Build Madness

Chapter 726 Take down the rubber plantation

The coast before dawn is a little hazy, and the white sky is also particularly gloomy, which makes people feel depressed and uneasy.

The early seabirds no longer looked for food, but carefully skimmed at low altitude, and gathered in groups on the beach, staring intently at the distant sea.

It seems that everyone is worried that a giant beast will suddenly emerge there and eat themselves...

In silence.

A red halo flashed under the eastern sky...

Hoo hoo...

With Chusheng Chaoyang on their backs, a large group of strange birds swooped in.

The seabirds fled in panic...

Not long after, more than a dozen behemoths appeared on the sea.

They beat the wind and waves, dragging billows of smoke onto the beach.


Iron plates more than ten meters high crashed down, like the abyss mouth of a giant beast, spitting out roaring steel monsters one after another.

Gray strange birds roared past all over the sky, leaving behind groups of white balloons...

In the blink of an eye, the beach is covered with countless figures running in line. They either rush to the inland together, or drive machinery to carry materials, or wield a shovel to mine on the spot...

Ten minutes later, ten wooden sentry towers about seven or eight meters high rose up from the ground five hundred meters apart, pulling steel wire mesh and barbed wire between each other...

Twenty minutes later, another ten sentry towers quickly took shape and stretched westward, separating the north from the south.

At the same time, the roaring steel monsters gathered into an overwhelming torrent, roaring and rushing towards the inland...

[The 01 Brigade of the 54th Construction Engineering Department seized the No. 3 highland and controlled the road. ]

[The 01 Brigade of the 55th Construction Engineering Department seized Area F and cut off the railway and the bridge. ]

[The 01 Brigade of the 10th Electrical Department seized the No. 6 and No. 9 highlands, and the No. 15 valley, and laid radar. ]

[Electrical Units 13, 14, and 15 capture and infiltrate enemy communications. ]

[Mechanical Departments 21, 22, 23, and 24, blockade the southern border, load the shells, and take strict precautions. ]

[Flight attendant Department 01, Department 02, Department 03, Department 04, in cooperation with the Mechanical Department, the guide egg is on standby at any time. ]

[The 01, 02, and 03 Brigades of the 31st Logistics Department control the open space on the north side and build a 'staff home'. ]

[Logistics 32, 33, fuel supply. ]

[15, 16, and 17 catering departments, a total of 15 brigades, preparing dining cars. ]

Didi Didi...

Quietly, countless pieces of digital information are sent from the air carrier command center, transmitted to the smart card in front of each personnel's chest through the GLONASS signal enhancement satellite, and then presented by the monocular wide-area display with face authentication at any time In the eyes of the wearer.

After receiving the information, the security guards of Tiancheng Rubber Plantation quickly changed their guards in green clothes with Taimei at a loss.

High in the sky, an unusually large helicopter recorded all this through a camera.

Baixiaotong information platform.

The magnificent BGM sounded. (victory)

In the background of the rising sun, tens of thousands of burly and well-armed men followed the gas turbine T90 modification and launched a charge...

Fighters roar in the sky, battleships fill the sky, and warships are scattered across the sea...

"I'm definitely watching a movie."

"Yes, this year's Crazy Wang Xingren and the ancient war movie Wanchao come to congratulate Tianyu. Although it is very good-looking and the scene of digging the Grand Canal is also very spectacular, it always feels that something is missing. Now I feel it!"

"It's the breath of war."

"No, this is the charm of war!"

"After listening to this BGM and looking at this picture again, after a whole night, I am not sleepy anymore!"

"Respect our second brother in the future!"

"What the hell, he's just wandering overseas. Anyway, I won't go abroad in my life."

"It makes sense."

"It's fighting! Look at the southeast corner..."

"It's the Malay Army!"

on screen.

The Malay green clothes who were frightened by the huge battle found that this berserk army did not launch an attack immediately, but instead built fortifications on the spot, unable to bear the orders of their superiors, they all ran back again with chug chug.

However, before approaching the barbed wire fence, beside the armor in the distance, a muscular camouflage man half a meter taller than his own side picked up a small speaker:

"This is the Tiancheng Rubber Plantation. We have the right to shoot anyone who trespasses without a proper reason."

