Build Madness

Chapter 736 Is it too late to resign?

On the evening of January 26th.

A ray of light rose from under the western sky, leaped into the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and soon disappeared.

Noon the next day.

Ice Bear announced that it has successfully mastered the satellite launch technology of "six satellites with one arrow" and "into orbit once, released in batches", and reduced the quotation of commercial satellites to 15 million Franklin.

At the same time, the Neobras farm expanded, extending 20,000 square kilometers to the north, including half of the mountain range.


Jishi Canal Development Zone.

No Name Grand Hotel Suite 6066.

"Boss, commercial satellites have been successfully launched, and one of them is being handed over to Taimei." Dao Shisanhui reported.

"The other five, two for Tianyu, two for the electrical industry, and one for spare."

"I feel that it is not worthwhile to exchange the technology of 'six stars with one arrow' for wasteland. It is better to exchange some military technology."

"Our technology is advancing too fast. How dare Ice Bear sell us military technology. The grain trade war is about to start. There are more soybeans over there, so we will be prepared."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he patted his forehead after sleeping for nearly 20 hours, got up and washed, "Also, hand over the technology of 20 stars with one arrow to the Jiu Institute."

As long as you master the multi-satellite technology with one arrow, the number of satellites mounted is not important anymore, what matters is the satellite manufacturing technology.

How to make the satellite smaller and stronger so that it has more functions and a longer lifespan has become the next problem.

If the conditions are met, 100, 200, or even 999 arrows per not a problem.

However, the six stars with one arrow sold to Ice Bear is actually a wrong technique. Even if the opponent understands it well, he can only play six stars with one arrow, not five stars with one arrow, or N stars with one arrow.

Ge Xiaotian thinks that it is more practical to be a person and do things, and how much he says must be so much.

After eating two bites casually, to cope with lunch, he came to Tiancheng's office.

The Jishi Canal Development Zone project has long since ended, and the main personnel have been transferred to Zaoshi New City and Zaoshi Modern Film and Television City. There are only six or seven staff members left here, responsible for coordinating the overall operation.

When they came to the negotiation area, the little pink pigs were definitely not there, and the recruited flight attendants also went to Tiancheng Technical Secondary School. A girl who seemed to have just graduated served tea.

Not long after, the supervisor came in with a cardboard box.

After receiving the notice that the big boss was going to hold a press conference, Tiancheng International Holdings immediately started.

Pick a batch of high-grade cardboard from Sun Paper.

Pick up a batch of frosted PVC from Master Technology.

Select a batch of electroplating equipment from the electrical industry.

Select a batch of fine linen from Splendid China.

Select a group of excellent delivery staff from Tiantian Express...

"Boss, this is the invitation letter for the press conference."

The head of the office opened the carton and took out a 16-carat, finger-thick sample that looked like a certificate of honor.

Frosted outer skin, light gray cover with copperplate printing, sandwiching a layer of silver-white metal card with platinum fonts in the middle, the upper letter is "Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce 2.0 Press Conference", the lower letter is "Invitation Letter", framed with linen dragon pattern around it, and the chamber of commerce below Anchor icon, graphite chip and bronze barcode anti-counterfeiting on the back.

Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, "Isn't it enough to just send a notification with the smart card, are you all free? Are you so gaudy?"

"Boss, you said that we are a big company, and we must not only be strict, but also full of ritual."

Ge Xiaotian rolled his eyes, "How much does this set cost?"

"One hundred and eight."


"Boss, don't worry, you can get your money back."

"Back to the bottom, there is no expenditure for the preparation of the press conference?"

"Yes, I have."

The supervisor said, showing a smile that Ge Xiaotian was very familiar with, "Boss, let's give it to Mr. Yu, Shaobaitou, and olive branches first, and then, starting from 688, sell it to reporters and entrepreneurs who want to participate in the press conference."

Ge Xiaotian slapped the back of his head, "Selling invitations? You can figure it out too, is it embarrassing?"

"No shame, no shame, this is what you taught us. As a supervisor, if you want to grow, you must consider the profit of the company and reduce operating costs as much as possible. Boss, think about it carefully, how long has it been since you held a press conference? How many people want to know the inside story of Nanyang? How many people are curious about what 2.0 is? How many people are asking about Tiancheng's plan for 2002? Will they rush to attend the press conference?"

