Build Madness

Chapter 750 Mr. Zhao's Building

Ge Xiaotian followed Mr. Yu out of the study and came to the living room on the first floor.

The security secretary has already cleaned up the kitchen, "Leader, madam took Miss Li and Miss Yu to visit the second leader's wife, and said she won't be back at noon."

Hearing this, Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of a social group, 'Madam World'.

Of course, it could also be because Mr. Yu messed up his lunch.

Look at the table, the black radish balls, the burnt yellow croakers, the piles of eggplant boxes...

It's really delicious.

In fact, Ge Xiaotian is not surprised that the boss cooks himself.

Work is like a tensioned spring, you always need to find some time for self-regulation, such as fishing, reading, listening to opera, playing ball, eating...

After the security secretary left, seeing Ge Xiaotian staring at the restaurant, Mr. Yu brought a plate of deep-fried 'black' flower fish expressionlessly, "Try it?"

"Leader, you eat first, I'm not hungry."

"Well, I'm not hungry either."


The two looked at each other silently.

"Cough cough."

Mr. Yu lit a cigarette and broke the embarrassment, "Look at this little yellow croaker."

"Hey, it's quite delicate." Ge Xiaotian felt that he lacked an allegro in his hand.

"Be serious, I mean, in fact, dealing with Mr. Zhao is like frying yellow croaker. First let it feel like a fish in water in the oil pan, then let it swell and expand, and when it comes out of the pan, it tastes delicious. But it smells good."

"But it's mushy."

"There are always surprises in everything."

"If it gets mushy, you can't eat it."

"I just want to describe it, but you can't understand it?"

"Understanding is understanding, but it's really blurry."

President Yu took a deep breath, "Let's go."


"Either you eat all of these, or get out of here."

"Farewell! You're always enjoying yourself... Oh, don't lose your slippers!"

After running out of No. 1 courtyard, Ge Xiaotian finally understood why Lao Yu made fried food.

I want to pretend to be sophisticated in front of him.





Another slipper flew out...

Ge Xiaotian's laughter stopped abruptly, he silently bent down to pick it up, and casually threw it into the trash can at the gate of the courtyard.

With his left hand in his pocket, he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

"The light of righteousness shines on the earth..."

This year's Beihe Tianbo Group's annual meeting, Shuai Bo sang this very flavorful song.

In the nearby courtyard, the second leader had finished watering the flowers and was pruning the branches and leaves. Seeing his leaving back, he couldn't help but laugh.

"This kid, it doesn't matter if he is handsome, but he can sing so well..."


Jinxiuchuan Tiancheng Operation Department.

It is still a two-story exhibition hall-style building.

eleven o'clock in the morning.

A customized version of the extended tua with a bull head logo erected on the front end of the car slowly stopped at the gate.

The security personnel laid out the red carpet, welcomed the guests with a flower arch, and the etiquette took the initiative to call the trunk.

inside the car.


Faced with this scene, Shen Zhipeng gasped.

He has been dealing with Tian Cheng for so long, how has he ever enjoyed this kind of treatment?

Even the one with the highest specification was on a helicopter, when Ge Laoer asked him to jump off.

And other times...

Being chased by an excavator, being squatted behind bars, being held down by Ge Laoer...

I will cry if I continue.

Shen Zhipeng saw the camera behind him, "Sorry, I went to the wrong set."

He then signaled the driver to leave quickly.

"Mr. Shen, our boss has been waiting for you for a long time."


Shen Zhipeng was puzzled, "You really welcome me?"

"Today's guest is only you."

"Well, don't fix these unnecessary things, just get rid of them."

"My boss said that this is to show his enthusiasm for you, not to mention that this is also golden VIP treatment."


Shen Zhipeng thought of Shen Wenchong's members, and caressed the big back hair that grew out after drinking the green bottle of brain and kidney tonifying liquid, "Golden VIP?"

"Well, if you recharge platinum, there will be a symphony orchestra."

"I can't afford it, and I can't enjoy it."

After some exchange, Shen Zhipeng felt a little relieved, stepped on the trunk on the floor and got out of the car, "Why is there still a camera?"

