Build Madness

Chapter 735

The charm of infrastructure lies in construction, and in bringing about rapid changes to a certain area.

Zaoshi New Town.

In the past, this uninhabited wilderness is now full of high-rise buildings, the streets are full of traffic, and the crowds are bustling on both sides of the road. Looking from a distance, in the vast snow, the neon lights are flickering, the lights are tranced, and the whole city exudes an obsessive atmosphere.

On the frozen Panlong River, hundreds of employees from Tiancheng’s spherical office wear various uniforms and step on colorful skis, forming flowers for a while, forming a five-pointed star for a while, sliding through the south gate of Dongshan Mountain at a high speed, It will form a long dragon and rush to the top of the bridge with a height of 100 meters...

In the sightseeing corridors on both sides of the river, tens of thousands of residents, employees, and tourists gave loud shouts and warm applause.

over here.

Cross the North Shore spherical office.

Cross the gourd-shaped sales center.

Cross over the even bigger Xingyue Bay and come to the commercial sector.

On the middle square, a flat-laying six-pointed star building appears in front of you.

On it, an iron tower stands tall, with several big red characters of "Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce (Partner) Comprehensive Service Center" hanging on three sides.

Walking into the first floor, there is a heat wave. Countless 50-inch screens, lined up horizontally and vertically, follow the steel structure seats, covering the entire hall.

Agricultural and sideline products in Area A: wheat, soybeans, corn, peanuts...cabbage, radish, wax gourd...grain and oil, rice noodles, sauce vinegar...

Area B river seafood...

C area daily necessities...

D area hardware tools...

E zone stationery...

Area F...

Different from the Jishi Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce Service Center, the people who came here were all in a hurry and rarely stayed.

main entrance.

Two middle-aged men were talking, and saw a dusty figure running to the 'toy area' to operate the smart card, and one of them greeted with a loud voice.

"Old Wei, come and talk."

"No, no, it's almost Chinese New Year, the summer camp is on vacation, and the students are scrambling to buy something to go home. My store is too busy."

"Hey, then why did you come here to vote? Be careful that your concubine took your belongings and ran away with the old monk."

"Go away, sir."

Old Wei laughed and cursed, put away the smart card, "Is there any reliable news?"

"In Dingjiazhuang, three chicken farms were crushed by heavy snow, and 5,000 broilers froze to death. None of them bought commercial insurance. It's cold and easy to sell. Let's join a group to buy some goods?"

"I'm a toy seller, so I don't have a certificate to sell chickens. Besides, tens of thousands of people build rivers, and 5,000 chickens are eaten at one meal. There is Tiancheng Canteen, and we can't grab it."

"Weicheng Fishery braved the heavy snow to send 5,000 tons of deep-sea hairtail at a low price. It's in the frozen area of ​​Jishi Freight Station..."

"Well, let's talk about toys."

"If you can't check it yourself, it's just like I'm a PHS."


Old Wei turned his head and left...

The middle-aged man who had been silent for a while coughed, "Old Wei, if you have a lot of money, you can join a group to buy a muck truck, or an excavator or a loader."


"The president is back and is going to build the highway. Although he didn't say how to do it, Tiancheng dispatched the logistics department to Jianfu, and the ones left here are trailers and containers. There are not many earth and stone transportation teams in Dongshan. Think about it, Soil is needed to build highways, where does the soil come from?"

"Dig, open a mountain!"

"You big fool!"


Not only was Old Wei not angry, but he handed over a pack of cigarettes, "Brother, tell me."

"Do you know why the river is dug first, and then the highway?"

"Uh... I don't understand."

"Dongshan Water Conservancy is actually an extension of the Grand Canal. In many places, there are no river channels at all, and they need to be excavated on flat ground. The river channels built are only for navigation, and are not big rivers. There are agricultural drainage facilities, and the extra soil does not need to be built. embankment."

The middle-aged man said, clicked on the query device next to it, and brought up the map, "Look, although the river course is built around Jishi City, it still runs from the east to the southwest to Qinggang and Yancheng.

More than half a month ago, it was rumored that the chairman fooled Lao Shen and the richest man in the capital, Li, went to the desert to raise fish, grow watermelons, and grow rice. If it was true, the Dongshan Expressway would be an important passage to the desert.

In order to take care of Tiancheng's industry, the chairman must build the highway near the river, or connect it to the river.

So here comes the question, without Tiancheng's transportation team, how will the soil and rocks accumulated on both sides of the river be transported to the roadbed of the expressway? "

"Hiss...As expected of Bai Xiaotong from Zaoshi!"

"No, no, I'm just a bronze analyst, and I'm still the president's foresight!"


Old Wei nodded heavily, "To tell you the truth, I earned 80,000 yuan this year, any advice?"

"1% of the total annual income."


"I already have more than 2,000 people fighting for muck trucks, and more than 5,000 people fighting for excavators. Why don't you spend money on the loader project, 80,000 yuan, which is almost enough for one car. In the future, you and the chamber of commerce will have eight In the second round, the capital will be paid back in three years, the life expectancy will be five years, and the next two years will be pure profit, with a return of almost 50,000 yuan."

"Should I buy 'Stable Earnings, No Losses'?"

"Definitely buy it."

"In this case, only 40,000 rewards..."

"That's better than a depository bank."

"I'm still thinking about buying a house."

"Our housing prices in Dongshan are stable, with an increase of at most 5% per year. This is still influenced by the general trend. Your 80,000 yuan is not worth investing in real estate."

"Is it reliable to invest in a loader?"

