Build Madness

Chapter 751 Old Shen joins Tianxiu Group

'God, I don't have a great father! '

Shen Zhipeng was so choked by Ge Xiaotian that he rolled his eyes, but thinking about it carefully...

He really didn't have a great father, nor did he have so many great grandpas.

"too difficult!"

"It's not too difficult, only harder."

Ge Xiaotian took out Shi Guangji's notebook, connected it to the printer, sorted out a document, and threw it to Lao Shen, "Look?"

The latter picked up curiously...

Mr. Zhao is a genius.

Its ability is not only reflected in 'architectural design', but also in 'company operation'.

For example, the returnee daughter and son-in-law of the deputy dean of the Beijing Law School work in his company and occasionally hold meetings, so he usually doesn’t see anyone.

For example, the wife of the leader of the Jifu is the chief financial officer of a small company, the daughter is the administrative director of a small company, and the son-in-law is a contractor of the parent company.

For example, a ruthless elder brother in Jifu who has never been harmonized by Tiancheng, is working as the security captain in his company...

for example……

Too much too much.

It can be said that the employees in Mr. Zhao's subsidiary are all of extraordinary background, and the shareholders are mostly the 'second generation of management' and 'second generation of green' with the same status as them.

How much money do these people have?

It's nothing more than their parents manipulating behind the scenes.

Shen Zhipeng was in a cold sweat, "Is this true?"

"The real one can't be fake, the fake one can't be real, not to mention, he's better at playing than you."

Ge Xiaotian printed another document.

Senior executives under Mr. Zhao's subordinates will never visit their leaders when they are looking for work. Instead, they will make phone calls first.

If the leader is at a dinner, ask for the address and go straight to the meeting. Regardless of whether you know him or not, a thick envelope will come first. Whether you are a leader, a relative, an entourage, or a driver, as long as you sit at the table, everyone will have a share .

After eating, take the initiative to check out, and then go to Lehelehe, play as you want, leave time for the other party to count the money, and in the end, find an appropriate time, just say what you want to do, and it will be done directly.

If it is not at the dinner and the leader does not go to the hotel, then arrange it in the company cafeteria.

After the meal is set, the ingredients will be delivered from various places in a special car that afternoon. A crab is 6,000 yuan, an abalone is 2,500 yuan, and a herring is 1,300 yuan. They are all rare things.

If a certain leader does not come, then invite the other party's entire department to study abroad.

Go shopping during the day, sing, massage, sauna, and physiotherapy at night, and treat everyone like a fairy.

Enough fun, before leaving the car, each person will be given a large trolley suitcase, filled with local specialties, and each person will be given a high-end SG Pad...

This is nothing in the future, but in these years, whoever meets someone will be dumbfounded.

Isn't the matter settled?

Shen Zhipeng flipped through the paper full of pictures and texts, swallowed his saliva, "You're starting to play like this now?"

"you're old."

"No wonder you are better than me, it turns out that you guys are so sneaky!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? The young master is innocent, acts upright, and works hard for the rise of China. He is an upright national entrepreneur!"

"Then why don't you get rid of him quickly?"

"That's your enemy."

Ge Xiaotian turned off the Shi Guangji, "However, if I want to go south, I must kill Father Zhao who is in Jiangsu and Zhejiang."

"It is imperative for you and me to cooperate!"


"Then what should we do?"

Ge Xiaotian snapped his fingers, and a staff member brought out the master-level deep-fried yellow flowers.

"Look at this fish."

"It's pretty well done."

"To deal with Mr. Zhao, it's the same as frying yellow croaker. First let it feel like a duck in water in the oil pan, and then let it swell and expand. When it comes out of the pan, it will taste delicious."

"Culture is different."

"Before eating him, the owner of the little yellow flower will definitely be anxious and will definitely make a move. At that time... the hot oil pan will be lifted, and they will be scalded to death!"

"Brother's plan, Shen admires all five bodies."


Ge Xiaotian was very proud, picked up a small fried yellow flower, crunched it, it was crispy and fragrant, "Try it, I made it."


Shen Zhipeng quickly stuffed half of it in his mouth, "Well, this taste is the most fragrant fried yellow flower I've ever eaten."


Ge Xiaotian wiped his hands, "So, old Shen, you have to fight with the other party."

"I can't bear it."

"I will ask Mr. Yu to help you secretly. You will definitely be able to resist."

"With Mr. Yu, I feel relieved."

"As long as you can resist, force the opponent to show his feet, and force the opponent's old father to act, I will find a suitable opportunity to kill him with one blow. At that time, all his real estate will be yours."

"You do not want?"

"It's okay to divide the profits between me and me."

"As long as he is dealt with, don't say that you will share 20% of the profit, half of it will be fine."