"Used to record your happy time with my boss."

"Gold VIP treatment too?"

"Well, I will send you a set of videos later."

"Tsk tsk, it's quite interesting."


Baixiaotong information platform, Ge Laoer has an appointment live broadcast room.

"Old Shen was fooled like this?!"

"It seems to be."

"That is to say, in this episode, Ge Laoer invited Lao Shen? Don't you need to pay for a guest appearance?"

"What kind of cameo fee did you give? The bureau now regrets it. There is no star-rated dining voucher. Three meals a day of fried rice with fried eggs, and two extra poached eggs for supper."


"Talking about Tua's way of opening the door, it's really special. Every time I watch it, I can't help but think of the scene when Tiancheng recovered the rubber plantation and dozens of landing ships opened their hatches at the same time."

"It is said that this is called a sense of ritual, and, opening the trunk sideways, it can also be used as a bulletproof shield to protect important people from evacuating, which is much more domineering than a six-wheeled Hummer."

"By the way, why did the bull head logo on Lao Shen's car stand up?"

"It's gold inlaid with diamonds, and the car logo alone is worth 6 million!"

"How proud!"

"Where is this?"

"Jinxiuchuan University City!"

"so beautiful."

"It's a pity that I can't usually get in."

"I heard that the admissions exam will be open to the public in March this year, and it will be open again."

"Why didn't you see Ge Laoer's car?"

"Are you stupid? Isn't that Mi 26 in the distance?"


"Look, I can finally appreciate Ge Laoer's office."

"Five-year high school entrance examination and three-year simulation, Huanggang thousands of test questions, Tiancheng technical secondary school entrance examination must-have question bank, Bravely Climb the 33rd floor of the organ tower Xueba's notes... What the hell?"

"Ge Laoer took the self-examination the year before last, but he didn't write his name, so he all failed. Last year, Ge Laoer applied again, but he was overseas, so he didn't show up, so he all failed again."



inside the office.

"Yo, old Shen is here, sit down quickly."



Ge Xiaotian walked in front of Shen Zhipeng, condescendingly, softly moaning his originally bald head, but now it was as dense as a forest of melon seeds, "Grown?!"

"Yeah, thanks to your brain-tonifying and kidney-tonifying liquid."

"Does it work?"


"What bottle?"

"Little brown bottle."

Ge Xiaotian looked at the director of the secretary group, "What function?"

"Cure athlete's foot..."


Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, "Beriberi? Scalp? Hair loss?"

"His seborrheic dermatitis called athlete's foot infection is related to excessive oil secretion of sebaceous glands. Hair loss is just a symptom. Drink more water, eat less seafood, eat less spicy food, drink less alcohol and smoke less. Six courses of treatment will show results."

"No, why is your scalp infected with athlete's foot?"

"When I was in Zaoshi Xincheng, I stayed in the rough room all day long and watched Xingyue Bay rise rapidly day by day. It was a worry. I didn't eat well, and I couldn't sleep well. When I was sleepy, I just lay down on the spot and fell asleep with my leather shoes on my pillow. caught."


Ge Xiaotian rubbed his bald head, his eyes lit up, "Damn it, stubble is growing out of my hair!"

"Look... Damn, it really grew!"

"Congratulations, great congratulations!"

"You also drank the brain-tonifying and kidney-tonifying liquid?"

"Blue bottle."

Almost instantly, the live broadcast room exploded, and the large pharmacies of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tiancheng Pharmacy all over the north became popular again.

The two picked up the mirror and admired each other's foreheads for a long time.

Ge Xiaotian signaled the filming team to stop filming, and put out an investment plan of "purchasing equipment by team" and placed it in front of Shen Zhipeng.

"I think this project is good."

"Dongshan Jianlian purchased equipment worth 500 million yuan, including climbing frames, tower cranes, mixers, etc."

"No, what I mean is that you have done a good job in Beihe, but the construction speed is still not small compared to Tiancheng. If you can rent the equipment invested by customers, it will not be a problem to enter Liao Province."

"The rental price?"

"In terms of quarterly calculation, it is 20% lower than the market!"

