Build Madness

Chapter 754 We are all reasonable people

The sound of the loudspeaker on the construction site immediately attracted the entire street, and countless people flocked to the gate of the construction site.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze!"

The security guards didn't know what happened, and they were anxiously maintaining order while calling for support.

At this time, a strong man carrying a pole stepped forward, "Leader, I can help."


"I often encounter this kind of thing in other places. In order to cooperate with the work of the security office, our supervisor thought of a way."

"What way?"

"It is to connect the poles end to end to form a separation belt, so that the masses can watch in an orderly manner."

After the man finished speaking, he called his friends and merchants to operate it. The two of them carried the shoulder poles, like a straight gun, and indeed prevented some of the crowd from rushing forward.

"This..." The security officer looked at the two of them.

"It's okay, don't delay our business, the stalls are monitored, steal, rob, and don't give money. The highest security office and Tianwei Security will help us track it down. This is a project approved by the deputy director himself. No one dares make trouble."

"All right!"

The security officer nodded.

The man with the shoulder pole smiled honestly, called friends and friends, gathered dozens of friends and merchants, and quickly surrounded the gate of the construction site, using poles connected end to end to block the onlookers outside.


Just when the security officer was about to breathe a sigh of relief and the isolation belt was about to close...

Thousands of men wielding bricks and wearing hard hats, like chasing ducks, rushed towards a group of young people who didn't look very serious.

Brother Tao's face changed again when he saw the crowd, "Get out of the way!!!"

Facing such a scene, the man with the shoulder pole looked serious, glanced at the sweating security officer, and shouted righteously: "Protect the masses!"

Many friends and merchants, "swear to die!"

A crowd of onlookers: "I'm so touched!"

A person next to him whispered: "You are acting too fake, you failed this semester's assessment!"


the other side.

Seeing that he was about to be blocked by the crowd, Brother Tao felt a little desperate, and even planned to kneel down and surrender, but he glanced at the corner on the right, near the candied haws stall, and the 'carrying pole array' had not yet closed, and there was still a gap.

Immediately his face brightened, "Rush out from there!"

"Come on!!!"

Hundreds of ruthless people rushed forward...

"My candied haws!!!"

A salesman who looked at death like home and wanted to protect the masses, when he saw the electric tricycle knocked over by a ruthless man, he cried instantly...

"Ah, my imported card issuer!"

"I imported the SG pad, damn it, he even took one away!!"

"Leader, I am a potato imported from baked potato!!!"

"It's over, this year is for nothing, my paper-cutting..."

"My sesame oil..."

"My tobacco leaves..."


"My mother, why did you lie down?"

Hearing the wailing of the men with shoulder poles, the security guard's scalp tingled.

"Leader, fire the gun!"

"Where do we have that thing..."

"It's over! My ancestral urine tank..."


hula la...

At this moment, countless strong men wearing Dongshan Jianlian tooling and carrying bricks in their hands leaped over the messy stalls messed up by the ruthless people, picked up the guys, pointed at the back of the chased man's head, and shouted...

"Grass, dare to steal my food!"

"Dare to hit my nephew!"

"Dare to hit my grandson!"

"Dare to hit my nephew!"

bang bang~~



Seeing that the flowers were about to bloom, the security guard ran up whistling, ignoring the comfort of the men on the shoulder poles.

It's a pity that there are too many men who ran out of the construction site.

There are hundreds of ruthless people, they can't run as fast as the opponent, and they can't match the opponent's skill. Even if they jumped into the small alley, they were dragged out by six or seven men...


The strong men kicked and kicked, and within a dozen seconds, all the ruthless men had bruised noses and swollen faces...

"Stop fighting, I surrender!"

"Oh~ don't pick my crotch!"

"It exploded! Don't try too hard! Oh~~~"

"Father, I am convinced!"

"I haven't married a wife yet..."


The rescue called by the security officer finally arrived, and it was Shen Zhipeng's eldest brother, the director of riot control in Jifu.

"All hands up!"

"The one lying down, put down the stick!"

"That kneeling one, put down the dagger!"

"That... the one who does handstand, pull up his pants, wipe his urine..."

"Where did you get so many bricks? Isn't your construction site management too bad? A fine of two thousand!"

Not long.

A hundred ruthless people who had obviously undergone plastic surgery stood in line at the gate of the construction site.

Countless rioters erected shields and surrounded armor to isolate the onlookers.

Zhuang San led his uncles and brothers, and reported anxiously:

"Sir, the thing is like this, that bastard Shen Zhipeng..."

The riot supervisor's face darkened, "Speak well."

"Oh, Shen Zhipeng was just searching, and I couldn't get enough to eat. I finally got some New Year's fee and bought a Roujiamo. He..."


Zhuang San pulled a certain ruffian, and slapped the back of his head, "It's him, he not only robbed me of food, but also beat me... It's not easy to go out, let alone a construction site, it's freezing cold..."

This remark made those who heard it sad, and those who heard it shed tears...


"It's too awful!"

"How can this be!"

"These people are too insane!"

"Hit them!"


The streets are full of people, full of righteous indignation, huffing and pushing forward...


Before the more than fifty rioters could react, hundreds of ruthless people were brought down again...


"Everyone stop!"

The anti-riot director held a small biubiu, "Don't make trouble, step back ten meters!"

"Yes, sir."

"Back back, don't be so crowded!"

"Sorry, I stepped on your face..."

The chaotic scene lasted for more than ten minutes before it calmed down...


Egg shells, rotten leaves, gluten sticks, boxes of stinky tofu are scattered around...

The riot supervisor had a headache, recorded what happened today, and asked Brother Tao again.

The latter has been beaten into a daze, knowing everything...

Plus the on-site security officer's report...

After confirming that what Zhuang San said was true, the supervisor of riot control finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Picking quarrels and provoking trouble, disturbing public order, both sides are at fault, take the leaders Zhuang San, Huang Tao, and these gangsters to the first school, and the rest People warn, if there is another time, there will be severe punishment!"

"Yes, leader, I'm guilty!"

Zhuang San was terrified and pleaded guilty.

Brother Tao's eyes were empty, and he nodded blankly...

The riot supervisor waved his hand, "Close the team!"


Just when the security guards and the riot guards were about to evacuate, the man with the shoulder pole came up wiping his tears.

"Leader, you have to make the decision for us, or we will sue Nan Zhonghai's board of directors!"


The riot supervisor was a little confused.

What's the matter?

Want to go to the South China Sea?

The security officer seemed to remember something, his face turned pale instantly, and he pulled the riot supervisor aside.

"Team Shen, it's the shopkeeper's guerrillas. Just now, these ruthless people rushed out of the construction site, pushing, kicking, stomping...and destroying their goods."

"Then pay!"

"You may not know that all they sell are imported products, such as this Wadao SG pad."

"Oh, version 688."

"No, Longtian Technology sells 688 red notes in China, but sells 688 Franklin overseas!"

"Aren't the configurations the same?"

"But it has an overseas mark, so it has to be calculated at the overseas price."

"Hiss... 688 Franklin, six thousand red notes?!"

"You won't need that much, the price is 3500."


"There are also imported potatoes, which cost 20 cents a catty domestically, and Neobras 15 yuan each..."


After listening to the security officer's explanation, the anti-riot director was a little bit over the top...

The man with the shoulder pole wailed: "Leader, I am a reasonable person. If you don't care, if they don't pay, we will not only sue Nanzhong Hai, but also find my boss and raid their house!"

"Who is your boss? So awesome?"

"Ge Xiaotian!"


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