"It seems quite reasonable."

"That's right, our press conference is a sign of a new era, and the invitation... more than ten or twenty years later, it will be a commemorative collection."

"Are you going to do business?"

"Put it online and auction it."


Originally, Ge Xiaotian felt that the brain circuit of this supervisor was relatively clear, but now he turned to the other party's train of thought, and then heard the other party say this, and he was immediately dissatisfied, "You know, why are you just the manager of Tianrong's department, but Brother Hao can Become the chairman of the holding group?"

"It's not comparable."


Ge Xiaotian lit a No. 13 cigar, and with a hint of memory, his eyes blurred and said: "Once our first big project, Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, was on the eve of the New Year's Day opening, Brother Hao made a mistake at work and left the trunk of the van open when loading the coloring pages. , leading to the loss of coloring pages, spilling all the way, and later this product came up with a plan, and it was recovered at a dime. At that time, two cents were money, let alone a dime, and the old men and women all over the street were scrambling for the coloring pages."

"Dong Dong is really smart."

"No, it's not over yet. He then contacted Xiao Huang and asked the other party to pay back 20 cents."


"Many people are thinking, it's just a coloring page, why would someone rush to recycle it at a high price, even the old man who collects waste collected a few copies and weighed them, and then found...fuck, it's even cheaper than collecting waste paper It’s cheap, so someone offered 30 cents.”


"The common people don't understand. They feel that there is something in it, so they look carefully and look..."

"Is this how our real estate is advertised?"

"This is not over yet. Brother Hao personally sneaked into the crowd and sold the coloring pages everywhere. He revealed very cryptically that the coloring pages cost one yuan!"


"At that time, Tiancheng had no money, and Chen Feng was still preaching that we were going bankrupt and I wanted to run away, but I definitely couldn't run away, and real estate became the only profitable industry. Therefore, some people felt that 50 cents was recycled, and 70 cents was sold to people who had no money. What is Tiancheng, and what is there to earn."


"Brother Hao knows the cost. The printing company also wants to buy our house. The two sides hit it off immediately. Sanmao wholesale, worked overtime, and printed 100,000 copies."

"Brother Hao earned two thousand yuan?"

"Making money is second. The most important thing is that we did the most successful real estate promotion that year, and were directly selected into the teaching materials."

"Boss, I understand!"

"How to do it?"

"The general idea is: your sister-in-law stole the invitation letter and sold it to earn some money for milk powder."


Ge Xiaotian cursed with a smile, raised his foot and kicked, "You can be considered an old man. The project here is over, and it is useless to keep the office. If this matter is handled well, you will be the general manager of the Tiancheng (Taimei) office."

"Thank you boss!"

Watching the back of the other party leaving, Ge Xiaotian always felt a little wretched, and suddenly sighed, "Although I have matured a lot, I always feel that my growth is crooked."

Sighing again, he was about to open Shi Guangji's notebook to write a speech for tomorrow's press conference when he caught a glimpse of a smiling girl in the distance from the corner of his eye.

He used to stay here most of the time, and the employees here are all from the Xiang County Office. Ge Xiaotian is familiar with the few employees who stay here, and he can faintly call each other by name.

"Xiao Ling, do you know why you are standing here instead of being a supervisor?"

"Because I'm lazy."


Ge Xiaotian was almost choked, "You're lazy, is there any reason?"

"I feel pretty good now. If you are a strong woman, how can you deal with the object? Look at the female supervisors in our headquarters. For example, the girls who used to be familiar with you in the customer service department are now in charge of the international business of the holding company. Even though they are pretty, who would dare to propose to them and confess their love?"

"Impossible, when you talk about a client, you will always meet someone with similar conditions."

"Now, are there any companies similar to our Tiancheng?"


"I'm different. Although I'm a little fatter and a little lazy, some people dare to hurt and some people dare to love."

Looking at the other party's appearance of a happy little woman, Ge Xiaotian blinked, "Are you throwing dog food at me?"

"Is it too late to resign?"

"That's too late!"


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