Build Madness

Chapter 748 Shen Zhipeng's Plan

After making a joke, Ge Xiaotian called back Dao Fourteen.

"What's wrong?"

"The Chamber of Commerce wants you to hold a press conference."

"Didn't it just start?"

"It's an expressway project going all the way west. Although you confirmed it in the Chamber of Commerce 2.0 reporter Q\u0026A session, you didn't disclose specific information. It's about the strategic layout of the superior, and the reporters didn't dare to report indiscriminately. As for the overseas reporters...they only Concerned about Tianchuang shopping and Tianchuang mainframe, which led to no news about high-speed in the news field. The "project analyst" led a group to invest in equipment leasing, invested all the money, and bought equipment, but the project could not be confirmed. They are worried that customers will be worried and that this Spring Festival will not be well, so I would like to invite you to come forward and say a few words."

"I am worried that customers will not have a good Spring Festival!"

Ge Xiaotian was very pleased, "If the project analysts can really consider issues from the perspective of customers, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce will become bigger and stronger, and it will be just around the corner to squeeze out the stock market."

"Produced by Mastermind, the concept is advanced, the model is advanced, and we have been practicing for so long in Shenlong Continent and Shenlong Legend, we are sure to win."

"It's different. Concepts are imaginary, models are dead, and people are alive. Everything must be people-oriented to create a win-win situation."

"The boss is right."

"Stop flattering."

Ge Xiaotian cursed with a smile, and watched Li Xiuxiu go back to look at her favorite three-piece bedding set, walk out of the hall, and stand outside the door to light a cigarette.

"The land acquisition process for the expressway project has not been completed. Although the bridge project on some sections of the road will be built first, if the project is made public in advance, it will create a suspicion of 'forced palace' to the outside world, forcing the leaders to speed up the approval."

"It's not that complicated, is it?"

"Whether it is a person or a company, the more influential you are, the more you have to follow the rules. Otherwise, if the rules are broken, what face will the leaders have? Just like me, I was not famous before and could get married at any time, but now it's different. I don't know the law. If the age is stipulated, you will definitely not be able to obtain a certificate, and you will not be able to hold a wedding. This is an attitude and respect for the law."

"But you still live with the proprietress."

"Because she is my public fiancée, even if the law no longer recognizes de facto marriage, it still does not violate the law."

"People are complicated."

"It's as if you're not human."


Dao Shishi wanted to refute a few words, but worried that the previous joke would come true, so he quickly returned to the topic, "How to deal with the chamber of commerce?"

"Thinking about the problem, we must see the essence of the matter. The reason why customers take out their deposits, follow the advice of project analysts, and invest in construction machinery leasing is nothing more than thinking that this method is more profitable than depositing in banks. To maximize profits, they need The equipment is moving."

Ge Xiaotian felt a little cold, and took off the woolen coat from Dao Shishi. "So, it doesn't matter whether the high-speed project is open or not. The important thing is that the equipment invested by customers must not be left idle, and rental fees must be continuously created."

"But our construction site has been closed for vacation."

"It's a holiday, so how do local customers know whether work has started in other places? Especially in remote areas, you won't tell the outside world that the equipment has been rented out?"

"In this case, there will be rental fees, and we will lose."

"Are you stupid? Where did you buy these devices?"

"Our family."

"That's right, look, more than 300 construction machinery analysts have made almost 20 billion orders, and the cost is only 5 billion, so I made 15 billion in vain. Calculated according to the five-year period, the first three years return I will make a net profit in the next two years, and the rate of return is 160%. That is to say, after five years, I will give back 30 billion to my clients with the principal and interest. In terms of 20 billion, in five years, it can create hundreds of billions, and those equipments are exhausted and are owned by Tiancheng. They are recycled, refurbished, and a batch of new equipment will continue to be sold for money in exchange for Money makes money."

"It's a bit convoluted."

"You have no business sense."

"But 20 billion is sales. For us, the cost of equipment is very low. If you do this, it is equivalent to giving your own things to customers at inflated prices, and then asking them to rent them to you at a high price for five years. 160%, I feel that in the end it is you who lost."


Ge Xiaotian took a deep puff of his cigarette, took out his smart card and squatted on the ground to calculate carefully...

"No, there are very few individuals who can afford excavators and bulldozers. If there is no group investment, we will definitely not be able to sell 20 billion equipment, or even 200 million equipment. The group investment is different. The funds that should have been deposited in the bank were revitalized in an instant, and the industrial equipment that should have been backlogged in the warehouse, and could not even be sold, suddenly went out of production, thus driving the rapid development of the entire industry and standing at a higher level. Thinking about it, industrial power, industrial prosperity, I still earn money in the end. What's more, if the funds stay in our hands, we can earn more."

"The boss understands righteousness, I can't wait."

"Going around in such a big circle, you just want to flatter me?"

"No, I'm here to solve the problem."

"Equipment leasing, there are so many projects in the countryside, you can arrange them casually, and you can also check them with the smart card. Customers will definitely have a good year with peace of mind."

"Actually, boss, I think we can consider the photovoltaic intelligent high-speed project. If it makes a big splash, you can still... huh?" Dao Shishi said finally, raising his eyebrows.

Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, "What else can I do?"

"Blow first, then pretend!"

"The bearing capacity can only withstand the passage of 20-ton vehicles. For our heavy-duty transport vehicles, it is like an embroidered pillow. It looks useless. Besides, what if it is stolen?"

"The whole process is monitored, the construction is closed, and the whole road is covered with steel wire mesh."

