Build Madness

Chapter 746 Highway Project Preparation Progress

Although the weather is warmer this year, the temperature is still around zero.

Ge Xiaotian and Li Xiuxiu strolled around Tiancheng Square Park, found a restaurant to have a meal, and then hid in the lobby on the first floor of the Architectural Design and Research Institute to warm up.

Jinxiuchuan University Town is on winter vacation collectively, and Professor Hu happened to be here on duty.

"You are always busy, and you don't see him a few times a year. Did you hear that I'm here, and came here to ask for the year-end bonus?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"


Ge Xiaotian cheerfully took out a card, "I won't talk about the completed projects. The next Star Sports Center, Modern Film and Television City, and Nansihu Small Suzhou will not be easy jobs."

"In order to support Tua, I have to do my best."

Just as Ge Xiaotian was about to complain, an old-generation tua stopped at the gate.

The trunk was laid out on the ground. Mr. Liang made his debut in a white coat lined with a military coat and a pair of toad sunglasses on his face.

Walking to the door, he grabbed the guard on guard:

"Where's the boss? Oh, I saw it!"

"As if I were indebted to you."

Without waiting for the other party to say hello, Ge Xiaotian took out a bank card and stuffed it into the top pocket of the other party's white coat.

Mr. Liang breathed a sigh of relief, "I can live a comfortable life this year."

"The maintenance fee and fuel fee are all reimbursed by the company. How much money did you spend?"

"The road maintenance fee for special vehicles!"


Only then did Ge Xiaotian remember that the road maintenance fee has not been changed to a fuel surcharge.

Sighing, he walked to the sand table of the current major projects and observed, and found that there were only constructions, no roads and bridges, "Lao Liang, the construction of the west-bound expressway will start in April. How many people can we draw?"

"The weather is getting warmer this year, and water conservancy projects are speeding up, but Nanhe, Xishan, and Beihe also need to be built. I'm afraid there will be no manpower. However, there is a big difference between repairing highways and water conservancy projects. Not much labor is needed, mainly machinery."

"Mechanics are easy to say, muck trucks, transport vehicles, excavators, loaders, bulldozers, road rollers, sprinklers for maintenance, roll paver for laying straw mats, asphalt paver for laying asphalt... here in Dongshan, Almost ready."

"That depends on your availability of funds."

"Am I short of money?"


Chief engineer Liang took out his Shiguangji notebook to do some calculations, "Datai Road Bridge is working on the Jihe Expressway, 60% of which is currently completed, working overtime, old employees will be transferred from Tiancheng, and the construction team will be formed according to the road sections. We will wait until mid-May at the earliest. "

Ge Xiaotian leaned forward and took a closer look, "The demolition and land compensation along the way are completed?"

"The non-basic fields are well organized. Through the resources in the activities of benefiting the people, we have communicated with the local village and town brigades. We will compensate 10,000 yuan per mu. In addition, we will arrange the farmers to our experimental fields. The processing has been completed last month. But the basic Tian needs to apply to the superior, take local surveys, upload the township, county and city approval, Yu Zong approved, Beijing approval, and departments at all levels, and then send the materials back to the county, town and village. It may not be done before the official official holiday, I am afraid it will have to wait until the year back."

"So, we can arrange in advance the construction of staff homes, earthwork transportation, some service areas and bridge construction projects across rivers and roads."

"Well, we can use our own engineering team for these. There is no need to wait for the personnel of Datai Road and Bridge to arrive. As long as there are roads, there is basically no problem."

"Go to work on the sixth day of the new year and start working."

"We are constructing according to the road section. After receiving the notice, it will take almost two days for the personnel to be in place. In addition to logistics transportation and fuel supply, we will go to work on the sixth day and start work on the thirteenth at least."

"For such a big project, the preparation time of one week is very fast."

"I mean, you need to pick a place and hold the groundbreaking ceremony."

"Oh yes!"

"Which section?"

"Let me see."

Ge Xiaotian opened his Shi Guangji notebook, connected to the "All the way to the West" server, synchronized the data, and pondered for a moment, "How is the research on the Taihang project?"

"We plan to build the construction shell through the tunnel boring machine after the longitudinal blasting, and then build the tunnel inside the shell. First, it can play a role in buffering the collapse, second, it can increase the life of the tunnel, and third, it can reduce the risk of damage caused by double ventilation, fire protection, and noise reduction. accident rate."

"Originally, the lifespan is a hundred years, how much can it reach if it is improved?"

"If it is properly maintained and there are no earthquakes of magnitude 7 or above and other irresistible factors during the period, according to the characteristics of the tunnel components, it will be at least 150 years."

"One hundred and fifty years... By that time, I don't know if people will still use this tunnel."

