devices disconnected from the ropes, leaped into the distance like swimming fish, and disappeared soon...


The Tiancheng fleet approached the sea.

A North American soldier comfortably controlled electrical equipment, "Sir, they are so stupid that they don't even have submarine attack helicopters and torpedo interceptor helicopters. We can definitely send a submarine detachment to kill them."

"Can you evade their laser detection?"

"It's a bluff. It's common sense that lasers can't be used for underwater detection."

"Swiss saab company developed the HAWK Eye laser radar system for tracking submarines as early as the early 1990s. The system is divided into two lasers. One is used for underwater detection, using a laser with a wavelength of 532 nanometers, and the laser receiving frequency is 4000 Hertz. The other is used for coastline surveys, which belongs to near-infrared lasers, and the laser receiving frequency is 64,000 Hz. In 2002, the technology was transferred to AHAB company established by three former employees, and then... this company disappeared. "

"You mean, Tiancheng bought them?"

"In any case, underwater lidar does exist. We are in contact with the Royal Swiss Navy. They have confirmed that they have this system. Maybe we will be able to equip it soon. Moreover, Tiancheng Electric Industry is different from us. They dominate optoelectronic technology. If the lidar system cooperates with the underwater photography system, then they will have underwater 3D imaging technology, so try not to let Tiancheng detect our existence."

"So what if they find out? They don't have submarine attack helicopters, and they can't take us down at all."

"The last time Zheng He's fleet was attacked by pirates in the Red Sea, they used a remote-controlled underwater operation equipment to assist in the installation of liquid fuel and blast the intercepted ships. It is super powerful and has the characteristics of underwater combustion..."

Before the submarine chief finished speaking, the alarm sounded one after another.

Sonar personnel: "Report, no target found!"

The person in charge of the periscope looked strange, "Sir, there is something strange smiling at me."


"Looks like a fish, but I always feel weird!"


The officer opened the console in front of him, and through other cameras, he could clearly see two shark-like creatures carrying 'oxygen tanks' on their backs, shaking their heads and tails at the top of the periscope, looking very naughty. It seems that these two little things are about to fight...

"Shit, it's them!!!"


"Liquid fuel installers, they're playing tricks on us, back off!"

The submarine goes away...

One nautical mile away, the two devices leaving the Tiancheng Fleet turned off their laser projectors...


Tiancheng Aircraft is in the middle.


Seeing the picture sent back, Ge Xiaotian shook the ice-cold code in the goblet, signaling to the general manager of Taimei Chinese who came to watch the battle, "This is the second-generation laser guidance equipment made with photoelectric technology, which can simulate detection waves, filter The detection wave can frighten vicious sharks through self-projection, and let the other party leave without harming the other party, so as to avoid disturbing the laying of submarine optical cables by one's own party."


The latter is a bit confusing.

Ge Xiaotian raised his glass to touch him.

The white-bearded old man of Bingxiong once told him about the military hierarchy of the home planet.

It is said that if a certain region does not engage in technology, then their current military technology has just reached the level of World War II at most.

What concept?

Taimei's own fighters may not be as good as Wajima's zero-type fighters, and most of the fighters they are equipped with now are the second-generation fighters that have been eliminated by the European and American Ice Bears.

For example, the main force of fifty years: MiG 19, Jian Qi, F 104...

This shows the importance of technology.

However, Tiancheng pushed the technological tree back to the 1970s, and has already absorbed the fourth-generation fighter technology, and even touched the future sixth-generation fighter manufacturing process (smart remote-controlled unmanned supersonic fighter) through graphene and photoelectric technology.

This is the crushing of hard power brought by technology.

In other words, the two sides are not at the same level at all.

After all, Tian Cheng has always regarded North America and Ice Bear as imaginary enemies.

"Boss, 1 billion Franklin has arrived."

"Ready to log in."

"Which campaign mode? An all-out war to cut off water and electricity? Or focus on conquest? Or a devastating blow..."