"Okay! That's it for us."

"Thank you, brother! I still need to trouble you to ask Mr. Yu to come forward..."

Old Shen said, with tears in his eyes, he held someone's little paw, slapped the back of his hand, and sighed, "Brother used to regard you as a competitor, but now you are the first to lend a helping hand. What Shen did before Because, it really shouldn’t be.”

Ge Xiaotian was a little embarrassed.

It was Mr. Yu's request to help Old Shen. At some point, Mr. Yu would definitely take action.

Now fooling old Shen, saying that Mr. Yu should come forward and get half of the real estate profit worth 3 billion land in vain afterwards...

This made Ge Xiaotian a little uneasy...

In case Lao Shen finds out the truth, don't be so special when the time comes to turn your face and deny anyone.

"We have to sign an agreement..."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Old Shen readily agreed, worried that someone would get involved in the real estate afterward.

Eat a meal at noon, drink two or two during the banquet, and the host and guest enjoy themselves.

When I returned to the office again, the program continued to record.

Ge Xiaotian took out the photovoltaic smart elevated project, "Old Shen, how about my project?"

"Damn, so sci-fi?"

"I'm going to build an elevated road leading to Jifu City from Jinxiu River."

"How much does that cost?"

"Not much, 18 billion."

"If you have the money to repair this thing, it's better to use it to build a real estate." Lao Shen now began to think about someone.

"Think about it, the first photovoltaic smart elevated on the parent star is located in Jinxiuchuan. Not to mention its own functions, how much can the popularity of the existing universities in Jinxiuchuan increase? How much can the value of the surrounding land increase?"

"That's right, the school's reputation is well established, and this year's college entrance examination can expand enrollment, and the surrounding industries are booming. All aspects are profitable. 18 billion seems like a lot, but there are more wastelands around, and if one real estate can't earn back, then two One real estate, three real estate..."

Old Shen's heart was moved, and he said to Ai Ai, "Then what... this... how to say it."

"Good brothers share the blessings and share the difficulties. I have a good piece of land, and I decided to sell it to you."

Ge Xiaotian walked up to the planning map of Jinxiu River, took a colored pen and drew a circle on the east side of Jinxiu No. 2 Mountain, near the scenic spot where Mr. Yu held his first press conference, "How is it here?"

"Isn't it too remote? It's twenty miles away from you."

"Then to the west, around Jinxiuchuan Reservoir, near Happy Valley in the southern mountain area."

"It's all yours?"

"From the boundary of Jinxiuchuan to the northern foot of Dongyue Mountain, I bought most of them. I plan to build an airport and an aircraft factory."

"Wouldn't it be near the land you gave me?"

"How is it possible, it's close to the airport, flying around rumblingly every day, it's so disturbing, it's far away."

"Is the area around Jinxiu No. 2 mountain bad?"

"I plan to introduce the Agricultural University, the Sports University, the nearby light industry, the newly formed Dongshan Aviation Affiliated College, Dongshan Safety College, as well as the supporting primary and secondary schools, and the commercial sector. It belongs to the second phase project of Jinxiuchuan University City. If you want land , the price is expensive."

"Why do I feel that you are selling things? First sell the bad ones so that I don't like them, and then come up with good ones and ask for sky-high prices..."

"Isn't that the case with sales?"

"Makes sense."

Shen Zhipeng nodded, "How much is the unit price?"

"one million."

"You little Jinxiuchuan, can you still become the king of Jifu?"

"No, according to the latest news, Mr. Zhao took over the old site of the School of Architecture and Engineering that was annexed by the University of Architecture and Engineering on Heping Road, with a single mu of 3.6 million."

"Damn it, you're so crazy!"

"It's not crazy, one mu of land is about 666.67 square meters, the plot ratio is 3.0, the construction area per mu is 2000 square meters, 3.6 million divided by 2000, the floor price is only 1800 red notes per square meter, the construction fee is 600 red notes, and the sales cost per square meter 2,500 red bills, selling price...Lord King, it may exceed 4,000, but he can sell 3,000 according to his discount routine. As soon as the news came out, the whole city was a sensation, and the property was sold out. to 500, but he used that kind of transformation routine again, and instantly got two more properties, and then pushed them to the customers who didn't grab them. In the end, he earned 6,500 red notes per square meter and 30 million yuan per mu. For such a large profit , What is the land price for 3.6 million mu?”


"Believe it or not, the housing price in the Ji Mansion has risen a lot this year. After two years, when the house is handed over, he continues to build a land king, and the house price will rise again. After the house is handed over in four years, he builds a land king again, and the house price will still rise... Are you happy? "

"Although we are happy that housing prices have risen, but we can't afford the land in the future, so happy ass."

