Build Madness

Chapter 747 If I don't blow for a day, I will lose my energy

At four or five o'clock in the afternoon, the Canal Development Zone gradually became lively.

There are uncles and aunts who go out of the community and go to Tiancheng Supermarket to buy vegetables.

Some parents rushed to the BRT station, ready to meet the kindergarten bus.

There are elementary and middle school students who leave school, wear little yellow hats, hold high the little yellow flag, and line up to enter the Lotus Sports Center to expand extracurricular activities.

There are night shift shifts, employees of various enterprises riding electric vehicles to the Southern Science and Technology Industrial Park.

The sun was setting, reflecting half of the sky red.

Street lights came on and dozens of buildings were brightly lit.


Businesses in non-service industries began to close down.

The streets and alleys are full of cars and people, and there are many van-sized food trucks on both sides of the road, which are decorated as animals, trains, cars, etc.

Small merchants and peddlers shouted and hawked.

"Zhuangmo, the newly baked Zhuangmo!"

“Fried buns, authentic Macun fried buns…”

"Fried cold noodles, fried cold noodles..."

"Baked gluten..."

"Stinky tofu..."

"Spicy skewers..."

"Tengcheng Vegetable Pancakes..."


"Sliced ​​Noodles..."

The crowds kept flowing, and the sky gradually darkened.

In the garden of Tiancheng Square, floor lamps, projections, light strips, and landscape lights are colorful.

Southeast region.

hula la...

Roller skates whiz by...

Southwest region.

'You are the most beautiful cloud in my sky~~'

Hundreds of old ladies are full of energy...

Northwest region.


The bangzi and the suona sound together, and the big show has already been sung...

Northeast region.

A middle-aged man with a guzheng on his back walked out of the grove, put his left leg on his right knee, sat in emptiness, took out the guzheng, waved his hand, and flicked it with murderous aura...


Shulinzi stepped forward with a woman holding a jade flute, "It's actually the jade-faced gentleman..."

Surrounded by a sea of ​​people, some are carrying small horses, or squatting on the ground, or standing on the periphery, admiring with relish.

In the distance, a banner flutters in the wind:

'Large public welfare scene drama: Ten Mile Pavilion, Act 67. '

outside the square.

Downstairs of Tianrong International Building.

"Smart card top-up big promotion..."

Downstairs of Longtian Technology Building.

"Hi everyone, I am the fastest arithmetic robot in the world..."

Downstairs of Weihua Science and Technology Building.

"Great Spring Festival giveaway, business smart card mate1, 9.99% off..."

Downstairs of Qixi Technology Building.

"Enterprise server free trial for one week..."

Downstairs of the Great Wall Science and Technology Building.

"Home server, you can enjoy smart services with one click..."

So-and-so insurance downstairs.

"There is only one life, and the insurance will benefit you for a lifetime. Mrs. Ge personally recommended 'Tianyou Insurance'..."

Outside a certain pharmacy.

"Brain-tonifying liquid, look for the blue bottle..."

Outside the podium of Sun Paper.

"High-quality toilet paper, export to domestic sales, only choose Shunfengrou..."

Everything technology...

"Master the electronics, control the future, and navigate everything, so that you will no longer be confused on the way forward..."

Wishful Textile...

Lee Brothers Sports Brand Store...

Lee Brothers Business Brand Store...

Lee Brothers shoe and hat brand store...

Daqin Bingfeng Outdoor Store...

Canal CBD plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, pen, ink, paper and inkstone...

Old Jia Lianhua Furniture City...

Tianyu Animation City...

Tianyu Video Game City...

snack block……

Canal Zoo and Botanical Gardens...

Star Moon Bay in Jishi...

National Fitness Plaza...

Canal Bridge...

Lotus Sports Center...

Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce Service Center...

Tianheng Auto Trade City...

Commodity Market……


The remote-controlled quadrotor drone flew past and landed slowly on the top floor of the Wuming Hotel.

Ge Xiaotian helped Li Xiuxiu take off the wide-area display helmet, "Is it fun?"

"I still want to play, I want to watch the small commodity market."

"Aren't you hungry?"

"Looks like I just finished eating... oh, it's evening!"

"The small commodity market is too far away, let's find a tram and drive there."

"Yeah, I want baked gluten!"

"It's not nutritious, how about some stinky tofu!"

"Hmm, makes sense!"

half an hour later.

An electric four-wheeled vehicle dangled out of the snack street.

Li Xiuxiu operated the steering wheel.

Ge Xiaotian sat firmly in the co-pilot, "Hmm~ delicious stinky tofu!"

"Let me take a bite!"

"Drive well!"

"Why don't you drive, I want to take the co-pilot!"

"I don't have a driver's license."

"Tram, don't need a driver's license."

"This is for the sake of safety, otherwise we both will burp, wouldn't the tens of billions of property be cheaper for others?"

"Then I'll drive."

"Hmm~~It smells so good! Huh? Fat Xiu, why are you drooling?"

"Second Ge, I'll give you three seconds to think about it. Should you drive the car, or should I kick you off?"


Swap the driver's seat.

"Wow, delicious roasted gluten! Huh? Little Tiantian, why are you crying?!"


Commodity Market.

There are many shops beside the river, with red bricks and green tiles, pavilions with cornices, and rows of houses that can't be seen at a glance.

Red lanterns are hung high in front of each shop, and sculptures of carrying loads, riding horses, resisting cloth bags, and juggling are all around.

After two years and several rectifications, there is already a scene of Qingming Riverside Scene here.