"Fuck you, uncle, this is my rubber plantation!"

"Yes, boss!"

Ge Xiaotian looked at Luli Optoelectronics curiously, who looked like the general manager of Taimei Chinese in the command room of a sci-fi scene, "Sorry, my subordinates are ignorant, and we will never affect civilians."

"Excuse me, your battle plan?"

"Singapore Peninsula is surrounded by sea on both sides. We are currently located in the east sea area. If we want to wipe out the forces led by agents and spies, we have to block the west sea area. But the southern end of the Malay Peninsula belongs to Malay, and we want to block the west sea area. , we must separate a fleet to transfer to the west side through the Straits of Malacca, and now we are fighting, there will definitely not be agreed."

Ge Xiaotian opened the electronic map, "Fortunately, the goods from Montenegro were detained, and the Montenegro Mediterranean Fleet came overnight. I have a good relationship with their chairman, and I can invite them to participate in the siege."

"At that time, we will blockade the coast. Of the 80,000 employees, 30,000 will block the border between you and Malays, and 30,000 will block the Kra Isthmus to prevent the other party from rushing into the north of your country. Afterwards, 20,000 people will cast a net to catch Arrest, two weeks, all at once."


The Chinese general manager frowned, "Mr. Ge, I admit that your tactics are very good, but... how do we distinguish between the enemy and ourselves?"


Ge Xiaotian took out the smart card with a price of 368 that was transported by air from Neo Brass, which has been eliminated by Tiancheng's main industries, or left behind after the customer upgraded the 688 version, "Your land is privately owned, including fixed assets. According to our plan:

Those who have lived for more than ten years can receive, register, network and authenticate for free.

For those who have lived for more than five years but less than ten years, neighbors, relatives, friends, and ancestral graves are required to testify to receive it.

Those within five years, if they fail to meet the above conditions, all their assets will be confiscated and they will help me plant rubber. "

"Mr. Ge, you can't do this..."

"If you want to solve it all at once, there is no other way. Have you ever heard of geckos docking their tails? If you keep cutting them off, you will suffer instead."

Ge Xiaotian said, sighing, "I don't want to do this either, but with the excavation of the new canal, tens of thousands of laborers from Dongshan will spend at least a year here. They all have wives and children. They are my compatriots. I need I am responsible for their safety. And, I am also responsible for the safety of the rubber plantation employees.”


The Chinese general manager was silent.

"We will keep the confiscated assets temporarily. If these coolies can prove themselves during the rubber planting period, we will help them arrange excellent jobs as compensation. Ten years later, those who cannot prove themselves, we will help you deal with them. Don't worry, After the Zigbee network is launched, it will form a big data server, and we will not wrong any good person, nor will we let any bad person go.”

"All right."

The general manager of Taimei Chinese didn't understand, but still nodded helplessly.

As for the representatives of the royal family and the rich and powerful, this has nothing to do with their interests, let alone express...

At this time, the cabin alarm sounded.

"Attention all, the battle plan has been released, please go to the battle location according to the instructions!"

"Attention, this is not an exercise. Anyone who resists, kill! Attention, this is not an exercise. Anyone who resists, kill! Attention..."

The agents and spies here are different from pirates. Pirates can’t survive and have no choice but to be bandits. They promise benefits during the arrest, and they basically don’t resist after arrest.

And the spies here are not the same as those arrested on the East Coast of Gold, they are all lunatics.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian only considered letting the part that surrendered grow rubber instead of coal mines.

In case the other party finds an opportunity in the mine, if they raise their voices, all the secret agents and spies who surrender will be affected.

outside the cabin.

Important things are shouted three times.

The Tian members took off their yellow vests and the various uniforms distributed according to the type of work, and then... put them on backwards.

Well, the back is camouflage.

Helmet-mounted goggles, multi-functional masks, infrared detectors, light wave detectors, AR systems, monocular wide-area displays...

