Build Madness

Chapter 739 Opening the 2.0 Era

"For this reason, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has developed the first generation of Tianchuang mainframe through its own industry!"

In the giant display screen, a black and gold-textured Dongba appeared in front of people.

It is 40cm long, 25cm wide and 15cm high.

The shape is cool, the appearance is domineering, and every detail is extremely realistic.

Just a model is worth a fortune.

At this time, the staff put the real object into the display stand.

Ge Xiaotian pressed the start button.

The lights came on and there was no noise inside.

"We can connect to this dream-carrying 'creator' through the smart card, or the card swiping function that comes with the SG device."

The next moment, the giant display screen was projected synchronously.

On the operation page in dark black style, there are several icons lying horizontally: Tianchuang Shopping, My Design, My Inspiration, Finished Product Display, Brainstorming, My Profile, Creator Settings.

"It uses an industrial-grade graphics card, which can match all current monitors. Even if the customer does not have a smart card or SG equipment, he only needs to buy a multi-function adapter to connect to existing monitors and TVs."

"Because it involves industrial manufacturing, the capability of the graphics card is unparalleled, and can meet the requirements of 3D, plane, real-time rendering, non-real-time rendering, etc."

"As for the chip...we don't use the spicy single-chip microcomputer of Longtian Technology, we use the car-grade AI industrial chip independently developed and designed by Tiancheng Electric Industry, which is between military grade and industrial grade."

"It can adapt to a low temperature of minus 55 degrees, and a high temperature of 125 degrees, and its computing power..."

Ge Xiaotian walked to the two-legged device, "Look at my big toy, how powerful should the chips that make it and drive it be?"

"We never talk about data, we only focus on user experience!"

"In order to take care of consumers at different levels, we divide the Tianchuang host into multiple versions according to the material package, graphics card performance, chip performance, and storage space."

"A simplified version with a price of 2,000, it can design general products, such as pillows, tables and chairs, teacups, utensils, toys..."

"The ordinary version with a price of 20,000 can design diversified products, such as bicycles, electric vehicles, interior decoration, household appliances..."

"The exclusive version with a price of 200,000 yuan can design complex products, such as internal combustion engines, turbines, cars, motorcycles, houses..."

"The luxury version with a price of two million, it can design large-scale products, such as ships, communities, aircraft, satellites..."

"The 'creator' with a price of 20 million can design everything, such as this 1,500-kilometer expressway..."

Audience: "..."

"But design is not its primary function."

"Its mission is to create."

"Through the built-in upload option, we can synchronize our self-inspiration to Tianchuang shopping, and we can initiate group joining."

"Of course, I said that as long as the group is successful, Tianchuang will present a set of real objects to the initiator of the design, but for this real object, we will set the number of people to join the group according to the cost."

"For example, if you design a courtyard house, if you want to build it, we need to consider factors such as land price and geographical location. If there is a place for 500 courtyard houses in the local area, the local leaders agree to build it. After the team is successful, we must I will give you a courtyard house for free."

"If you want to build alone, then you don't need to join the group process, select the location, pass the review, pay the construction fee, and you can complete the project, but you can't get the free gift."

"In addition, for aerospace military products such as satellites and aircraft, we have also set up two creation modes in order to avoid group failures or being used by high-risk groups."

"The first one requires 20 million Franklins to manufacture a satellite. The pre-purchase condition for a single person is one Franklin, which can be participated in multiple times. When the end is over, Tianchuang will allocate satellite resources to consumers participating in the project in proportion. , the outside world cannot use it.”

"That is to say, if 200 people created this satellite, then this satellite will belong to these 200 customers before its life is exhausted."

"In the second mode, if a customer can complete the design independently, we will set the conditions for joining a group of 200 satellites with reference to the construction cost. As long as the meeting is met and the grouping is successful, we will indeed send him a satellite for free."

"It should be noted that to launch a satellite, you must purchase insurance, pay maintenance fees, and launch fees...Tianchuang will provide a detailed list of expenses."