And the scope of business is not limited to the wholesale of small commodities, but also the venue fees, clothing fees, and various remunerations paid by film crews, sketch teams, and photography enthusiasts from all over China.

It was eight o'clock in the evening, and the elderly in nursing homes and nursing homes were handing over work and preparing to leave work.

As usual, Tiancheng Bus Operation Department drove more than 50 buses that were either out of service or reduced in frequency, and arranged for the flight attendants who were about to get off work, as well as volunteers who were enthusiastic about public welfare, to escort the elderly away.

The bus drivers who had been retired from the army and transferred to other jobs, saw Ge Xiaotian appearing in electric four-wheelers, and got off the bus one after another, saluting.

"Hi boss!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"Serve the masses!"

"Hurry up and get in the car, it's cold outside."

The Small Commodity Market operates until 11pm in winter and until 1am in summer.

Some areas, such as those close to Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, or Tianheng Auto Trade City, may operate until four o'clock in the morning in summer, because there are draft beer skewers...

I used to think that the "ancient building corridor" that was more than ten kilometers long would cost me three to five years, but with the skyrocketing influence of Tiancheng, the profitability of the small commodity market is no less than that of Tiancheng Plaza.

The small commodity market is booming, and the logistics and express delivery business is also booming. When there are too many people, the area on the north side of the national highway, which Tiancheng has not planned, has more small real estate and small commercial sectors in the past two years.

Ge Xiaotian had no idea about this.

After all, they are all VIP members of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, the family eats meat and soup, and Lao Shen gnaws on the bones, so he can't even leave some scum, can he?

Small commodity market.

Walk past the bedding section.

Seeing that Li Xiuxiu was a little out of control, Ge Xiaotian worried: "What's wrong?"

"I wanted to buy a three-piece suit, but I suddenly remembered that we don't have a home yet."

"Yes, I have!"

"Where?" Li Xiuxiu cheered up immediately.

"I have reserved ten suites for the two of us in each real estate, all of which are large in size, transparent from north to south, with your name written on them."


"Daxing City, villa areas in various places, smart homes, etc., live wherever you want."


"By the way, there is also Xiaoqingshan Courtyard, the one on the east side of my elder brother's house is also ours."

"I was quite happy when I heard that there was a family, but you said that there are so many families, and I'm a little...interested."

"We can choose one to live in!"

"I don't live there often, I'm going to Heihe Port after the next year, and you have to work too..."

Ge Xiaotian took Li Xiuxiu by his arm, and sat on a chair beside him, "We are still young, in this era when China is taking off, if we don't fight hard, we will always feel sorry for this life."

Li Xiuxiu seemed to understand, she tilted her head and leaned on Ge Xiaotian's shoulder, "I know that you have been different since you were a child, and you must be able to make a big career, but... I never thought that you would be so powerful."

"I have something even better!"





Ge Xiaotian looked out the window, "Take you to wander among the stars."

"In case the two of us fly halfway and burp, who will we leave the billions of dollars to?"

"The full donation written in my will allows Tianrong to set up a foundation that far exceeds that of Nobel Prize, and rewards outstanding poor talents in various industries in China. The name is: Tianxiu Award!"

"Then I'll donate all of mine."

Ge Xiaotian's eyes lit up, "Why don't you donate now?"

"Are you still working on the project?"

"It's not a full donation. It's not a trivial matter to give out 100 million every year."

"That's right, are you in the name of an individual or a company?"

"In the name of Tianxiu."


"In order to fight against certain ancient and huge existences, I secretly established the 'Tianxiu Group'."


"The future must be very big, so big that it is unimaginable...but there are only two people at present."


"Public Relations Manager Chen Feng, Sales Manager Holden."

"How did Chen Feng become a member of your company?" Li Xiuxiu was dumbfounded.

"Perhaps Old Shen will become the personnel manager."


"Do you want to join in?"

"What am I doing?"

"The image spokesperson, Xiu'er!"

"It's delicious."

"It's not what you understand, it's Xiu'er!"

"Stop shouting, I have goosebumps all over my body."

"Let me see."

"Mud plays the game!"

"I mean, it means very good, like you play the game very well, showing off in front of rookies."

"Oh, I see."

"Our company is divided into Milky Way Galaxy, which is managed by our eldest son, and Andromeda Galaxy, which is managed by our second son..."

"Don't talk nonsense, okay?"

"If I don't play for a day, I will lose energy."


"Once I blow high, my inspiration comes."

"Then you should blow the highway. The galaxy is a bit big. I'm worried that it will ruin your reputation."

"What I said is true……"

Ge Xiaotian recalled the history of the EVE game, and was just about to blow it more realistically, when Dao Shishi walked by, he seemed to be planning to report to work.


"You bothered me bragging with my daughter-in-law, do you want to send you off..."

Dao Fourteen: "..."

Li Xiuxiu smiled immediately, "The Taoist priest is talking to you about business, don't send this to that all day long, it's the fourteenth place."

Tian Cheng had already explained why Taoists were called by numbers in K.O Martial Arts Competition. There was a time for getting started, and there was a difference in order of apprenticeship. Daoist priests were called by numbers, keeping pace with the times.

And hearing what Li Xiuxiu said, Dao Shishi felt the same way, tears welled up in his eyes, and nodded heavily, "The proprietress is right."

Li Xiuxiu smiled slightly, "However, in the afternoon, I see that you are good at building roads. The expansion of our Neobras Farm requires the extension of all-weather expressways and railways. Dao San is too busy... Eh? Let's go, we need senior talents like you over there!"

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