Build Madness

Chapter 740 Tianchuang Mainframe (adding rewards for 'Doug33')

Noon break.

Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce 2.0 press conference successfully landed on the mainstream media around the home planet.

‘You invent, I create, let’s share together! '

‘You invent, I manufacture, and we all share! '

News, newspapers, graffiti...

Under the huge title is someone hanging in the crotch of the two-legged mechanical crotch to make a sliding shovel movement.

The picture is very visually impactful, and the content is even more crazy.

It seems that starting tomorrow, human beings will enter a new stage of development, the 2.0 era!

In just half an hour, even though it was early morning in New York, Wall Street still declared that it has entered Commerce 2.0...

Immediately afterwards, Intel launched Web2.0...

Numerous IT companies followed suit and made new marketing 2.0 plans overnight...

It seems that if you don't make a 2.0, you will be out!

As for what 2.0 is, and whether it is related to your own industry, this is not important. What is important is that if you can keep up, the stock market will skyrocket tomorrow!

The stock king Laoba released a 2,000-word Web Log (blog) in the early morning, explaining in detail what 2.0 is, and I have to summarize it in one sentence: it is the key to the transformation of micro and small enterprises, and it is the new hope for senior talents who have been left out. It is the greatest invention of mankind since the beginning of the new century. We need to award the Nobel Prize in Economics to 'Ge'. This is an indisputable fact!

The Horton Consortium Horton also released a Web Log, saying in the log that it will raise a large sum of money to win the production and operation rights of "Tianchuang Host" in North America.

The trend of the times, even Horton's opponents are ready to move and want to be named 2.0!


Tiancheng Architectural Design and Research Institute.

In a specially set lounge.

Ge Xiaotian asked people to fetch the Tianchuang host, which resembled the Tianba model, and connected it to the projection equipment.

"If it follows what I said in the press conference: all customers design the product according to their own ideas, and then mobilize consumers who want to use the item, place an order together, and Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce will manufacture the item according to the design, it seems very good. "

"However, the material library is limited, and not everyone has studied design."

Ge Xiaotian randomly sketched a table lamp, and the material library on the right immediately gave thousands of similar products, "If you don't choose a material, the system will prompt..."

'Drip, the design is unreasonable. '

"So, if I drag similar materials and replace the 'unqualified items' I designed, a beautiful desk lamp does appear, and I seem to really design a new work."

"But is that the truth?"

Ge Xiaotian opened the database of the online shopping platform, imported the model he had just selected, clicked OK, and immediately popped up a dozen table lamps of different colors but exactly the same shape, priced at 12.8 red notes.

On the other hand, for a new work designed by myself, 2,000 people are needed to form a group, and the cost needs 25 red notes.

"Of course, in order to avoid being discovered by customers, we will make some adjustments in details, such as thickening the support column of the desk lamp and replacing it with another desk lamp part; such as replacing the desk lamp bulb with LED; such as replacing the base... "

"In short, after the burst of production capacity, what Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce will have are desk lamps, and some are parts, which are nothing but reassembled into the model that customers want."

Yu Zong and the two general managers were a little confused.

"The Chamber of Commerce 2.0 model, to put it bluntly, is to destock, and it is still a very profitable kind of destocking, changing tricks..."

"I see."

Mr. Yu took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and put them on again, "So, what if the designer makes a new product?"

"I wish for it. If a real designer develops an unprecedented product and successfully initiates a group purchase, it means that this product has commercial value. The manufacturing industry eliminates the design process, and the sales terminal eliminates the publicity process. The two-pronged approach will The cost is compressed to the extreme, and everything is earned.”

General Manager of Finance: "..."

Commercial General Manager: "..."

"In addition, the 2.0 concept is not aimed at the domestic market. After all, we are in the development stage. Many products manufactured by the rapid production capacity are already very good if ordinary people can afford and use them. How many people will take the initiative to design more expensive products? What about expensive items with similar functions? It’s different in foreign countries. They use “independent design” as a gimmick to clean up the inventory while introducing new designs... In addition, there are too many domestic sales, no matter how to assemble them, the material library It’s so big, sooner or later there will be overlaps in styles, and it’s hard to explain at that time, it’s better to sell it abroad. Just like this table lamp, one batch is sold to Africa, and the other is sold to North America, and the two sides can’t see each other. no the same……"

"Black enough!"



Mr. Yu saw that the general manager of the business subconsciously spit out two words, coughed quickly, and took over the topic, "What about ships, aircraft, and satellites?"

"Whoever can design it is my employee..."

"Cough cough."

Mr. Yu saw that the eyes of the two general managers changed again, and changed the subject again, "So, the chamber of commerce 2.0 model has two main purposes, one is to remove inventory, and the other is to attract talents."

"It can't be said that. With such a big business, I will definitely let the whole world believe that the 2.0 era is coming. In North America, we have arranged 5,000 people. They already have 'independently designed product drawings' in their hands, ranging from sunglasses, Slippers, as big as motorcycles and cars, will start a group after a few days."


"In Europe, we have 3,000 people..."


"In Nanyang, we have a thousand people..."


"In Neobras..."


"In addition to domestic, scattered, there are 20,000 to 30,000 'independently developed new products', leading groups, joining groups, manufacturing, exporting... What the hell, before the end of the year, I will definitely return to the position of the richest man."


Yu Zong and the two general managers subconsciously moved the chairs backwards...

Ge Xiaotian didn't notice it, and gently stroked the Dongba model-style host with one hand, while taking out the smart card.

"Actually, this is not the correct way to open it."



Ge Xiaotian opened the door of the Dongba car, took out a single-chip microcomputer memory card the size of a fingernail from the front seat, and inserted it under the rear wing of the Dongba car's rear.

At the same time, in addition to the previous icons, there is a 'Sims' on the front window display.

Double click to open.

The projection switches the screen, the game starts...

"It's a game box, or a game console."


"A few months ago, Wajima Sega game maker went bankrupt. We entrusted the Ninja Alliance to acquire it, secretly reorganized it, and then extradited it to Tianyu."

Ge Xiaotian turned off the game and switched the webpage, "Microsoft has an Xbox, our goal is to kill him, but if it is too obvious, obviously North America will not allow us to conduct large-scale sales, but now it is different, we authorized the Holden consortium , OEM production, operation and sales, and then rapid and large-scale popularization in the form of auxiliary business and 2.0 gimmicks, driving the stock market to rise, making financial predators taste the sweetness, and then..."

Ge Xiaotian said, changing his tone: "Damn it, you prodigal sons, actually play games with my Tianchuang console?!"


"And the first batch of games is the 'Sims' produced by Tianyu for a year, a 3D action online game with ancient chivalrous style, and a pixel game 'Minecraft'."

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