"It's fun to sell land, and it's not just this one place. After all, compared with overseas, our tax rate is low. What does the local government get for income? It can only sell land."


"Do you know the nature of the stockholder Laoba and Microsoft Bill running away from us to fool the rich to donate money to start a foundation? Because after they die, if they want to pass the inheritance to their descendants, they need to pay half of the tax, but the foundation is different. Think about it carefully, after you die, 10 billion assets, 5 billion will be given to Shen Wen, 5 billion will be handed over, what a trap?"


"But we don't have inheritance tax and gift tax here. Even the corporate tax and personal tax are far lower than overseas. If the locality wants to develop, it needs funds. If you want funds, you can only sell land... Like Mr. Zhao The developers of Land-Building King, plus all kinds of relationship-building routines, are far better than us in the real estate industry."

"Hearing this makes me flustered. If this goes on like this, who can still afford a house?"

"A loan."

Ge Xiaotian gave Lao Shen a No. 13 cigar, "Rich people who can afford it get more and more money, and those who can't afford it get poorer as they wait."

"It's different!"

Shen Zhipeng took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "Over the past 20 years, I bought land to open the market, and only ate and drank after going through the formalities. Into a big quagmire."

"Yes, but..."

Ge Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, "I have Wang Qingshui here, named: Xingyue Bay."

"you mean?"

"If great changes come, in the north, in the suburbs, I can build new cities one after another around Xingyue Bay, supplemented by the Tiancheng industrial chain, and rebuild the real estate market."

"What about the bank? The developer can't withdraw the funds, and the bank will definitely help."

"I have Tianrong, which has important cooperation with the head office, ICBC, securities, and treasury bonds."

Shen Zhipeng was stunned, and immediately realized, "You started preparing for it three years ago?"

"It's just a small goal."

"Then your purpose?"

"Sea of ​​stars!"


"Sorry, it's getting too far, let's get back to the topic, would you like to do it with me?"

"you say."

"Beside every Xingyue Bay, there will be a Ginza plate. Let's build a new city together and kill those who buy land at a high price."


"Welcome to Tianxiu Group!"


"This is a project for the benefit of all mankind..."

"speak English."

"Oh, this is our base. Currently there are sales manager Holden and public relations manager Chen Feng. You can be the product manager."

"Need to acquire my property?"

"No, no, no, it has nothing to do with the existing industry, and it will not exist in the future. It is our new starting point."

"Do I need to pay a membership fee?"


"What business is there now?"

"Currently there are only two businesses, one is Holden's flight promotion, and the other is Chen Feng's public relations UAE."


"Don't look incredible, we are all big business people, be confident."

"Who else will join in the future?"

"Well, I'm considering the stock king Laoba as the operation manager. The others are still in the investigation period, so it's inconvenient to disclose."


Shen Zhipeng was a little confused, thought for a long time, then nodded, "I'll join."

"Okay, let's go back and raise money."


"Buy the land. Every Xingyue Bay area, including Jinxiuchuan University City, you want to build a Ginza property. If you don't buy land, what will you do?"

"That's too much, isn't it? Besides, your Xingyue Bay has already occupied a large market. If I shop in Ginza, how can there be customers?"

"Did you forget Mr. Zhao? Our purpose is to target people like them who disturb the market price. If you build it, with the added value of my Xingyuewan industrial chain and supporting facilities, you can sell it slowly. Not in one year, two years, two years." Not in one year, but in three years... Our land is three or four times lower than theirs, and the cost of construction is also several percent lower, and the house price will get higher and higher in the future, so we can't lose money."

"But I don't have that much money."

"So, let's start with Jinxiuchuan University City, or in other words, try to defeat Mr. Zhao first."

"But you have one million one mu... I feel very bad. It is said that two years ago, you took the land, tens of thousands of mu plus the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir and Jinxiu Mountain, and only spent 20 million. Thousands of dollars."

"Nonsense, I spent tens of billions."

"Are you talking again?"

"Look out of the window. Without my previous investment, who would buy a house in this remote area? It's different now. This is the famous Jinxiuchuan University Town in China. It's a million dollars per mu, and you're making a lot of money."

"How do I feel, I am helping you add value to the industry and attract more customers."

"No, I want to make you a lot of money!"

Ge Xiaotian walked to the window, Dayi Lingran said: "As a businessman, I always stand from the customer's point of view and consider the interests of the customer."

"If I hadn't been together for so long, I would really believe it!"


Ge Xiaotian turned his head back, expressionless, "Although you understand, you have no choice when it comes to Mr. Zhao."


"Come on, don't talk so much nonsense, sign it, and hurry back to collect money."

"I... it's too difficult!"

"It's okay. After a while, when you see Mr. Zhao end, you will find that he is more difficult than you."

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