"Our officer said that you violated the parent star's regulations and built defenses 500 meters away from the boundary, which must be dismantled immediately!"

"Are you kidding? This is our leased area. If you have any objections, go and negotiate with Tai Mei."

More than a dozen Malays in green wanted to say something. The strong man squatting next to the barbed wire slowly got up, shaking his chest muscles, holding the engineer shovel tightly in his right hand, and gently patted the palm of his left hand, "Believe it or not, I will hit you ten by myself!" ?”



On the morning of the 13th.

Hoo hoo...

Tillard, a country boy, was awakened by the loud noise outside the wooden house, hurriedly got up, and leaned over the window to observe the movement outside.

Under the blue sky, a dark gray behemoth hovered in the air.

"Residents, please note that we are Tiancheng International Holdings Group, and the area has been leased by us. In order to protect the rubber industry, we will not disturb your normal life, nor will we rob you of your land, but we want to clear up the unrest in this area. Factors, please cooperate carefully! And as a reward, we will issue a communicator that can access the Internet to those who cooperate."

"Now, all residents, please gather in front of the village. Anyone who does not come, resists, or hides, if there is no reason, kill them!"

Living in the southern part of Thailand all year round, Tillard knows the rules of survival here, so he quickly put on his shorts and got down the wooden ladder with bare feet and back. (Rural houses in Taimei are all attics supported by wooden pillars)

Passing by the neighbor's downstairs, he took a pole and knocked on the wooden door on the second floor, "Uncle, get up!"

"I heard it, I heard it! Don't resist, let them take whatever they want."

"It's not those people, it seems to be a legion... Wow, I saw it, it's tank!"

buzz buzz...

The gas turbine roared, and the huge amphibious armor crossed the road ditch and stopped at the entrance of the village.

Five short men (level 4 system WWII units), five burly men (level 3 elite units), and five muscular men (full level farmers), a total of 15 people quickly got out of the carriage.

The slightly shorter man ran towards the village with his arms in his arms, the burly man pulled out the steel pipe behind his back, and turned it into a spear three or two times, and the muscular man took out a strange shovel and measuring tools...

Tillard had never seen this scene before, so he was stunned. It wasn't until the neighbor uncle came down with the child in his arms that he came back to his senses, "Uncle, they are so powerful."

"Quickly go to the queue and don't talk nonsense."

"oh oh……"

Tillard was short and came early, standing directly at the front.

The two men who came down from the armor later, one holding an ultra-thin computer and the other holding a walkie-talkie, began to ask questions:




"16 years old."

"How long have you lived here?"

"I've been here since I was a kid, this is my home."

"Where are the parents?"



"He was beaten to death by them."



"Specific name?"

"have no idea."


The uncle at the back quickly explained: "Sir, don't embarrass us, everyone knows that once you leave, they will come to make trouble."

"Do you know where they are?"

"have no idea."

"Tell me, otherwise, after your village confiscates the land, it will collectively move to the east two hundred miles away to plant rubber."

"They're behind the mountain on the north side."

"Is there a specific location?"

"Several buildings on the mountainside."

The man in camouflage picked up the binoculars and watched for a while, then looked at the other hundred or so residents, "Is he right?"

The latter all nodded.

The camouflage man said to himself: "76911, try."


Not long after, a series of gunshots came from the mountainside.

"Determine the target, about fifty, with heavy weapons."


The man in camouflage picked up the 'walkie-talkie', "The target has been identified, destroy it!"

The top of the armor in the distance opened, revealing a row of huge black steel pipes.

whoosh whoosh...

One by one, the long strips of things, dragging a strong tail flame, went straight to the halfway up the back mountain.


The residents were dumbfounded.

Amidst the fireworks in the sky, a voice came.

"Cleared, looking for other targets."


After the camouflage man finished speaking, he returned to his original position very casually: "Tirard, you need to show your or your parents' asset certificate."

"Sir, we don't have any proof. The files are all in the state capital." The uncle holding the child explained.

"Then can you prove that Tillard is a local resident, and how much land and houses does he own? We will check with the state government later."

