Build Madness

Chapter 741 Questions and Answers from the Reporter

The Sims is a role-playing game. When creating a character, you can choose appearance, personality, body type, and then choose the place of birth. After entering the game, you start to live like real life, eat, drink, work, pay, socialize, build houses, buy car, marriage, childbirth...

There is already a game with the same name in North America, but the other party does not have a Chinese name, and it is currently only operated in the form of a web page, which is completely different from our own.

In fact, Ge Xiaotian wanted to make GTA, that is, Grand Theft Auto, but unfortunately the other party has been famous for a long time, so he couldn't get the copyright.

The second martial arts-style 3D online game is a key product created by Tianyu Group. You Minxing is the chief designer, the monk is the action director, Mr. Xu is responsible for the scene description, the major writers' associations are responsible for the plot, and Dongshan Academy of Art is responsible for the art and special effects. ...

The resources used in this game are almost a hundred times that of the fantasy 3D online game Shenlong Cultivation. Coupled with the hardware improvement of the running equipment and the support of the Splendid Huaxia Ancient Culture City, it can be said that the commercial value it contains should be unprecedented in history and unprecedented in the future. Comers, unless... a holographic helmet.

At the same time, it is Tianyu's first console online game.

Not a PC, nor a single-chip microcomputer, but...

To use a metaphor, as long as you carry the Tianchuang host, any SG display device can be connected, such as SG TV, smart card, SG pad, wide-area helmet-mounted display...

The game focuses on 'Xia', 'Action', 'Jianghu', 'Strike', and 'Brotherhood'.

Slash with a sword, kill with a sword, stun with a shield, parry and block, dismantle and make up moves...

It is said that any kind of interaction has a sense of déjà vu of watching a movie...

It's a pity that Ge Xiaotian has been very busy and hasn't experienced it yet.

The last 'Minecraft'.

It's arguably the pinnacle of sandboxing.

Although it is a pixel game, the 'creation of everything' has already begun from the first piece of mud or the first twig with bare hands.

Through the collected items, players can make houses, weapons, gems, circuits, chips, cars, rockets, games, monsters...

In addition, there are many mods to modify the game to make it into the Dragon Continent, Dragon Cultivation, Horde and Alliance, and even create new games, record movies with plots, and evolve a new world...

The most important thing is that the game database is connected to the Tianchuang host server. All the technologies mastered by the players are displayed in the game. As long as the data is uploaded to Tianchuang Shopping, the team can be opened and the props in the game can be realized into reality. .

In general, these three games can be regarded as Tianyu's main masterpiece this year.

In fact, logically speaking, this host should be released by Longtian Technology. is a Tianchuang console launched by Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, which is used for design, creation, and commercial operation, not for playing games.

Therefore, when consumers use Tianchuang consoles to play games, Longtian will launch real game consoles in due course and put three masterpieces on the shelves.

After Ge Xiaotian explained the intention of launching the Tianchuang host, the above thoughts flashed in his mind. When he came back to his senses, he found that Mr. Yu and the two general managers seemed to be talking and laughing happily, but in fact he glanced at him from the corner of his eyes from time to time. leave quickly...



Question time for reporters in the afternoon.

"Mr. Ge, what do you plan to do with the fleet left in Nanyang?"

"Pay attention to your wording, what is my fleet? That is the goods purchased by Montenegro, and has nothing to do with Tian Cheng."

"Mr. Ge, it is rumored that you are planning to build a highway leading to the desert. Is the news true?"

"It's true, I hope everyone will actively join the group and invest in related projects and equipment."

"Mr. Ge, the statistics show that your fiancée founded Splendid China, and lost 200 million a year. What do you think?"

"You earn 200,000 yuan a year, but your wife lost 200 yuan, what do you think?"


"Mr. Ge, it has been two hours since the release of Tianchuang console, can you show us the sales volume?"


Ge Xiaotian opened the smart card, connected to the Tianchuang database, called up the data, and turned on the screen projection, "As early as an hour and a half ago, 1 million units in China and 5 million units overseas were all sold out, with sales reaching 150 billion. Facts have proved that my daughter-in-law loses 200 million yuan a year, so she treats it as pocket money."


"So, Mr. Ge, can we take a look at the data of self-designed and group pre-orders?"

"Yes, I never lie, I speak with facts. This is the foundation for me to be able to get to where I am today."

Ge Xiaotian switched the data, "Look, the self-designed products have exceeded 50,000, the products under design have exceeded 100,000, 2,000 items have been grouped, and there are about 47,000 items in the group...Of course, Only two hours, the data is a bit small."


It's only two hours, that's all, what else do you want? !

"Mr. Ge, when will the next batch of Tianchuang consoles be launched?"

"As I said before, Tianchuang shopping, everything can be bought. The next batch of Tianchuang's five major versions of the mainframe is also a group buying project. You can log in to the online shopping platform and use the dedicated channel on the webpage according to the guidelines..."

Ge Xiaotian said, and switched the screen, "Hey, it turns out that consumers are very smart, and thousands of people have already joined the group."

"Mr. Ge, what's the standard for group fights?"

"Every time 10,000 units are full, we will ship and start a new round of group buying."