"I'm so idle...wait!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Ge Xiaotian's mind, "Damn it, we seem to be able to make a lot of money!"

"what do you mean?"

"First build a display road, and then invite the board of directors of developed countries to visit and take the opportunity to sell to the other party."

"Not many countries are capable of laying such a road."

"Dubai! I remember that after the other party refused to be equipped with an air carrier, they planned to purchase a batch of Tianba Dongba as safety vehicles. If they are paved with photovoltaic smart highways, they can also sell electric vehicles to them."

"There's something wrong!"

"To show road construction, and to use the equipment invested by the group... Three things!"

"Then where is our project?"

"When the Chinese New Year is approaching, visiting relatives and friends, building roads to block traffic, definitely cannot be in the Xingyuewan industrial chain."

Ge Xiaotian thought carefully for a moment, and denied the Daqingshan Ancient Cultural Center that he wanted to build in the future, and the East Lake Film and Television City with fish farming...

"Yes, Jinxiuchuan University City, although there is Jitai Expressway there, which can pass heavy vehicles, but it just bypasses Jinxiuchuan, and the road from Jinxiuchuan to Jifu is only a secondary road built the year before last. Now that there are more schools, communities and businesses are expanding, if a photovoltaic smart elevated system is set up around Jinxiu River, it will not only relieve the traffic pressure, but also increase the scale.”

"Do you want to connect to Xingyue Bay in Tai City in the south of Jinxiu River?"

"With the subway, there is no need to set up an elevated road. Besides, we built this road just for inspection by overseas developed countries, and there is no need to invest too much..."

Ge Xiaotian looked at the calendar, "There is still half a month to celebrate the new year, and the bridge project will be repaired first after the year. After the approval, it is estimated that it will take until April and May to open the Westward Highway Project and use the 20 billion equipment. If repairs A photovoltaic smart elevated system needs to be completed within three months as much as possible.”

"Work overtime, the equipment is sufficient, as long as the logistics are okay, it can be built for about sixty or seventy miles."

"Then come from Jifu City, and show the Jinxiuchuan University Town Pass at the entrance. To be on the safe side, only vehicles with a load capacity of less than 10 tons are allowed to enter, and the rest continue to take the Jitai Expressway."

"I need to inform President Yu."

"There is a special team over there, and approval is not a problem. This is one of the important reasons why I decided to lay photovoltaic smart elevated in Jinxiuchuan University Town."

Dao Shishi nodded, "Then I will make arrangements to make this project public tomorrow?"

"Holding a press conference is so boring, why not shoot an episode of Ge Xiaotian's appointment, Spring Festival edition."

"Who are you inviting?"

"It's inappropriate to invite Mr. Yu or the leaders of the Jifu for this kind of program. We must find a big name in the industry... Why don't we invite Old Shen, this old guy should return to Jifu from Beihe, right?"

"I'm back. I heard that after the Shen family's old house next to Daming Lake was sold, the family of three ate and lived in the Ginza Hotel. They are planning to build a new house recently."


"After the University of Architecture and Architecture abandoned the old campus, Shen Zhipeng bought the land and planned to build Ginza Xintiandi and Chengji Center."

"Chengji? Why did he change his name?" Ge Xiaotian was a little puzzled.

"It's a developer from Tianjin and Hong Kong. Shen Zhipeng resells the land, and tricks the other party into using Dongshan Jianlian, a construction company that is about to go bankrupt. His land is a bit expensive to sell, but the construction quotation he gave is very low. The other party agreed. .”

"Both are not good birds."

After figuring out the ins and outs, Ge Xiaotian was completely puzzled, and smiled involuntarily.

In another time and space, he followed Comrade Ge Feng to conquer the world and won many projects in Jifu. He was naturally familiar with the name of Chengji Center, commonly known as chicken coop, blockhouse, the strongest illegal construction in Jifu, and the best developer in China...

Without it, the big boss of the developer is named 'Mr. Zhao', the son of the big secretary in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

He is not a member of the Magic City Chamber of Commerce, but he is stronger than the Magic City Chamber of Commerce. He is also the overlord of many cities in the south, such as Nandu. After all, there is his father on it...

"No way, where does Old Shen have the confidence to fool Mr. Zhao?"

"It's probably you."


Ge Xiaotian babbled, "He didn't pay the protection fee... No, he didn't charge the VIP."

"This afternoon, Shen Wenchong became a gold member."

Ge Xiaotian's face was strange, and he suddenly wanted to laugh, "This old guy is quite afraid of death."

"I suspect that what he is afraid of is not the other party, but you. If you eat inside and outside, and lure foreign enemies into Dongshan, he is afraid that you will kill him."

"How is it possible? I am very upright!"


"However, I would like to meet the legendary Mr. Zhao for a while."

"If you see him, I'm afraid you'll alarm his father."

"It shouldn't be so. We have very little influence in Jiangnan. Many companies have formed a group to prevent us from going south. Mr. Zhao ran to Jifu and spared no expense to befriend Shen Zhipeng. His intention was obvious. He went to our site to open up a battlefield, but what they didn't expect was that , Old Shen will fool them with the construction company that is about to go bankrupt..."

"If Shen Zhipeng's plan is right, the Chengji project will probably be delayed for a long time, until Mr. Zhao loses power, and then buy back the land, but no one knows whether Mr. Zhao will lose his power."

"Shen Wen recharged one billion yuan, doesn't that mean that I will share half of the benefits?"

"Let's do it please?"


"Then we?"

"Record the program first to stabilize customer confidence."

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