Build Madness

Chapter 727 When it comes to digging trees, we are professionals! (Add more rewards for 'Qi Di

Montenegro used to be very poor, but after the reorganization, it got rich overnight. Every family has a car, a house, and a job. The city is brand new, the business is flourishing, and all the roads lead in all directions.

If you look through the books of Montenegro, it will shock the countries of the home planet.

Because the debt ratio of Montenegro residents is almost as high as one thousand percent!

In other words, all residents owe a large sum of money to the Montenegrin Board of Directors.

So the question is, Montenegro is so poor, where does the money come from?

Odyssey Antivirus, Sanctuary Security Group, dozens of developers and construction companies, and clearing banks.

There are a total of three trillion owed to Franklin in bits and pieces.

Each region has its own debt capacity. For example, Wajima, with a responsibility rate of 250%, owes North America ten trillion Franklin.

However, Wajima is a developed area, while Montenegro is a poor area. Montenegro's ultimate debt bearing capacity is only 100 billion Franklin at most.

In other words, Montenegro's debt ratio has exceeded the sky, and it is about to go bankrupt...


Everything has a but.

From another perspective, Montenegro is very rich, not ordinary rich.

Think about it carefully, all the residents owe money to Montenegro. Does the wealth created by the residents belong to Montenegro?

Either as the principal or as the interest, and hand it over for free. As long as Montenegro does not fall, the money will continue to flow.

How scary?

And will Montenegro fall?

Odyssey Antivirus, Sanctuary Security Group, the three major navies, developers and contractors are all members of the board of directors of Montenegro, and the residents owe them so much money that a fool would let Montenegro go down.

The residents of Montenegro live and work in peace and contentment, and their living conditions and happiness index are far higher than before, so naturally they will not mess things up.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for Montenegro to fail.

Based on the above, North America only considers high-interest loans.

In case Montenegro goes bankrupt, the interest charged in advance is fully worth the cost of the Panda fighters in stock.

If Montenegro survives, the interest plus the principal will make a lot of money.

As for why the European countries are not even willing to lend 200 million Franklin to Montenegro?

What if Montenegro turned against the water and defected to the ice bear?

But North America does not need to consider this, and can even increase loans to make Franklin the standard currency of Montenegro, and irritate the European Union that promotes the euro.

Therefore, after the deal was concluded, North America agreed that Montenegro would join NATO and give Franklin five billion in economic assistance.

In order to prevent Montenegro from falling into the arms of North America, the European Zone immediately agreed to Montenegro joining the European Union and gave 2 billion euros in economic assistance.

In this way, the number of votes increased, and Montenegro naturally joined the mother star joint meeting.

Mother Planet United Meeting: "Montenegro, it's time to pay the dues!" '

'No money! '

Mother Planet Joint Conference: Montenegro is good, Montenegro is beautiful, Montenegro is safe, everyone is welcome to travel there!

As for the guide eggs in the silo...

Who cares about that stuff.

As for the relationship between Montenegro and Singapore...

I love it.

As for when Montenegro will pay back the money...

Just wait.


Sitting in a big armchair, Ge Xiaotian flipped through the information collected by multiple regional intelligence departments, carefully stroked the thoughts in his mind, understood the situation in Eastern Europe, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Montenegro needs to develop for a period of time, and it can be regarded as coming to an end there.

The next step is to dig the Kra Isthmus Canal to connect the agricultural and rubber industries developed in Montenegro, Africa, Sange and other places, including transporting Antarctic minerals to Africa and then to Dongshan.

Why go to Africa?

The main reason is that it is close to Australia, where there are all North American eyeliners. If it is cut short, the loss will be small and the exposure will be large.

So here comes the problem.

How to design a new canal?

What kind of standard should it have?

For example, a freighter carrying 100,000 tons, a freighter carrying 300,000 tons, a freighter carrying 500,000 tons, or higher...

This is related to river flow, river gradient, river bed roughness, slope coefficient, initial depth of river section, water level calculation, etc.

However, the carrying capacity of the canal can be expanded in the later stage, and there is no need to make it too large in the early stage. Taimei didn't give money, so why work so hard.

Therefore, the first phase of the canal project only needs to satisfy its own cargo volume.