Binding military boots, triangular thorns, anti-thunder soles...

Each person has a military shovel, a set of tactical carrying equipment, and related medical supplies...

Afterwards, I received the 'Ek Aim' provided by Ice Bear, and N kinds of tactical hand buds...

the end.

Qishuashua inserts their respective smart cards into the card slots on their chests, and the electronic devices around them are instantly activated.

Ka Ka Ka!

Eighty thousand people gathered on the deck, lined up horizontally and vertically.

The Thai girl executive who had just stepped out of the cabin was dumbfounded...

"Remember, we are security! To guard the rubber plantation, the rubber crowd, and the rubber products!"

"Guard! Guard! Guard!"

"Set off!!!"

Hoo hoo...

Various types of helicopters took off, and one landing ship moved to the forefront of the fleet.

Internal tanks, armor, assault boats... ready to go.

Meter wave radar, microwave radar, light wave radar, infrared detection, satellite shake sense...

The egg well is opened...

The ground effect flight vehicle starts...

A fighter plane soars into the blue sky dragging white mist...

The passionate BGM resounds throughout the sea...

Also shocked were countless netizens who watched the live broadcast on the Baixiaotong forum...

"Fuck, is it really a fight?"

"This battle... makes me tremble when I see it."

"Ge Erer is crazy?"

"Malays are protesting!"

"The North American fleet unexpectedly withdrew from the base."

"Nonsense, their newly formed fleet doesn't even have a carrier, how can they fight?"

"Look at the Montenegro press conference!"

"What's wrong?"


Odyssey Group International Hotel.

Chairman of Montenegro, General Manager of Finance of Montenegro, General MacArthur (Nong Qijiu) of Montenegro, Chairman of Odyssey Group (Dao Er)...

Several people sat side by side in the rostrum.

The expression is serious, and the eyes are murderous.

Chairman of Montenegro:

"I'm a relatively simple person. I usually like fishing, farming, and repairing agricultural machinery. My life is quite comfortable. But since I became the chairman, I suddenly found that life is very difficult."

"I went bankrupt and borrowed tens of billions of Franklin from my brother's Odyssey Group and the Clearing Bank to develop Montenegro."

"I distributed pickup trucks, vans, agricultural machinery, and food and clothing for my people, and taught them how to use these things to do business, farm, and have enough food, and taught them how to live better. live happier."

"But there are always some people who don't like us, bully us, insult us, Montenegro is a startup, we need to stand up, we decided to make an example to others, so we aimed at the ice bear..."

Numerous reporters: 'What the hell are you doing to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys, it's clearly killing the bears! '

"We can't say we have lost or won, but we can only say that we have encountered an iron plate. This makes us lose face and damage the national prestige. I decided to take the blame and resign."

"But my 20 million people did not allow me to resign. They each donated one hundred Franklins to support me to find a softer persimmon again."

Reporter: 'Isn't that too straightforward? '

"Just a week ago, someone intercepted billions of materials that we depend on for survival. The public opinion is difficult. We in Montenegro must stand up and let those who look down on us no longer be able to climb up!!!"

The screen in the background rotates.

Hoo hoo...

An unbelievably huge long thing, dragging a thick flame, soared into the sky, and quickly disappeared into the clouds...

"Damn it, intercontinental guide?!"

"There is such a thing in Montenegro?!"

"Why is the top so dark?"



Didi Didi......

All areas with satellites on the parent star should activate the monitoring system in unison.

The instigator, Malay, even hid in underground fortifications.

At this moment, no one has accused Montenegro of messing around, this f*ck is a fool, he shoots as soon as he says...


Under the eyes of everyone, the satellite monitoring clearly saw that this rough and long thing flew higher and faster, broke through the clouds, flew out of the parent star, entered orbit, and rushed directly into space against a satellite...

It didn't explode, but the guide egg smashed the satellite into pieces...


"Whose family?"

Ice Bear: "My family!"

Montenegro: "Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

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