"Maintenance, repair?"

"Sure you pay."

"That's quite appropriate..."

Shen Zhipeng thought about it, "The specific amount of the lease will require me to investigate Liao Province."

"no problem."

Ge Xiaotian put away the blueprints, and took out the No. 13 cigar produced by his own Neobras, "Listen to Mr. Yu, you are in trouble."

"I often stand by the river without getting wet shoes, but this time it was overcast..."

How Shen Zhipeng will fool Mr. Zhao into buying the land, and how to induce the other party to use Dongshan Jianlian's upcoming bankruptcy construction company, slowly said, "...Finally, Dongshan Chengji Center, Henderson Center, Marriott International, Runbo Real Estate, Cullinan Real Estate, Nandu Yongheng, Nandu Taiheng, Nandu Excellence, Hangzhou Yongji, Hangzhou Jianggan, Quancheng New Era, YOHO Entrepreneurial Incubation Base, Starlight World, Jingang Goldman Sachs, Jingang Huijing, Jingang Shengchang, Jingchenghong Jia Investment, Jingcheng Lideqin, Jingcheng Fengrui, etc., more than 70 real estate or financial investment companies at home and abroad, sued Dongshan Jianlian... If I only sold land at the beginning, this kind of thing would definitely not have happened. "

"Damn it, why did you poke a hornet's nest?"

"No, he engages in real estate, one company for one real estate, or even seven or eight companies for one real estate, whether it has something to do with me, or it doesn't matter, sue me."


It's no wonder that Yu always finds himself. This is such a big nest, regardless of right or wrong, just in terms of influence, Dongshan Jianlian does not have an advantage, not to mention Mr. Zhao has a powerful father.

Ge Xiaotian suddenly had the urge to ask his chamber of commerce to sue the other party, 'They owe me money! ’, of course, one must be upright in order to stand firmer, “How much money has been frozen?”

"Thirteen billion."

"so much?"

"It's mainly the funds from the real estate in Jiangnan. Fortunately, I transferred the bulk to Dongshan ICBC, otherwise it would be ruined this time."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, only surprised by the amount of frozen funds of Lao Shen, not by Mr. Zhao's approach.

In 2002, Daheng and other top real estate companies in the future were already famous, but why the prime time period from 2002 to 2006 was silent, most of it had something to do with the "strong man" like Mr. Zhao.


There are also Dongshan, such as Chen Donghai.

"You said, Mr. Zhao is also a genius."

Shen Zhipeng walked to the drawing board, "The 166-acre Chengji Center, the first phase of 60 mu, opened on January 30, and launched 700 houses. Subscribe on the opening day, and each house has a discount of 60,000; with the Chengji membership card, pay 20,000 to 30,000; a one-time payment discount of 2% of the total house payment, and a bank mortgage discount of 1%.”

"This time, I can save a quarter!"

"At the end of the year, the average housing price in Jifu has exceeded 3,000, and some areas have gone straight to 3,500. Chengji Center is the most expensive, but this set of activities will be cheaper."

"I can play."

"The other one is..."

Shen Zhipeng drew a vertical rectangular box, "Mr. Zhao's real estate is 5.2 meters high."

"A compartment?"

"Yes, the ground floor is 60 square meters, and the floor height is 5.2. Reporting, approval, and obtaining the floor area ratio are all based on this. After all the materials are obtained, the secondary renovation will be carried out. One will be divided into two from the middle, and one floor will be transformed into two floors. The external sales have also become 150 square meters, but the property rights are still 60 square meters. If you do this, let alone half the price, even if it is 80% cheaper, you can still make money!"

"If it were me, I would expand bay windows and sell bay windows, shrink corridors and sell corridors, change two elevators and three households into one elevator and three households, sell elevators, and then use the contract to cheat customers to share the ownership of the shared area, and then sell the apartment. In this way, I can sell one real estate for the price of three real estates."

"Fuck, that's exactly what I want to say, how do you know?"

"Because...the Ji government didn't use the Tiancheng standard, and the laws in this area are completely blank."

"That can't be played like this, I dare not do it."

" don't have a great father."


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