"Just like the ancient mechanism technique, when there is a bottleneck in the technology, unless the material is innovated, it is difficult to make a breakthrough at the construction level."

"How old is asphalt?"

"One hundred and fifty years." Professor Hu thought for a moment, a little uncertain.

Chief engineer Liang sighed: "It has only been 150 years, and it has developed into what it is now. Who can guarantee whether some unknown materials will become the main road construction materials."


Ge Xiaotian nodded.

For a moment, the three of them were a little bit embarrassed...

"Not really."

Dao Shishi corrected: "Petroleum first appeared in the Warring States Period, but the name 'petroleum' first appeared in the "Taiping Guangji" in 977, and it was widely spread later, and was originally the raw material for making medicine in the Song Dynasty , recorded in "Wu Jing Zong Yao" and "Shuo Yue Quan Zhuan", in addition, "Compendium of Materia Medica" and "Quan Tang Wen" are also recorded, and it was later used for road construction in Babylon six hundred years ago, and then the technology disappeared , was not discovered again until 1850."

"So, materials have existed for a long time, but people don't know how to use them. Now, the parent star controls technology much faster than ancient times. As long as new materials are developed, their characteristics will be developed to the extreme in a short period of time. "

After finishing speaking, Dao Shishi added: "Therefore, according to the current technological progress, if the driving method of the car remains unchanged, the road construction form will not change. Of course, oil is limited, and perhaps in the future it will become a rubber road and be suitable for solar vehicles. The photovoltaic glass slab road, whose bottom layer is concrete, is very cheap, and we are already researching it. The tunnel is still like this, and it will not change for thousands of years, unless...the magnetic levitation technology is thoroughly understood and the mountain-crossing track is laid. "

"Let's chat, don't interrupt!"

"I just want to expand your knowledge for you."


"Fourteen resign!"

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, and said solemnly: "Let's sigh for a while, this feeling of understanding life is really good."

Professor Hu and Chief Engineer Liang's faces darkened.

'So you already knew it, and now you're having fun with the two of us! '

Mr. Liang stood up, "Well, boss, we've decided on the Dongshan section of the high-speed west all the way, and I'll go back and prepare."

Professor Hu looked at his office, "It suddenly occurred to me that Jianfu is going to build a memorial park with the theme of 'Zheng He's voyages', so I have to do it first."

Seeing the two leave quickly, Li Xiuxiu almost laughed out loud, "Why are you like this?"

"Just in time."

"The solar highway is real?"

"Really, it's called a photovoltaic smart highway, but the current carrying capacity per unit area cannot meet the needs of heavy-duty vehicles."

"Then when we are alive, can we use it?"

"What do you think, it can be used in the Xingyuewan industrial chain next year."

"I want to see the renderings."

"Don't talk about renderings, there are experimental videos."

Ge Xiaotian called out the information, "It is one of the new energy projects, and the light energy collected can be used for road lighting, just like the Jihe Expressway, only the urban road section has street lights, and the other road sections are dark and dark. Although there is a green belt in the middle of the two-way road, But when driving at night, when encountering a slope section, all passing vehicles use high beams, which will affect the driver's sight. In the future, with photovoltaic smart roads, street lights can be arranged throughout the process."

"The other is electric vehicles. The expressway built by our family is spacious, with three expressways, high, medium and low, plus an emergency road, an interval maintenance road, and a buffer section for avoiding danger, but no one can guarantee that there will be no traffic jams. Fuel vehicles It is possible to run out of fuel, not to mention electric vehicles. If there are photovoltaic road sections, setting up a charging pile every 500 meters on the maintenance road will definitely speed up the popularization of electric vehicles."

Li Xiuxiu looked at the endlessly rushing motorcade in the video, her eyes were full of disbelief, "It's so sci-fi."

"It's not science fiction, it's technology!"

"Then why are this row of cars so close together? The front and rear of the cars are almost stuck together. If the first car slows down, wouldn't the rear all be hit?"

"This is called cruise control and unmanned driving. It is a future project. It is the same as long-distance running. The front runs against the wind, and the rear saves fuel. If there is a photovoltaic smart high-speed, then our logistics team will run in the desert in the future, relying on monitoring along the way. In the network and interval service areas, there may be no need for people to follow the car, and only a few remote control personnel are needed.”

"Are you showing me a movie?"

"How is it possible? This is all true!"

Li Xiuxiu didn't know what to think, and leaned on the back of the sofa slumped.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel old and iterated..."


Ge Xiaotian rubbed his forehead lovingly, "It will take more than ten years to realize this. However, we can first set up an experimental section, imagine it, and then take a picture of a 'crazy photovoltaic high-speed'."

"Do you want to express that all the cowhide you have boasted has come true?"

"Is not it?"

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