"in addition……"

"If a certain store owner thinks that a supplier or manufacturer has run out of ideas, then he can also design a product that he thinks can sell well, and the customer participates in a group fight, or similar stores participate in a group fight..."

Ge Xiaotian was eloquent and eloquent. After introducing every detail, he turned and looked at the big screen.

"In the past marketing, almost all products were based on plagiarism and imitation, producing homogeneous products, pursuing small profits but quick turnover, and targeting the mass consumer market, but this undoubtedly limited people's thinking and made the living environment monotonous and boring. It's boring, and it keeps us humans from moving forward."

"As for Tianchuang Shopping, it will produce differentiated products based on innovation and improvement according to the needs of consumers. Self-worth, create a new world together, and move towards a better future together!"

on the large screen.

There's a group of little girls who create dancing rag dolls...

There's a group of young boys who create sci-fi motorcycles...

There's a group of programmers who have created a fighting game like never before...

There is a group of down-and-out actors who have created an amazing movie...

There's a group of consumers who create the pans they want...

There is a group of scientific researchers who have created an epoch-making aerospace fighter...

Imagine the future.

Magnetic levitation, personal flying device, portable mechanical armor, moon base, exploring the starry sky...

"This is the 2.0 model of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, I call it...the parent star 2.0 era!"

After a short silence...


The audience thundered.

staff area.

"The boss finished the second round of speeches and opened the barrage."

In an instant, the screen is full of shielding characters...

If an ordinary person uttered this pattern, it would most likely attract 'sneers', but Ge Wanwan said it...

Aircraft have been built, what else can't be done? !

Huaxia Baixiaotong Forum.


"Damn, so, some ideas I had when I was a child can be turned into reality?"

"Anything can be created? Hehehe!"

"The premise is that you need to have a Tianchuang host."

"Yeah, where are they sold?"

"I just ran to the LT store, and the salesman said no!"


"Online shopping platform, door-to-door delivery, domestic limited sales of 1 million units, North America...fuck, 5 million units? What the hell?!"


"Wait, we have a minimum of 2,000 red notes, and North America's minimum of 2,000 Franklin? The same as Long Tian?"

"It is estimated that it is to avoid too many domestic distributions and be taken to North America for sale."

After a while.

"Hahaha, it's in stock! The simplified version, the picture above!"

"Get lost, Gouto, how fast is your delivery?!"



The scene of the press conference.

"To reiterate, the essence of Tianchuang Shopping is independent design and group pre-ordering, not crowdfunding or fundraising. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, we hereby invite high-level inspections and high-laws from all over the country to supervise the platform and strictly eliminate it. Negative events that may be caused by independent design, as for overseas..."

"The three major sectors of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce have reached an all-round cooperation with the Horton Consortium, Taimei AS Communications, Nanyang Chia Tai, Nanyang Agriculture, Montenegro Odyssey, and the European Church, and invited relevant agencies from all over the world to supervise."

"We will synchronize material databases, AI industrial information, etc. in accordance with local laws, and neither encourage nor oppose the extension of armaments in certain regions."

"I, Ge Xiaotian, the first president of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce and its nearly 40,000 domestic and overseas companies, solemnly declare that all designs are based on people. If it is the opposite, we have the right to stop serving them."

"At noon, take a break for two hours. In the afternoon, we will enter the reporter's question-and-answer session."


Ge Xiaotian walked off the stage.

A secretary with a strange face and a badge pinned to his chest stepped forward quietly, "Mr. Ge, the general manager would like to have a chat with you."

Following the other party to the lounge specially set up at the venue, Mr. Yu, the general manager of finance, and the general manager of business sat side by side, as if there were three meetings.


"It's so big, why didn't you say hello in advance?"

"Hi, what do I think?"

Ge Xiaotian smiled honestly, "Actually, this 2.0 is just a bluff, in order to open up overseas markets..."

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