"Mr. Ge, does Tiancheng International Holdings have any goals for 2002?"

"Building a highway, greening a desert, and benefiting the common people."


"Mr. Ge, as we all know, your Tiancheng Overseas Contractor is called NT Group. I don't know if the newly established NT Contractor Group in North America is related to you?"

"That's the group I invested in. Technology and labor are invested in it, and Tiancheng's overseas construction is banned."

"Where will Director Sun go, your right-hand man?"

"Old Sun will serve as the permanent director of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce and the chairman of Tianchuang Shopping."

"Mr. Ge, I heard that Tiancheng International Holdings launched five commercial satellites through Ice Bear, is it true?"


"Are you going to use it yourself, or rent it out?"

"For our own use, we will continue to increase our investment in satellites in the next three years to drive the development of Tiancheng's industry. It's down to two seconds, and it's going to be even shorter in the future."

"Mr. Ge, what do you think of the newly established African Union?"

"Sorry, I'm just an entrepreneur and I rarely pay attention to such world events, but if there are projects over there, I will definitely consider investing."

"Mr. Ge, your slippers sell well in Africa, and a new power plant is also in operation. Isn't this considered an investment?"

"Once, I naively thought that the sand in the desert could be used to build houses. I thought that if I could bring back so much sand in Africa, wouldn't it be a fortune? So I bought a large desert... Unfortunately, the facts show that the desert The sand is too alkaline to be used for construction, so I had to convert the sand field into a power plant in order to recoup the cost."


Believe your ghost!

"Mr. Ge, is it true that Shandong Airlines claims that you invested in passenger aircraft?"

"Well, we will work together to promote the development of Dongshan Civil Aviation."

"Mr. Ge, when will Modern Film and Television City be completed?"

"No later than this year's November Golden Week."

"Mr. Ge, the Korea-Japan World Cup will be held in May this year. Will the Sancha Cup be postponed?"

"I don't block the ball, so what does it have to do with me?"


"Then how will the Sancha Cup football match be held this year?"

"If possible, we will launch the Zaoshi Planet Sports Center. In addition, stadiums in Nanhe, Xishan, Beihe and other places, including cities in Dongshan, are also under construction. This year's Sancha Cup will be far more grand than ever before."

"Mr. Ge, someone just disassembled Tianchuang's host and found that your so-called car-grade chip only uses 120nm lithography technology. Compared with the current overseas 45nm and Longtian 75nm, it is almost two years behind."

"Nonsense, you try their equipment with the North and South Poles? Ordinary commercial chips use a temperature of -10°C to 75°C, but the car-grade chips we manufacture can meet ultra-low temperature and ultra-high temperature. And, do you understand the selection of materials?" ?Our chips are anti-explosion, anti-seismic, anti-corrosion, anti-radiation, anti-oxidation...even in plateaus, high altitudes, and space, they can exert all their performance. Therefore, Tianchuang mainframe can help explorers and polar researchers complete their homework. Therefore, don’t compare the data, the commercial grade, industrial grade, car specification grade, and military grade are two grades behind, and there is no comparison.”


Tiancheng is different from Longtian, the latter is a technological hooligan, but Tiancheng is a formal enterprise, if he wants to avoid being suspected, he must return to the lithography level that China should have, 120nm.

The reason why it has such a powerful design capability is the AI ​​industrial-grade graphics card.

It's a pity that if you unofficially disassemble the machine, the graphics card will be destroyed, let alone ordinary people, even the Technology Alliance cannot crack it.

After the three-hour questioning ended, the reporters left contentedly, and Yu Zong and others had already returned to Dongshan Compound.

And the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce operating at full capacity is like a vortex that swallows everything.

Absorb funds, attract members, and strengthen yourself...

The 150 billion sales of Tianchuang mainframes were quickly divided up by member companies, and then capital and production were increased to increase the production capacity of Tianchuang mainframes.


The next day, January 29th.

Ge Xiaotian originally planned to call friends and get together to have fun, but suddenly found out that Lao Pang went to North America to form NT, and Lao Qin stayed in the capital to deal with the Great Qin Bingfeng, and everything was busy and weaving...

Even their own employees are distributed across the country.

"Is there a construction site nearby?"

"Boss, this snow has delayed the construction. Coincidentally, there is still half a month before Chinese New Year, and Dongshan is also on holiday." Dao Shisan replied.

Ge Xiaotian nodded, took out the smart card, and contacted Li Xiuxiu, "Where is it?"

"Heihe Development Zone."

"Stop busy and go home for the New Year."

"Okay, but there is heavy snow and fog in Dongshan, and the flight is blocked. It is estimated that we will have to wait for two days."

"Fly to a nearby city without snow, and I'll arrange a helicopter to pick you up."

"Aren't you coming to pick me up?"

"It's like I know how to fly a helicopter."


"Okay, come back quickly and hang up first."

Ge Xiaotian put down the smart card, shook his head and sighed, "This bitch is getting more and more stupid, I really don't know how much money I will lose next year."

"Boss, what the lady boss means go to pick her up on Mieru6, pick her up, I haven't seen you for so long, get off the plane and give her a hug, sweet, so happy, girls like this, but you just hang up It's..."


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