As for its own ocean-going freighters, except for the 300,000-ton freighter on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to Higashiyama route, the rest are all less than 50,000 tons, or even less than 10,000 tons.

Because the African construction and Antarctic projects are still in their infancy, there are few minerals to be unlucky.

Then it depends on Sange and the rubber output here.

Ge Xiaotian let go of his worries about Montenegro, and opened the information on Taimei Rubber Plantation.

In fact, if he was a little bit darker, according to his thinking, Tai Mei would plant rubber, turn a grain exporting country into a grain importing country, and make the other party completely dependent on Tiancheng.

But Tiancheng is different from North America, it pays attention to mutual promotion and common development.

As for Thai girls, look at their king, Chinese; look at their general manager, Chinese; look at their masses, almost 20% are Chinese.

Generally speaking, it is relatively close to one's own family, and there is no need to deceive others.

On the other hand, Tiancheng also needs a few high-level partners. Although South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thai girls are relatively weak, with Tianwei Security, in order to protect their own industry, they can also make them stronger in disguise.

Anyway, they are more reliable than Wajima and Nanbangzi.

What if it is not reliable?

Let Montenegro beat him!

Isn't such an existence created for doing business?

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and looked at the rubber plantation data.

After overall planning, the family obtained 5 million mu of land from Taimei, and leased 3 million mu of farmland and paddy fields from residents, totaling 5,300 square kilometers, about one percent of Taimei's area.

It’s a bit rare. Planting rubber is not growing food, but trees. Tapping takes five or six years at the earliest, and tapping in eight or nine years at the slowest.

If they want to meet their own needs within three years, they not only need to cultivate saplings, spend a lot of money on instilling nutrient solution and birthing solution, but also purchase whole trees.

The greater the investment, the higher the cost, and the less income, and ultimately it is not as good as continuing to use steel products...

Ge Xiaotian walked to the window, just about to think carefully about the layout, and suddenly rubbed his eyes.

He saw that Malay was densely packed with rubber trees...

When the sea breeze blows, the leaves are green and the leaves are not yellow, which means that the rubber has not been tapped recently.

"This... isn't this ready-made?"

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but picked up the binoculars and looked carefully.

The Malay Peninsula is indeed a good place.

To the east is the Pacific Ocean, and to the west is the Sange Ocean. The sea water evaporates, the rainy season is continuous, and the temperature is high, which is very suitable for the growth of rubber trees. This is the main reason why Tiancheng leases the southern part of Taimei.

After leaving the southern part of Taimei, continue southward and enter the Malay area. That is the real Malay Peninsula, which is long and almost full of rubber trees as far as the eye can see...

If you cut them a round every now and then...

It's a little troublesome.

Why not...

Dig directly? !

Ge Xiaotian's eyes lit up, and he called out:

"Old way!"


"Let our strong man greet Malay green clothes well. Remember, we can't make a sudden move first, we must force the other party to make a sudden move first. Then...change all tractors, excavators, loaders, etc. change."

"How to change it?"

"Ever seen the funnel?"


"Split evenly into three pieces vertically."

"Then what?"

"A diameter of two or three meters is enough. The three-lobed funnel is welded to the robotic arm separately. Think about it, if you smash it into the soil with a vibrating hammer, because it is in the shape of a bucket, it will close by inertia and lift up, right? A cone can be dug out? So, wouldn’t the tree stand up?”

"Hey, isn't this just a tree digging machine? Our family has one. To grow rubber, we brought more than 500 of them when we came here. There are wheeled and crawler-type."

"Too little, change other equipment as well."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Ge Xiaotian grumbled at the rubber grove on the Malay side, "Here, look.!"

Dao squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, his eyes lit up, "I understand!"

"As long as there is a chug over there, let's rush over there. Tianwei is responsible for suppressing the opponent's firepower, and the Ministry of Construction is responsible for digging rubber trees. By the way, rubber trees leave their original growth environment and are easy to die. Dig more soil."

"Don't worry, we are professionals!"

"Also, digging up other people's trees makes it difficult for the people to continue to live, which is against our Tiancheng purpose."

"Bring him back together?"

"Otherwise? You know how to plant rubber trees and tap rubber?"

"Hey, don't tell me, I really will."

"Then you stay here and plant rubber."


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