"Tian Cheng doesn't need it, he will also rent it out for you. There is a 'stable profit, no loss', afraid of a ball?!"

"Okay, here, you voted for me."

"Vote yourself, remember to fill in my name with the referrer, otherwise I won't help you urge the Chamber of Commerce to arrange your loader operations as much as possible, and the rate of return will decrease at that time, don't blame me."

"Are you worried about your 1% commission?"

"I took the risk to help you urge the Chamber of Commerce. It must be a bit of hard work, right? I don't eat and drink?"

"Alright alright……"

Wait for Old Wei to leave with the printout.

The two middle-aged men continued to communicate.

"How many missions have you led the group to complete?"

"There are still two hundred loaders short."

"It's too slow. My thousand thousand-ton inland river transport ships are all exhausted."

"No, in order to buy a house this year, I have to go door-to-door to attract customers..."

At this moment, the two smart cards rang at the same time.

"Dick, your investment analyst level passed the assessment, driving 7,321 clients, with a total investment of 100 million in machinery, promoted to silver, salary adjustment, and the next level of gold: the total investment in machinery reached 10 billion."

"Hey, your investment analyst level passed the assessment, and you brought in 1196 clients, with a total ship investment of 100 million. You were promoted to silver, and your salary was adjusted. The next level is gold: the total ship investment reached 10 billion."

"Fuck, my house is here!"

"Come on, the car is not far away!"


As for the "all the way to the west" high-speed project, as early as a month ago, Tiancheng International Holdings notified the regional groups to assign the road sections in their respective regions to the county and city-level city managers on the approximate route, and then spread them to the township managers under them.

Afterwards, the grass-roots construction team dispatched a team to plan the actual route, survey the geology and landforms, survey and map geographic information, and then input these data into the GIS system, and finally put together a 1,500-kilometer-long high-speed model in the Shiguangji server.

This is Tiancheng's unparalleled work efficiency.

However, the model is not a construction drawing, it only indicates the geological landform, physical geography, construction difficulty, and some problems that may be encountered in each road section.

For example, to cross the Taihang Mountains, a nearly 30-kilometer tunnel needs to be excavated. The tentative plan is "two holes and one track". However, the Taihang geological structure is complex and prone to collapse and large deformation. Experts from Tiancheng Tunnel are required to conduct research on the subject.

For example, the Luliang Mountain section on the loess high slope also needs to excavate a tunnel, but its geology and landforms are very different from those of Taihang. Most of them are yellow mud and there are many space compartments. Individually design and manufacture construction machinery.

For example, after entering the EEDS plateau, it is close to Helan Mountain, and the east side is the address fault, which belongs to the strong earthquake zone. There is a canyon here that spans two kilometers and is five hundred meters deep. Even hot air balloons cannot drive hundreds of tons of pilot cables for bridge construction, and the construction is in trouble. Ge Xiaotian proposed to shoot a few rockets to bring the pilot cables over, and is currently applying to his superiors.

For example, crossing the mother river four times, once in the mud, once in the valley, once in the shoal, and once in the plain, but the height of the bottom of the mother river is greater than the ground level outside the embankment, or she is a tank built on flat ground. How to ensure that the "flood bridge" Not collapsing, high-speed into a dam', all problems.

Fortunately, after Tiantian split up, the major groups became independent, and the headquarters gradually developed into the field of overseas construction and engineering research. It recruited many civil engineers, bridge experts, water conservancy experts, and system personnel at home and abroad. Throw in enough talent, do breakout sessions and field trips.

At present, there is no problem for the section east of Taihang, and construction can start in the middle of this year.

However, this project was put on the agenda, affected by the real estate module, coupled with the development of Jianfu and Shaanxi markets, the logistics department was already overwhelmed.

The construction of highways is a major national project. The superior leaders will gather resources according to the progress of the project and formulate the annual production capacity of the government-owned enterprises. The highway donated by Tiancheng is obviously not in the plan. The corresponding cement, steel bars, muck, and asphalt , Fuel... basically can't give support.

Therefore, apart from Dongshan, Tiancheng needs to build several large factories near the highways in other provinces.

Production of cement, casting of cement components, processing of steel, processing of fences, production of electronic equipment, production of solar panels, including service areas, new energy gas stations...

Tiancheng is only the industry leader, and the goal is to cover the entire industry. Ge Xiaotian plans to distribute these overlapping businesses to members of the chamber of commerce.

Anyway, all the raw materials are used in-house, nothing more than paying a little processing fee.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian initiated the group joining project according to the material requirements of the section east of Taihang, and notified the employees of the chamber of commerce, that is, 'analysts', to start the group.

Project analysts can use part of the funds of the chamber of commerce to construct initial group customers, but they cannot get the benefits brought by the funds of the chamber of commerce, and can only take a commission from the revenue of real customers.

If the strength is strong, the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce will not treat them badly. The rewards given by the 'analyst' level certification can completely save them from the 'fee' and help customers analyze projects for free, so as to better lead the group, and eventually become comparable Famous financial service masters of 'Share King' and 'Top Trader'.

After all, some people really do it just for the sake of fame.

In addition, high-speed projects are not limited to machinery and ships, but also cement plants, cement transportation, steel processing plants, steel transportation...

And this is the chamber of commerce 2.0 model.

It was no longer Tian Cheng who took the lead to charge forward alone, but integrated all the forces of the chamber of commerce, and everyone rushed forward together.

Hulala finish this project, hulala go to another project.

"The notice goes on. On January 28, I will hold a press conference at Tiancheng Architectural Design and Research Institute."

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