"Yes, yes, his house is just that one, and the land is the surrounding area and a paddy field at the foot of the mountain. He can't plant it alone, and I can't help with my children. Half of it is deserted."

Another camouflage man rubbed the keys and recorded all this.

A strong man holding a measuring tool and a shovel in the distance also sent relevant data.

Leading the camouflage man took out something similar to a handheld:

"Tirard, this is your smart card. Remember, it's your identity in the future."


"Also, half of your land is abandoned, and we will expropriate it according to the local harvest. If you are willing to hand over all of it, we will compensate you and arrange work for you. I hope you will consider it carefully."

"Can I be a soldier?"

"It should be possible, you have to apply to your state capital."

"Then if I become a soldier, can I be like you?"

"No, no, we are Tianwei International Fire Protection Group, it's different."

"Then how can I join you?"



Tiancheng Aircraft Command Center.

On the large touch screen display, in the map of the southern region of Taimei, with the rising of one group after another of clouds, the blue light representing the recovery area is increasing, the white light representing the unknown area is rapidly decreasing, and the red light representing the dangerous area Dots, first appear and then disappear...

In the southern area, which has never been specifically registered, residents' information is also quickly filled into the large database...

The general manager of Taimei Chinese, who lived here for two weeks, was still in shock, "Mr. Ge, has the current war started like this?"

"No, the war now is electronic information."


Ge Xiaotian shrugged his shoulders, ignored the other party, walked into his office, and checked the affairs of Heishan and Ice Bear.

The navigation satellite laid down by Montenegro was the first cooperation between Bingxiong and Tiancheng the year before last. Through the 'five-year lifespan' satellite put together by nine institutes, it was announced to the public for ten years.

As Tiancheng and Bingxiong strengthened their cooperation in all aspects, this satellite became a little backward, and there was no 'good thing' installed by Dao Yi in it, so it fell into the category of 'uncontrollable'. (without satellite key)

Even if I don't want the GLONASS system, in order to ensure the integrity of the Starlink and communication security, I must destroy it and replace it with a new one.

In fact, it is also possible not to destroy it and let it float, but if it is not destroyed, there is no reason to replace it with a new one. Just resolutely do not change.

Now the goal has been achieved, but Black Mountain and Ice Bear have a falling out.

According to Brother Xiong's temper, he will definitely beat Montenegro.

But Montenegro Odyssey antivirus directly threatened that if you dare to hit me, I will paralyze your national power grid.

Odyssey antivirus must have this strength, even if it does not take the initiative to attack and release antivirus permissions, Ice Bear Network will be captured by Panda Burning Incense.

Under the threat of rats and the long distance, Montenegro is not without the power to resist. There is also a graphite guide egg that seems to have no power but is actually strong in killing thieves, and the entire European region is backed. Ice Bear is very angry and secretly Send a large number of agents, ready to deal with the Odyssey anti-software company first.

But there is also a company in Montenegro, the European Temple Security Company, which has a monitoring system and is not afraid of spies at all.

Now that two weeks have passed, the two families have gradually developed into arguing and discussing compensation.

Montenegro has no money, broken pots and broken pots, and loves to do whatever.

The ice bear can't get the money, and the intact star chain is destroyed again, and it's embarrassing to put it on anyone.

After talking and talking, the two sides gathered in Montenegro, ready to fight...

Ice Bear: Fuck you!

Montenegro: Wait until the fleet that is blocked in Southeast Asia arrives, and I will get you!

Ice Bear: I'll fuck you now!

Montenegro counted their fortunes and found that one of the three major fleets was missing. It was obvious that they couldn't beat them, and they were even more angry with Malay.

Another intercontinental guide egg!

The silo was open and the fire hadn't been fired yet, and North America, who was playing Harden next to him, always felt that the opponent's target was him: Are you fucking addicted to ejaculation? !

"What are you doing? I won't buy your Super Panda 21 fighter."

"Then you can do whatever you want, by the way, do you have enough money?"

"It's almost there. How about you bring the cargo over and let's use it to fight the ice bear?"

"High-interest loans."

"I want it."

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